Hinata was sitting at her computer on MSN talking to some of her friends from high school. She was now 17 years old and fully developed compared to some girls in her year. Her slightly lavender eyes showed her clan's bloodline limit, the Hyuuga's Byakugan. She was dressed in her silk pyjamas colored the same as her eyes. The top showed off her curves and the bottoms were made the same way.
ON-SCREENLilLavender: So wots happening 2morrow guys?
PopDaCherryBlossom: I think we have a Battle Royale vs the Boi's
BlondeBombshell: GR8! I got nu Jutsu 2 use on dem now
20WillKikUrAss: Kl, name?
BlondeBombshell: No way, w8 till Battle Royale den u c it.
LilLavender: We won't have to hurt the boys will we?
PopDaCherryBlossom: Ooooooooo
BlondeBombshell: Ooooo
20WillKikUrAss: Thinkin bout fighting Naruto?
LilLavender: Wot?
PopDaCherryBlossom: We all know you fancy him
BlondeBombshell: Yeh
(At this point, Hinata is blushing beyond belief)
LilLavender: how u kno?
PopDaCherryBlossom: u always was a bit obvious wid the staring and muttered phrases
BlondeBombshell: Shud we ask him out 4 u?
LilLavender: NO, I'll do it myself when I feel ready. U can just enjoy Shika rather den meddling.
BlondeBombshell: you are soooooo getting a slap at skool 2morrow
20WillKikUrAss: Try it and I'll knock u out cold
LilLavender: Don't worry Ten, if she does then ill just close her tenketsu so she fails Jiraiya-Sensei's Advanced Jutsu class.
BlondeBombshell: Harsh
PopDaCherryBlossom: Totally
20WillKikUrAss: Wot's so bad bout that? Apart from failing obviously
PopDaCherryBlossom: He makes you stay behind after class and help him wid his 'research'
20WillKikUrAss: so wot?
BlondeBombshell: Jiraiya-Sensei is a perv
20WillKikUrAss: EWWWWWW
LilLavender: Lets talk tomorrow.
BlondeBombshell: You got it.
PopDaCherryBlossom: Alrite.
END OF MSN CONVERSATIONHinata logged off her computer and climbed into her bed. Her mind wandering on what she was going to so tomorrow and on the teen who haunted her dreams.
"Naruto…" muttered Hinata as she fell asleep.
At Shikamaru's houseNaruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru and Neji were all sitting around in front of Shikamaru's wide screen TV in the lounge playing on his Xbox-360.
"Perfect Dark Zero gets boring after kicking your ass several times," said Sasuke leaning back in his chair
"Fancy doing some Sparring? We have a Battle Royale in gym tomorrow against the girls so we might want to practise" said Neji starting with some warm-ups before punching Naruto several times which caused a lot of ruckus as Naruto used Kage Bunshin to chase after Neji.
"HEY! STOP WRECKING MY LOUNGE!" yelled Shikamaru
"Make Me," replied Naruto as he made 1 of his clones slap Shikamaru upside the head
"Easy" said Shikamaru as he used his Shadow Bind Jutsu to hold Naruto in place.
"HEY! Let me go!" yelled Naruto at full volume
Sasuke looked up from his chair and saw Naruto head butting the wall for no apparent reason and Neji smirking at him.
Just then, Shikamaru's mom walked into the room and saw what her son was doing to Naruto
"Shikky, I told you never to use Shadow Bind in the house," said his mom in a stern voice
"Sorry mom" said Shikamaru as he released the Jutsu letting Naruto drop to the ground.
Shikamaru's mom walked out to a lot of laughter.
"SHIKKY!" yelled out Sasuke
"It's a pet name, I absolutely hate it." Said Shikamaru obviously un-amused
"Oh well, not as bad as 'my little killer'" said Neji looking cool as a cucumber
This caused Naruto, Sasuke and Shikamaru to burst out laughing at the once cold-hearted killer.
"I'm going home, this is getting boring" said Neji making his way to the door followed by Naruto screaming 'I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET!'
