I do NOT own any of the HP character's. But I do own Shadow, Darkness, Lejione and Louey. I'm sorry for all grammer and spelling error's. Word Pad does NOT have spell check on it. Flames are allowed, I'd like to hear what you all think. I'll update whenever I can! R&R, also enjoy the story!!


Title: Please Save Me from Myself

Chapter four: DADA..uh ...I didn't do it!

"Pappy will you stay with us?" Shadow asked cutely. "Of course I will!" Darkness cooed taking Harry's and Shadow's hand. "Lo-Lo! Are you going with Snappy-Snape?" Shadow asked cocking her head. They were infront of the Defence Againest the Dark Art's classroom door. "Yep! See you at lunch?" Louey asked hugging her. "You bet ya!" Harry smiled as Louey hugged him also. "Alright love! Let's go!" Leijione said exciedly as he dragged Louey behind him, while following Severus.

Darkness opened the door and they walked into the class room. "May I help you?" the proffesor asked. Remus was smiling at them. (Yes Remus is the DADA Proffesor in this story) "We had to talk to twinkle-toe!" Harry said nodding his head. This caused Remus' smile to widen. "Take your seat's then. Please introduce yourselve's?" Remus asked to Shadow and Darkness. Shadow was sitting in Darkness' lap. "I'm the elemental named Darkness. And this is my daughter, Shadow" Darkness introduced them politely.

"Really? It's wonderful to have you both in our class! I'm Proffesor Remus Lupin" Remus said smiling warmly. Darkness smiled back as Shadpw looked around the room. "Cousin Dray!" she squealed causing Draco to sit up from sleeping. "Cousin Shaddy! Uncle Darkness!" Draco giggled shocking everyone. Shadow lauched herself at Draco and tackled him to the floor. "Dray! I missed you!" she squealed hugging him tightly. "Shaddy! Where have you been?! I've missed you too! Daddy was going nut's when he couldn't find you!" Draco asked worriedly. Ron fainted and Hermione looked at Harry wide-eyed. "I came here" Shadow said pulling Draco up and over to Darkness and Harry. "Hello Dray. It's good to see you again" Darkness said smiling warmily. "Hey Uncle!" Draco squealed hugging Darkness then he and Shadow sat in Darkness' lap.

"Now class, like I was saying. Today we're just practing everything you've gone over in the six year's you've been here in Hogwart's. Begin!" Remus said as everyone stood up and pushed the table's to the wall's. "What all have you learned?" Darkness asked standing next to Harry. Draco and Shadow were giggling beside them. "Umm.. lot's of thing's papa" Harry said as Hermione and an awake Ron walked over to them, as did Pansy and Baslie. "Mate did you just call him Papa?" Ron asked confused while glaring at Baslie. "Of course he did! He's my soul mate! He's part of the family!" Shadow laughed and all movement in the class room ceased. "What?" Darkness asked compeltely shocked. "I... uh... I didn't do it!" Shadow yelled hiding behind Harry. "Shaddy? Your confusing me" Draco whined childessly. "Oh! I'm sorry Dray! Here let me put this in stupid blonde term" Shadpw said causing Harry, Ron and Darkness to laugh. Remus stood behind Hermione, Pansy and Baslie. "Me and Ravey are soul mate's. But we also have another one" Shadow explained slowly.

"Ok I got that part. But who's your thrid?" Draco asked cutely. Pansy and Hermione 'awwed'. "Well... I can't tell ya!" Shadow laughed as she put up a barrier around her and Harry. "No fair! Your cheating!" Darkness whined clawing at the barrier. "No I'm not!" Shadow giggled as Harry hugged her to him. "Shaddy? Who's are other soul mate?" Harry whispered nuzzling her neck. "Hm... smelly" Shadow muttered then the door burst open to show Severus, Louey, and Leijione. "Everyone! Het to the Great Hall! NOW!" Louey bellowed and everyone but: Harry, Darkness, Draco, Shadow and Remus ran out of the class room in a hurry. "Deathy?" Shadow asked the barrier going down.

