Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon

(One year later)

It was a bright, sunny day in Venus. The people's ruler, Venus Minako, was on her way to the resting place. With a bunch of blue-flowered bouquets held tightly in her hands, she skipped down the dirt path with an unusual bounce in her step.

I can hardly believe how fast time has passed. It's already been a year since the war has ended.

After the war ended, we held one large memorial service for everyone who died in the war... including Apollo and Queen Serenity. Even now, I don't really know the story behind Apollo, but... I would like to think that he found some sense of peace in the end. We haven't heard from him or the others ever since.

After that, everybody went separates ways to rebuild their lives again. The Planetary Alliance is still in effect though. I haven't really heard from anyone in awhile, but the last I heard, there was some discussion about making Usagi the Head of the Alliance. Heh, Usagi... The thought of the young woman brought a smile to her face. I heard that the movement from Earth to the Moon is going well. Not to mention, her and that King of Earth seemed to be hitting it off pretty well too.

Minako's thoughts were interrupted when she finally reached a set of white gates. She eyed them thoughtfully for a moment; it was just as she had left it. Despite the rough weather they had been experiencing recently, the gates were still unsullied and dutiful in their guard.

With a flick of her wrist Minako released the spell binding them shut and slipped inside. The gate creaked as she carefully closed it behind her.

"Ah...This place is really coming along well." A smile graced her pink lips as she peered around at all of the flowers. The gardener had met her specifications to a tee.

As she continued down the brick path she sighted the stone monument towering in the distance overhead. She always felt nostalgic when she came to visit. But as sad as it made her feel, when one considered what could have been, she instead thought that she should count herself lucky that they were able to salvage any her family's remains to bury. Now they all could rest in peace.

"Huh?" Minako finally reached the end of the path, but she hesitated when she saw the gravestones. On each of the stones someone had laid a bouquet of flowers. That's strange, did the gardener do this? Her brow was furrowed in thought, but her feet were a few steps ahead of her mind. Such a thing was not possible; the only one who was strong enough to undo the seal on the gates on Venus was her.

Minako bent down in front of the nearest gravestone and felt her breath catch in her chest when she realized what they were.

"Red flowers..." With a shaky hand she touched one of them, confirming her suspicions with her own eyes.

There's only one other place...where I've seen these before.

A minute later, Minako ran out of the resting place with a bright smile on her face. She had left her bouquets beside the other ones on the stones.

(Palace Garden)

In her hurry, Minako slammed the gate shut behind her with a noise. She couldn't care less about the racket she may have been causing but to her luck the door hadn't quite been caught by the catch. She skidded to a stop and stared at the half-open, hanging door for a split second. She had half the mind to fix that little error, but before she knew it she had already abandoned the thought; her heart was already pounding so hard. Running as fast as her legs could carry her she ran up the re-built brick pathways to the very back until she finally caught sight of the flower beds. Minako could hardly believe her eyes; there was someone waiting there.

"Rei!" She yelled out and waved to the woman as she turned around and looked. Rei smiled.


"HEY?!" Minako ran towards her at full blast and tackled her straight to the ground. She could hear Rei protesting beneath her as they rolled around in the grass but she didn't have the heart to let her go so soon. "I haven't heard from you in days and all you have to say is 'hey?!'"

The world stopped spinning when Minako finally pinned Rei down. Seeing that she had been captured, Rei blew her bangs out of her eyes and offered a weak shrug in response.

"I see you've gotten stronger."

"Flatterer." She smirked back. "Nice try, but don't think you're getting off the hook that easily." Minako leaned back and flicked Rei's nose, to which she made a face in response. "Really, it's been a whole week since you last called! I was starting to get--"


Minako froze. She stared down into Rei's dark eyes—behind the feigned innocence in them, she saw the mischievousness there, and, perhaps, a touch of smugness.

"Pfft, no way! I was just—umm—annoyed! Yeah, that's totally it! Like, I mean, why would I worry about a bum like you?" Damn that mind reading thing!

A bum? Rei was about to say something to that remark but she stopped when Minako suddenly went quiet. There was a thoughtful expression on her face.

"We practically talk everyday and then suddenly, without a word, you stopped calling. You wouldn't pick up either. I mean, what's up with that...?"

Rei awkwardly sighed and clasped one of Minako's hands. "Sorry... It was—There was a just a lot that I needed to get done before today. Getting away is already hard as it is. Besides, it sounded like you were going to be really busy all week too. With getting things ready and all..."


"But, you're right. I should have said something before, and for that I apologize." Rei was surprised when Minako suddenly giggled.

"That's just so like you..."

"Hm? What did you say?" She received a playful slap in the shoulder. "Oof! Wha-What was that for?!"

"I saaaaid you need to loosen up! Jeez, there's no need to be so formal..."

After shifting around slightly beneath Minako's weight, Rei asked, "So, does that mean I'm forgiven? Or..." She flipped them over suddenly and Minako shrieked in surprise. "Do I still need to make it up to you?"

Still giggling lightly, Minako raised her arms up and draped them over Rei's head. "Mm...I'll have to think about it." With that she placed a kiss on Rei's forehead, and hugged her tight. In a very soft voice, she whispered, "I'm really happy that you're here. For a moment there, I was worried that you forgot."

This admission had momentarily taken Rei aback.

"Don't be stupid. How could I forget?"

They both sat up to looked to the blue flowers in the flowerbed nearby. Each and every one of them had blossomed. It was just as Minako had promised-- they were beautiful-- the best in the entire garden.

"It looks like they turned out well." Rei commented. She saw Minako nod beside her.

"Mm. Last year they were a bit late...but this year, I don't think the timing could have been any more perfect. Anyway...Have you heard from any of the others lately?"