"I'd better get going too, otherwise I'm going to be a zombie in school tomorrow" said Sasuke walking out of the door.
"Oh great, leave me all the fun jobs" said Shikamaru starting to clear up the mess of soda cans and empty chip packets courtesy of Naruto
The next dayHinata was just waking up to Neji yelling in her ear about how 'she was going to be late' and 'Hiashi will throttle me if your not up now'
"OK OK!" said Hinata as she dragged herself out of bed and began undressing to get into her shower
A slight cough reminded her of Neji's presence and she was down to just her pyjama trousers with nothing to cover her chest. Hinata let out a scream before yelling "HENTAI!" and Jyuuken punching Neji through the door leaving him stunned on the floor at the feet of Hiashi who looked pissed.
"Umm….. Hello Hiashi, how can I help you?" said Neji nervously trying to mop up his nosebleed
"What were you doing in my daughters room while she is undressing?" said an ominously calm Hiashi
The sounds of Neji screaming were enough to wake the dead but it only woke up Hinata fully.
She finished showering and got dressed in her usual baggy clothes before heading to the dining room. On the way to the dining room, she saw Neji with his ass sticking out of the toilet whilst gurgling the toilet water. This made Hinata laugh and run to the dining room, pick up a slice of toast and the run outside to get to Konoha High.
Hinata left the Hyuuga compound and ran towards the high school near the Hokage Mountain. As she ran around the last corner, 100 metres away from the school gates, she crashed into a slow moving figure in an orange and black jumpsuit.
Hinata slammed into the figure and went crashing into the floor. She looked up and saw Naruto standing over her with a sudden look of anger on his face.
"Who the hell… oh it's you Hinata," said Naruto looking down at the girl that just came flying into him, his face softening.
"N-N-Naruto-kun…I'm fine." Said Hinata trying to get up but failing miserably.
"No your not Hinata, I can see your not" replied Naruto pulling her to her feet which, on cue, gave way resulting in Naruto catching her and holding her up.
'N-Naruto-kun is this close to me' thought Hinata as a blush rose furiously on her face
"What's up Hinata, your face is turning red," said Naruto looking a little worried
"I-Its nothing N-Naruto-Kun, shouldn't we be getting to class? It is almost 8:30" said Hinata trying to suppress her blush.
"Oh Crap, yeah. Hold on" said Naruto as he scooped Hinata up onto his back and ran down the road to the gates of the high school.
'Is this really happening?' thought Hinata as she nuzzled herself into the joint in Naruto's neck.
Naruto ran through the gates ignoring the stares he could see from out of the windows and ran straight past his and Hinata's homeroom.
"Aren't we meant to stop there?" asked Hinata
"Na, lets be early to Gym" said Naruto carrying on to the locker rooms.
He let her climb down gently so she could get used to walking again. She stumbled and nearly hit the floor before Naruto dove down and caught her.
"Naruto-kun," said Hinata looking into the sapphire orbs floating just inches above her face
"I hope we're not interrupting anything" came a voice from behind them.
They looked behind them to see Kurenai and Asuma standing in the middle of the hallway looking at the pair with obvious interest.
"Nope, your fine Sensei" said Naruto getting up and dusting himself off while Hinata just sat there looking embarrassed at the situation that her gym teacher had caught her in.
"Hinata, I think you should go get changed. You need a longer warm up than most for your Jyuuken so I'll let you off skipping homeroom as long as your there for role call this afternoon." Said Kurenai noticing that unless she pushed Hinata into the locker room, she wouldn't move.
"Thank you Sensei," said Hinata as she was shoved into the changing rooms.
"So what's your excuse Naruto? Did she suddenly stop breathing and that was the kiss of life, or did your brain go south for the winter to your other head?" said Asuma chewing on his unlit cigarette.
