
A/N: I've decided to set this in Harry's fifth year, without the start of DA, or the Ministry of magic incident. Yay Sirius is alive! (obviously)

This just keep getting darker and darker god damn it! (and I still don't know where the plot is going)

Will be updated in three weeks. Make sure to mark the date on your calendar! 0 just kidding

Warning: Dark themes, malexmale, OOC characters,

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nor I am making a profit from this.

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Chapter 4


Harry sat down in one of the soft plush, many coloured chairs that were spread rather hazardously around the small room. He guessed they were in the old man's office, said old man being the headmaster of Hogwarts.

Glancing around he noticed that the younger version of himself, sitting to his far right, had been hastily surrounded by Sirius and Remus, both radiating protectiveness and wariness. Seated beside him, just after the two men was an older woman, the very same who looked like a rather tight lipped version of their Minerva.

To his left, as always, was the stoic presence of his husband, and unfortunately beside him sat his replica. Harry just hoped the tension between them wouldn't escalate into anything major.

"Tea everyone?" The old man had seated himself behind his desk, smiling over his half moon glasses.

Harry wouldn't have trusted him any further then he could kick him, and that was without the excessive twinkle.

"I'm more of a caffeine sort of person. Give me my coffee beans and I'll grant you your wishes." Harry grinned, declining the offer for tea. He saw the man's eyes flicker, but he made no comment.

"Thank you." His husband, always the diplomat, accepted, as did all the others, though their acceptance seemed a little forced.

"Now." The silver haired man clapped his hands, once everyone had a warm cup. "To business."

"Business?" Harry didn't like the sound of the man's tone, the hidden undercurrent he was trying to weave.

"Of course my dear child." A term to which Harry raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "The business of returning you home." The tone had changed into a play of innocence, one which Harry didn't fail to catch. He didn't twist words and meanings without picking up on others.

"So you will help us?" Was the innocent question, with only a hint of mistrust placed on the very edge. Harry saw the small narrowing of eyes. Good the man had caught it, knew that Harry didn't trust him, but was willing to perform in front of the others.

This would be fun, he hadn't had the chance to play with anyone this sharp since…

A hand on his shoulder.

"We would be grateful for your assistance." The soft silkiness of his husband's voice gave nothing away, yet also told Harry to remain silent.

Damn, there went his fun.

"Of course, but there is a small problem of how exactly you came to be here in the first place. This Glass Elly Vator sounds fascinating."

Harry blinked but his husband merely smirked.

"It was an ingenious invention, but it's origins where from here, so perhaps you could diverge us of the knowledge behind such a creation."

"A pity, there are no such things here in this world." The headmaster looked downtrodden and Harry felt no guilt. "But I suppose we are here to discuss other more important things!" He clapped his hands together and perked up. Harry noticed no one in the rooms seemed to take the sudden change in mood as anything unusual, the similarities between Albus the goat and Albus the eccentric headmaster were scarily similar.

"I suppose you would have no knowledge of the political environment you have landed in."

"Well, we're not really rabid newspaper readers." Harry waved an unconcerned hand. "And the fact we haven't actually been in this world for more then fifteen minutes, hasn't given us much of an advantage."

"Of course, of course." The headmaster smiled. "Well it seems we'll have to have a quick update of the past few decades."

"Sounds enthralling, but I fail to see how this will assist us in getting back." The silky voice didn't sound impressed.

"So now you want to go back." Harry frowned at his husband, fingers tapping a fast, annoyed pace on the armrest. "Didn't have that frame of mind when you pressed the button."

"Where's your sense of adventure love?"

"Right next to my sense of lets-get-caught-with-my-pants-down-in-Malfoy's-office."

"Really?" His husband looked mockingly thoughtful, ignoring the twitch of Harry's right eye. "I thought that was quite a fun experience. And one that Malfoy senior will surely never forget."

"I hate you." Harry muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That's what you weren't proclaiming rather loudly at the time. And if we're painfully honest, I would have to say you were the one that got us caught."

"Ack! That's enough! God damn it!" The two turned to the sight of an incredibly pale Sirius. "I don't want to know. Nobody wants to know. It's disgusting, unnatural!"

"Excuse me?" Harry heard the danger in his husbands voice. They'd faced this situation of people not accepting their sexuality often enough, usually the offender never spoke out like that again.

"Severus Snape should not be allowed to have sex! And especially not with my Godson!" That was a twist. "It's unnatural, they idea of Snivellus without clothing. It's too scary. Should be illegal."

