Title: Love Me

Author: myinukoi

Pairing: One-sided implied SasuNaru, one-sided implied SasuSaku, implied NejiNaru, one-sided LeeSaku

Warning: Yoai/Shounen-ai, Het, unrequited love, serious OOCness, unbeta-ed, language (swearing), heavy lime (because I refuse to believe that SasuSaku was my first lemon. Nope, not gonna believe it. -shakes head vigorusly in denial-)

Disclaimer: The characters portrayed in this story do not belong to me, but to the Naruto anime/manga series by Masashi Kishimoto. This is all fiction; No profit was made from this story so hence, I bear no responsibility for anything you may claim of this story.

A/N: Not for people who love a happy ending. Unrequited love is amidst.

C h a p t e r 5: No, Never, Not

Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,


"I can't Sasuke. I'm sorry. You know why."

"But if it's true...that you really feel the same..."

"It slipped out...I didn't mean it! It just--aargh!"

The blond's body was shoved harshly against the alleyway wall, next to Ichiraku's, where the boys were previously dining.

"Naruto! Don't tell me you didn't mean it! Don't! You love me...I know you do... Just let us be together. I'll throw Sakura away. Don't you understand? I don't need her...not like you. I need you, dobe...so much it hurts."

Naruto's light orbs gazed into sooty, desperate eyes. Sasuke looked ready to laugh! Scream! Cry...

Yet, all the forbidden emotions were quickly wrenched from the blonds view just as quickly as the Uchiha's eyes were closed and the brunette placed his soft lips hungrily over the blond's own.

And the world fell silent as the ground spun beneath the two prisoners as they committed one of the most cruel, heartbreaking sins in the depth of the night in an abandoned alleyway.

Yet Naruto, inconviently remembering his Ninja Way, pushed the Uchiha roughly away and sent him sprawling to the ground.

"Don't touch me!" Naruto screamed, kicking the pale boy in the gut.

Sasuke winced, more at the blond's words than his actions, as he slowly stood up.

"Please Naruto..." the boy tried before being cut off.

"Go to Sakura! I won't tell her but...just stay away from me Sasuke! Do you hear me? I hate you! I don't want you near me! Stay away! I hate you! So much!" the blond screamed, shaking his head and flinging silver tears in all directions.

"Naruto, please. Listen to me... I can live without a lot of things -Sakura being one of them. I'm strong. I can live without touching you, holding you, or receiving you love in return. But Naruto," Sasuke's now crimson eyes met Naruto's frightened, teary blue, "I refuse to live without you. You won't stop me. You won't avoid me. I will always love you and you can either accept that and continue your life with him," he spat out the last word and began walking away, "or grow up and realize that you love me as well."

And with that, Sasuke Uchiha took his leave.

He sharply turned the corner to exit the alleyway, only to be greeted with the crumpled sight of a befallen Sakura. She, in her clean royal Uchiha robes, lay sobbing uncontrollably on the ground like a filthy peasant.

She must have heard the conversation...The Uchiha thought solemnly.

She looked at him with pink-tinted tired eyes, cheeks stained with dirt and tears, and a forlorn lost expression that would make any other normal person's (besides Sasuke Uchiha's) heart wrench and stomach queasy.

Tch...she knew before. Just because her thoughts were confirmed doesn't mean she has to wallow in the mud like a stupid, lost puppy. He scoffed, disgusted.

She looked up at him, "Sa-Sasuke...why...?"

The said Uchiha sneered cruelly down at her, as if his own feelings weren't crushed ruthlessly just seconds ago.

"Get up, Sakura," he jeered, pulling her up roughly by the arm and directing her to clean her face as well as she could with a borrowed handkerchief, all the while he was making sure no one was watching. "You're an embarrassment to my clan."

At these words, the girl quickly pulled herself together and strode a few steps behind the quickly departing Uchiha.

"Another please..."

"Kid, don't you think you've had enou--"

"I said, 'Another please'!" the saddened Taijutsu master repeated vehemently.

