A/N: Are my updates the slowest or what?

The Next Morning

Chapter Four


"Hmm, I miss spring." With a lazy yawn, Syaoran pretended to stretch only so he could hook an arm around Sakura's shoulders.

"Oh? And since when is that?" Sakura eyes twinkled playfully as she raised a mouthful of rice to her lips from the carefully packed lunch she had made herself. It was a matching set, the other one resting on Syaoran's lap. "I thought you liked summer best."

"What makes you say that?" He cocked his head to the side just the way he knew she thought was endearing.

"You telling me!" she called, her voice clear with laughter. Syaoran didn't miss the faded tint of red that appeared on her cheeks. Sakura's cheeks always went a little red when he made her laugh. Somehow, he couldn't help the way his lip curled upwards.

"Oh, really now? 'Cause I recall no such thing." He buried his nose against her neck, where it smelled most like her. God, she smelled good.

"Li Syaoran! Are you calling me a liar?" Sakura chided, turning towards him as her hands went to her hips. It was taking all her efforts to stop that smile from creeping up her cheeks.

Syaoran pulled away and gave an extensive gasp. "Why no, Kinomoto Sakura! I would never dare! I'm just saying..." His smile was mischievous when his mouth went to nibble at her neck. "That maybe... Your memory is playing tricks on you is all." He bit down just hard enough to leave a mark.

Sakura only gasped a little when he did.

"My memory is not playing tr—" She paused. "January of our second year together." Syaoran's brow arched up. "We were at my house having hot chocolate and watching movies. I remember because it was one of the rare times you ever came over back then. You came because I told you Touya had work, but then 20 minutes into the first movie, he showed up panting like he'd just run a marathon. And just then—"

Syaoran made a face and backed away, suddenly feeling the need to put a little distance between Sakura and him. Not that he was afraid of his girlfriend's big brother, but the man tended to have a sixth sense when it came to his baby sister. Especially when Syaoran was around, doing what he was doing or thinking what he was thinking of doing.

Syaoran violently shook his head. Not that he would act on anything, considering they were in a very open school yard. But there were times... when Sakura and he were alone... Syaoran felt his cheeks warm, and then cool. But Touya would always show up. Syaoran's eyebrows twisted into a frown. Either way, he wouldn't be caught dead nibbling at Sakura's neck if chances were Touya was around.

"Yeah, I remember." He winced. "It was just when I'd finally worked up the guts to try and kiss you. I still have the marks to prove it."

Sakura laughed good-heartedly, stroked his arm for comfort. "And after Touya kindly threw you out, I walked you halfway back to your apartment. It was freezing cold and snowing a little. We walked in silence for a long time. I didn't dare say a thing, I was so nervous you were mad because of Touya but when you finally spoke to me, you didn't even mention it. Instead you said, 'Hey, Sakura—'"

"'Let's go to the hot springs during summer vacations.'" Syaoran laughed.

Sakura nodded, her smile easy. "And then I asked you why the hot springs and you said—"

"'Because it's beautiful and Touya won't be there.'"

Sakura nodded once more. "But then I asked you, 'Then why don't we go now, then?'" This time, Sakura paused and waited for the answer.

Syaoran thoughtfully pursed his lips. "And I said, 'I like summer best.'" To that, Sakura gave a firm, satisfied nod. Syaoran took a moment to smile at his girlfriend. Sakura was always one to remember these kinds of things. That, among many, many other things was part of her charm and the reason he cared for her so dearly. He slowly went back to resting his head against her neck. "You know I was just thinking about getting in your pants right?"

Sakura gaped and took a swat at his arm when he had the nerve to laugh at her bewildered face. It was only funny because they both knew he was only kidding.

"But you see? I was right. You said you liked summer best." Sakura's chin perked up with pride.

Syaoran considered a moment. They had gone to the hot springs that following summer. It had been his most memorable summer yet. It was been a summer full of love, full of firsts... But he simply shook his head. "No. I changed my mind then. I like spring best." He hugged Sakura's body close, resting his forehead against her chest.

"And why is that?" Sakura pouted.

Peeking at her through thick lashes, he answered as though he'd been waiting for her to ask. "Because then, there's a little bit of you everywhere," he smiled.

Sakura cocked her head to the side, but before she could ask, she was rudely interrupted by the taste of Syaoran's lips.

The kiss, though unexpected, was light and intimate, almost nothing but a brushing of lips at first. Heavy with desire, Sakura's eyelids soon fell over her emerald eyes and her lips parted with a soft sigh. He gently cupped the back of her head, sinking a hand deep in silky strands of auburn and pushed forward to brush his tongue against hers. She shivered at the quick taste of him. She felt her muscles turn to jelly just as violent longing erupted in her core, and she grabbed at his arm to stop herself from reaching for more.

