Lilian slipped quietly out of her office, glancing around to make sure no one was watching. Once she was certain the area was clear, she headed straight towards the interrogation room.

"Garcia, what do you think you're doing?"

She cringed at the sound of her boss' bellowing voice. "I uh, I was going to interrogate Shelton?"

"I don't think so; you're not ready for this."

"But sir, I've spent the past three days behind my desk, I can't handle it any longer."

"You're still injured, I should just send you home."

The blonde officer sighed, working her uninjured hand through her hair. "Please, I'm positive that I can handle this."

Vince crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I'll call Charlie to get him out of the cell."

Lilian grinned. "Thank you, Captain."

"Yeah, yeah, but let's keep this under wraps, alright?"


Just a few minutes later, Lilian was sitting across from a handcuffed and shackled Shelton. She had to bite her tongue to keep from smirking.

"Save it," he spat out.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't need to listen to your bullshit, Garcia. I put up with it for too damn long. I'm glad I shot that punk you call a partner."

Lilian could feel her blood begin to heat. She pursed her lips. "Oh?"

Shelton scoffed, mimicking her as he spat, "Oh?" in a high falsetto. Before she could answer, he continued, "I am just sorry about one thing though, Garcia."

"Yeah, what's that?" Lilian challenged.

"That I didn't break your fucking shoulder."

Lilian did smirk this time, settling down in a chair across from the disgraced police officer. "Yeah, well, Shelton, you never really could get the job done," she said casually, propping her chin up with her uninjured arm.

Shelton merely blinked, hatred in his eyes as he looked at the Detective. "What's it matter to you? You got the bad guy, you kissed ass, and now you're getting a promotion. Congratulations, Garcia. I guess the whole fucking state of Delaware can throw a party now."

"Oh but Shelton I can't do that now, after all, the asshole, sorry, guest of honor won't be there."

Shelton smirked. "Aww don't worry Garcia, I'm sure Joey won't die before then.

Unless I get to him first at least..."

Her green eyes filled with anger. "You will not lay another finger on my partner. And if you do? I'll gladly make sure it'll be the last move you ever make."

"What's wrong, did I hit a nerve? I thought you hated the lackey?"

The small blonde cringed, knowing full and well how she originally felt about Joey. "Feelings change, just like the ones for you. All that respect has turned to hatred, and I have no clue why I'm even wasting my breath on you, you sorry son of a bi-"



"Cool it." And with that, Vince left.

Lilian's eyes narrowed again.

"You know, McMahon isn't always going to be here to save your sorry ass."

"I don't need to be saved, but thanks for the consideration."

Shelton said nothing. He stood from his seat and measured Lilian up.

The blonde stood as well, keeping both eyes on him.

He walked to the corner of the table, now walking towards Lilian. "You sure?"

"Sit your ass back down," she demanded. She didn't have her gun on her. Actually, she didn't have any means of protection. Well shit, she cursed silently.

The inmate smirked. "Why don't you make me?"

Lilian attempted to put up a brave front, putting her hand on her hip and trying to put some distance between her and Shelton as she said, "Try something, Shelton. Haas and McMahon are right behind that door. You're not going to have time to do anything."

Shelton frowned, turning and walking away from the Detective. "I guess you're right Garcia," he muttered, running his shackled hands across his face.

"I'm gonna have to be fast with this then!" Shelton yelled, turning back around and using all of his body weight to slam into Lilian, sending the little blonde reeling back into the wall.

She let a breath of air out as she impacted the wall, trying to protect her injured shoulder as best as possible. The door to the interrogation room flew open, Haas, Orton, and the two McMahons all flooding in. Before they could stop him, Shelton brought his head back and slammed it into Lilian's injured shoulder, drawing a strangled sound from Lilian's throat.

The men worked on containing Shelton, while Stephanie checked on Lilian.

"Do you need to go to the hospital, Garcia?"

"No," she bit out, grimacing as she held her shoulder. "He still hits like a girl."

Stephanie laughed softly, helping the other woman to her feet. "At least put some ice on it and head home?"

Reluctantly, she nodded her head. "Okay."

"Lilian, I mean it. Not as your boss, but as a friend, please."

"I'll go home Steph, I promise."

Lilian walked back into her office. She sighed and leaned against the wall. She nearly jumped across the room when someone knocked on her door.

"Jesus Christ Orton, what are you trying to do to me?"

The young officer frowned and closed the door behind him. "I didn't mean to scare you."

She shook her head. "What do you need?"

"I was just coming by to see if your shoulder was okay."

"It's fine, why do you care anyways?"

Orton shuffled his feet uncomfortable before muttering, "Never mind."

As he turned to leave, Lilian closed her eyes, trying to will her headache and the dull throb that settled in her shoulder away. "Orton, wait," she finally called, opening her eyes in time to see the young officer turn around.

"What?" he asked softly.

"I'm sorry," Lilian replied, biting her lower lip. "I just…I'm hurting and it hasn't been a good week. I never should have tried to interrogate him, but I'm stubborn. And look where it got me," she said, gesturing to her injured shoulder.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Orton asked, frowning.