"I rather agree with the mutt." The dark voice of the professor spoke up. "I find it rather sickening to even suggest I'd do anything with that brat. And I find it even more repulsive that you, Black, would try and picture me without clothing, I always knew you were twisted, should be sent back to your cell."

"You naked? I didn't even… I… er." The poor man was looking so distraught at being caught out, Harry had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop the smirk rising to his lips. His husband didn't event try to stop the quick curve.

"I rather think my husbands attractive. He has such gorgeous, long-"

"Stop!" The voice was cracked. And Harry shared a look with the blushing amber eyed man on the other side of his younger self, who seemed flustered but more embarrassed by his friends behaviour.

"I was merely going to say fingers."

The man looked relieved.

"They're so skilful."

A twitch and Harry couldn't help grinning.

"Really children. That's enough. If you two are to stay here while trying to find a way back it is important to know exactly what you have landed into. You can't act this nonchalant around people you don't trust, it could be dangerous. These are very perilous times."

The headmasters voice spoke of subdued power.

"The Dark Lord has risen again…"

There was a dramatic pause and Harry waited for the man to continue. The silence drew on and everyone had turned to garner their reactions. It grew a little uncomfortable.

"Er, uuuuh, aaaaah." Harry made pathetically impressed noises, knowing they had expected something more.

The headmaster cleared his throat.

"Yes, well. The Dark Lord Voldemort has-"

At which point Harry couldn't help the snort of laughter. His husband gave him an unimpressed look.

"Did you say Voldemort?" Harry couldn't help the grin on his face, noticed the way people flinched when the name was said.

"Yes, He-who-must-not-be-named."

"Aw, our babies made it into this world as well!" Harry couldn't help cooing especially to see the reactions of the people in the room. Shocked wouldn't have described it well enough.

"I don't think you quite understand the danger of this situation." The headmaster frowned. "The Dark Lord is one of the most powerful wizards of all time. His growing reign was cut short only by the killing curse, which was directed at Mr Harry Potter. And now he is back."

"Sounds like a really bad fantasy novel."

"This is no fantasy. He has killed hundreds, tortured thousands and he is after the one person who has been destined to stop him. Mr Potter."

"I see… so how does that affect me? I may look like him, but he's like 11, years younger then me."

"I'm 14."

"Sorry." Harry grimaced, he had always hated being called younger then he was, but with living on the streets and not getting enough food or shelter, he hadn't had the chance to grow into himself until he moved to the chocolate factory.

The headmaster continued as if there had been no interruption.

"Just the act of looking like him could bring the man after you, and if you continue to act like you do, it will surely attract his interest. And it is not just you who will be affected, but your husband as well. Professor Snape is a spy for us, a member of the inner circle of the Dark Lords recruits. The Death Eaters. You could endanger not only our Mr Potter, but yourself, your husband and Professor Snape."

"Right. So summarise. Voldemort's evil and intent on killing the younger version of me. The Professor, an older version of Severus is a spy for you, but works for him and… you. Where do you come in? And how do we know you're the right side?"

"Well we're not trying to kill you are we Mr Potter?" The familiar accent of Minerva answered his question. "And as for the Headmaster, he is the head of an organization which fights against this evil reign. They are the dark and we are the light."

Harry frowned.

"Dark and light are labels only, the term enemy doesn't particularly mean evil, usually it denotes misunderstanding."

"You don't get it! He kills people!" The man Sirius had stood up suddenly.

"You work for this organisation?"

The silence that greeted him didn't answer his question, but the nervous look the man shot the headmaster did.

"And you have never killed?"

Another uncomfortable silence broken by a calm voice.

"We fight in defence and try to capture not kill. He on the other hand kills and tortures innocents, civilians caught in a war they don't even know is happening. He is the greater evil."

Harry frowned at the amber eyed mans statement. He had said the 'greater evil', but Harry decided not to pull him up on his statement, he rather liked the way Remus had turned out.

"Well as we're here now, I guess we can stick with you guys. That is if you can help us."

"We shall do our best Mr Potter." The headmaster nodded cordially.


"Of course forgive me. Now in addition, we shall have to discuss where you two will be staying, I'm sure it will create quite a fuss if you were to stay here. However if we could just somehow alter your appearances." He saw the look of suspicion on both their faces. "Not a lot, just a small enough change not to have anyone notice the similarities."

