Chapter 10: Wild Card

By Lola

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss, people who are much more clever do.


Silence, tense and awkward filled the room. The only sound the occasional shuffling of paper as Crawford turned the printed pages of the newspaper on the table. Smoke trailed lazily from Yoji's cigarette, perched between his tightened lips, creating a haze in the kitchen that did nothing to lessen the cold violet glare aimed at the opposite end of the room. Yoji desperately wished he could think of something clever to say, a careless joke that would ease the tension in the room but all he could do was offer a nervous smile in Ran's direction. Aside from Crawford, the only other man in the room who seemed bored with the glare of death was the German. One hand still perched on Ken's hip like it had every right to be there and eyes staring right back at the pale redheaded leader of Weiss, unflinching, uncaring and completely confident. Ken shifted from foot to foot occasionally making a noise in his throat like he was about to speak only to lapse into an open-mouthed silence.

Cold blue eyes finally decided to grace the rest of the men with a practiced glare, as if the silence was somehow an affront to the man reading the paper. Fixing his stare on the lanky man at his side, he snapped his paper closed and tucked it under his arm.

"Kudou, take Schuldig for a drive." He paused, eyeing Ran and Ken before adding decisively, "A long drive."

Yoji was just glad to have any excuse to get out of the range of Ran's wrath. Schuldig didn't move, only switched his stare from the cold redhead to the arrogant American.

'I'm not leaving Bradley.'

Crawford adjusted his glasses, sliding them up the bridge of his nose with a finger in a gesture they'd all seen too often to take note of. "Go with Yoji." He raised a hand to silence any protest that would ensue, either verbal or mental. "If you stay, I'll get a headache."

Schuldig's grip on Ken tightened involuntarily before he finally looked away and muttered, "Selfish bastard."

Unfazed by this, Crawford tossed a silver card Yoji's way, which the blonde easily caught between long fingers. "Buy yourself something nice." Was the only explanation Crawford offered before disappearing up the stairs.

Green eyes blinked. Yoji stared at the platinum credit card in his hand, puzzled beyond words. However, not about to miss the chance to purchase an outfit that he'd wanted for quite some time to hit the clubs with he grabbed Schuldig's arm and dragged him out of the house, a grin fast spreading across his face when he imagined his lover's expression after his happy little shopping spree.

Schuldig muttered a stream of curses as he was dragged away, casting a longing glance over his shoulder at Ken. Brown eyes gazed back, wide and confused and seeming totally lost.

'Don't worry kitten, I'll come back if you need me…remember, I can always hear you.'

Ken nodded, lips parting into a genuine smile, and the German nearly lost it, wanting nothing more than to rush back and take the brunette in his arms. How long had he waited to see that smile again? It had seemed like an eternity before he had seen that light smile that reached his eyes and flooded the German with such a feeling of warmth. If Yoji weren't tugging at his arm he may have even considered skipping out of the room, so great was the effect of Ken's smile on him. But seeing as Ran was glaring icy daggers at his back, skipping somehow seemed out of the question. So he settled for flashing a wide grin back at his lover and a flirtatious wink.

'Love ya babe.'

Ken's eyes nearly popped out of his head as they widened in surprise. Was Schuldig just teasing? What…? All of a sudden, just like that. Granted it wasn't the most romantic of confessions but with the smile and the look in those green eyes, Ken found himself unable to doubt the sincerity. And then he found himself staring at the wall where Yoji and Schuldig had just been moments before. Ken suddenly became acutely aware of the eyes boring into his face, trying to force his gaze away from where Schuldig had been.

Slowly, he tore his gaze away from the door and looked up into cold violet. He took a step back at the flash of hurt that flitted briefly across Ran's face before the smooth mask of coolness was once again firmly in place. Ken bit his lip and started to speak but Ran help up his hand to silence him.

As if in slow motion, Ran pulled a chair out and perched on the edge and seemed to sag against it, suddenly looking very tired as though the fight had fled him. "He loves you. Doesn't he?"

Ken sighed as he joined Ran, sitting across from the pale redhead. "I…I'd like to think so."


