
Disclaimer: don't own HP.

A/N: LV/HG drunken drabble. Forgive grammar and spelling, just wrote it on wordpad and didn't feel like the hassel of editing.

Pathetically, I lay before him. He is my god.

I deny this, but it doesn't matter. He knows everything.

I think it's why I keep coming back, for his knowledge, for the power he offers me.

At least that's what I tell myself. Because if it's for the other things we do...then I could never forgive myself.

Why do I lie to myself? I'll never be able to forgive myself for any of this.

I don't even know how it started. I was convinced I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. That I was a victim fallen for my captor.

But I see it in his gleaming red eyes, he knows, he knows I'm too strong for that. He knows I had already been waiting for him, long before he made me his prisoner.

He knows I keep coming back, in the dark of the night, breaking through the intricately woven wards for the feeling of his delicate, masterful touch.

That and the power. He told me that there is no good and evil, just power and those to weak to see it...or something like that. I tried to banish it from my mind.

It rang too true. Above all I try to remind myself, he is the enemy, he could posion my mind against my cause. But it's an addiction. I need him. I need his power.

My name is Hermione Granger. I'm the brains of the Golden Trio. Hogwarts' protoge.

And Lord Voldemort's lover.