A/N: Read the whole chapter please and don't stop because it seems boring!

Chapter 1: Hermione Granger, Wife of...

DISCLAIMER: Do I really need to say this? I don't have pool full of money because I don't own Harry Potter. He is all JK Rowling (genius that she is) and she will forever own him EVEN if she does kill him…(murderer). Chapter 1: Meet The Family

Hermione opened her eyes and removed the arm that had been flung across her eyes last night. The sunlight from the now-opened curtain window danced upon her face as she looked to her right and couldn't find what she had been looking for. She turned over to her left and squinted as she looked out the long window at the West side of the Garden. She could see a house elf working on some plants and if she looked hard, there was a hint of a large wall somewhere on the horizon. Many tall trees were visible behind the wall too. Hermione pushed herself up and pulled her gold colored comforter off. She swung her lugs unto the side of the large king bed and got up to walk over to the small antique dressing table and mirror.

As she brushed her wavy brown hair, she stared at her reflection. She stared at her gaunt eyes and her pale skin and tried, as she did everyday, to find some depth in the blank hazel eyes. She looked over her body, covered with a velvet robe, - it would have been pretty, had it not looked so unhealthy. Her eyes picked out the faults; they could see the loneliness she was drowning in.

Hermione swept her eyes over the reflection of the bedroom behind her. There was the bed to the side of the dressing table; it was a Victorian antique canopy bed with a goose feather mattress. The headboard, though, was the grandest thing about the bed. It was a lovely, long, and semicircle-shaped and on the bottom, had the carvings of snakes. To the bed's side was the window spoken of earlier. To the left of the dressing table was a small, a short little hall way that had floor-to-ceiling glass doors, which opened out into a beautiful balcony that over looked the west side of the 7-acre land. There were tons of tall oaks, river groves, and even some redwoods. This side of the terrain even displayed a large lake.

If you walked further down the hall, there came the way to another room- this one contained the large, lavish bathroom and two wardrobes.

There was a fireplace in front of the Bed and reclining chair to the left of it. Above the mantle of this Victorian fireplace was the portrait of an infamous wizard. All of this furniture and more was placed on a dark red carpet. Opposite of the small hallway side of the room was a large doorway leading out into the main corridor and to the left of the doorway; there was a framed painting. On each side of the bed there were side tables. One of the tables exhibited a book, a quill and a lamp. The other, two books, a quill, a wand, and a framed photo.

Hermione finished brushing her hair and went to bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face and went back into the bedroom. After noting the time which was 8:20 am, Hermione grabbed her wand and apparated to the breakfast Room in the left wing.

Since this room was only meant for the first meal of the day, it was quite smaller than the bedroom or the Lunch/Dinner Hall or even the Banquet Hall. She arrived at the table and saw the finished plate of food at one chair. It was a circular glass table and the room was also slightly circular too, one side looked out the same floor-to-ceiling windows at the sprawling garden and the middle of the room held the breakfast table. The other side had a painting on the wall and a large doorway leading out to some rooms, one of which was the way to the kitchens.

The table was already set with a basket of bread and butter. The other basket contained blueberry muffins. The rest Hermione would have to ask for.

She tapped her fingers on the table after she had sat down and after a while Hermione called out, "Hanky!"

Hanky was Hermione's favorite house-elf, whom she had really gotten to know when she came here. This particular elf suddenly appeared in front of Hermione, making her jump.

"I'll never get used to that." Hermione said as she gave a small smile.

"Hanky wishes to know what Madam would like for breakfast today." Hanky said as she bowed.

"Err. Well, I'll have some toast and juice. Not hungry really. Thank You". Hermione grabbed a muffin and took a bite from it.

"But Madam is never hungry, madam should eat more. I will get more for you." Said Hanky concernedly.

Hermione nodded absently and chewed her muffin as she looked out the glass windows. More of the vast garden spread out before her. Hermione closed her eyes and enjoyed the quiet until she heard a pop and opened her eyes to find that the food had arrived.

Suddenly Hanky appeared, surprising Hermione just like the previous time.

"Would Miss like anything more?"

Hermione shook her head, "Actually Hanky, I probably won't be able to finish all of this. But, I did want to ask you though…where is your Master?"

"Master is sitting outside. He is saying that he wants to have breakfast outside."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Please."

Hanky gave her Mistress a nervous smile and disappeared, leaving Hermione to finish eating her breakfast in silence.

Hermione left the room and apparated. Her plate had, after all, been half-finished. She apparated back to their bedroom and went into her wardrobe room to find something to wear for the day. Of, course she had an immense amount of clothes, both muggle and witch-suited, why else would Hermione GRANGER have a ROOM for a wardrobe?

There were various wall-to-floor vanity-things and Hermione randomly picked one of the several different cupboards, not caring if it contained muggle or witch outfits.

She opened the cupboard to find out that this cupboard contained muggle clothes and picked out a top and jeans, not forgetting to take the towel with her.

When she came out 25 minutes later with a towel around her head, Hermione was wearing a brown velvet top with pink flowers she didn't know she had and some dark blue jeans.

'And what do I plan to do today?…Diagon Alley…no…oh I know!'

She walked past the large windows to her dresser and took out her towel. Hermione combed through her wet, tangled hair and when all the tangles were out, she cast a spell on it.

"Dies Rectus".

Her hair immediately straightened and she apparated.

He lazed out in the sunlight and read his paper while drinking a cup of coffee. The sunlight streamed down on this pale man's face and highlighted the steel blue eyes that were carefully masking his emotions 24/7.

Blond, wispy hair fell onto the handsome man's face and a figure-fitting white shirt displayed the carefully toned abdominal muscles.

The peace was suddenly disturbed and the steel eyes flashed with annoyance and the figure turned.

When he saw who was coming, the man turned back to the paper indifferently.

Hermione walked through their carefully manicured lawn and stood in front of Draco Malfoy, her husband.

Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy was whom she was married to.


A/N: Well, so what do you think? If this chapter seemed a little boring, sorry… I didn't mean to make it like that so just see this story through. I just like to describe places so that's what I did.