"Yes somehow they got past the sheild and ward's" Leijione said as they ran to the front lawn. They saw that bodies were everywhere. "UNCLE!" Shadow bellowed and eveything stopped. "What are you all doing?! Your all acting like bimbo's!" she snapped and all the Death Eater's put thier head's down in shame. The light side was shocked. "Shaddy!" a voice sobbed and a Death Eater hugged her. "Uncle! What do you all think your doing?!" Shadow yelled angrily. The Death Eater took off his mask and everyone saw it was Luicius. (Oh yea like you didn't see that one coming!)

"We were worried about you! Why did you fly off?!" Luicius demanded glaring at Shadow. "Oh no you don't! Avery was teasing me! Now tell me.. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALL HURTING THSES PEOPLE?!" Shadow screamed and the air around her got cold. "They attacked us first!" Luicus whined out hugging Draco. "Oh well then... GET YOUR ASS OUTTA HERE... NOW!!" Shadow bellowed and all the Death Eater's left afraid of angering her more.

"Uh...Shady? Why did they all listen to you?" Harry asked cutely. "Cause last time they didn't, none of them could walk... for a month" Shadow said grinning evily at the memory. "Oh..okay!" Harry chirrped causing some people to faint. "Well let's go! It's lunch time!" Shadow laughed launtching herself at Remus. "Remmy!" she whined tugging on his sleeve cutely. "Oh alright" Remus sighed as Darkness picked Shadow up. "Papa!" Harry cried stomping his foot. Remus picked Harry up and they left for the Great Hall, Draco skipping happily beside's them. "Why do I have such werid children here?" Albus asked himself shaking his head.


"Wee!" Harry and Shadow laughed as Remus and Darkness ran into the Great Hall. "Do it again!" Harry laughed as Draco skipped into the Hall. "Bad old Volie dressed up in pink. How many dresses did he pick? One, Two, Three Four" Draco hummed as he sat down beside Baslie. Remus and Darkness sat at the head table, Harry and Shadow in thier lap's. Albus and Severus walked in through the teacher's door.

"Hmm... smelly" Shadow muttered under her breathe. Harry's eye's widen at that. "You mean?" he asked and Shadow nodded. Harry groaned as Severus sat down beside Shadow and Darkness. Food appeared on the table's and they all started to eat. "Pudding!" Shadow sqeualed as Darkness spooned pudding into her mouth. "Aw!" Harry pouted as Remus got some chocolate fudge ice cream. "What's wrong cub?" Remus asked cocking his head to the side. Harry whispered something into Remus' ear and he brust out laughing. "It's not funny!" Harry yelled angrily. "Oh yes it is! Your third is S-" Remus was cut off by Shadow kissing him. "DON'T tell anyone" she hissed dangerously and he nodded still chuckling.

"Pappy, Remmy is mean" Shadow said cutely with wide puppy eye's. "Aw! My little snake! Don't worry! Pappy will protect you and Harry" Darkness cooed to Shadow. Shadow giggled childessly and ate more pudding. Harry crawled into Darkness' lap and ate some pudding too. (Their both on one of his leg's.) Remus pouted causing Hermione to blush. "It's not my fault your third is a potion's master" he muttered and Severus dropped his fork. "REMUS!" Shadow bellowed as Harry cried into Darkness chest.

"W-what?!" Severus chocked out chicken still going down his throat. "It's not fair!" Harry sobbed as Darkness rubbed his back softly. "Remus I'm sooo going to get you back for this!" Shadow hissed out angerly. Remus rolled his eye's and ate some ice cream. Poppy giggled with a dazed look in her eye's. "What?" Darkness asked catiously. "I'm imaging the babies" Poppy giggled. Severus sprayed his drink infront of him. Harry fell to the floor bawling his eye's out. And Shadow? Shadow lungded toward's Remus and started to strangle him. All the student's in the Great Hall laughed.

"Your dead you hear me! DEAD!" Shadow screamed as Darkness dragged her kicking form from the Hall. Poppy was knelt beside Harry trying to calm him down. "It's not funny!" he wailed as Remus started to laugh madly. "Now really me boy. It can't be that bad. Now who's your third?" Albus asked softly while smiling. Minerva and Hadgrid were leaning foward to hear the answer. "No! No way! You alread know! That's why your smiling! Your insane!" Harry ranted as he ran out of the Hall to find Darkness and Shadow. "Surly his third isn't that bad" Hermione said worriedly. Remus fell out of his chair from laughing so hard and Severus banged his head into the table. Albus was grinning like an idiot. Poppy smacked him upside his head to try and make him stop.