A long pause.

"Ran…I never meant to-" Ken began softly, reaching out for his leader's white hand that seemed to blend with the cold ivory surface of the table.

Violet eyes looked away as he bowed his head, face hidden beneath a veil of crimson. Ken's hand hovered uncertainly over his, unsure of whether the touch would be welcomed or not. Finally Ken simply let his hand rest beside Ran's. Ken's tanned fingers just barely brushing the redhead's ghostly white skin. Close enough to be taken if needed but not invading.

Ran's next words caught Ken completely off guard, seeming to sprout out of nowhere.

"I'm moving to Prague. I leave in a week."

Ken blinked several times, wondering if perhaps the man in front of him was bluffing, pulling a wild card just to gauge his reaction. No. Ran would not do that. He may have hurt him in the past but he hardly thought lying something Ran would do. He studied the man across from him with a slight frown. He was leaning back in the chair, white fingers running through dark red strands in a rare display of unease. The motion allowing Ken a brief glimpse of an alabaster brow that was usually obscured by a thick crimson curtain of jagged bangs. Finally, purple eyes left the ceiling to stare back at Ken, one hand still holding the bangs out of his face. For a moment the pale face looking childlike and innocent. Untainted by the burdens of an assassin's life or the loss of family. This was Ran unmasked. Gentle, loving.


And he might not ever be able to see it again. Ken's throat tightened involuntarily when Ran spoke again.

"Come with me?"

That deep voice, so soft, sounding every bit like a loving entreaty. Not the forceful, needy demand of a lover but rather said with the same uncertain questioning of a little boy asking for candy before dinner. Pale fingers closed around Ken's.


A soft kiss brushed over bronzed battle-scarred knuckles. Ken's mouth hung open, unable to voice anything over the rising lump in his throat as he tried to will the heat from spreading across his cheeks at the soft amethyst gaze holding him captive. Ken chewed on his bottom lip, at a loss. How could anyone think with those soft eyes gazing at you with such tenderness? Tenderness only for you! This had been Ken's dream for so long. How many times had he been sitting here with Ran, just like this, hoping for the usually unreachable redhead to display any hint of feeling? There was a time when Ken would have killed for a moment like this, was desperate for it and now…

Here they were.


Ken watched as Ran moved their joined hands to his face, pressing Ken's warm palm against the satiny soft skin of his cheek. Ken couldn't speak, feeling as though to say a word would shatter this moment forever and plunge them both back into cold reality.

Ken was aware of the sound of wood scraping against tile as Ran shoved his chair back and stood and then he was surrounded in an embrace. Tight yet not overbearing. Ran had never held him like this. They stood there, Ken's arms slowly wrapping around the thinner man's torso, fingers curling into the fabric of his sweater. The scent of mint from Ran's tea still lingered about him and something softer and warm. Ran rested his forehead against the curve of Ken's shoulder, red hair spilling over the white t-shirt stretched across Ken's muscles.

Like two statues they stood holding each other, marble and bronze.

Ran's warm breath stirred the short brown strands by Ken's ear. Brown eyes widened only to soften as a warm wet trickle slid down the curve of his neck. The voice in his ear tight with emotion.

"Ken…I can't lose you."

Ken closed his eyes, burying his nose in the older man's sweater, for this moment enjoying the tightening of the other's grip as he breathed against his neck. Tanned fingers fisted into the orange wool.



* * * * *

Why was life so damned complicated? Why do people have to love and form relationships?

Ken Hidaka stared up at the sky painted in the rosy hues of sunset and sighed. "Because we need to…"

He sat on an old bench at the edge of the soccer field where he usually practiced. Patches of green dotted the snow, exposed from the spring rain earlier that day. The sprawl of white and green patches looking like a makeshift quilt spread out over the field. It was so quiet. Most children would be inside dining with their families. A soft smile ghosted across Ken's lips as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. It was nice out here. Still a tad cold, winter not quite ready to release its icy clutch on the air but Ken found it calming.

His eyes watched the wispy clouds flit by the sun slowly and sighed.

