Last season, Princess Lynn Hyrule, under the guise of Lynn Hero, enrolled at the prestigious Duel Academy to learn the game of Duel Monsters. Meeting friends from all three of the dorms located on the island, Lynn and her friend Lucia battled valiantly to prove themselves as worthy duelists. Eventually, Lynn and Lucia along with their friends Jaden, Zane, Alexis, Bastion and Dr. Stratton, were entrusted with a vital task.

All seven were asked to protect the Sacred Beast Cards from evil forces. With the guidance of their friends (And a little help from the Queen of Hyrule), Lynn and Jaden fought the leaders of the Shadow Riders and proved that their wills were strong enough to defeat the evil powers the Sacred Beasts commanded. Their exploits saved the world from destruction and united Lucia with her long lost parents, whom she thought were dead.

The battle also gave Lynn a rare opportunity: The chance to compete in the World League if she could beat the best duelist at Duel Academy and her good friend, Zane. In a climatic battle that pushed Lynn's skills to the limit, Lynn once more proved her worth and bested Zane.

Now three months have passed and Lynn is now eighteen years old. Her birthday has just passed and her training has been completed and the Hylian now faces her first match of the World League season…


Somewhere in the vast city of New York, a black limo is driving through the late evening traffic. While most carried dignitaries from foreign countries, this one had a special insignia on the doors. The insignia resembled a globe with two rings around it. Inside sat a white-haired man in a black tuxedo, his glistening green eyes locked on a blond-haired girl sitting across front of him.

"So Eugene, can you tell me about my opponent?" the girl asked, "I want to be ready for my first match."

"I wish I could Lynn but since you're new to the World League, your opponent is chosen randomly," Eugene replied, "But as you grow in the ranks, you will get to choose your matches." He then reached inside of a white plastic bag and pulled out a glistening silver duel disk. Embedded near the life point counter was the World League symbol.

"This is yours. I picked it out myself," Eugene grinned, handing it to Lynn, "And it matches your outfit nicely." Lynn reached out and slipped the device over her left wrist. Tightening the clasp over her cobalt glove, she held her arm up to glance at her reflection in the shining plastic of the duel disk. Her dark blue eyes glistened like diamonds alongside the sapphire earrings she wore.

"Thanks. I will put this to good use," Lynn grinned as the limo pulled in front of a large stadium in the center of the city. A footman opened the door to the limo as Lynn stepped out. Cameras flashed as the teen duelist walked down the red carpet path to the building.


"Ladies and gentlemen! We welcome you all to the new season of the World League competition!" A tuxedo-wearing referee shouted. Standing in the center of a circular arena lit by dozens of multicolored lights, the sight was dazzling as the referee continued.

"Tonight folks is the preliminary rounds for our new World League contenders. They've been training around the clock getting ready to find out if they have what it takes to compete with the big duelists! So let's begin with our first two contenders! On the red side, we have the tamer of trap cards… the duke of devastating Duel Monsters… Hailing from Austin, Texas… Big Tom Anthony!" Coming in through one of two ground entrances was a muscular man about six feet in height. Garbed in a red plaid shirt, faded dungarees and brown leather cowboy boots, his facial features were hidden underneath the ten-gallon hat he wore.

"And on the blue side, we have the powerhouse princess… the queen of fusion… Hailing from Neo City, Hyrule… Lynn Hero!" Taking that as her cue, Lynn walked into the stadium, entering from the opposite side. Looking up at her opponent, Lynn's gaze locked with Tom's brown eyes. The two pulled out their decks and handed them to each other.

"Little lady, I'm giving you one chance to back out," Tom said as he shuffled her deck, "No woman can withstand the power of Big Tom."

"Until today," Lynn replied, as she handed back her opponent's deck. Lynn took hers back as well as she slotted it into her duel disk. The two stepped back to their marks as they awaited the judge's call.