"Headmaster, they can't possibly stay at the school as they are neither students nor teachers." The dark haired professor spoke up, his voice dripping with venom.

"That has all been arranged. That is of course if one of you would be willing to take on the Muggle Studies position, the other staying on as their partner."

Harry frowned he didn't like the sound of that. It sounded permanent.

"What happened to the previous teacher?" His husband asked a question that hadn't even occurred to Harry.

"Her home was raided by Death Eaters and she has been forced to take leave for an uncertain amount of time."

"I see, and for what reasons was she targeted by this organisation?"

"Voldemort hates muggles." A young voice burst out and Harry blinked at his younger self who had been silent since they reached the room. He looked a little closer at the young boy, no wonder he had shadows if he was being targeted by an evil psychopath.

"And what is a muggle. It remained previously unexplained."

"Oh." the young boy looked a little caught out by the calm and almost gentle tone Severus was using. ?To everyone else the tone seemed only a little less harsh from the norm, but Harry knew the emotionally starved youth would be able to pick it up. Hadn't he when Severus had first used it on him to get him to come out from behind the large dumpsters?

"A muggle is the name for a non-magical person."

"So why would I be teaching about them?" Severus sounded uninterested, but Harry picked up on the slip and felt a little relieved, his husband would be the one that taught. Which suited him fine.

"Most wizards don't know anything about muggles or the muggle world, it's a really large gap between cultures since wizards hide everything from muggles, and haven't bothered to learn about them, believing themselves to be superior. Voldemort hates the idea of having to hide and thinks wizards should dominate the world and finally show themselves."

"Wasn't Tom half 'muggle'?" Severus commented and Harry shrugged. They had collected all the information they could on Riddle, and it had suggested that his mother had held some of the same characteristics both Harry and Severus possessed. His father had been a normal man, retaliating when he found out what kind of freak his wife was and the creature they had birthed. His mothers death had scared Tom for life.

He had grown into a powerful man, both in the sense of business and magic.

That had been years before Harry had been born, their paths crossing for the very first time when he had been one. He couldn't remember any of it, just like he couldn't remember his parents, but it had left him homeless on the steps of a poor disciplinary orphanage, struggling to find enough money to keep the ramshackled shelter overhead and their stomachs occasionally full. He had become a street rat as soon as he was able to escape.

He had never found out why Riddle had targeted his parents, what that connection had been, although when Willy Wonka and Charlie had taken him he had been told about the first incident and warned not to cross the man again.

It hadn't been his fault the second time their paths had intersected. But it was his fault that Wonka had been killed. He'd been so stupid to think he could stand up to the man.

Now years later he could look back on it, when he hadn't been caught in the hold of rage, hadn't wanted to just crush the man beneath his heel and say that Charlie's last plea had been a good one. Give the man a second chance.

Now he'd do anything to protect his family, his little Voldy, the chubby four year old with ruby red eyes and a cute fanged smile, who clung to him after a nightmare or climbed into Pappa's lap and demanded Severus to read him a bed time story. He missed his baby.

"You have mentioned Voldemort, and now you mention Tom." The headmaster frowned breaking Harry's train of thought. "He is part of your world as well?"

"Yes." Severus spoke up, knowing the strong connection between the small boy and Harry. It had been surprising at first just how protective Harry had become of the child, but it hadn't taken him long to realise the small boy was just that. He no longer possessed memories of his former life, only the small physical similarities remained. He had been given a second chance, just as Charlie had requested. A second life.

"Yet you find it amusing that the same man here is a Dark Lord?"

"Well it kinda sounds like Star Wars, you know, the dark side and the Dark Lord, and all. Besides my baby may have been evil at some stage, but everyone deserves a second chance." Harry smiled at Severus and he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Sentimental fool." He scoffed and Harry merely shrugged.

"What?" Sirius growled. "I can't believe what I'm hearing?! Harry you should know! He killed your parents! You can't forgive him!"

Severus saw his husbands eyes narrow, before glancing and softening as they took in the huddled form of the younger version of his lover.

"He may have killed my parents, he may had my benefactor, my mentor killed, those I call my family. But more death isn't always the solution, it's an important lesson to learn. I think-"

"Tom Marvolo Riddle does not deserve forgiveness." The headmasters voice had a hard edge to it, the tone icy and it cut through anything Harry was trying to say.

"Tom Marvolo Potter-Snape."

Harry spoke up, a challenge in his eyes.



--- to be con't