. A/N: Due to the amount of request I have received from numerous reviews, I have decided to write the sequel to Sirius' Potion Mistake


This story is divided up into four parts. The first part is when Megan is seven. Part 2 is her first year. Part 3 is her second year. Part 4 are the chapters that fills in what happens in between parts 3 and 5. Finally, Part 5 is her 7th year. (It will make more since when it gets to that part)

Main Shippings in the beginning: LExJP, SBxOC, RLxOC, OCxOC, RWxHG, HPxGW. Others will follow in Part 4.

I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER! Have I made myself clear? Anyways, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter

Part I

Chapter 1: Finding Out Something She Never Really Knew

August 2, 2003,

7 year old Megan was ecstatic. Any day now, her little nephew or niece was going to be born. She hardly ever saw her brother nowadays because he was now a Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She practically sat by the fireplace all day.

"He Meg. It's time for school." A male voice told her.

"Very funny Daddy." She told her father not taking her eyes off the fireplace. "It's summer."

"You're just like your mother." Her father told her. "The longer she hung out with me, the less gullible she became."

"You bet." She said with a smirk.

"C'mon. We're supposed to meet your brother."

"REALLY? WHERE?" she said as she turned away from the fireplace.

"Calm down. We're going to Diagon Ally. He needs to pick up some books."

"Will he be himself or Hunter?"

"Who knows? I'll talk to him about telling you why he goes in disguise sometimes."

"Please do." She said.


The father/daughter duo flooed to Flourish and Blotts. Right away, they saw a familiar redhead.

"Hi Ron!" Megan called.

"Hey!" Ron called back. "What brings you two here?" he asked her father.

"Looking for my son. Have you seen him?" James asked.

"Yes. He's over there making sure the books came in." Ron pointed out.

"How's little Sabrina?" James asked.

"She's great. Never lets us get a full night's sleep, but being the best friend of…" he stopped and looked around, "your son, I've haven't really had a real full night's sleep since before school."

"That bad huh?" James said.

"Not really. I've gotten used to it."

"What is Hermione going to do this school year?"

"Well, believe it or not, but Neville is going to take her place until she gets back from maternity leave." Ron informed him

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Neville not do well in Potions?"

"That was only because Greasehead was breathing down his neck." Ron said scowling at the memory of Snape.

"Don't let Hermione hear you." Another voice called out to Ron as he was overheard.

Megan's face brightened at the sound of her brother. She and her father looked over and saw the familiar face of Harry Potter.

"Harry!" Megan shouted as she ran over to her now 23 year old brother and jumped in his open arms.

"Hi Meg. How are you doing?" He asked his little sister.

"Fine. Has Ginny had the baby yet?"

"Shhh. Not yet. I'm trying to keep it down. Luckily, the Daily Prophet doesn't know." Harry had married Ginny two years ago and were having a little trouble getting a family started. Finally, 9 months ago, they managed.

"Hi Dad." Harry said as he turned to his father.

"Hey son. So, have your books come in for the students to burn?" James joked.

"Very funny. As a matter of fact they had. It was hard to find some good one though."

"Yes. Especially when a few of the choices were the ones we used in second year." Ron joked.

Harry groaned. "I burned mine the minute I got the chance."

"Lucky. 'Mione won't let me." Ron told him.

Everyone laughed at that. Even though Hermione knew Lockhart was a fraud, she still kept his books.

"Maybe one day I'll write my own Defense Against the Dark Arts book" Harry said jokingly.

"That will sell out before it's released." Ron joked back

"Why?" Megan asked. She had not been informed of the past because of her age.

Harry, James, and Ron all looked at each other.

"I think she's old enough to handle the truth. At least part of it." James told his son.

"It's been nice while it lasted." Harry sighed. "I'll meet you guys at PM"

"PM?" Megan questioned.

"Home." Her father explained.


"Do you want me to come with you Mate?" Ron asked.

"No. You, Hermione, and Sabrina can come by later."

"Ok." Ron said before apparating.

"I'll see you at home Kiddo." Harry said before apparating as well.

"Daddy? What am I old enough for?" she asked.

"You'll see." He answered somberly.

This had Megan a little scared. Her father was never somber. Especially with Uncles Sirius, Remus, and John around.

(FYI: Due to Maraudette intervention, the identities of the Marauders are unknown to the children.)


Back at Potter Manor (Or PM),

James and Megan's disguise were lifted as soon as they returned home.

"Where's Harry?" she asked.

"He apparated outside the wards. He'll be here in a minute." James told her.

As if on cue, Harry came in through the front door.

"Are you ready for this?" James asked him.

"I think so. I've been practicing for this with Ginny for a while now." He answered

"Sit down Megan. This is a long story." Harry told her.

Megan did what she was told on the couch. James sat next to her and put an arm around her knowing how much of an impact the story will have on her.

