Summary: Draco Malfoy's life changes drastically when his mother dies, he goes back to school for his last year and Hermione is the only person who tries to help. They soon become friends but will it turn to more.

Rated: M

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter one – Connections

Draco Malfoy sat in the heads compartment on the Hogwarts Express he was head boy for his last year. The compartment doors slide open and Hermione Granger walks in. Draco hung his head and avoided eye contact with her.

"Malfoy" Hermione greeted.

"Granger" Draco muttered back he then turned to face the window and made no effort to talk or insult her.

"Malfoy, Malfoy." Draco just ignored her. "Draco Malfoy will you listen to me." She shouted

"Alright keep your hair on." He shouted back getting slightly angry at her outburst. There's me here trying to mind my own business and she has to butt in.

"Look I just want to say I'm sorry about your mother's death, she didn't deserve it. I also want to call a truce since we have to live together and shit, alright Malfoy."

"What ever mudblood."

"Alright Ferret"

"Oh and by the way mudblood I don't need your sympathy."

"Save me the whole pureblood lecture 'cos I'm sick and tired of it. I have never done anything wrong." Hermione turned to the door, pulled it open. "If you want anyone to talk to about it I'm here, I know how it feels to loose someone you care about." With that she walked out and slammed the door leaving Draco sat there with his mouth hanging open.

Shit she's right she hasn't done anything wrong. I wonder if she knows how cute she looks when she's ang… whoa where did that come from I don't like her do I? "What he fuck is wrong with me!" He shouted.

Meanwhile Hermione was walking to Harry and Ron's compartment Stupid little ferret thinks he so good thinks he's better then me, he's lucky I didn't hex his ass to next week with all the pain his father has caused me, he seems to forget that. When she got there she slide the door open and walked in, being too lost in her thoughts she didn't notice what was going on in front of her. Omg I can't believe how insensitive he is doesn't he know- wait is that Ron and Lavender. "Omg how could you Ron, how could you" she turned around and ran tears streaming down her face she ran into someone but continued running until she came to the heads compartment finding it empty she curled up and cried.

Draco had left the heads compartment to patrol when he saw Granger running towards him, he moved so he was in her way and stood there with a smirk on his face, he opened his mouth to speak but she just barged past him and stormed into the heads compartment, she had tears streaming down her face. Going into the compartment he took the seat opposite her.

"Granger, what's up?" he asked looking out of the window to hide the look of worry that was on his face.

"As if you care about a stupid fucking mudblood" she snapped back

"Hey don't call yourself that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not as effective when you call it yourself. (She let out a little chuckle,) Now come on and tell me what's the matter."

"I just caught Ron snogging Lavender."

"So why are you upset?"

"I've been dating Ron for 3 weeks and now he's just gone and thrown it all away."

"What you were going out with weasel. (Hermione nodded) ok he is so not worth your tears, I've said worse to you and you don't cry about it do you? (She shock her head) Thought not so why you crying about this dry your eyes and go back and face him show him what he's lost."

"You just made sense Malfoy thank you, your right I'll do that. (She dried her eyes straightened her uniform) Thank you Malfoy."

"No problems just don't tell anyone I helped you okay."

Hermione shock her head and laughed before opening the door she glanced back at Draco and started walking when she walked into something solid. Looking up she saw it was Ron.

"Ronald, what do you want?" She demanded

"Ferret out now" Ron commanded

"You know what weasel no." Draco replied with a smirk he winked softly at Hermione who laughed.

"I said get o..." Ron Started

"Ron shut the fuck up and get out of the heads compartment I don't want to set eyes on you again. Were through. It's over." Hermione said whilst Draco stood behind her.

"But Hermmy." "No buts Ronald. Get out." Ron walked out of the compartment.

I could just kill him! Hermione thought.

"I wouldn't do that Granger but then again it would be funny." Draco advised.

"Do what Malfoy."

"What you've just said"

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did you said 'I could just kill him'"

Shit she did say it right or did I imagine it. God she's so. Stop brain no. Draco thought.

"Malfoy I'm so what"

"Nothing" did I say that out loud shit I must be careful. Time to find my so called friends.

Draco got up and walked out of the compartment leaving Hermione alone, she got out her diary and started writing.

1st September

I'm on the train returning back to Hogwarts and the funny thing just happened. Well first of all me and Ron are just so over he was cheating on me. He then came down to see me I ordered him out. Then I said I could just kill him in my head and Malfoy heard, I think I can hear his thoughts as well it's so weird I'll talk to Dumbledore about it later.

Hermione Claire Rose

Hermione but her diary away and changed into her robes. As she was pinning her head girl badge on Draco came in and started getting changed, she sat down in her seat and watched him take his top off. God he has such a fine ass and those abs mmm Wait what if he can hear my thoughts then he just heard that shit NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO she thought but screaming the last part in her head. Draco jumped out of his skin when she screamed the last part and looked at her.

"Think you could scream any louder Granger." He said smirking having heard all of her little speech in her head.

"Shit, I think we better go to see the headmaster about this Malfoy."

"Your right we will go after dinner now if you don't mind me I'm going to get my fine ass changed." He replied with a smirk.

"Sorry I'll not think."

"Hey no probs but I won't say anything either"


The train shortly arrived at the station, the two heads made sure the first years went with Hagrid before getting into the heads carriage. They got the shock of their lives when they saw Dumbledore there.

"Good evening Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger or should I say Miss Rose." Dumbledore said.

"Miss Rose will be fine sir." Replied Hermione.

