Disclaimer: the oc and one tree hill both belong to their respective owners.
Spoiler warning: if you haven't seen the last episode of season three for both series(es).
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Brooke was home for the summer. School had been alright, but with her fight with Lucas and the like, she was better off staying at home. Besides, Lucas had been right, she did miss her parents. She liked checking up on her mother, to make sure she was sound asleep and night, and that her dad didn't work himself too hard.
She looked around her large room, and the picture of Lucas on her dresser. She didn't want to ruin a perfectly good relationship with the boy she loved because she wouldn't listen to his explanations, but she couldn't deal with seeing him now, even though he had called her many times.
Why couldn't he understand that she needed time to think all this through? She sighed, anyway, it since it was summer, it'd probably do her some good to get out of the house. She put on a pair of white shorts, to show off her long legs, and help her get some tan, hopefully. Pulling over a skimpy red halter, she was good to go.
"Brooke, darling! Where do you think you're going?" Strange, her mother was up in the morning, and even stranger, she seemed to be sober. "Oh, I was just thinking of going for a run mom!" Brooke replied. "Well get down here honey! We've barely spent any time together, and I want to introduce you to the neighbors."
Brooke obediently trudged downstairs, it's not like she had anything better to do anyway, she might as well meet the old fuddie duddies and hope they had kids her age.
She let her mother drag her over to the neighbouring house, one just as giant as their current one. A blond woman who looked about her mother's age was in the kitchen with a hot older guy, who was about forty.
"Hi Kiersten!" Brooke's mother chirped. Brooke squinted. Since when did her mother chirp? 'California must really be doing wonders for her.' Brooke thought.
Kiersten smiled. She had a very kind and genuine smile, Brooke noticed. Kiersten's hot husband was Sandy, he was a lawyer. They also introduced her to their son, Seth, who was kinda geeky but had a shy charm that reminded her of her good friend, Mouth.
"We also have another son, Ryan," Kiersten added, "but he's adopted. Anyway, he's not doing too well right now cos..." She trailed off.
"Cos the girl I love is dead." A blond haired guy walked down the stairs. "Hi everyone, good morning." And he casually started to make a bagel. "Ryan, are you alright?" Sandy asked, clearly concerned, "you can talk to us if you need anything, y'know."
"Yeah, I'm fine." Ryan answered, clearly still bothered and sad, "I think I'm just dealing with it now."
"Ryan, this is Brooke all the way from North Carolina." Seth introduced her. Ryan looked at her as if seeing her for the first time, "oh, hi." He smiled, looking totally gorgeous, but anyway, Brooke knew she wasn't going to get involved in anything because she still wasn't sure about how things were with Lucas, and clearly Ryan needed time to get over his ex-girlfriend.
"Hey, here's an idea! Why don't we all go down to the Bait Shop tonight?" Seth suggested, "There's this charity thing happening, and a lot of great bands are gonna be playing, and it'll be awesome. So Ryan, you can get out of the house, and Brooke can see our wonderful town of Newpsies."
"Newpsies?" Brooke raised an eyebrow. "Ah, we'll explain it to you later, Brooke." Ryan smiled, a genuine one this time, "as long as you come." "I think I'd like that very much." Brooke smiled flirtatiously. She was liking Newport more and more.
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Dear Brooke,
I'm sorry. No matter what, I always seem to keep screwing things up. I really do love you, and I can't wait till summer is over and I can see you again. I promise that I really don't like Peyton except as a friend. You're the one, Brooke. The one I love. This is gonna be a short letter, I'm sorry. I'll write to you again tomorrow too. I love you,
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A/N: okay! Thats it everyone! (: please review. Haha. Email me at narinenia at yahoo. com