May We Never Forget
Summary – This is set during and after the 9/11 attacks. Buffy's father was a fire fighter along with her uncle; this is all I am giving away. Bangel AU.
Dedication – All those who lost there lives and for the civilians and firemen who risked there lives that day. You are heroes.
Disclaimer – I do not own Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Angel just using them for my story.
Distribution – ANYONE can use this as long as they don't say they wrote it. If you want it say Natalie Free wrote it and my email address is – Is always appreciated!
A/N – I AM going to carry on with 'Take A Look At Me Now' but this is a very important fic that I am going to complete first!
A/N 2 – I hate song fics but I am going to put parts of songs at the start or when someone is listening to a song. Please read the music!
Start date – September 11th 2006 the 5th anniversary 7:23PM
End date – September 11th 2007 the 6th anniversary (hopefully if not it will be the year after)
Chapter 1 – Default chapter
Can we try again to start
A new and lovely story that will
Shine a ray of light upon our hearts
And bring back long lost glory
Of how it used to be
Baby you and me
Convinced we were each others destiny
My heart cries out to you
You must not hear me
I've been dancing in the dark
And searching for a spark
The fires still burning
I believe we'll make it through
If you stand by me
We can weather any storm
And keep each other warm
As long as there's love
Dancing In The Dark by DJ Cammy
Buffy Summers woke up in a cold sweat; she glanced over at her clock, which read 5:22AM. Most people would be worried by this but not Buffy. In fact it was like a part of her daily schedule, ever since that tragic day she had woken up from nightmares of the past. It was a feeling she took with her everywhere, she felt incomplete and lost. Groaning she swung her legs from her bed knowing like always she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.
She dressed quickly in a black tank top and some black tracksuit bottoms then pulled her silky blonde hair into a ponytail. She got washed and started applying some subtle makeup and then some mascara.
Buffy jumped suddenly causing her to get mascara around her eye. She looked down and laughed at the innocent look of her husky Tundra. Her full name was Tundra's secret but everyone called her Tundra. Buffy's father had found her one-day on his way back from the groceries. They had taken her straight to the vets and everyone believed she was going to die. But somehow she had managed to pull through and had been Buffy's faithful companion ever since. They had named her Tundra because she was found in the snow and secret because she seemed to know things before the happened and her past was a secret.
"God girl, please don't do that again," Buffy said laughing and rubbing Tundra behind the ears. After she had fixed her makeup she went for a jog to walk Tundra. That was the one problem with a husky. She needed tons and tons of exercise. It was easier when Buffy's dad was around. Sometimes Buffy would take her and sometimes him. She also had a good nights sleep back then.
Buffy smiled when she saw Doris, her seventy two year old neighbour, doing some gardening. Her garden was her pride and joy ever since her husband died and her children moved away. After a quick hello Buffy stated jogging up the road with Tundra at her heel. The air outside was crisp and cold in the early morning and Buffy wished she had brought a jumper.
She took her usual route that led to a public footpath with some fields where Tundra could run around and chase the rabbits. She would never hurt one though, she was too kind natured. The path then went on to a narrow path that came out beside the local fire-fighter station.
After Tundra had had a good run around and had a wet nose, a panting tail and a wagging tail Buffy decided it was time to head on. She brought her fingers to her mouth and let out a loud whistle.
"Come on T we gunna go see uncle Billy," Buffy didn't even realise she was using Faiths nickname for her dog. Faith, Buffy's older sister, had a habit of shortening people's names. Buffy was 'B' and Tundra 'T'.
When she got to the fire station she was pleased to see a red gleaming fire engine parked in the garage. It was ready waiting day or night, ready for a rescue or to help fight a blazing fire. Buffy's uncle and father used to ride 'lucky red' together and they saved many lives on her. Tundra automatically jumped inside and lay down on the seat. She missed Hank just as much as Buffy did.
