The Kuchiki household was silent. The warm breeze that filled the streets of Soul Society could not seem to penetrate the ice-cold fortress. Even the usual bustle of the household servants as they went about their preparations were gone. The snow that had fallen during winter lay thick on the ground, as if they were an offering to the lost. The rooms were dark; the halls empty. In the deepest end of the mansion, two men sat, expressionless, before an altar. Her altar. The sisters' altar.

"I'm sorry."

The words hung in midair, as if they were an affront to the silence that had dominated the room. The stone-faced man before him did not blink or otherwise indicate his acknowledgement of the words.

"Is there anything I can..."

"It's not your fault," interrupted the Sixth Squad Captain. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to have some peace."

Ukitake sighed heavily and took his leave of his friend. He knew that there was nothing he could do.

A month later, it was almost with a sigh of relief when it was announced that the Sixth Squad Captain would be taking an extended leave of absence from his duties.

No one expected him to return.