Theme #39- Hear the thunder roar and the lightning flash for the 30 Nights community on livejournal.

!IMPORTANT!: I've recently started up an LJ community (that will spread past LJ, I assure you) to write a collaborated HP fanfic. Now, I know that you all are Twilight readers and probably wouldn't want to be involved in writing that fic but here's what I was thinking about: A Twilight Collaborated Fanfiction. It'll be the same general idea as the Harry Potter one, only...It'll be Twilight instead. If you'd like information to get an idea of what it would be like and if enough people would like to help out then I'd LOVE to start it up! Information on what it would be like can be found collaborate(downdash)fic on LJ. Just go to and enter "collaborate(downdash)fic" in the username search bar. Everything on that site will be the same as the Twilight one if I start it. The only change will be the fanmix part. Anywho, have fun reading and let me know if you enjoyed it! (:

WARUI-USAGI IS GOING TO HELP OUT! I'm so happy now… I mean, honestly people, it doesn't get any better than that. (Insert super happy face here).

Disclaimer: If I owned it, it'd be more sappy and less interesting. XD



The pale yellow curtains flashed white with every bolt of deadly lightning and the house creaked tiredly after every roar of waking thunder as rain creeped along the windows with vigor in hope of finding a safe place to hide from the treacherous wind that threatened to whisk it away. Bella blinked blearily as the room was flooded with bright white light. Darkness took over just as soon as the light had and momentarily she contemplated just rolling over to try to fall back asleep. The shocking sound of thunder that followed the thought brought her just far enough out of sleep to know that rolling over wouldn't do a thing to help her fall back asleep.

Lethargically, she pushed away the canary-yellow comforter and stainless white sheets to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. She contracted and hissed quietly when her bare feet met the cold wooden floors. Silently, she wished she had placed her slippers closer to the bed before she had fallen into it for sleep. Eyeing her closet doors she stood to rush and grab the offending pink slippers from their confines but smiled down at them when she instantly felt warmer.

'Who would have thought that something pink would at some point be useful?', she thought as she slipped silently out of her bedroom and down the stairs. The sound of a slow, precarious thunder could be heard as she reached the dim kitchen. Twelve-oh-four was displayed in flashing red light from the microwave display while a tiny screen on the counter flashed blue then black and back again in a constant pattern. Sighing softly, she tip-toed closer and lifted the tiny mobile device from his place.

After the incident in Italy, Charlie found that a cell phone was necessary for a girl like Bella. You know the type: always getting hurt, always ending up in dangerous situations, always running of to God-knows-where to do God-knows-what with that-Cullen-boy. Though she insisted that she didn't need modern technology like that and that that-Cullen-boy had one of his own if she should ever need to call home, he still appeared one day last month with a box to shove in her hand and with a muttered, "Use the thing, will you?"

She looked down at it now and let the corner of her lips rise just slightly. A full-blown smile was impossible tonight seeing as she knew that that-Cullen-boy was running around out in the freezing rain and treacherous thunder to hunt leaving her in the dreary cold house alone with nothing but Charlie's soft snores and her horrid pink slippers for company.

Pressing the little green button, she saw the notice reading: 1 New Text Message. She pressed the little green button again and blinked rapidly as the blue light suddenly brightened. Giving her eyes a moment to adjust, she turned back to read the note.


Hunting went well though I worried about you the entire time. I hope you had a pleasant evening and I cannot wait to see you tomorrow morning.

I love you.

From: Edward's Cell

11:56 PM 7/12/07

Lightning ran rampid through the air moments before thunder cracked viciously through the stillness. It was sudden and shocking but Bella found herself chuckling quietly. Afterall, how dangerous could the weather really be when you had a vampire for a boyfriend?