"I don't know," Lilian admitted. "I should look to see if there is any new bruising, but I can't move my arm without having pain shoot down it."

"Would you like me to do it?"

Lilian bit down on her tongue, stopping the smart remark that was bound to come out. "I hate feeling like an invalid."

"Ah, just think of it as making a young man's fantasy come true..." He held up his hands, grinning softly. "And that was a joke to make you laugh."

She offered a soft laugh, and slipped her jacket off. "Thanks."

Randy nodded, gently rolling up her sleeve. His fingers gently moved along her skin, careful not to hurt her.

Lilian sighed, enjoying the feeling he was causing on her arm. "Is it messed up again?"

"I don't think so, I don't see anything. You might want to ice it though just in case."

She nodded and rolled her sleeve back down. "Thanks."

"Not a problem."

There was a comfortable silence between the two until Lilian asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"This. You're being nice to me, you saved me from Shelton. I don't get it. I may be hopped up on pain killers, but I'm still in my right mind and I am not going to sleep with you."

Randy blushed slightly, turning his head away from the little blonde for a moment. "I, uh this isn't easy to say, Garcia."

"What is it?" Lilian asked warily.

"I uh, I like you. A lot." Randy said his statement softly, but the blonde detective still heard him.

Lilian blinked, taken aback by his statement. "I ah, come again?"

"I like you," Orton repeated, unsure of how to continue.

"You have a weird way of displaying it, Officer," Lilian replied, wincing slightly as her arm began throbbing again.

"What do you mean?"

"Where do I start? I mean, there's the fact that you act like a pig whenever I'm around. Trying to get into a girl's pants every five seconds doesn't say 'I like you,' not at all."

Randy cringed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay so I didn't handle it the way I should have, but I'm trying now. That's something, isn't it?"

"I suppose." Biting her lip, she glanced up at him. "What do you want me to say, Orton?"

"Something...anything. God Lilian, I don't know. It took me long enough to get that out!"

She shrugged. "I don't know what you want me to say and I'm sorry for that."

Randy thought for a moment. "Then don't say anything."


"Let me kiss you."

"Excuse me!?" She nearly fell backwards as he spoke.

"Look, if you let me kiss you and you can look me in the eye and tell me you don't feel anything, then I promise I won't ever hit on you again."

The blonde stared at him. "Are you kidding me?"

He shook his head. "Please?"

Lilian frowned, shaking her head. "Orton…Randy, I don't think this is appropriate," she began, only to have Orton lean down, cupping his hand behind her neck and pulling her to him.

She closed her eyes as his lips met hers chastely. Randy allowed his lips to cover hers for a few seconds, and then he pulled back.

Lilian slowly opened, her eyes, her fingers dancing over her lips for a few long seconds.

"Did you feel anything?" Orton asked hopefully, his hands rubbing against his pants for a few brief seconds.

"Nope, sorry."

Randy nodded his head dejectedly. "I...okay. Thanks."

She forced a smile, nodding her head. "Sorry, Randy."

He turned to leave, frowning when he caught sight of Joey standing there, a shocked look on the other man's face.

Lilian felt horrible catching sight of Joey, her hand flew to cover her lips as she tried to think of something to say.

Randy nodded towards the other man and left. Joey stared at Lilian, letting the door close behind him.

"I can explain," she finally said.

"Explain what?" he asked, going to his desk as though nothing happened.


"What?" he asked loudly.

"It wasn't what it looked like."

"Oh, so you slipped and were going to hurt you arm, and his lips saved you?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Forget it. I don't have to explain a damn thing to you!"

Joey stopped and walked towards her. "Go home," he said in a low voice.

"Don't tell me what to do! As far as I'm concerned, I am the one to be giving orders in this partnership. Why in the hell are you even here? You go home!" Reaching forward, she pushed Joey in his injured arm.

His eyes went down to where her hand had just been. "Don't push me!" Using two fingers, he pushed her injured shoulder in return.

"This is bullshit! You come into this place like you own everything. Well damn it, Joey, you don't! Before you ever set foot in here, I was supposed to be getting a promotion. I shouldn't have to be your partner!" She motioned to their arms that were in slings, "And this?! This wouldn't have happened if you weren't here!"

"Oh that's right, Lilian, blame it all on me! Blame it on me just like you've blamed everything on everyone else! Because no matter what happens, it'll never be your fault, will it? Of course not! God forbid you actually make a mistake!"

Lilian seared into his eyes. Everything in her world had completely stopped. It felt like time was standing still. "What do you want with me?" she yelled, feeling herself almost on the verge of a Spanish breakdown. "Why do you even bother sticking around? We both know you could go to McMahon and ask for another partner, so why stay?"

The redness in his cheeks flared. "Did you ever stop to think that people care about you? Because they do, I do, damn it!"

She bit her tongue to keep the Spanish tirade from spewing. Grabbing her jacket, she stormed past him, headed for the door. Joey grabbed the arm that wasn't in a sling. He swung her back into him.

Lilian gasped slightly at his boldness and was even more shocked when he crashed his lips down on top of hers.

His unharmed hand came up to the side of her face, his fingers diving into her hair. She froze, but then her right hand came to the back of his hand, pulling him to her for more.