ok, new story, i hope you like this one

I am a high class queen, or so is what they call me. My mother before me lived up to the name as insect queen,

me, I plan on doing just that. I sailed through the trees of the insect forest, each branch was a blur, and my

glasses witch I wore all the time, protected my eyes form getting damaged by the branches. I am about two

inches tall. Yeah quiet small, but what can I say, my clan was a insect clan, we had the power to turn as small

as an insect, then of cores there where the upper class of the insect clan, like me, the upper class part had

wings that they can summon anytime they want, but the problem is, I wasn't a high class member, I was the

royal member, to that I got great respect and a lot of work. Every day I would get up at five and train, at seven

was breakfast, after that I had to do my duties as royalty, like collect more insects or do some paper work,

you know the usual. Then I would train some more and then dinner. Yup that is my day, every single day for

the last thirteen years. Until I had the chance to leave the clan, at age thirteen, we, the royal, got to choose

whether to stay and live the royal life or go out into the world and become what ever we wanted, in my case I

wanted to become a ninja, hens to all the training I did.

My mother for once cried when I was leaving, the only thing I brought with me was a picture, of the clan, my

head band; witch had an insect engraved into it. A bunch of weapons and of cores, the insect colony that

crawled beneath my skin. Any who where was oh yes, as a sailed through the trees I started to hear voices, I

have never met people form the out side of the forest, mother said they came here to steel insects and use them

for bad things, of cores, she never came in contact with them so I couldn't really trust her words, even so, I

was extra cautious when getting close. Like I said be fore I was two inches tall, they couldn't see me, but they

could probably feel my chakra, if they where ninjas that is. They where odd looking, one was a girl, I think, she

had white eyes and she was standing in a shy way, the others were a males, or so I think they were, one had a

dog on his head, he also had red striped on his cheeks. The other one wore a long gray coat and had black

sunglasses. Suddenly a lady appeared, she had a weird black and white dress on. "All right, Shino, where are

we?" She looked displeased. "we are in the insect forest. What exactly are we doing here anyway?" He pushed

up his sunglasses with his index finger. The older lady sighed. " I don't know…" she suddenly looked at me,

of cors on seeing me. "There is something here, its watching us" She said. "its probably a dumb bug, what are

you getting so worked up about Sensei, they are just dumb bugs, they can't harm us" the one with the dog on

his head said. "um, Sensei, what ever it is it has chakra." The younger girl in formed the older lady. The older

lady nodded. "Split up and search this area" she said. They all nodded and walk off in different directions.

The boy with sunglasses, came strait to wards me. I was hovering now, my wings where engaged and I was

ready to bolt if I had to. He suddenly reached out and grabbed me. My fight of flight instincts kicked in, flight

was the first thing I did, when he spoke, I calmed down and let him handle me gently. "calm down, I mean no

harm to you" I sighed I truesed him, don't know why, but I did, he seemed to under stand me, even though we

just met. "My name is Shino, what is yours?" he asked. He had opened his palm and let me sit on it. "They call

me the insect princes, but you can call me Tea" I smiled at him. "hay Shino, who are you talking to. "Tea" he

answered shortly. The older lady looked at him questionably. "Tea?" he nodded his head. He walked up to her

and he pushed his hand up to her eye level. "Sensei, this is the insect's queen's daughter, Tea" She looked at

me squinting, you mean the insect? I think you've finally gone insane Shino" I turned my head to look at

Shino, he seemed sad, even though he didn't show it, I could just tell. "I don't know who you are lady, but

you have no right to talk to Shino-san like that" I flew up and poofed into my human form. I had long black

hair that reached my ankles. I was where a green t-shirt, and short black shorts. My head band appeared

around my waist as a belt. The old lady looked startled at me. "Well, don't you have some manners" she

snapped back. "Hasn't your mother told you how to speak to royalty? Or has your old brain rotted in your

old head?" I hissed back, to say I was pissed was an under statement. My insect colony reacted to my anger

and started to swarm around my body as a warning. The old lady looked startled and backed up. "What are

you doing here anyway?" she asked. " I was aloud to leave to become a ninja, that's all, I'm sorry that I

startled you. I'm guessing your ninjas from Kohana." They all nodded. "Where are you from?" The boy with

the stripes said. "From here, the insect forest. There is colonies of people like me who live there" My feet

started to hurt, do to the fact that I had wings; I rarely spent time on my feet. "Tea, this is Kiba, Hinata and my

Sensei" Shino pointed out to each of them. "where are you heading Tea?" Kiba asked. "to tell you the truth, I

don't know, I just left my clan and have to where to go" I think I sounded sound, or maybe they just took pity

on me but they led me to Kohana, Shino said there leader probably wouldn't mind having you live there, where

ever there was.

well that was it, short, but hay its the prolog.