Sorry for the long a waited update... its a short chapter, but it has good info on it. Next chapter would be longer.

"No, no. That's absolutely wrong Tea. Try again." Oh. Kimiko-sensei, how I hate your right now. Was my thoughts. I sighed and closed my eyes to block out any sights, slowly I shut down my hearing then my senses of smell and feel. Concentrate on something small, something bright and strong.

My minds eye shifted through out the forest as I sat there in a field with my sensei watching over my body as I searched for a potential insect to be a host of. Then a flash in my vision. It was fast hot, strong and determined. I tried to fallow it only to find more of the same hot spot.

These were insects, which ones I don't know. I was only four and haven't learned all the insects of this forest just yet. But I liked these insects, the were small, but rather strong and demanding. I beaconed a few to come join my body in this lushes field of flowers. Four only answered my call. I slowly returned to my body awaiting the four insects that I asked to join me.

"Have you found an insect already Tea? Just think about what you want out of your hosting, it took your mother two month to figure out what insect she wanted to host." She's going through this again.

"With all do respect, I like these. They have a form of fire in them that I am drawn to." I stated. She nodded and looked at the yellow flowers that I currently sat with. Then I heard the buzzing of the insects. They hovered near my right ear and then in front of my face.

"Kintotositsu." Was all my sensie said.

"What are Kintotositsu?" This was new. I never stumble on insects that I didn't know.

"Kintotositsu, Killer Forest Insect/Bug. You don't want to mess with these guys. These could do a lot of damage to anybody. They are poisonous, that I am for sure. Not much is know of these guys. Tell them to go off and play somewhere.'

So I did tell them, they responded. "They said they did want to leave." Then out of nowhere they attacked me. It was the first time in my life that I felt that of intense pain. I felt like I was on fire, then my body cooled and I could defiantly feel my body grow cold and my heart rate slow down.

I woke with a start. Looking around I found myself in a field with flowers leaning against a tree. I had fallen asleep watching Hinata and Kiba spar. Shino sat next to me, now looking at me.

"You alright princess?" He asked. I just nodded. "Bad dream?" I nodded again. It wasn't that bad…except feeling the pain again. I though you could feel pain in your sleep. "Your body just grew cold. So I wasn't dreaming about feeling the pain I really did feel it.

"I'm sorry. I need to go off for a little while." He nodded. Standing up I jumped slightly to activate my wings and felt them pop on my back. Then I shrunk my self to three inches and flew off. Where was I heading? I don't even know, but it was somewhere with a lot of insects that for sure.

"What were you thinking?" My mother yield at me. I was ten now, three more years and I could go off on my own and six more years till I can enter a shinobi village and train if I wanted to. "you could have killed him."

"But mother, they acted on their own." I said. It wasn't my fault prince…what was his name…Prince whatever brushed up against me while my skin was still sensitive.

My people get sensitive skin at a certain age, this part of our life span lets us now what it feels like when an insect is coming in and out of our body. Well and it also tells up three more years till adult hood.

"Dear, you need to be in more control of your insects."

"Yeah control them Princess." It was the prince.

"Sure, I'll control my Kintotositsu better, to hurt you if you keep brushing up against me on purpose. You know it hurts when you do that." the prince just shrugged acting innocent.

"My son, apologize to Princess Tea." Lord Bunto said. Lord Bunto was a husky lord, I always wondered how his wings could support his weight, but he was nice. Unlike his son, Kyo. Right Kyo was his name.

Kyo was the typical prince, smug, defiant, and completely an ass whole. He was no looker either, ugly, short and fat. Neither of his parents were ugly or short… he got his chubby side from his father.

I as on a wild rose. They always smelled good, plus lady bugs were attracted to them. Lady bugs were the nicest, hence the name. Prince Kyo, I haven't seen him since my twelfths birthday. He looked nothing like when he was ten.

He still have blond hair and deep green eyes. He lost his freckles and gained a quirky smile. He and I were the same age, though he was older my four months. He had also grown tall, which helped him loose his baby fat.

To put it simply he had grown into one hell of a kid. He was as handsome as his dad, when his dad was young, and had the wits of his mom. His mom read a lot…I mean A LOT.

I sighed once more getting depressed thinking of home. My insects chirped under my skin. Yes, they shrank with me too.

'It's ok you guys.' I told them. I didn't need them to worry about me to much. Suddenly I was scooped up by a hand and thrown in a jar.

"Wow, look at her. She's one of those rare colonies. Think they would pay for?" I heard. Ok, I just got kidnapped. Don't they realize if I changed back that I would break the jar… guess not. I tired, but nothing happened.

"Now, now. There is no need for the change. Not that you could. This lid is especially designed for your clan. Shake her up. She'll go unconscious and then we'll proceed with our plan."

And just like that, my prison was shaken and I tumbled around before hitting my head and going unconscious.

Thanks for readding.