What should he do?

His conversation with Ran played over and over in his head. Endless was the image of those pleading violet eyes. A gloved hand reached up to lay over his creased brow. What was he supposed to do…? It had all been like a dream, Ran's words, and his actions…

His eyes squeezed shut, shutting out the crimson light from the setting sun, the light certainly did nothing to help him. No path was laid clear before him; no enlightenment seemed to be forthcoming. Ran was going to Prague. Prague! In a week and he had asked Ken to go with him. Talk about random.

Ken felt completely blindsided, not that he wasn't flattered by the invitation, he was sincerely touched but there are always complications with these things. Nothing is ever quite so clear-cut. Running off with Ran, as if no pain had ever lingered between them would be living a fairytale. Ken had long since quit believing in such fantasies. How could he when he had such a messed up reality? He straightened; back stiffening as he crossed his arms over his chest. He needed to think about this. He needed to formulate some kind of answer. Ran wouldn't wait forever and…neither would Schuldig.


Ken's lips parted in another sigh. Should he even relay the conversation he'd had with Ran to his lover? Well it would probably be better than having the telepath accidentally garner the information himself. That would just hurt.

A groan escaped him and he let his head fall into his hands. He needed help. He needed answers. He needed to know what the hell to do. How do you choose between a man whom you used to love with all your heart and a man who gives you his heart and his friendship freely? How do you compare the love from the past and the present?

"Perhaps comparisons are not meant to be drawn."

Ken jumped, whipping his head around only realizing at the sound of the other man's voice that he had spoken his last thoughts aloud. A cool face greeted him, the usual glasses absent from Crawford's face.


Ken blinked, still unsure of how the man had seemingly just materialized before him out of thin air. He had never even heard his approach. Then he let his gaze drift to the two steaming Styrofoam cups held in leather-gloved hands.

A black eyebrow arched when Ken simply sat there, staring slack-jawed at the coffee cups. "Or would you rather sit there gaping like a fish all night?"

Ken shook his head and quickly snatched the cup, the hot brown liquid sloshing about the rim and nearly spilling onto his hands as he muttered an apology before gulping some down hastily only to gasp and spit out the burning liquid onto the snow, creating a soft hiss and a burst of steam.

"Shit that's hot!"

Crawford dusted off the bench beside the brunette then adjusting his coat, sat lightly beside him, coffee held close to his thin lips.

"Coffee generally is."

A slow deliberate sip followed the words.

"…Right. Um…thanks."

Crawford nodded, still keeping his gaze focused forward as if the brunette was not seated at his side. Ken shifted awkwardly and decided to busy himself blowing repeatedly on his coffee. A deep breath drew the scent of vanilla coffee to his nose. Vanilla…soft…velvety smooth…the scent of Schuldig. Brown eyes darted back to Crawford. Had his choice of flavor been intentional?

"I knew you would be out here."

Ken let out a soft snort. "Is that a joke or something?"

The oracle turned slowly to gaze levelly at his companion, the barest hint of a smile tugging at his lips and lighting his eyes. "Perhaps."

Ken's retort died on his lips. Crawford was smiling. Smiling. Not that it had never happened but usually the laughter was specifically reserved for Yoji or on occasion a reserved smile exchanged with Ran after some intellectual discussion. Ken was never privy to that hint of humanity in the former leader of Schwartz. He decided that he liked it. The proof that humor was not beyond the usually stiff man. At times Crawford reminded Ken a great deal of Ran. Both fearless leaders, both calm and composed, cold even but capable of taking charge of any situation. They both had a commanding air about them that could not be denied. But after hearing about Crawford from Schuldig, Ken had nearly thought the man devoid of any human feeling, or compassion. Obviously that could not be so if Yoji was so attached to the man but…having never witnessed any form of softness about the man Ken was at a loss to form an opinion regarding his goodness.

Ken's features scrunched in contemplation. In fact, Crawford was rather handsome when not being his usual cold-hearted bastardly self. Yes, now he could see what Schuldig and Yoji had both fallen for. Blue eyes met brown and held the scrutinizing gaze without comment, letting the younger man size him up.