"Hmm...Actually, I haven't. I've been pretty busy lately."

Minako chuckled as she siddled up into the Martian's side and entwined their fingers. "You've been saying that quite a bit. So, are you going to enlighten me and tell me exactly what it is that you've been so busy with? Hmmm..?"

"Oh, you know...Meetings, paperwork...Okay, lots and lots of paperwork."

"Ugh," Minako made a face. "No offense, but that sounds pretty boring! But, I guess I shouldn't complain too much since that's what I've been doing lately too." She noted the thoughtful look on the other's woman face. "What's wrong?"

"Hm? Oh, well, I was just thinking..."



"What about him...? You aren't still having regrets are you?"

Rei shook her head. "No, it's nothing like that. It's just-- I almost can't believe it's already been a whole year already. Before, when he was gone, I didn't really care if he ever came back. But now, now that I know the reason why he's gone, it just...makes me think, that's all."

She felt Minako lightly squeeze her hand. "Yeah, I know..."

My condition hasn't given me a problem ever since I've become a Goddess. When he first taught me the technique, and I found out about it...I wasn't sure what to think. I wondered if he really meant to make me his heir. But thinking back on it now...maybe...it was just his way of telling me to live.

Minako blinked, and then smiled. "Yeah. Maybe you're right..."

Who knows...But it's all in the past now. We have to keep moving forward, right?

She felt Rei squeeze back. "Hm. I suppose so. Which reminds me—I know I'm early, but aren't the others supposed to be arriving soon? The Planetary Meeting is being hosted here today isn't it?"

Minako's face instantly lit up. "Yup! That's right! Since Venus has been absent for so long, I thought it would be only natural that it should be our turn to host! Everything's pretty well set up too! The kitchens are finishing preparations on the food, the party decor has already been completed for hours, AND we have a local music group coming in to play live music! You know what that means don't you?" She shot Rei a happy smile. The Goddess of War was almost afraid to ask.



Rei groaned as Minako leapt up to her feet and began to twirl around with an imaginary partner.

"After all, the last time we danced I didn't get to dress up."

"You could've, but you were too busy "studying"." Rei pointed out.

"Oh, pish posh! Minor details! The important thing is...this time, you'll get to see me all dressed up!"

Rei blushed deeply at the thought. Actually, she didn't really mind that thought of seeing her partner in formal clothing.

"It'll be a lot of fun! I can hardly wait." Minako squealed as she sat herself down by Rei again and snuggled against her. Rei didn't pull away, but cuddled back. With the other woman so close, she deeply inhaled the scent of her hair. It had a mixture of flowery scents that she couldn't quite identify, only that it was all Minako.

"You really haven't changed at all." She finally said. She heard Minako sigh quietly on her shoulder.

"Well, that's because... the important things stay the same..."

Rei silently pondered over the words for a moment. That reminded her—she had forgotten something very important.

"Hey, Mina...?"


They were suddenly distracted when they heard the garden gate being opened in the distance. Someone was coming. Rei half grumbled to herself as they both reluctantly parted and turned to see who it was. It was one of Venus's elite guards.

"Your Majesty!" Render saluted.

Minako stood up, Rei following right behind her. "Good afternoon, Render." She nodded. "Do you have good news for me?"

"Yes! Your Highness's guests have arrived! I thought I would come and tell you!"

"Ah, I see. Well, thank you very much. I really appreciate it. If it's not too much trouble, would you please inform them that we'll be right there shortly?"

"It's no trouble at all! I would be more than happy to."

As the man went on his way, Minako noticed a thoughtful look on the Martian's face.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"...He sure is energetic, isn't he?"

Minako leaned into her side suggestively and smiled. "Jealous?"

Rei responded with something of a snort as she turned the beautiful woman around in her arms and took her hands into hers. As Minako continued to stare in Rei's eyes, infuriatingly, she found that she was unable to stop herself from turning red in the face. They were so close—why was Rei looking at her like that?

Rei cleared her throat before she spoke. "Before I was interrupted...There was something that I wanted to ask you."

"Huh? Oh, sure. What is it?"

"Do you remember that Venusian custom that you told me about some time ago?" Minako's face instantly darkened a few shades of crimson at the memory. She didn't say anything but simply nodded in response.

Without any warning Rei leaned in. Minako jumped a little when the woman's breath touched her lips. "Just between you and me...I'm thinking of starting a Martian one, but only with a certain Venusian. Because...I really..."

Rei gave Minako's ear a nip and heard the Venusian yelp. Rei then walked past the woman and left her standing there in a daze.

For a second, Minako didn't even know what happened. But then something occurred to her.

"REI?!" She shouted. Rei was halfway through the garden by now. "When you said Venusian, you meant me, RIGHT?!"

Rei's laughter could be heard throughout the entire garden as Minako chased after her.

...You know...I think that's the first time I've ever heard Rei laugh...

The End


The End... Ahh...I could almost stare at those two words forever. Buuuut, I won't, because that's probably not very healthy XD

Since I've finished writing the story, I've been wondering what I could possibly say. But at times like this I guess it's difficult to find the words. To say that the timing when this story ended was special to me probably is a bit of an understatement.

I started this story at the start of when I began post-secondary. At the time, I sorta had an idea of where I wanted to go with the plot but I never imagined that it would balloon into something like this. Eventually, as many of you already know, I ended up re-writing it... I had originally intended to have the final chapters posted a few months ago, but then the surgery happened; when I was in high school, I lost the vision in one of my eyes due to an illness caused by contacts. That was really how I got into writing. So, if I had never gotten sick, I probably wouldn't have written this story at all.

That's why, if you can find some enjoyment from this story, it would make me very happy.

Anyway, that's enough from me. Best wishes to all of you for the New Year of 2010,