Harry conjured a chair in front of his sister and sat down.

"Should we wait for Mum?" Harry asked.

"What do you think?" James answered with a question.

"I want to know now!" Megan demanded.

"Well. Dad and I feel that you are old enough to handle the truth." He said before turning to his father. "Do you want to tell her the worst?"

"I better." James sighed before turning to face his daughter. "The truth is Honey, you wouldn't be here if it weren't for Uncle Sirius."

"What do you mean?" Megan asked a little scared.

"Megan. Mum and Dad told me that you've always wondered how I got my scar, right?"

"Yeah. Whenever I ask, they go quiet and say that you will tell me when it's time. So, how did you get it?" Megan said to her favorite/only brother.

"Well. Before even I was born, there was an evil wizard. His name was Voldemort…" Harry started.

Megan sat and listened intrigued by the story. By the time it ended, she couldn't believe her ears. Her parents had been dead for 14 years and then brought back due to a mistake. And her brother defeated the most evil wizard in the world two months before he turned 16. (Harry left out a lot of detail)

She sat in shock for a good 15 minutes. Just then, the floo system sounded. She didn't hear it though. She was trying to digest what was just relayed to her.

"She seems to have taken it alright." Ron said noticing her expression.

"I can't believe you told her." Hermione told Harry while trying not to wake the almost 2 month old baby in her arms.

"Do you really think she should have heard it from another wizard, the Prophet, or Professor Binns?" Harry asked.

"Is he STILL there?" James asked.

"Oh yeah." Harry and Hermione said.

Just then, the floo network was activated again. This time, Lily Potter came out.

"Whew! What a day. I'm so glad I got the Prophet off my back." She said.

"What did you do?" James asked.

"I simply told them that if they don't leave me alone, I will not only sue and buy out the paper, but I will also hex them so badly, they wouldn't know their fingers from their toes." Lily said.

"Hi Mum." Harry said getting her attention

"Harry! I didn't see you. How are you doing?" she asked as she hugged her son.

"I'm doing alright considering what's going on." Harry told her.

"How is Ginny?" she asked thinking that was what he was talking about.

"She's fine. Ready to have the baby." Harry managed a smile.

"Well, I let you know if I ever see her at work." Lily told him

That was when she noticed her daughter's shocked look.

"What did you do to my daughter?" she asked her husband.

"We told her the truth." Harry informed his mother.

"The truth?" she asked.

"We started to wait for you, but Megan was so determined to know..." Harry finished the explanation. "About my scar."

She hugged her daughter and pulled her son into another hug at the same time.

Megan snapped out of her shock and threw her arms around her brother and mother sobbing.

As if on perfect cue, the rest of the Marauders, Maraudettes, and their kids came in through floo.

Vega had black hair and brown eyes. Colin's hair was sandy brown while his eyes were blue. Like Colin, Adam had blue eyes, but black hair. Each kid was shocked to see their best friend crying.

"Did we miss something?" John asked.

"We just told Megan." James informed his best friend.

"About what?" Remus asked.

"One of the big secrets." James said.

"Ah. The Birds and the Bees?" Sirius stated.

"No. How good triumphs over evil." James told him.

"I'm confused." Spica said.

"Evil is Voldemort and Good is Harry." James said.

"Oh. That." Sirius said.

"I'm confused Daddy. Why is Megan crying?" Vega Black asked her father.

"I'll tell you later." Spica told her daughter.

"Likewise." Melissa and Sara turned to Colin and Adam.

"It can't be that bad." Adam said.

"You wanna bet." Megan sobbed acknowledging her friends.


"So Mum, what was Megan crying about?" Vega asked her mother when they got home.

Spica looked at her husband who sighed.

"We might as well tell her." Sirius said, "You see Vega, a long time ago, there was an evil wizard named Voldemort."

The Blacks told their daughter a very similar story to what Harry told Megan.


In another part of London,

"You see Colin, in the late '70's and early '80's, there was a wizard who went by the name of Lord Voldemort." Remus was telling his son.


"Adam, this may be hard for you to comprehend, but your mother, Uncle James, and Aunt Lily weren't always alive." John started to tell his own son.

Each family told their kids the story of Harry Potter. However, due to the ages of the kids the families neglected to mention some parts of the story. The kids will learn more as they get older they had figured.


A/N: I've decided to put previews for the upcoming chapters. Here is the first one:

"You know, I'm amazed the Hogwarts' staff isn't around" Remus said looking around.

"I'm sure they're preparing for the new school year." John told him.

"Sorry we're late." Professor McGonagall informed everyone in the waiting room.

"We had only just gotten word of the happenings." Dumbledore entered the room.

"So much for the Hogwarts' staff not showing up." James whispered as most of the staff entered.

"All we need now is the press." Sirius joked.

"Be quiet." James, Remus, and John said covering their friend's mouth