Finally after long moments of simply staring, Ken relaxed against the bench and brought the coffee cup to his chilled lips. "So. You found me. What's up? Or did you just come all the way out here to give me some coffee out of the kindness of your heart?" The humor was evident in Ken's voice as he took a long gulp of coffee.

"Why would I do something like that Ken?"

Ken rubbed the back of his head, messing up the short brown locks. "Um…because?"

Crawford set his cup of coffee down between them, steam still curling from the remaining heat that clung to the white foam. It reminded Ken of the smoke from Yoji's cigarettes though tinted more white than the usual blue gray from Yoji's mouth.

"Maybe I just knew you needed to talk to someone."

Ken laughed outright at Crawford's statement. "Let me guess, you predicted it right? Got some vision of me going insane and so came out here to chat?"

"No. But I was at home when you and Ran had your little talk and I needn't remind you that voices carry in a quiet apartment."

A flush spread across Ken's cheeks. "Oh."

Well, he felt like an idiot. Not that that was anything new per say but that hardly lessened his embarrassment.

If Crawford noticed Ken's discomfort he spared him the embarrassment of remarking on it. Instead he crossed his legs and stretched an arm out across the back of the bench, fingers barely brushing Ken's shoulder. It wasn't meant as an inviting gesture, just a casual one.

"So. What do you think about Ran going to Prague?"

Ken let out a long breath, fingers digging into his hair, knotting the fine strands the shade of rich chocolate. "I don't know…I'm…well happy in a way but also just confused as hell." A humorless laugh from parted lips. "Hey, you're the oracle Crawford, tell me what I'm supposed to do."

Crawford lifted his eyes to the sky where the pinkish glow of sunset was fast fading. "You know I can't."

Ken's body sagged against the bench, legs stretching out before him. "What would you do?"

Crawford turned to look at him, dark blue eyes piercing. "I would stop worrying about the past and the present and seriously consider the future."

Ken sat up. "That's easy for you to say! You know your future! All you have to do is do whatever will have a good result and you're set!"

"I can't predict everything Ken."

Ken's voice was soft, a defeated slump to his shoulders. "I know…"

Finally after a long lapse of silence Crawford rose. "I can't tell you who to choose…" he began, collecting his cup of coffee and turning to study the seated man. "But you should consider who would put you first. Otherwise, you may be trapped with someone whose thoughts would forever be reserved for someone else." A frown creased his brow as if he had said too much and then he retreated back across the soccer field.

Ken watched Crawford's form disappear. He wasn't certain he felt any better but he did know he needed to talk to Ran again.

* * * * *

Ken made his way home, sluggishly walking through the Koneko to make his way to the apartment complex beyond. He blinked and quickened his pace at the sound of raised voices. One high and the other slightly nasal in tone. Ken's stomach did an involuntarily flip flop at the sound of the second voice. Sitting by the computer, Schuldig and Omi. Schuldig was at the keyboard, clicking madly with the mouse, playing some computer game that had some cute jungle music playing. Ken approached slowly and leaned against the wall, intent on watching this interesting scene unobserved for as long as possible.

"There! Click on the monkey!" Omi implored, hovering about the German's shoulders and pointing at the screen.

"Whose the goddamn zookeeper here bishounen? Me or you? You had your turn now it's mi-No!" Schuldig let out a frustrated wail as all the cute round little animals on the screen dispersed signifying his loss.

Omi crossed his arms and nudged Schuldig out of the seat with his hip. "I told you to click on the monkey."

The German was about to ready a retort when a bout of laughter drew his attention to the door. Ken was nearly bent in half in hysterics at the sight of his lover playing computer games with Omi. Schuldig placed an indignant hand on his hip and gave a toss of his flame colored hair.

"And what, are you laughing at Kenken?" he drawled out as he approached the brunette, trapping him against the wall by pressing his palms against the wall on either side of Ken's face.

Ken stopped chuckling long enough to look up into Schuldig's face and answer with a wide grin. "You."