As Buffy walked past she ran her delicate fingers across the golden gleam. She could remember how her father would polish it until you could see you face on it. He was so proud of what he had accomplished after coming from a rough background himself. She walked over to a cupboard behind the fire engine and got out some polish and a cloth. She did it how her father had moving her arms in circular motions. After about half an hour the metal door on the left side of the room opened with a clinking sound. Tundra's ears pricked but Buffy didn't even notice anyone enter the room. She was too busy trying to make the fire engine look perfect.
"She's a beauty ain't she?' Said a rough voice from behind her. Buffy turned around grinning as she recognised the voice. Stood behind her was a man in his early-forties. He wore a fireman's outfit. His face had wrinkles that made him look older than he was. He spoke grouchily but Buffy knew him better. She often called him the grouchy bear but he was really a cuddly bear.
""She is magnificent," Buffy said answering his question. She walked over to him and hugged her father's older brother.
"So Buffy my girl where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages," Billy asked his niece.
"Sorry I have just been really busy with school and stuff. Especially now I have started college. Forgive me?" She asked pouting and giving him the puppy dog look. It had always worked on him and her dad.
"Always," He answered grinning at her child like behaviour. It felt like old times when they used to kid about. He looked at his watch to find it was only 6:31AM. "Buffy?" He asked her seriously.
"Yes?" She answered quietly.
"Did you have another nightmare sweety?" He asked squeezing her arm. He knew what the answer was going to be and he himself had nightmare often.
"You know I always have them," Buffy answered feeling down all of a sudden. She wanted to escape reality but whenever she tried it came back to her.
"Well I had the nightshift and Joel is already in the office so I am now free to go. Fancy treating me to a coffee?" Billy asked slyly trying to make her happy again.
"I'd love to uncle Bill as long as I get to choose where," Buffy agreed.
"Joel I'm off now I will see you tomorrow," Billy shouted. After he heard a reply he checked his beeper, which he kept in case of an emergency.
"Come on T," Buffy called. Tundra jumped down effortlessly from the vehicle and followed. Buffy drove them to a tiny café that had only just opened. She had been meaning to check it out for a while and now was the perfect excuse.
They took their seats on one of the tables outside and waited for the waitress to come. Buffy had a cappuccino and Billy had a coffee.
The waitress came back with their orders a few minutes later. "Would you like me to get you some water for you dog?" the waitress asked kindly glancing down to where Tundra was lying at their feet.
"Yes please," Buffy replied taking a sip of her cappuccino.
"So what's school like? Any special guy?" Uncle Billy asked grinning. Buffy always had guy's attention.
"Schools okay and no I don't have a boyfriend," Buffy sighed. Her mum had died giving birth to her and her dad had been killed five years ago. At 19 she lived in a small flat with her friends Xander and Willow. He other friends were Cordelia, a spoilt rotten girl who does have her moments though and faith her older sister, who was currently in L.A. She was coming home in a few days. The other person was Spike, Faith's boyfriend. As much as she trusted them she wouldn't let herself get too attached. The world can be a terrible place and you never know when you might lose someone.
There we go. My first chapter in my ongoing AU Bangel fic! I LOVE HUSKIES!
Shorter than I intended but I wanted to finish this chapter before the next day and as I type it is now 11:58PM so I finished it just in time but it will come out later on FF. Then again America is 5 hours behind us so technically I am on time lol.
Promise it will get more exciting and we are gunna have some flashbacks and Angel till needs to be introduced so yeh…I have tons of ideas for this story so please review and I will definitely be updating soon and maybe editing this chapter!
I own Uncle Billy and Tundra (Yay for huskiness)
Today was a sad day for all countries. We mourn the loss of some great people. That day they tried to break us. But really they made us stronger. Normal civilians became heroes and those who lost their lives shall never be forgotten. Countries have worked together to help bring justice and although the road is long and we seem far away from justice we will get it. We are proud to be friends of the United States of America.