Summary: Draco Malfoy's life changes drastically when his mother dies, he goes back to school for his last year and Hermione is the only person who tries to help. They soon become friends but will it turn to more.

Rated: M

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I own nothing

A/N: Hermione's thoughts in normal italics Draco's in bold italics

Chapter Ten – Connections

Last time:

"That's fine what will the punishment be." Dumbledore asked curiously

"I want him to live in a forest, he wont be able to use magic but will have his food provided he gets no contact with the outside world except once a month when is family can visit supervised by a order member preferably you or Tonks or Lupin, he will live like that for 5 lonely years, then I want him to return to Hogwarts to finish his last year so he can get back used to magic." Hermione said

Draco turned to Harry and said "remind me never to get on her bad side will ya." Everyone had heard and they all laughed apart from Ron.

"Ms Granger I say that punishment can be arranged" Dumbledore said gravely

Ron's face dropped and he started arguing nobody listened they were all too busy sorting the details out.

Dray am I doing the right thing here

Yeah you are after everything he's put you through how can you ask that.

I just feel guilty that's all


Because we were best friends for 6 years and now I'm sending him away from friends and family, his family is going to hate me aren't they. Hermione started crying Draco went to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You ok herm" Harry asked Hermione just nodded has she clung to Draco never wanting to let go.

If you explain it to them I'm sure they will understand you have me and Potter to back you up if need be they also love you like family.

But still Ron is their family by blood me I'm just a tag along now especially since I distanced my self from my parents.

Baby listen to me I love you and so does Potter and Ginny, I'll never let anything happen to you not now not ever they will have to kill me first. Ron has put you through a lot of shit you didn't need this year.

I know but it's not the same.

Why not?

Because he's 1/3 of the golden trio and I'm sending him off it will be hard on everyone I will get called dirty names and I don't know if I can handle it.

But you wont be alone god Hermione I'm here and so is Harry he's proved that tonight, Blaise has accepted you and I know he's growing to love you as a sister now. You have no need to beat yourself up over this.


For what

Being there through everything especially now.

I'll be there no matter what I'm only a thought away.

I know and for that I am truly grateful.

"Professor Dumbledore I would like to tell the Weasley's personally please." Hermione said

"I understand Ms Granger." Dumbledore replied

"It's Ms Rose if you don't mind sir." Hermione continued

"I have already sent word to Molly and Arthur they should be here soon; I predicted that you wanted to tell them so they are coming straight here." Dumbledore said as a knock sounded on the door before it opened and in strode Ginny followed by Blaise. Ginny went straight to Harry and kissed him softly as Blaise went to Hermione and gave her a hug before slapping Draco on the back.

"So why is my brother tied to a chair?" Ginny asked

"Gin they attacked me and brainwash Dumbledore, they are all setting me up its Malfoy's fault." Ron said spitting Draco's name with venom.

"Hermione what happened." Gin asked

"Short version your brother tried to rape me I have chosen a punishment and I am now waiting to explain it to your parents your welcome to stay and hear the full story." Hermione replied just as she finished there was another knock on the door Draco got up and opened it

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley come on in." He said standing aside to let them past. They walked past and took in the scene before them Ron was tied to a chair Ginny was sending death glances to Ron and Hermione had red rimmed eyes.

"What's going on?" Arthur asked

"Molly, Arthur please take a seat." Hermione said motioning to the empty couch across from her; Draco resumed his place beside Hermione for support. The Weasleys sat down

"Why is Ron tied to a chair?" Molly asked softly.

"I'm strapped to a chair because Malfoy has brainwashed everyone including Dumbledore now-"Ron started but didn't get to finish because Dumbledore cast a silencing spell on the young red head.

"I'll explain Molly." Hermione said Draco took her hand and gave it a small squeeze. "I'll start from the very beginning."

"It really would help." Draco said

Do you want me to do something I will regret to you and it will hurt.

Draco paled and muttered an apology.

"Molly as you know I am adopted and I'm a pureblood well just before I went to live with my real parents in the holidays Ron asked me out and I said yes, anyway I left and we barley saw each other and then the last battle started and I grew distanced without an explanation. Well the reason I did was because I saw Lucius Malfoy kill my best muggle friend in front of my eyes." A tear slid down her face she quickly wiped it away. "Anyway I hid it from everyone and pushed myself away from everyone including Ron, it seemed he was waiting patiently for me to come back to everyone he was giving me my space. On the train to school I went directly yo the heads compartment where Draco was already there and proposed a truce. At first he rebelled and I snapped and ended up storming out of the compartment, I was so angry I didn't take notice of what I saw in Ron's compartment. He was sat there holding Lavender Browns hand and they were kissing I shouted and started crying I ran back to the heads compartment knocking into someone on the way." She said

"That was me she nearly knocked me off my feet." Draco said "I was heading to do my patrols when I saw Hermione running towards me, I couldn't pass up the moment but she barged straight past knocking me flying against the wall I also had the wind knocked out of me."

Sorry baby.

No need to apologize I understand now

"I went into the room crying" Hermione presumed telling the story taking hold of Draco's hand tightly. "Draco followed me in and made me see sense, Ron came after me and I told him to stuff it. I then thought something and Draco heard me and from then on we have been able to hear each others thoughts and talk to each other. When we started seeing each other Ron was jealous and tried everything to split us up, it worked I split up with Draco because I knew my friends didn't like it. Harry made me see sense and Ron tied to make me choose between him or Draco, I choose Draco. Ron fell out with me and wouldn't talked to me for ages until now he came knocking and Draco answered the door Ron asked to speak to me I said it was ok but I had a really bad feeling so I sent Draco to get Harry whilst we talked he apologized I rejected it because he called Draco a death eater. He then said now for the real reason I wanted to see you alone, I got scared and backed myself into a wall I asked what and he replied me he wanted to be my first I told him that was impossible he asked why." Hermione gulped took a deep breath before finishing her sentence. "I told him that I wasn't a virgin he called me a whore and went to hit me, Harry stepped in and stopped it I had sent Draco to Dumbledore."

"Oh Hermione I'm so sorry. What's going to happen to Ron" Molly asked

"Well I'm not pressing charges but I have choose a punishment, he will live in a forest not allowed to leave or use magic, he cant have any contact with the outside world but I have made sure you can visit him accompanied by an order member." Hermione said "I'm sorry it has to come to this."

"No it's us who are sorry I thought I had fetched him up better then that." Molly said.

Everyone sat talking for about an hour before everyone left Hermione and Draco alone.

I think we both have to make it up to each other.

I know I do but why do you?

Well I did nearly knock you over on the train

Oh boy lets go my room

Why yours

Easy you look nicer in my covers then you do your own.

Hermione laughed as she ran into Draco's room, Draco following her soon after. The heads stayed the rest of the day in Draco's room not moving once they called Dobby up with food and ate it quickly before they drifted into a dream filled sleep.

Please review

Sorry I haven't updated in ages I just had major writers block
