Author's Note: I'm trying to make up for all the lost fic-writing time…I was inspired by reading a lot of HermioneCedric fics….so…here. I know it's pretty late and Cedirc's already dead…but…what the heck! I'll give it a shot.

Dude… forgive me for some of the quotes here… and don't take it against me…I just wanted to use them…

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of this fic…or the Song In Another Life by Ashlee Simpson.

And I know that look in your eyes

Like I've seen you before like a million times

In another life

In another life maybe…

In another life you must have been mine

-Ashlee Simpson, In Another Life

I clutched my forehead, rubbing my temples.

I can't take this. It's too much pressure…

Harry and Ron are fighting…and Rita Skeeter has yet to show everyone about my "secret affair with the boy who lived". This triwizard thing is too much for me to handle.

I stood up, walking to the bookshelves as I stood up from my table. This was what I needed. A night's worth of reading.

I walked past the bookshelves, taking quick glances at books. I only caught a few keywords…but only one caught my eye.

"Dragons: Slaves or Monsters?" I tiptoed to reach the book, but I still couldn't reach it. My middle finger brushed the book, but I still couldn't reach it.

I had an idea…an I knew this was only a last resort…but I couldn't resist reading the book.

I stacked books on the floor, stepping on them so I could reach the book I wanted. I smiled victoriously as I held the book in my hands.

"Very innovative…Miss Granger." I turned, hoping that is wasn't the librarian that had seen me do this.

It was Cedric Diggory, and I felt a rush of relief fill me.

"Thank you." I replied, proudly.

"You know…that's not allowed…but…" he smiled. "Since it's a logical way of thinking…and this is a place of thinking…I can reconsider telling…" he smiled.

"Thank you…again." I smiled even more widely now.

"Hermione Granger, right? You're Harry Potter's friend."

"Yes." I replied as-a-matter-of-factly.

"We're competing against each other in the triwizard tournament." He said.

"Oh…well, then…" I could reply to this… I was, in Ron's terms, 'betraying Harry'.

"But we're good friends." He smiled that irresistible smile gain. "He's a worthy opponent. A good sport, that Potter."

"Yep…that's Harry alright…never letting himself lose…never letting people down…" I replied.

"You seem a bit smug…for a person who's the friend of the most well-known boy in all of the wizarding world…"

"My friends are fighting…and all the rumors… it's…very tiring…" I rolled my eyes.

"You want to take a walk with me?" he asked.

I nodded. I needed a walk right now. Maybe I could take my thoughts off of Harry and Ron…at least…just for the night.

We walked for about an hour or so…stopping every now and then to take a seat on one of the benches. Although, throughout the entire walk, none of us spoke a word…of course, other than "let's sit for a while" or "let's rest". Even though we did not talk, we knew that we both wanted to speak with each other.

"So…why the frown, Hermione? A beautiful and charming young lady such as you should always be wearing her pretty smile…" he tried to engage into a conversation.

I blushed. "Well, for one…my best friends are fighting…"

"You know…there could be worse things…trust me…I know…"

I stopped in my tracks, and he followed suit. I looked at him, knowing what it meant. He probably lost a parent…or a friend…or anyone he loved dearly… I dared not ask who it was…

I just looked at him sympathetically.

He chuckled. "Everyone looks at me like that…every time I bring it up…I don't know why…I mean, it happens. It's not worth pitying someone because of that…"

"I'm sorry…" I whispered.

"I know…every one is. At least, that's what they all say." He looked down, and then looked up to face me.

I smiled sweetly, and the look of pity was no longer there. Instead, I looked at him with respect.

In a millisecond, I saw him inching closer to me. I tried to pull back, but I couldn't as if something were stopping me from pulling away.

Instead, I tiptoed to reach his lips, feeling hit hands fall to my waist for support.

I could feel a jolt as his warm lips pressed into mine.

My eyes closed involuntarily.

I let my arms wrap around his neck, and my fingers rustling through his dirty-blonde hair.

We pulled away, to take a breath… and he caught my lisp in his…

We parted…and I refused to look at him, letting my eyes travel to the ground. My lips quivered, and my hands dropped to my sides.

"This is wrong…" I whispered. "I'm sorry…I…"

My heart beat loudly.

"Hermione...I'm sorry…I didn't mean just-" he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I brushed it away, still looking at the ground.

I quickly walked away.

Lifting my fingers to touch my lips. I could still imagine… his lips touching mine… his arms around my waist…

I tried to erase it, but it was there. The evidence was planted on my lips.

Author's Note: First chapter done! Second Chapter up!