Chapter 1

Bernice walked along the edge of a lake. In the cold evenings of the States, she wore a black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of tight fitting long blue jeans. She also wore a low-cut sleeveless coat that was pale pink in colour. Her long, black hair was gathered up into a single braid tied high.

She pocketed her hands as she walked. Deep within her thoughts, her mind wandered to places thousands of miles away or to places that she knew that didn't even exist. After what seems like mere seconds, the nearby streetlamps started to light. It was growing late, she thought it best if she made her way home.

In a private counsel room on the top floor of the WRO headquarters, there stood eight figures.

Reeve Tuesti, commissioner of the World Restoration Organization, stood up in objection. "But we don't even know why they want this girl."

Cloud Strife put his finger tips together as if in thought and said, "Yes, that is true, but we as the heroes of the Jenova war are inclined to stop their actions. It is obvious that they want her for a reason we have yet to uncover by the reports Yuffie stole from their headquarters."

Reeve thought this over. "Perhaps, but how do you plan to go to this girl's home world? You will almost certainly be identified the moment you set foot there."

Vincent Valentine was the next to speak. "I have the means to open a portal to connect out two worlds for a short time. But to be on the safe side, we should make it so that we enter the world during the night."

"I'm more worried about why they want her. After Vincent took out Weiss, Nero, Azul and Rosso, I thought it would be the end of the Deep Ground Soldiers. We should go into her world and get take her here so we can protect her until further notice," said a very inpatient Yuffie Kisaragi.

"I agree with Yuffie on this one. I think I should bring her back ASAP," Tifa Lockheart said, her face a stoned mask.

All eyes instantly turned on Tifa. "What makes you so sure you would be the one to go and get her?" asked Cloud, half amused half astonished by Tifa's words.

"Who else?"

"Me, maybe?"

Tifa let out a little chuckle. "Really? I'd like to be the one that sees someone walking down the road with a five foot long sword strapped to his back." Tifa said, leaning against her chair.

Cloud shrugged in defeat. "Vincent? Guns are not very rare in her world and they are very easy to conceal."

"Great, no offence, Vincent, but she'd probably see a man with red eyes, a three barreled gun and a tattered red cloak and run before you could even approach her. What would you think a girl that's never seen guns outside of movies and dreams do when she sees one?"

Vincent had no expression on his face. He looked at Cloud and nodded in agreement to Tifa's words.

And before Cloud could say anything else, Tifa cut him short by saying, "Yuffie's weapon is too big to conceal, Barret has a gun for an arm, Red's too big to pass as a dog in her world and a talking cat isn't really the best approach. It has to be me, I use no weapons and my outfit isn't too odd there."

"Oh, I don't like this," said a worried Yuffie as she paced up and down the room. "You can't go in alone."

"I can take care of myself, Yuffie. Besides, I'm the most suited to go. If the DGS really found a way to travel between worlds, they are going to go after her, how are you guys going to help her then if you didn't take any weapons with you? I don't need weapons to fight, I'm sure you all could fight without yours but these things aren't one of those things that you can get used to in a day."

"Well, she des have quite a few points there," admitted Barret.

Yuffie suddenly giggled. "We had better end this meeting soon."

Reeve looked confused and exchanged glances with the others. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "Why is that, Yuffie?"

Turning a circle in glee, she said, "Because, if you guys hadn't noticed, one of our 'Heroes of the Jenova War' hasn't said a thing yet. He's probably mourning over his 'losses'. We better end it quick so he can go back to his moping."

Everyone in the room laughed, except for Vincent who merely let out a chuckle.

Cid Highwind came out of his thoughts. "Ha? What? What's everyone laughing about?"

Barret answered between his laughs. "Get over it. It was just a ship and you didn't even build it. You'll fix yourself up with another one in no time."

Yuffie said, "Yea, cheer up, besides, Vincent should be more worried, he was suppose to drop with he's WRO team during the explosion."

"Ok, Yuffie, stop teasing Cid. Come on we still haven't decided what we have to do yet." Cloud said

"Yes, we have. I'm going in through Vincent's portal during her world's night time, fight any DGS that want to harm me or her and bring her back to headquarters," said Tifa firmly.

Cloud sighed. "There's no changing her mind, is there?" he asked Reeve.

"I'm afraid not, Cloud." Reeve answered his tone a mixture of sadness and amusement.

"Fine, we'll go with Tifa's plan. When you get the girl back, we'll hold her here until we can be sure that she's safe again."

She nodded. Just as they were about to leave the room, Vincent's phone rang.

He flipped it open and answered. "Yes, Shelke? Hmm? Alright, I'll put you on the speakers.

He did so and they heard what Shelke had to say.