yay! Air gear fan fiction. I love air gear, it has to be my second favorite anime after fullmetal alchemist. However, unfortunately, I'm only up to in the manga where the anime is right now and I can't find anymore scans. This is in Agito's point of view.

Warnings: Agito being Agito, Yaoi, angst, and bad grammer
Disclaimer: I do not own Air Gear.


by: Harushi Karasunaki




That's all I hear every day. My other half is calling out to him and when he turns around and gives him a bright smile it makes my heart melt. But, of course, the smile is not aimed at me. I put a small forced grin on my face as I sit in the cage of my other half's mind, watching and waiting. Waiting for what i don't know though maybe I'm waiting for the day when he will look at me like that. They are talking animatedly now and that Crow is waving his hands around wildly, probably talking about one of the new tricks he pulled of with his air trek, then Ikki wraps his arms around my other half and they begin to walk.

They stop at a place on top of a hill and Ikki sits down at the base of the sakura tree and pulls Akito into his lap. The next part is something I know all to well and, though I turn my head away I know it's still there I know what they are doing, I can't escape it, and it hurts, it hurts so much. Ikki places a kiss on my other half's lips and Akito kisses him back full force. Then, after a few more kisses, their hands start to move lower and yet lower still and their actions become bolder and then Ikki smiles "not now Akito" he says and so they lay their their body's intertwined and Akito safely in Ikki's protective embrace. The next words out of Ikki's mouth, though I must have heard them a thousand times by now, make my world come crashing down. " I love you, Akito."

Fuck! Why does it have to be like this! Just when I was finally find happiness it is torn away from me, just like that. Tears begin to well up in my eyes though I quickly wipe them away. I won't allow myself to cry, I tell myself but even as I think this the tears flow more quickly than I can brush them away. I may be Akito's polar opposite but there is one thing we share, we are both in love with a man named Minami Ikki.

I smile slightly as the tears that I have given up on slide down my cheek. Maybe I should just vanish, it would spare me the pain of being here. But I just can't, I can't seem to let go of that one wish. The wish that I thought I had pushed out of my heart. The hopeful wish that you could love me too. However, wishes only come true in fairy tales and this is reality.

And in reality not everyone is happy.


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