Hello all, I was bored so I decided to make another fanfic, but this one is a bit different from my first one! Once again accepting flames.

Summery: Sakura is tired of being nice and every stepping all over her, so she goes goth! What does Sasuke do about this? Mainly sakusasu, but some naruhina and inoshaki!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story line!


Gothic Henge No Jutsu!

Chapter 1: I'm not weak!

Sakura was sitting down near the bridge, waiting for everyone to show up for training. She was ready to show everyone that she wasn't the same girl that they knew in middle school. She was a chunning after all and training under the 5th Hokage, Tsunade-sama, and she had been gone for sometime, training in some part of the world. She couldn't wait to show Naruto and Sasuke what she had learned. Then she heard yelling in the distance and saw a big cloud of smoke coming right towards her.

It didn't take long to figure out what, or to be more correct, who, was coming towards the bridge. Naruto came into view yelling at the top of his lungs "OHAYA! SAKURA-CHAN!" then finally stopping in front of her and breathing really hard, but managed to say "it's good to see you after so long, Sakura-chan, I missed you" and started to scratch the back of his head, and smiling his infamous fox-like grin.

"Ohaya, Naruto, I missed you too." Then she looked around, but didn't see the dark haired avenger, so she asked "hey, Naruto, where's Sasuke?" she looked around more frantically, she still liked Sasuke, but she really wanted him to be here to show him her new skills, she could just show Naruto, but she much rather show Sasuke.

"oh, Sasuke isn't coming to day, he said he didn't want to train with a bunch of dead last." Said Naruto with a frown, still scratching the back of his head. Sakura was at first sad, Sasuke thought she was a dead last, like Naruto, and then she got really pissed, Sasuke had no right to call her a dead last anymore. She was so mad she screamed "I'm not weak!" and that scared some birds out of the nearby trees.

She then started to walk off, "screw practice, I'm going over to Sasuke's house and give him a piece of my mind!" she thought and started walking to the Uchiha estate. When she got there she banged on the front door and waited almost patiently, but it didn't last too long, soon she was knocking down the door and storming the house to find her other teammate. Then she came to his bed room and kicked the door down, to find the boy sitting in his bed with no shirt on, but she didn't care, she was too pissed to even notice.

She stomped up to the dark haired teen, and glared at him with so much anger, anyone else would run and hide, but not Sasuke, he just cocks an eyebrow at her actions.

"What are you doing in my house, you annoying girl?" Sasuke asked, well sitting up.

"So you think I'm too weak to train with?" asked Sakura right back, still glaring.

Sasuke stared at Sakura for a minute with an equally evil glare "yes, Sakura, you are too weak to train with. I rather train with Ino." Then he went back to lying down.

Sakura was beyond pissed now, but she calmed down and just walked out of Sasuke's house, pausing to look back with an evil glare. Sakura reached her apartment, opened the door, walked in and sat on her couch. Thinking, "maybe I just look weak. Maybe if I change how I look, I won't be thought as weak." "Yeah, I'll just change my look, but to what?" then she had the look, she smirked evilly.

The next day…

Sasuke was waiting at the bridge for everyone else, he decided today he'd have some fun with Sakura and Naruto, seeing as that's all they were good for, being his practice dummies. Then Naruto came, sat next to Sasuke and asked "you know where Sakura is?"

"I want to" "No"

"Do you care that she's not here?"

"Yes" "No"

"Your cold hearted, you know that, right?"



"Dead last!"


Soon both boys were in a very serious fight when they heard a cough. They turned around, and what they saw made them both gap at the site. It was Sakura, but she looked completely different. Instead of her usual red dress with black shorts, she was wearing a black net over a black tank top, with a spiked choker and skull and cross bone necklace. On her hands, she hand black gloves that had their finger tips cut off with a black net at the end of it, with black nails. Her shirt only stopped mid-stomach, exposing the rest of there tight stomach, then she had her head band around her waist, and she was wearing a black skirt that had some net at the bottom of it, with a black "X" in the middle, with a chain hanging off one side, with a small purse on the back that had a lock on it, which held her weapons. Also, her hair was no longer pastel pink, it was hot pink with black strikes, and her emerald eyes looked darker, maybe it was because of the black makeup around it, she also had 3 piercings in her left eyebrow. All in all, she was a GOTHIC NINJA!

Naruto and Sasuke just gapped at her, she gave them both a glare before smirking "like my Gothic Henge No Jutsu?" she said to the two startled boys. Finally, Sasuke fixed the look on his face and stood up, facing Sakura. "Holy shit…" was the only thing going through his mind, she looked completely different, and she looked… dare he say it… sexy. Mentally slapping himself, he walked over to her and said "you get the eye shadow from Gaara?"

Once he said that, he was flying halfway across the grounds, until finally falling in to a tree. Sakura, glaring at Sasuke and then chuckling "Sasuke, you're in for a world of hurt."

Naruto was just staring, "help" was the only thing he was thinking.

To be continued…


So what you think, I'm hoping to make it longer, with lots of chapters!

Review, review, review!