"Remus dear, what's so funny?" Minerva asked confused. Remus took one look at Severus and his laughing fit started all over again. "I give up!" Poppy snapped throwing her hand's up in the air. Albus if possibly was grinning even wider. "I'm starting to think everyone's lost it" Ron said fearfully as he eyed his food. Shadow ran into the Hall, Darkness and Harry in her tail. "AHH! It burn's! It BURNS!!" she screamed falling to the floor. Harry tripped over her and started to claw at his eye's. Darkness ran up to Remus, picked him up by his collar and shook him. "Oblivate me! For the love of Merlin do it!" he sobbed out still shaking him.

"What happened?" Louey asjed confused. Leijione's face was red from holding in his laughter. "Trust me you don't want to know" Harry croaked as he and Shadow shivered infront of him. "OBLIVATE ME!" Shadow screamed strangling Leijione. "WHY?" Albus asked over Harry's crying, Shadow's screaming, Leijione's plea's for help and Darkness waving Remus around like he was a flag. "Flinch!" Harry cried out clawing his eye's again. "Now Harry it can't be that bad" Luna said dreamily from her spot at the Ravenclaw table. "You have no idea what we walked in on" Shadow gasped out in disgust. Harry's face took on a green tint. "I'm gonna be sick" he said running over to Albus and taking his hat.

"No! Not the hat! I just bought that!" Albus whined as Harry barffed up his dinner, breakfast and lunch. "OBLIVATE ME GOD DAMN IT!" Shadow and Darkness wailed. "Not until you tell me what you saw" Remus and Leijione said calmly. "Okay then, we walked in on Flinch fucking Mrs. Norris! Happy now!" Shadow yelled out. Over half the student's thre up. Half of the other half of the student's fainted and the other half? Paralized from the shock... and disgust.

"Oh God!" Louey chocked out as Leijione lost all of the food in his body. "Oblivate me!" Severus pleded shaking Albus. Albus pointed his wand at Severus and said 'Oblivate!'. Severus stood there slacked still. "...what just happened?" he asked looking around. "Trust me you don't want to know" Leijione said oblivating Louey, Darkness, Shadow and Harry. Minerva obilivated herself as did Leijione and Albus. "For some odd reason I feel sick" Harry said looking around the Great Hall. "I know what you mean: Louey said sighing. "Classes for this afternoon are cancled!" Albus called out to the student's. No one cheered but instead ran from the Hall to get a toilet.

"...who want's to go get ice cream!" Shadow asked cheerfully. "I swear your bipolar" Leijione muttered darkly as Harry cheer. "I am not! Beside's I like 'mood hopping missy' better" Shadow stated matter-of-factly. "Oh yeah your a werid one" Minerva muttered to herself. "I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!" Harry, Draco and Shadow sang skipping out of the Hall. "For some reason I have the heart to stop them" Albus said sighing. "You mean you did before?" Hadgird asked teasingly. "...ice cream" Severus muttered as he followed the children. Remus smirked at this.

"Oh yeah! He has a weakness!" he laughed running after Severus. "Werid lot they are" Darkness said as he, Leijione and Louey followed also.

Shadow: So?? How did you all like it??

Louey: I liked it!!

Leijione: Really? I thought it was shit

Shadow: Well I didn't ask you did I?! Plumble's Leijione into the ground

Louey: You should of learned by now Sigh's

Leijione: It's not my fault her writing suck's!

Shadow: HEY! I wrote this durning summer school you asswip!!

Leijione: And WHY were you in summer school??

Shadow: I failed the first semester of my English Class

Louey: Why are you saying that so proudly?

Lejione: Because she's a dumbass who can't write and she know's it

Shadow: Watch it before I don't allow you any ice cream!!

Leijione: 0.0... you wouldn't

Louey: I really think she would

Shadow: The reason why I stated that "so proudly" is because...

Louey and Leijione: Lean's forward to hear answer

Shadow: I added an hour to my sleeping everyday!!

Leijione and Louey: Fall's over anime style


Shadow: Giggles Don't be jealous!!

Leijione and Louey: Please review so you can help her

Leijione: Not just in her mental health

Shadow: I heard that!!! I'll have you know my grandma is legally insane!!

Louey: Hunny that isn't a good thing to say