Feeling her hunger, Syaoran smiled mischievously against her lips. He loved that he, and only he, could make her shiver this way. In these moments, her sweet surrender empowered him to no end. And that was why he couldn't resist the urge to tease her.

Sakura release a short cry of surprise when he playfully nipped at her bottom lip and then, nearly jumped out of her shoes when someone clearing their throat behind her.

Syaoran's eyes went bland at the sight of twinkling eyes and an impeccable smile.

"Now, now, settle down, children. Put the tongues away and eat your lunches." His own in hand, Eriol stood at the edge of the picnic blanket sprawled on the grass, with Tomoyo by his side.

While Sakura's face took ten different shades of crimson, Syaoran simply remained unfazed and unimpressed.

"It-it-it's not what it looks like!" Sakura gestured.

"Oh, my." Tomoyo pressed the back of a hand to her forehead. "My precious, precious Sakura doing such things in broad daylight."

Sakura's face turned purple. Tomoyo plopped on the blanket right beside Sakura and took her friend's hands in her own. She stared deep into the emerald orbs, her own lavender eyes gleaming with plea. "Just promise me to always use protection."

"Pr— Eeeehhhhhhhh?"

The tint of embarrassment that suddenly kissed Syaoran's cheek was followed by a quick flare of temper. "That's none of your business," he barked.

Tomoyo's arms wrapped protectively around Sakura's waist, and Syaoran felt his body tense at the gesture. If Tomoyo noticed the sudden tension in his jaw or the icy cold glare he sent her way, she found it wiser not to mention it. Her eyes remained innocent when she hugged Sakura tighter. "Now what are you saying? Of course it's my business. It's my duty as best friend to protect Sakura's integrity!" Syaoran tried to force himself to relax, and would have succeeded if it wasn't for the treacherous smile Tomoyo sent his way, followed by a taunting wink.

"Int— HOOOEEEEE?" Sakura began to look oddly similar to a bursting geyser.

"And god knows Sakura's integrity is in danger with you around," Eriol chuckled.

Syaoran was quick to shift the glaring his way. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well," he started with a tone not much different than one you would use when speaking to a child, "What I mean is that we all saw the way you look at her..." The way his eyes briefly fell to his food might have been interpreted as sadness, or even resentment, if it wasn't for the still smile he always seemed to carry, even as he looked up again. "Or the way you suck her face at any given opportunity."

Syaoran's blush was quick, and unexpected. He cursed under his breath and filled his mouth with cold rice. Was it the words that had surprised him, or the way Eriol's smile had shone his way?

"Aaahhh!" Sakura gestured frantically. "How about we divert this conversation from my integrity, huh?"

Tomoyo and Eriol smiled good-humouredly, but obliged. This topic could only carry on so far before betraying one of them anyway, and it was an unspoken rule that, no matter was happened, Sakura was not allowed to know.

When Eriol went to sit, Sakura began inching away from the edge of the blanket to leave room for him, but the boy bypassed her attempt completely, to go plop down right beside Syaoran. So close, in fact, that Syaoran could feel the familiar tingling of skin where their shoulders were brushing.

With a frown, he subtly edged away and closer to Sakura.

The foursome enjoyed the rest of their lunch in light, casual chatter and occasional playful banter. And though most of the talking was done by Sakura, Tomoyo and Eriol did their fair share of chipping in. Something about Naoko's most recent crush, or hanging with Yamazaki and the other at the arcades after school, but Syaoran wouldn't know, as he seemed more interested in stuffing his face than socializing.

Eventually, the conversation died down to something too feminine for Eriol and Syaoran to partake in. Syaoran resented the way that the two girls seemed to be in a world of their own as they chatted cheerfully about something pink and padded. He also resented the fact that it meant Eriol and he were now sitting alone in another.

And goddamnit, he had no more food left to distract him from the way Eriol's shoulder was up against his again.

His eyes went to the boy on his right and were met by dark blue ones, staring back unapologetically. Syaoran quickly looked away, his heart giving a few hard pounds against his chest. But Eriol kept staring, with that unnerving smile on his face and an unwavering gaze. Syaoran nervously drummed a finger on his leg, but finally resigned and broke the silence.

"What?"He snapped, turning to meet the boy's eyes. He continued in a hushed tone. He couldn't tell what Eriol was about to say, but he did know he didn't want Sakura to hear. "If you're going to stare, I'd rather you say something,"

"You're avoiding me," Eriol said casually.

"What?" Syaoran couldn't help the confusion that appeared on his face.

Eriol took a moment before answering, a moment during which he stared some more. And pissed Syaoran off some more. "For the last few days… you've been avoiding me?" he asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

"Well, of c—" He capped the bottle before his temper could flare out, took a moment to recompose himself before continuing. "And? What if I have, huh?" He crossed his arms against his chest defensively.

