Hello everyone, I'm really sorry it's taken me this long to update, but I was too lazy this week, and I had all these practices, so ummm yeah, sorry.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but I'm allowed to wish, right?

Sasuke had Sakura pinned to the ground, and he thought he had caught her, when all of the sudden Sakura turned into a bunch of leaves. 'Damn, a Substitution Jutsu.' Sasuke thought, and started to look around for Sakura.

Then he felt a heavy weight on his back, and dropped to the ground while someone grasped his arms and but them behind his back and stepping on them with a lot of force. Sakura chuckled at Sasuke's form and got down, while still holding his arms, said in his ear "you know Sasuke, this is really boring when you get beat so easily by a girl, your worse than a girl, you fight like Naruto." (A/n: sorry to all Naruto fans)

Sasuke was really ticked off for two reasons, one: Sakura was beating him and two: she compared him to Naruto! You can only live so long when Sasuke gets really pissed. But Sasuke decided to do something else to Sakura. Instantly Sasuke switched their positions (a/n: Sakura was on top of Sasuke, incase you did not know) and laughed at her defenseless form squirm under him, not knowing that it made it really hard for him to control his hormones. 'Damn teenage hormones.' He cursed under his breath.

Finally he got off of Sakura, not being able to handle it anymore, and ran inside his house. Leaving a confused Sakura sitting up and looking at the door that Sasuke had went through. 'Ok then' though Sakura as she left his house to find some other form of excitement.

Sasuke saw Sakura leave and rushed into the bathroom. When he came out, he was panting really hard, and sweating, which caused the makeup to come off, exposing his bandages. (A/n: oh, bad Sasuke) He then sat down and had a tomato, trying to relax after what happened, but it was so hard to forget the feeling of Sakura under him, he now felt like a pervert thinking about it, but he couldn't help it. His mind would all of a sudden go to that image and the feeling would rise up in him.

He finally came to a conclusion…

He wanted Sakura.

…With Sakura…

Sakura was walking around and finally deciding to go home, she was tired from one day, even though she was kicking a lot of butt. So when she got home she deactivated the Gothic Henge No Jutsu and she was back to her regular pink haired self. She went to the bathroom and took a very long shower, rinsing the sweat and dirt off of her. She then went into the kitchen and made some chicken with broccoli. She ate it all.

Then that night, she had to go to the store, so she reactivated her Gothic Henge No Jutsu and walked out into the cold night. While she was walking, she could tell she was being followed by many people, but she didn't turn around, she keep on walking. Then she got to a corner and she turned it to find out it lead to an ally, but she needed to get away from these guys that were following her.

Sakura turned into the alley way and found it to be a dead end, she turned around with a glare in her eye to see many smirking, sick men. She was about to kill all of them, until a dark figure flew out of no where and cleared the crowd of guys in 2 minutes flat. Sakura just glared even more at the figure until he turned around and said 'we shouldn't always meet like this.' Sasuke.

Sakura just brushed past him and was about to exit the alley, until Sasuke stopped her. Sasuke turned her around and felt a sharp pain on his left cheek and realized Sakura had slapped him. She was glaring daggers at him, and then he saw them. Tears. She was silently crying and then she just collapsed in front of him, crying softly on his chest. 'Damn it, why does he always see me so weak, why does he always think that I need him to save me.' Sakura thought, which made her cry even more into Sasuke's shirt. She felt herself change back into her pink haired self, and the presents of an arm around her back pressing her against Sasuke's back. She heard him telling her things to calm her down, and then she finally stopped crying and pushed herself off of him.

She was done with the shopping and when she walled out she saw Sasuke waiting for her at the corner, she just walked passed him, trying to get home, but he stopped her again. He turned her around, just to meet her glaring even more at him. "Do you think I always need you to hold my hand?" Sakura just said to him in a monotone voice.

"Just so you know I don't need you every time I'm in danger, I can handle myself." Sakura looked at Sasuke, "I'm not weak anymore, and you're no longer my knight in shining armor, I can slay those dragons with out your help." Sakura said chuckling.

"Sakura, I don't know what you mean, I just so happen to be standing here and you accuses me of doing things, shame on you Sakura. " said Sasuke with an expression that said he was hiding something, after being with him for so many years, Sakura has learned to read his facial expression very well. But she didn't care at the moment, all she wanted to do was get home and sleep.

When Sakura left, Sasuke mentally slapped himself. He had her in his hands, but he let her go. He really needed Sakura, but not while she's still mad at him, he could wait till she cooled off. He walked back to his house and awaited the next day.

The next morning, Kakashi canceled training, so they had the day off. Sakura was back in her Gothic Henge No Jutsu, so she and Naruto went to the ramen shop, but Naruto said he would meet her there. "I have to go find someone really quick, I'll be right back." Said Naruto and hurried in the other direction. Sakura walked around for awhile before getting to the ramen shop, but on the walk there, Sakura saw many eyes follow her. She was really getting ticked and you could tell by her very obvious facial expressions. So when she finally got to the ramen shop, she sat down and told the cook what ramen she wanted. She sat there waiting for Naruto, and when he finally showed up, he wasn't alone. Naruto came in with a huge grin on his face, with a very bright red Hinata. Sakura just smirked when she saw them walk in while holding hands.

Naruto sat in between Sakura and Hinata and ordered both of them a bowl of ramen. Sakura couldn't help asking "so Naruto, you finally asked Hinata to be your girlfriend?" Hinata almost choked on her ramen and Naruto was still grinning like an idiot. "Yeah, I asked her yesterday and I'm so glad I found my soul mate!" Naruto said then giving Hinata a quick peck on the cheek.

'Lucky Hinata, I have no soul mate' thought Sakura as she waved bye to the two love birds. She walked to the cherry blossom fields and sat there, but she soon fell asleep. She awoke from a dreamless sleep and found that the sun had set and it was getting late. She looked around and found someone sitting next to her. Sasuke. "What do you want?" Sakura asked not even looking at him.

"I saw you asleep and it would be bad if someone other than me found you, don't you think" he said looking at Sakura.

"I told you already I don't need your help." Said Sakura, about to leave.

"But I need your help" said Sasuke, looking at Sakura as she looked at him.

'Is he serious?' she looked at him closely and he was.

"What do you need my help with?" she asked.

"I like this girl, but I don't think she shares the same feelings for me, what do I do?" Sasuke asked.

"Why wouldn't this girl like you, I mean, almost every girl in the village loves you."

"She's one of the girls that doesn't see me like that." Sasuke said as he looked at Sakura "I really need your help."

"Ok this is what I suggest, tell her and then kissed her madly." Said Sakura and she got up to leave when she was stopped again by Sasuke.

"Look, I told you what you wanted to know, what else do want?"

"I want to tell the girl I love my feelings, and Sakura, I love you." And Sasuke lend forward and kissed Sakura very passionately. Sakura was hesitant at first, thinking of slapping Sasuke for his actions, but she decided against it and just went with the kiss. She actually enjoyed it, but she nearly moaned when she felt Sasuke's tongue beg for entrance. She involuntarily opened her mouth and he began to search her mouth, mesmerized by her taste. It took a lot to stop and look her in the eyes. Sasuke smirked when he saw Sakura in her usual self, pink hair, sparkling green eyes, and red dress that he wished to remove another time.

Sakura blushed and looked back at Sasuke and then he picked her up bridal style and they walked to Sasuke's house, why you may ask? That's another story.

(. ) (.) ( .) (.) (. ) (.) ( .) (.) (. ) (.) ( .) (.)

YEAH I FINISHED! I'm not sure if I'll make a sequel, but that's up to you guys!


Monkey power forever!