"Alright! The decks are shuffled and the trash talk has begun! The judges have decided that Big Tom will go first and so with that, let the duel begin!" The referee announced. The life points counters on Lynn's and Tom's duel disks reset to 4000 as they both drew five cards.


"It's time to show you the power of Texas!" Tom declared, drawing a card, "And one thing about Texas is that we have a lot of wise people, and so I'll introduce you to my friend, Mercury, the Agent of Wisdom (DEF: 1700)!" Sparkling lights glowed brightly as a blue angel-like monster appeared on the field. Having green-tinted skin and a yellow tome in hand, it didn't look like an ordinary angel.

"And I'll also place five cards facedown on the field to end my turn," Tom added as he emptied his hand, "So are you ready to give up?" Lynn snapped the top card off her deck and grinned.

"Hardly!" Lynn replied as she studied her hand.

"Well you will be after I play my facedown: A powerful trap known as the Tower of Babel!" Tom announced as a large stone tower appeared on the side of the arena.

"A stone tower… That's supposed to make me give up?"

"It will when you start playing spell cards! Each time a spell activates, this tower gets a little less sturdy, until it finally falls and inflicts 3000 points of damage!" Tom explained, "It takes four spells to knock down, whether they be my spells or yours but whoever plays the fourth spell card will take all the damage!"

"Then allow me to start disassembling it for you now! I play Polymerization and with it, I can fuse together…" Lynn began, holding up her spell card.

"Hold it right there little lady! We got laws in our country and my Mask of Restrict will ban your fusion power!" Tom countered again, a grotesque mask appearing on his field, "You have to sacrifice monsters to summon a fusion monster so your fusion card is no more!" Grimacing, Lynn discarded the spell as the stone tower began to wobble a little.

"I still got plenty of moves left so I summon Four Sword Emerald Hero (ATK: 1900) in attack mode!" the Hylian declared, a green tunic wearing swordsman appearing on the field. Swinging an emerald-bladed sword, Lynn's creature strongly resembled her.

"Now Emerald Hero, attack Mercury with emerald blade strike!" The swordsman nodded as it leapt into the air, sword poised for the killing blow.

"Sheath your weapon girl! I'll cancel your attack with Negate Attack!" A barrier of light appeared around Tom's monster as Lynn's swordsman struck, sending it flying back to its mistress' side.

"Curses!" Lynn swore, glancing into her hand, "I place a facedown and end my turn."

"Very well," Tom smiled, drawing two cards, "Since my hand was empty when you ended your turn, my agent of wisdom lets me draw an extra card. Plus, I'm activating another trap card, Needle Wall! At the start of my turn, I get to roll a die and if the number I roll matches the placement of a monster on your duel disk, I can destroy that monster." The referee walked over to the cowboy and handed him a white die. Grinning, he threw the die into the center of the arena, its result a four.

Luckily, my monster can only be destroyed if he rolls a five. Lynn thought as Tom slotted in a facedown.

"Now I think I'll give you another lesson about Texas: Everybody looks good in Texas and I like to be one up on the boys which is why I always carry a mirror with me," Tom continued.

"Is there a reason you're telling me this?" Lynn asked, getting annoyed.

"You didn't let me finish. As I was saying, I always keep a mirror with me and I'll let you see it," Tom replied as a red-winged monster appeared on the field. Its body was constructed from multiple mirrors and its hands were sitting idle.

"Meet my friend Reflect Bounder (ATK: 1700)! And if you break him, you'll get something worse than bad luck!"

"I'm well aware of what your mirrored friend does," Lynn replied, "If I attack him with a monster, I take damage equal to the attack points of the monster I attacked with but in case you didn't notice, I still have full life points."

"And so do I so I'm ending my turn," Tom finished.

"About time," the teenager replied, drawing a card, "I summon Four Sword Ruby Hero (ATK: 1800) in attack mode!" Appearing next to Lynn's green-clad swordsman was a red-clad one, bearing a crimson blade.

"And now my two monsters will empty your field! Attack!" The Texan duelist frowned as the Ruby Hero destroyed the agent of wisdom but he quickly smiled as Lynn's other swordsman pierced Reflect Bounder's mirror.