"What the….What other hea..Oh. ERO-SENSEI! I would never do anything like that to Hinata" half yelled Naruto at the chain smoker
'Lets see what we can about that' thought Asuma
"Fine, but this is your final warning. No more dirty pranks" said Asuma as Naruto walked into the locker rooms
"Yeah, Yeah" said Naruto 'Your Next'
In the ClassroomNeji was sitting in the corner on his own partly due to the fact that no-one was brave enough to sit next to him and reinforced by the fact he stunk of toilet water and god knows what else.
Shikamaru was staring out the window out clouds muttering 'troublesome' every time someone said something. Sasuke was sitting listening to the teacher going through some announcements while Sakura sat staring at him. Tenten and Ino were sat having a conversation about which boy would be the most screwable.
"So if anyone wants to participate in this year's Talent Contest then please feel free to do so." Said the Teacher as the bell rang
"If anyone has any questions about what you could do then don't hesitate to ask any of the other teachers or me. You can only enter for 2 acts maximum and 1 must be a solo act while the other is a group act," said the Teacher
"Yes, Kakashi-Sensei." Came the chorus reply from the class as they walked out the door towards 1st period Gym.
In the boys locker roomNaruto sat on the bench in his black work out shirt and orange training trousers. Neji just took off his coat to reveal that he would fight bare-chested and in his normal Hyuuga robe bottoms. Sasuke simply wore his usual attire and Shikamaru did the same because it was so 'troublesome'
"So who do you think we're going to have to fight?" said Naruto looking at Shikamaru
"I'm guessing that it's going to be a random thing," said the genius
"Damn it, now I might have to fight Sakura" said Naruto slightly hacked off
"What's so bad about Sakura!" said Sasuke
"Nothing, except she caught me peeping the other day and hasn't caught me yet" said Naruto getting cut off by Sasuke's fist, which he narrowly dodged
"You bastard, what did you peep at her for!" yelled Sasuke as he smashed his fist into the wall behind Naruto
"For Ero-Sennin, you know I'm no good at using advanced jutsus so he gives me marks if I get him research" said Naruto clinging from the light fitting in the room
"Remind me to burn all copies of Icha Icha Paradise that I can find after school" said Sasuke sitting back down
"I know what its like to be labelled a pervert" said Neji sympathising with Naruto after his little 'encounter' with Hiashi this morning
"Huh?" asked Naruto looking confused
"Hiashi thought I was peeping at Hinata this morning and he stuffed me down the toilet" said Neji with a look of disgust on his face "I mean, she's my cousin! What kind of perv would do that!"?
"Depends on whether my cousin was fit or not" said Sasuke looking innocent
"WTF!" was the unanimous reply from the 3 boys
"What did I say?" said Sasuke looking genuinely confused
"Loser" said a boy with a dog seemingly attached to his head.
"Want to say that again Kiba" said Sasuke getting into a fighting stance
"Leave it out guys, Battle Royale is where you sort out these arguments" said a boy with his coat off and a mask on that made him look similar to Kakashi if only in the mask and his afro height.
"Fine, Shino" said Kiba, walking off as he stroked the dog on his head.
As the boy got near Sasuke, he was stopped by a sudden kick to his nuts courtesy of…..
"SAKURA!" yelled the boy in green spandex
"I hate boys who look like Power Rangers. Change your image and you might have a chance with me" said Sakura suddenly erupting in a cloud of smoke
"GOTCHA LEE!" yelled Naruto as he started laughing at the now writhing Lee
"That was truly a most splendid exhibition of youth's grasp on your conscious self," said Lee as he passed out from the pain and the shock of seeing Sakura end up being Naruto.
"You think he keeps any snacks in that spandex" asked a boy in a green t-shirt and black shorts on.
"I don't think so Chouji, if he did I think we'd see it through that skin tight material" said Shikamaru
"Man, I need calories or I wont be able to fight properly," said Chouji pulling a bag of chips out from under his shirt
"Dude, where the fuck do you keep all these chips!" said Naruto looking confused at Chouji
"I like to keep a chain of packets under my clothes just in case I need a chakra boost" said Chouji lifting up his shirt to reveal 2 lines of chip packets hanging diagonally from his ample stomach.
