Reviews: Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter!

Ok, now this is really the last chapter to this fic. A little longer than I expected but I'm happy with it.

"So that's what has been happening," Rick concluded as he and Kai are seated in the lobby of the large PPA building.

"And Emily had the audacity to look shocked when Michael blew up at her?" Kai asks with an annoyed expression evident on his face.

"Yeah," Rick nods. "It was a classic though."

"I wish I could have seen it," Kai agrees. "Anyway where is Michael now?"

"Truth be told, I'm not sure," Rick admits as he climbs to his feet and stretches. "I suppose I should get off my ass and have a look."

"I'll come too."

… … … … …

Michael sat on a park bench soaked to the bone but he doesn't care. His arms hung limply by his sides as his chin rested on his chest. The small droplets of tears mingled with the rain. Never in his life has he thought that he would be so emotional as he is right now. Is he loosing it?


Slowly Michael raises his head in the direction of the voice. It sounds familiar. It kinda sounds like Tala but it couldn't be, there was way too much concern in this person's voice to be him. This person must be looking for another Michael, there is no one he knows that would be this concerned for him.


It was that voice again. Michael looks up into the face of the person who was calling his name. He felt his head tilt to the side in confusion. "Tala?"

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Tala said, concern edged in his voice. "You'll get sick."

"Like you care," Michael finds himself sneering.

"Stop it," Tala snaps, his eyes angry. "Stop hiding."

"Hiding?" Michael whispers. He slowly leans forward to get into a seating position and then stand on his feet. "Who says I'm hiding anything?"

"The truth for starters," Tala replies firmly and stands in front of him. "I want you to tell me why you feared going back to the PPA. And I want to know now."

"No," Michael snaps. "You won't tell me why you're here so why should I tell you anything?"

"The reason I'm here is because of Boris." Tala replies, hissing the name. "An agent of the BBA heard him ranting and raving about us so decided to would be best for us to leave the country and move to America for a bit, just until things cool down. Now, it's your turn."

"Boris?" Michael asks in a hush whisper. He suddenly bows his head, letting his chin hit his chest again. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Cause it's pathetic," he whispers again. "I'm pathetic," he suddenly gasps when he felt Tala move forward and embrace him, pulling him up against him, his hands trapped against the strong warm chest. It wasn't until that moment did he realize how cold it really is. He shivers and leans into the chest for warmth.

"You're not pathetic," Tala whispers into his ear.

"Yes, I am," Michael sobs. "I can't do anything right, I'm a complete loser whose only talents involve being able to throw a ball."

"Stop being so hard on yourself. You have many talents, it's not you fault that those around don't give you the opportunity to prove yourself," Tala lifts a hand and gently runs his fingers through the bleach blond hair, even though it is wet it's still soft to the touch.

"How do I prove myself?" Michael asks, lifting his head off of Tala's chest to look sadly into his eyes. "What do I do?"

"I can give you opportunities," Tala says. Those big sad eyes tugging viciously at his heart strings. "But to me, you have nothing to prove."

Michael felt his eyes widen as the arms around him tighten, bringing him closer to the warmth. "Tala," He whispers.

He didn't realize that he is leaning forward until their lips met in a soft kiss. The kiss is light, a mere pressing of the lips, the other unsure how the other would react. When he felt no negative reaction he presses a little harder against those lips, gently running his tongue over them.

A soft gasp is heard and lips parted. Michael felt blood rush to his cheeks when Tala deepens the kiss, his tongue moving passionately over his, his arms tightening around him, pulling him further into the kiss.

The kiss is so deep and passionate that the two of them never realize that they had company. Spencer and Bryan look on at the scene bewildered and bemused. They share a glace that said 'what should we do?' only to shrug in response. They decided to step into to the shadows and wait for them to pull apart. How ever long that will be.

Reluctantly the passionate couple part, the ferocity of the kiss still lingering on their lips. Michael lowers his eyes to the ground in embarrassment, only to have Tala tilt his chin up again.

"How did you know?" Michael whispers.

"It was something I've known a long time but never acknowledged," Tala replies. "Luckily Kai was more than willing to point it out to me."

"What happens now?"

"What do you want to happen?"

Michael swallows thickly. "I… I want you to kiss me again," He whispers.

Tala smirks, then leans forward, placing his lips on Michael's once again. This kiss, unlike the first was strong and passionate, a war of dominance played out before Tala became the victor and invades Michael's warm interior of his mouth.

Bryan sniggers to his boyfriend, looking smug as the two of them slowly snuck away. "You own me fifty buck, Spencer."

"Damn," Spencer mutters, fishing his pocket for the money. "He always has to interfere, doesn't he?"

"And he doesn't want to half the time!" Bryan sniggers again.

… … … … …

Rick and Kai walk quickly through the streets, into the blinding rain. Rick is having no trouble with the rain but Kai is having a difficult time seeing because his bangs would constantly fall down over his eyes, blocking his view. Rick stops suddenly causing Kai to run into him.

"Hey, you could have at least told me you were going to stop," Kai complained.

"It's not my fault you can't see," Rick retorts.

Kai sends him a sour look but it is hampered by the fact that his hair clung to his face, making his look extremely hot, sexy and bothered, and Rick found himself staring.

"Why did you stop anyway?" Kai asks, snapping Rick from his very near nose bleed.

"I thought I saw something," he replies, turning away from the shorter teen.

"Where?" Kai asks, looking around the bulky teen. He squints at where Rick was looking and soon notices a silhouette of two people walking towards them. "Is that Michael?"

Rick shrugs. "We'll find out in a minute," A moment later the silhouette became clearer to reveal Tala and Michael. Tala had his arm wrap securely around the young American's waist, holding him close.

The pair soon reach them. There was an awkward silence between them, but then-

"What the hell are you two doing out here?" Kai asks, scowling them like a mother to a child. "You'll catch your death a cold."

"Don't worry," Tala says. "We were just heading back to warm up," He than gave the two a cocky, wolf-like grin.

Rick glares at him while Kai looks slightly confused. He then realizes what Tala really meant behind those words.

"Arg," he groans. "Not another couple I have to put up with."

Rick suddenly looks down at the teen with a slightly predatory gaze. "I can offer you a place to stay for a while," He says slyly. He than grabs him by the wrist and drags him in the opposite direction.

"What?" Kai asks as he stumbles over his feet. "What are you doing?"

Tala and Michael snigger to themselves, before Tala turns Michael around in his arms and up against his chest. "It's time to let the masks drop," He whispers before gathering Michael's lips in another kiss.

There, finished! Wooo, I can start something else now. I wasn't going to give Kai a pairing but decided to throw a smudging of Rick/Kai at the end there, why? Because I'm a harmless little nutcase. Slightly shorter than the other chapters, but I don't mind. Well, anyway I hope you enjoyed it.

Please review!