Rose where have I heard that before think Dray think oh yes now I remember Draco thought.

"Wait your pureblood?" Draco asked.

"Yes why."

"That explains why we can read each others thoughts."

The students got plunged forward has the carriage stopped outside of the school. Draco went to leave when Hermione but a hand on his arm.

"Wait you have to explain."

Draco leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "I will while we eat in your head okay."


They walked into the great hall as soon as they had sat down McGonagall fetched the first years in to be sorted. While that was going on Draco started explaining what the connection is

A/N Hermione's thoughts in normal italics Draco's in bold italics.

Get started then ferret explain.

Ok keep your hair on. Right where to start. Oh yes I need you to tell me when you found out you were Hermione Claire Rose and not Hermione Jane Granger.

How did you know my full name?

I'll explain in a minute just answer me

Ok at the end of last year I found out who my parents were and that I was special. I also stayed with my real parents the Rose's for the last week of the holidays.

Well that explains why the connection has only just started then.

Wait. What connection?

I'm just about to explain that.

The sorting had finished and the dinner plates filled up everyone started to eat including both of the heads.

"Hermione what's wrong." Harry asked

Hold that thought "Harry I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment just leave me in peace until dinners over ok." Harry nodded Sorry Harry started talking to me

No probs what you tell potter

I wasn't in the mood


I heard that


Well carry on

Yes well oh yeah as I was saying this connection we have is a psychic link we've had it since birth but because you had to be taken away and ended up living with muggles it got suppressed until you found your real family.

That's why I've had the feeling I had lost someone

Basically yes but we'll not mention that again. Oh we can also send images and feel each other emotions



Cool this is going to be fun hahaha sorry.

Never mind well I think we should start and be friends deal

Yes deal. One more thing is there anyway to block each other out.

None that I know of shush now Dumbledore is standing.

Both students stopped talking to each other and turned all there attention to the headmaster.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. If you didn't already know this years head boy is Draco Malfoy and head Girl is Hermione Rose also known as Hermione Granger will you two come with me the rest of you go to your common rooms Goodnight."

"Hermione you didn't tell us you had changed your name." Harry said.

"I know okay quickly. I'm pureblood and I found out end of last year I have only told a few people so keep it quite okay." she replied Harry nodded his head as she sped off. He sat back down and watched her as she went up to Malfoy shook his hand and headed to Dumbledore. Harry just got up and headed to Gryffindor. The headmaster led the way to the head dorm.

Bored now do you think the old fart will hurry up.

Shut up Malfoy.

Please call me Draco Hermione. Oh and by the way what's going on with you and potter.

Nothing why.

Because he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

We're just good friends that's all.

Ok. I'm bored I know what.

What Draco






WHAT she screamed

Ouch we're here at last yey.

Ok now will you please get out of my head?


"This is the entrance to your dorm don't tell anyone your password. Over the weekend you can have people stop over but if it's a mixed sex event then you will have to sleep in the living area alright now decide your password between you." Dumbledore said he was amazed when they both stayed quiet before Draco finally spoke

"Connections we want the password to be connections"

"Okay" Dumbledore tapped the statue with his wand three times and said "Connections" The statue came to life it walked down the corridor and pushed put its arm into a slot. The space where the statue had stood opened up to show a staircase.

"This is where I leave you two. Just one other thing please get along with each others friends." Dumbledore winked before walking away as the two heads walked up the stairs to their shared dorm.

They entered the common room it was double the size of a usual common room it had 2 bookcases, 2 sofas one green and red the other silver and gold. In one corner was a big flat screen TV with a DVD player and a big cupboard full of DVDs. In the centre of the room was a staircase leading up to the second floor, here there was a kitchen and 3 doors. They decided to check the middle door first it was the joint bathroom. The bathroom had marble floors a swimming pool sized bath 2 showers, 2 sinks each with there own mirror. Coming out of the room, the door on the left had a silver dragon on it and the door on the right had a gold rose on it.

I bet that ones Draco's whilst this ones mine. Hermione went through the door on the right into her room. Draco went into the one on the left his room was a fair size nothing compared to the one at his home. It had dark green walls the bed had silver covers his room had a walk in dresser and a desk. There were 2 doors leading out one went to the joint bathroom the other went out to the joint balcony which over looked the Quidditch pitch and the lake. He went back inside and settled down for an early night.

Meanwhile Hermione was checking out her room it had deep red walls a walk in dresser, a desk and the bad covers were gold. Her room had 2 doors leading to the joint bathroom the other lead to a joint balcony overlooking the Quidditch pitch and the lake. She went back inside and got into bed when she started talking to Draco.

Mal-Draco what do you think will happen now.

What do you mean?

I mean us

There is no us

As long as we have this connection there is an us can I ask you a personal question?

Okay but I can't promise anything.

Well do you believe in whatever your father taught you?

Hermione why do you ask that.

Because your father killed my best muggle friend Tessa in the war to spite me and I heard that your father taught you all about the dark arts.

Oh Hermione I'm sorry for any pain my father caused you and to be truthful I believed what he taught me was true until I met you.

Why until you met me

Well you were everything I was brought up to hate yet you were top in class you was you and I connected with that.

Draco how do you fell about me?

I think that you are sassy and funny and friendly also I think that you will be a great friend for me.

I didn't mean that.

I know but I don't know if I can answer that just now. Anyway how you feeling wait why you crying.

Something had stirred within Hermione when Draco said that.

Wait that feeling doesn't mean I'm …


A/n: cliff-hanger already so flame me you either love 'em or hate em so review