"Holy shit dude" said Naruto going white eyed with no pupils
"Yes, Asuma-Sensei" came the reply as they trooped out and straight into the gym
In the girls locker roomHinata was leaning against a wall dressed in a hooded white cloaked robe that she had worn before anyone else came in. Tenten was wearing a pair of denim short-shorts that left a bit of her ass showing and a pink t-shirt that showed off her firm assets. Ino was just putting her purple vest on to cover up her white bra that barely held her in while Sakura was punching the wall getting ready for her fight.
'CHA, I'm gonna kick some ass!' Said Inner Sakura
"This is going to rock!" yelled Tenten as she threw a Senbon that hit Ino in her bun as she ducked to tie up her shoes
"CAREFUL 20!" yelled Ino as she felt the Senbon where Tenten had stuck it in her hair.
"Sorry Ino" said Tenten as she threw the blunt side of a shuriken to knock the Senbon out of her hair.
"I think we should just try our best" piped up Hinata as she walked over to the others
"Shut up Hinata, you couldn't do your best even if Naruto was there" said a girl with 4 pigtails in her hair
"Keep it zipped Temari, we all know your nothing without your brothers around you. They got suspended months ago for trying to control Anko-Sensei into making Kakashi her slave." Said Sakura charging her chakra into her hands getting ready to use her chakra enhanced punch.
"Ooo Little Miss Forehead finally decided to join in on the fun" said Temari getting her fan off her back
Temari drew her fan and was about to slash Sakura into pieces when a figure 'Poofed' in front of her and grabbed the fan before it could do any damage
"Kurenai-Sensei…." Said Temari, shocked that anyone could stop her fan when she brought it crashing down.
"If you try doing that again to another student when you are a guest here, then I will use a little creative genjutsu and let Sakura pound you to within an inch of your life" said Kurenai, her red eyes had an annoyed glint in them.
She turned to the rest of the class and said "Alright everyone, into the Gym"
Everyone silently obeyed and followed their sensei into the Gym
In the GymThe boys and girls have been sent to different sides of the gym on raised platforms reminiscent of the Chunin Exam Preliminary Rounds. The boys had sat their asses down while the girls were in various poses of boredom, excitement and debating if they won't kill anyone from PMS overload.
A giant screen had been erected (A/N: Sniggers) on the wall had various names on it.
"We have only selected a few of the elite from this group to participate in the Battle Royale, the people chosen are the people we expect will do the best to support their group. The following people have been chosen for their corresponding teams except for 2 exceptions who I will explain in a minute." Said Asuma standing with Kurenai and Gekko
"The boys team is Sasuke Uchiha (Fan girls swoon), Neji Hyuuga, Shikamaru Nara ("THAT LAZY ASS GOT PICKED" yelled Naruto) Rock Lee, Chouji Akimichi and umm…… I think someone made a mistake here. It says Naruto Uzumaki" said Asuma handing the card to Kurenai
"No mistake" said Kurenai slightly surprised herself
"Very well, and the girls team are as follows. Tenten Rianos, Ino Yamanaka, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuuga and they 2 exceptions, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame" said Asuma chuckling slightly
"WHAT!" yelled the dog trainer
"Hn" said Shino as he made his way over to the girls side "Come on Kiba, I know you think its bad but you get to sit with Hinata" Shino started smirking as he saw Kiba run on all fours down the stairs and up to girls section and straight into Hinata's lap earning him a slap from 3 of her friends.
"Ok, now the computer will generate the first match up" said Gekko with a slight cough
The computer swirled around the names for what seemed like an eternity for the teens participating in the fights.
They suddenly stopped only for the 2 participants to stare in shock
A/N: He He He, Sorry it's a cliffy but I will be updating this soon because it was so much fun to write. I will give a quick hint to all the smart arses that think they can guess who the participants are.
Pale Minds Are Often Full, Dark Minds Are Often Empty. Enjoy and Review with your answers