"Foolish girl! Attacking Reflect Bounder has triggered its effect so say goodbye to nearly half of your life points!" Tom warned (LP: 4000 – 200) as the mirrors on Reflect Bounder began to glow. They then fired a beam of energy that struck Lynn in the chest (LP: 4000 – 1900).

"I… I end my turn," Lynn grimaced as she stood up straight.

"You should just give up," Tom insisted, as his die roll missed again, "Because it gets much worse! I play Pot of Greed and draw two more cards." Tom snapped off two cards and grinned as the Tower of Babel began to sway some more.

"Now allow me to show you the power of Texas! I call to the field my Berserk Gorilla (ATK: 2000)!" Lynn said nothing as a large ape appeared on the field, its fur tinged red.

"And he doesn't cater to my foes! Destroy the Ruby Hero with gorilla grapple!" The big primate let out a furious cry as it bounded towards Lynn's monster, but before it could strike, a rocky warrior, clad in a green cap and loincloth appeared and socked it in the face with a fiery fist (ATK: 2000 – 800).

"What the? How did that monster get on the field?"

"Easy! I activated my facedown card, a trap known as To The Rescue!" Lynn replied, gesturing to the card she had on the field, "It activated when you attacked my hero. With it, my Four Sword Goron Hero (ATK: 1900) appeared and blocked the blow. And since Goron Hero was summoned, his effect activated, relieving your monster of 800 attack points."

"I'm not impressed… In fact, I think I'll take another shot at your heroes with my Needle Wall!"

"How? Needle Wall can only be used at the start of your turn."

"With this, I get one more shot!" Tom replied as his facedown card revealed itself, "My Wall Shift trap card can let me use Needle Wall one time at the end of my turn." Lynn frowned as the judge gave Tom another white die. He tossed it onto the field and to her dismay, it landed on a four. She then watched as spiked walls appeared and enveloped the Goron Hero, destroying him in a small explosion.

"My hero!" Lynn cried as the smoke dissipated, "You'll pay for that." The girl drew a card and smirked at her draw.

"I'm going to keep my money thanks and seeing as how I'm in danger of losing my life points, I'll activate another facedown card," Tom interrupted, "My Emergency Provisions will allow me to sacrifice any spells or traps on my field and then I gain 1000 life points per card. So I'll bid farewell to my Mask of Restrict and my Needle Wall (LP: 3800 + 2000)!" Lynn gasped as the two cards vanished but to her dismay, the Tower of Babel was shaking terribly.

Three spells have been played. If I play another spell card, the tower will collapse on me and I'll lose 3000 life points. That's enough damage to end the duel in Tom's favor. Lynn analyzed as she reached into her hand.

"I place a facedown and then I'll call my Divine Dragon Ragnarok (ATK: 1500) to the field!" the teen declared, a large pink dragon appearing on the field, towering over Lynn's two heroes, "Now my dragon, clear the field of his big ape! Holy flame stream!" Tom braced himself as Lynn's dragon set the field ablaze with pink-white flames, scorching the ape into ashes (LP: 5800 – 300).

"Now boys! Get him while he's defenseless! Cross slash strike!" Lynn continued, her two swordsmen holding their swords into the air. They began to glow as they fired an X-shaped blast at the Texan, inflicting heavy damage to him (LP: 5500 – 3700).

"It looks like you're the one that should give up," Lynn noticed as she ended her turn, "The only card you have out is your Tower of Babel and you're holding just one card in your hand." Tom let out a grunt of anger as he drew.

"Not for long! We Americans don't give up when the chips are down and my deck has the same courage built into it. I place a facedown and summon a warrior monster of my own: Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight (ATK: 2300)!" Tom countered as a new monster appeared on the field. A knight in blue armor, carrying two red lances let out a war cry as his purple horse pawed the ground. He urged his horse forward and before Lynn could do anything, it buried one of its lances into Lynn's Ruby Hero (LP: 2100 – 500).