The bartender, taken aback, quickly departed to get the bug-eyed boy another drink.

Lee gazed sorrowfully out of the misty window to where the previous, heartbreaking scenes had transpired.

He saw it all from his position, lip-reading the words as the Uchiha confessed his soul to Naruto.

As the brunette was harshly rejected, even though it was only too obvious the blond felt the same...

As his beloved Sakura watched the entire scene, and as each wailing droplet of mourning escaped her impossibly green eyes.

Lee took a shuddering breath as his unreturned love chewed away at his soul.

As the Uchiha looked at her form in disdain and roughly pulled her up by the arm, mocked her, and took leave - not bothering once to turn and see if his broken wife continued to loyally follow.

He sighed depressingly as he lost sight of the couple. He gently raised his dirty, calloused index finger to the cold misted-over glass. He then carefully drew a perfect heart, within it the initals:

R.L + S.H .

The pale luminosity of the moon made the words gleam with a hauntingly beautiful light. He smiled to himself, but his seemingly trademark frown returned when he caught sight of his reflection in the glass.

Sakura doesn't deserve anyone like me...

He downed his newly-arrived drink quickly, yet just as swiftly ordered another.

White eyes scanned the starless night sky as the boy sighed, somewhat contempt...well, as much as one could be with current circumstances.

Neji stood atop one of Konoha's taller buildings, watching the scenes and interpreting dialogue with his Byakugan.

Naruto's Ninja's Way is very true after all. He is a very honest, loyal person. Neji felt glad that the blond was his.

Sakura will be in for some rough nights that's for sure... Neji hoped that she wouldn't be another suicide statistic though odds weren't in her favor. Then again, Sakura is different than most women and kunoichis. She is stronger. The most she should suffer from is chronic insomnia.

His gaze lingered a bit at the bar where his ex-team mate resided.

Rock Lee's developing a bad habit. Aloholism is so unprofessional. Not to mention a definte unnecessary detour in becoming 'a great ninja'. Pssh...

Ah crap... and now Naruto's crying...Can things really get any worse for me...? Ugh. I heard that saying brings bad luck. Best not to test the fates with my already good fortune.

He gracefully leaped off of the building and landed softly, more or less noiselessly, to the ground as he trekked on towards his weeping blond.

In a foggy, secluded, corner of his mind, he realizes what he is doing is wrong - forcing his love into an unwanted relationship. He inwardly shrugs because deep down he knows he's keeping the blond with him because he's greedy. He refuses to let the kitsune leave, and surprisingly, he's quite okay with that fact.

It is a dangerous gamble - and unfair to all those whose hearts are broken (some beyond repair) - but...? He believes it hard to explain. Sometimes you just have to take a chance. We do it all the time; sacrificing so much for our own personal gain -love, friendship, money, family... And to other's their lost is much bigger than there gain, and then others loose things they never wanted in the first place in order to receive a gift they have been yearning for for as long as they can remember...

Was it wise on his part to risk the permanent damage of four hearts for the sole sake of his own? Probably not. But he was Neji, and he works and lives, just as every other human, for his own selfish desires. And in the end, he barely feels remorse as the muffled sobs of his blond become slowly audible with each lingering, leisurely step.

As he comes upon the whimpering kitsune, something inside of him squeezes painfully...but he ignores it and moves on to comfort the younger boy, making sure to avoid the delicate subject of 'what happened?'. For this, Naruto seems grateful enough as he rest his head on Neji's broad shoulder as the Hyuuga carries him away on his back, into the unknown depths of the night.

Hm...? I don't know... Neji wondered idly as he felt the rhythmic heartbeat and delicate breathing of the sleeping boy on his back. He smiled. Maybe this whole 'Natural Human Selfishness' thing goes farther than I thought...

I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep,
I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realize that you

Love me.

- Strange and Beautiful; Aqualung
A/N: Review. Chapter 5/5. Complete.

Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto