(This is my second fanfic, and it's probably just as bad as the first one. None-the-less I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. The chapters are short and the plotline is weak, so I apologise for that. Try and enjoy anyway.

I do not own any of the characters; they belong to JM Barrie and his wonderful imagination. Oh, and Great Ormond Street Hospital I think. Anyway, the characters aren't mine, but the plotline is, unfortunately.)

Chapter 1

The large ship sailed through the air, silently wading through the night-time clouds that covered it. If anyone were to look up, they would never see this ship. Most of London's citizens rarely looked up anyway as there was so much pollution that the stars could rarely be seen and as a result, most people never looked up to try and search the heavens. Pollution had been increasing the past few decades, and now it was even harder to see the huge balls of gas that shine brightly millions of light years away. The ship sails over London with one purpose, one destination. Darling House.

A young woman is inside the house where the Darlings once lived. They have long since moved away. The house was now in the possession of this rich young woman who had inherited a large amount of money when her Grandmother had died. She had been wishing to leave her immediate family for a long time, so when she suddenly received this amount of money she left. She had searched for a suitable house around the entire country. Finally she'd found a house in London that was perfect.

Now this young woman, who used to hate the idea of living in London because it was so huge, was living in London, in the old Darling House. She had chosen this house because it was so beautiful. Inside, the house was a wonderful place to be. There were intricate details on things like the wooden banister which had been carved to resemble a tree with vines creeping up it and numerous flowers and the skirting boards that had different images carved into the wood. There were also lovely old wallpapers in the rooms, especially the Nursery. The walls were covered with a lovely sky blue with clouds painted on realistically. There were also various birds on the walls in a range of shapes, sizes and colours. It was truly beautiful. The Nursery was the young woman's favourite room, not just because of its beauty, but also because it reminded her of the tale of Peter Pan; one her favourite childhood stories. She'd spent many hours in the Nursery because she'd made it her bedroom, although she had a choice of three rooms to use. The room now contained her bed and bedside table which had a lamp on and a selection of books. On the opposite side of the room was a large bookcase that was made of clear plastic so she could see the wall behind it. It was filled with a wide range of books from modern chick-lit books to Shakespeare plays. It was this bookcase that kept her in her bedroom for hours at a time. She would sit on her bed reading comfortable. Susannah loved her house, and although she'd only been living there two weeks, she felt like she'd been there years. She felt that the house had such a history, of course she had no idea the Darlings had lived here. The house, although old, was now nice and modern; filled with modern electric equipments such as the young woman's computer, television, radio and kitchen utensils etc.

Sitting at her desk in her small office the young girl was using one of these modern items; her computer. Susannah was writing her English coursework. The nineteen year old had an essay to complete for Friday afternoon and she didn't want to hand the work in late. This university degree in English Literature was very important to her. Susannah wanted to be an Author, or a librarian, or study books…or do something involving literature. Susannah tucked a blonde ringlet behind her ear. It had come loose from her ponytail. She sighed and tapped at her computer keyboard, almost finished. She typed the last concluding sentence before sighing and leaning back in her chair, stretching. She yawned loudly and rubbed her blue eyes. She saved the file and turned the computer off and left the room. She was tired and needed to go to sleep pretty soon.

She wandered out of the room and turned the light off. She entered the hall which was equally dark. She walked along the corridor to the bathroom and turned the light on. She took her clothes off and showered. Once finished she towel dried her body and got dressed again in her clothes. Then she got her hair dryer out and started to dry her hair. If she hadn't had the hairdryer on, she might have heard the scuffling noises and hushed voices coming from her bedroom. Unfortunately she did have the hairdryer on and consequently didn't hear these things. She finished and flicked her curly blonde hair behind her. She stared at her reflection, studying herself. Her skin was pretty perfect as always; she'd always had a clear complexion. Her blue eyes were large and bright. They were her favourite feature. She also liked her hair, and her full lips. Finished with looking at her face she left the bathroom, turning the light off as she did so. She walked to her room in darkness. She opened her bedroom door and walked inside.

She entered swiftly into the darkness of her bedroom; not noticing the several figures looming in the shadows. If she had had a light on she'd have noticed them. If she had had the hall light on, she would have noticed their swords glinting in the small amount of light. Unfortunately, she had neither. She stumbled through the darkness over to her bed. She ran her hands along her bedside table, up her lamp and to the switch. She clicked it and a very dull light filled the room. The light bulb was almost finished. Susannah sighed and sat on her bed. She'd have to buy a new one tomorrow. She kept using them up because she read so long into the night. Susannah took her shoes off, then her socks. She walked over to the large window, feeling the soft carpet under her feet, and closed it; not even thinking about the fact she'd left it closed. She didn't even notice the large ship floating in mid-air outside her bedroom window. Susannah started to unbutton her blouse as she turned around. She turned right into someone.

"Miss Wendy." She heard a man's voice say before two hands grabbed her roughly around her middle, and a bag of some sort was placed over her head. She struggled strongly, and the pirates had some difficulty getting her out of the window and onto the ship's deck. At last, he had Wendy Darling; the vital part for his plans of revenge on Peter Pan. He would finally get to kill the boy, all he had to do was lure him out with Wendy and then kill them both. What an easy job - killing two children. Hook looked around the nursery and contemplated grabbing some clothes for Wendy but decided against it; she wouldn't need them. Plus it'd be too soft to do something so kind and caring. Hook stepped out of the window and onto his ship, leaving the Nursery window open behind him.