Meant To Be?

Disclaimer-I don't own anything .

AU Their parents think their made for each other. They think they couldn't be more wrong. Will a summer spent together change that. Naley

Haley James waited silently next to her parents outside of the Scott house she pulled at the edge of her shirt. Wondering what her parents plan was for tonight to get her and Nathan Scott together. Nathan Scott two words that she use to smile at, now her eyes just darken with secrets at the name. At one point the two had been inseparable spending every minute together. She guesses that's what happens when your parents are best friends, but even if their parents weren't together they were. Nathan and Haley, Haley and Nathan it seemed the names belonged together it just sounded right. Haley and Nathan use to be best friend they told each other everything, kept each others darkest secrets, and spent everyday together. But as time went on secrets were kept not told and days spent together slowly faded. Nobody really knows what happened between them, it just another one of those secrets they only know.

Even though Haley and Nathan drifted apart their parents stayed close. Every Friday night they had dinner together and Nathan and Haley were forced to attended. So that's were she was tonight waiting for someone to answer the door. Then it happened the door opened revealing the one and only Nathan dressed in a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled slightly up and a pair of black dress pants his hair was slightly spiked in a way only he could get it. "Hello, Nathan" Lydia James was the first to speak leaning over to hug him while he kissed her on the cheek. "Hi, Mrs. James, You look great tonight" He said while holding the door open to let up in let them in. "Mr. James" he said shaking Jimmy's hand "Nate, nice too see you " her father replied. Then Nathan turned to Haley and for a moment his eyes lit up at seeing her "Hey, Hales" he said with a small smile "Hi" she said back quietly making eye then quickly looking toward the floor. "Well, Nathan, you look very handsome" Lydia spoke up after watching the interaction. "Doesn't he, Haley?" she turned to her daughter, Haley couldn't help but laugh at the question there it was the first attempt of the night. Ever since Haley and Nathan were little both of their parents believed they were meant to be together.

Every Friday night their parents would make some attempt to get them together and tonight that question was the first one. Before Haley could answer Deb and Dan Scott walked into the room. "Why don't we move this little party to the living room" Deb spoke up. As they walked into the living room Haley noticed the tons of Family Albums spread out everywhere. "Sorry, for the mess" Deb said while sitting down with Dan in one love seat while Lydia and Jimmy sat in another forcing Haley and Nathan to sit together. " I was looking through pictures and I found a great one" she spoke again " Here it is" she said handing Lydia a picture. It was picture of a 4 year old Nathan and Haley taking a bath together, both were smiling big at the camera both missing their front teeth. "O My God" Haley gasped looking at the picture. While Nathan laughed causing Haley to glare at him "You two always insisted on taking baths together" Deb said smiling at them. "I am sure Haley wouldn't mine much now" Lydia said causing all the adults to start laughing and Nathan to smirk. "MOM" Haley yelled blushing " I am sure Nathan wouldn't either" Dan said laughing causing Nathan's smirk to fall "DAD" he yelled. O, yea this is gonna be a long night.

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