Not good! Because Gaia was the only card in his hand, he was able to summon it without sacrificing anything! Lynn thought as Tom began waving to the cheering crowds.

"Face it! I have one of my best monsters out, my Tower prevents you from playing any spells and I've got more life points than you! It's over!" Tom announced, the crowd cheering as he pointed at his opponent, "You never had a chance against Big Tom Anthony!"

"Actually, I think I have a pretty good chance of winning this duel. It's true that you have more life points, a stronger monster and have negated the usage of any spells I may play, but I know there's a way out of this!" Lynn insisted, drawing a card, "And I've got the perfect thing to silence your protests!" The girl pointed to her facedown card as it revealed itself.

"Oh no! Any card but that!"

"Oh yes! My facedown is the trap card Rapid Polymer! Since I have two fusion compatible monsters on my field, I can sacrifice them to summon a fusion monster from my deck!" Lynn grinned as Divine Dragon Ragnarok enveloped the Emerald Hero in its flames, "Now say hello to my Emerald Wolf!" The audience gasped as the green-clad warrior transformed. In his place was a four-legged wolf; its fur tinted a combination of green and gray. Letting off a low growl, its sapphire eyes were locked on Tom's horseman.

"And guess what Tom? My wolf has more points than your knight!" Lynn announced (ATK: 2500).

"2500 attack points?!" The Texan stammered.

"Now put those points to use! Knock that knight off its horse with pulverizing pounce!" Lynn commanded, punching the air ahead of her dramatically. Her wolf let out a mournful howl as it leapt forward.

"Time to put a leash on your mutt! I play my Mirror Force trap card!" Tom snarled, a wall of rainbow-colored light forming in front of his monster, "This card will destroy your pathetic dog before it touches my knight." Everyone watched in expectation as the wolf butted its head against the wall.

"Now do you see how hopeless your…" But Tom was cut off as cracks appeared in his barrier.

"My barrier is weakening? But how could your flea-ridden mutt crack my shield?"

"He's not cracking your shield," Lynn laughed, "He's destroying it!" With that, the barrier shattered into thousands of shards as the Emerald Wolf buried its teeth and claws into Gaia's neck, taking it out.

"This can't be!" Tom cried (LP: 1800 – 200).

"Oh it is! My wolf possesses such a strong will, he can't be stopped by your trap cards," Lynn explained, "But by the look on your face, your will has been destroyed just like your shield! Not that I blame you. That barrier was your last defense and with the Tower of Babel still out, drawing a spell card would end the duel for you."

She's right! If I draw a spell or trap now, I'll lose! Tom realized as he reached for the top card of his deck, oh please! I need a monster! The frightened duelist snapped off his card and winced.

"By the look on your face, I say you drew a spell card," Lynn noticed as Tom stared at his Graceful Charity card. The boy slumped to his knees as he passed his turn.

"It looks like Big Tom Anthony's at a loss for words… This ought to get you to speak up! Emerald Wolf attack and end this duel!" The boy looked up as the wolf bounded into him, wiping out his life points. The crowds went ballistic as the wolf let out a long howl.

"And the winner, with a stunning finish, is Lynn Hero!" The referee announced, as he walked over to the victor, "So Lynn? How does it feel to be inaugurated into the World League?"

"It feels great, and so my opponent's better look out! This girl isn't just a pretty face! She's a powerhouse princess who will give any duelist a king-sized butt kicking!" Lynn announced, driving the crowd into a frenzy.

"We got a feisty one here ladies and gents! With competitors like Lynn out here, anything can happen so stay tuned!"


Jaden: Year two is beginning!

Syrus: New students are arriving!

Alexis: And so are old enemies: Chazz is back from training at North Academy.

Lucia: And he's already dueling a freshman from the Slifer dorms…

Bastion: Hey! Isn't that…

Atticus: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh GX Legacy of Lynn: The Newcomer!

Alexis: That's a big dragon!