Eriol smiled. "I don't like that."

Syaoran snorted, taking the words for a threat. "Like I care what you like." His face twisted with disgust. "And trust me, pleasing you is the last thing I want to do."

Eriol cocked his head to side and kept staring. "I don't want you to avoid me."

"Then—" Syaoran's voice caught in his throat when he stared at Eriol's face. Head cocked sideways, peering at him through dark lashes way too long to be male, pink lips slightly parted, red tongue in his mouth... Syaoran felt his own go dry and he quickly averted his eyes to the brick wall in front of them.

No, no, no, no. It was unfair. He couldn't do that. That was his move.

His head was pounding—or maybe it was the echo of his heart pounding into his chest. Either way, he knew he was blushing when he heard the soft chuckle beside him.

"Stop doing that." The thickness in his voice surprised them both.

"Doing what?" Eriol asked, all too innocently.

"Looking at me like that."

"Hm? Looking at you like what?"

"Stop it!" he hissed between gritted teeth.

Eriol had a short laugh. His hand snaked its way to Syaoran's arm and he leaned forward to whisper to his ear. "Then stop avoiding me."

The touch lasted long enough to make Syaoran shiver, but he pulled away as if he'd been burnt. His eyes darted to his left, where Sakura and Tomoyo still conversed, imperturbable. He turned back to glare at Eriol.

"Back off, Hiiragizawa," he snapped, amber eyes cold as stone.

"I just want to talk," Eriol smirked.

"Like hell you do!"

Eriol's smile widened. "Even if I did, would you listen?" At that instant, something dim and dangerous crept into his eyes. In a daring move, his hand slipped across Syaoran's hips.

Syaoran's breath hitched on contact, and when he felt something stir in his pants, the beast called panic bore its teeth.

"Back… the fuck... off!" he shouted, giving Eriol's shoulder a firm shove. Syaoran was on his feet and out of there before any of them even thought to say a word.

He hastily walked away, eager to escape the numerous pairs of eyes that he could feel drilling into the back of his head. He turned the corner to the front of the building and, as soon as he was out of sight, broke into a run for the main entrance. Only he didn't stop once he reached the door, or the lobby, or the cafeteria, or the classroom. He sprinted across the hallway to the nearest bathroom and locked himself in the furthest stall.

He heard the lock turn in the door and released a deep sigh. But the relief he felt was short lived. He was pinned against the stall door, face first and with his arms immobilized behind his back, before he knew what was happening.

"A locked door, Syaoran? Really? You should know better," Eriol murmured in Syaoran's ear.

"F-fuck off, Hiiragizawa." He cursed at the way his voice cracked.

"Gladly." His voice was but a barely audible whisper, his breath warm against Syaoran's ear. Syaoran could feel Eriol smirk just as he could feel his own body shiver. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to regain control of his senses. When Eriol's hand came sliding over Syaoran's hipbone, Syaoran felt himself jump.

"Where the hell are you touching?" He was unable to keep the panic from his voice. Eriol ignored him, sliding his hand over Syaoran's stomach. "Wha—What are you doing?" Syaoran gasped. The air entering his lungs was too thick, too hot, even when his body felt cold as ice. Syaoran could feel Eriol's hand melting his flesh like water.

"I have to say," he paused to nibble at the brunet's ear, "I don't appreciate what you did to my locker. You should learn how to control your temper." His lips traced Syaoran's jaw. "Hmmm... not that I mind, really. I happen to like that temper of yours. It makes the chase more..." His teeth scraped the side of Syaoran's neck until they clasped down to taste skin. "Thrilling."

The moan that escaped Syaoran's mouth was sharp and unexpected. Syaoran paled at the sound of his own voice. Eriol smirked against the base of Syaoran's neck.

"My, my. Could it be that you're enjoying this?" Eriol's hand glided lower over Syaoran's abdomen. "Ironic, isn't it? Considering how disgusting you keep insisting this makes you feel." Eriol's hand continued its path until it was dangerously close to a very sensitive area, threatening to reach down and grasp it.

"S-sto…" Syaoran's voice was as weak as his knees felt at the moment.

"Not so disgusting now, is it?" Eriol's hand dipped abruptly.

Syaoran gasped, bracing himself for impact, but would later thank the lord for the loud voices that suddenly interrupted the silence of the boy's first floor bathroom. In an instant, Eriol's presence vanished. Without the pressure of Eriol's body forcing him upright, Syaoran collapsed to his knees. His forehead resting on the door, he peaked down at his tented pants. Then, sitting back on his heels, he listened to the playful chatter flooding the small room and quietly waited for his erection to subside.