It was all over from there. He was soon pressed against the wall in a searing kiss and his own hands found their way eagerly beneath the German's shirt, palms sliding up toned muscles. Schuldig hooked his thumbs around Ken's belt and pulled him forward, grinding their hips together and forcing Ken's back to arch off the wall as a groan escaped him. Things would have no doubt gotten a lot more scandalous if Omi had not cleared his throat loudly and made his presence known. Eyes dark, Ken glanced over the German's shoulder and offered an apologetic smile to the blonde who was fuming at their display.

Schuldig backed off, letting just his palm rest on Ken's hip while his other hand readjusted his shirt. "Wanna go out tonight kaetzchen?"

Ken blinked. He was supposed to be talking to Ran… "Out?"

A slow grin spread across thin lips. "Yes. Out. With Kudou and everyone."

'I want to show you off…' his mind purred.

Ken smiled, unable to resist the fluttery feeling that came over him when Schuldig looked at him with those green eyes. "Is Ran coming to?"

Something flashed briefly across Schuldig's features. Was it hurt? Soon it was gone as he released the brunette and turned. "Ask him yourself." He turned and left pausing only to call over his shoulder, "I'll be here to pick you up in an hour. Make yourself pretty."

Ken swallowed. He had the sinking feeling that he has said something very wrong. He sighed and glanced at Omi who was looking at him in what could be either sympathy or disbelief that he could be so stupid when dealing with the two redheads in his life. Ken closed his eyes to block out the big blue eyes staring at him and sighed.

"Ne Omi?"

"Hai Ken-kun?"

Brown eyes searched the ceiling, knowing a certain scarlet haired man to be there probably reading or polishing his katana then dropped his gaze to the floor.

"Nothing." He shook his head in an attempt to clear the dueling thoughts in his brain and went upstairs.

He stood outside Ran's door, one palm resting on the smooth wooden surface and let his fingers slide down to the handle. The metal cool against his fingertips as they curled around it. He turned the knob and entered. As he'd expected, Ran lay on his bed, a book in his lap, violet eyes darted upwards to meet his inquisitively at the intrusion.

Ken let the door close behind him with a soft click and leaned against it, feeling that if he did not have support his legs may very well turn to jelly. Steadying himself Ken breathed out the words that most people dread hearing and are uncomfortable saying.

"We need to talk."

To be continued…

A.N.: Ok, that was an evil place to end it I'm aware. ^^;; I know I've taken forever to post but that's what happens with two jobs and doing your Masters full time. You get a wee bit drained. Or in my case, you get mono. -_- But now the semester is over!!! Woooo! So I should have more time to write. I thought I could finish it in this chapter but no….damn story taking a life of it's own! *waggles fist* Ahem. But I think one more chapter and an epilogue should do it. ^_^

So, a huge thank you to all who reviewed the last chapter and to all those who managed to read this one. ^_^ Feel free to pelt me, I deserve it.

To all who reviewed, chapter 9, thank you for letting me know how you felt about it. ^___^ *glomps everyone *

Dragonfire~ Sorry, this took a long time. ^^;;; Because I suck. Actually had this written for awhile but wasn't pleased with it but finally decided to post.

Sammy-chan ~ Wai wai! I'm so glad you read it! *hugs * It's been too long! Ne, feel free to email me anytime. ^_^

Lady Kickass ~ Yeah, you're right I did take way too long. I'm glad you like the pairing. Schu/Ken is one of my faves too. Well…I guess that's kinda obvious. ^^;

Mina XP ~ *weezes from being strangled * A-anou…glad you liked it. *cough * Next time, don't squeeze so hard.

Eeyore ~ *hugs * I'm happy you liked it!! Your drawings are certainly good motivation for me. ^________^ Have I told you how much I love your art? Well I love your art. ~.^

Redemption Moon ~ *blinks * Are? You missed a chapter? The eighth one? If you still haven't been able to read it, let me know and I'll send it to you pronto. ^___^

Kia ~ *laughs * No…Ran didn't go on a killing spree, though I was sorely tempted but really who would he kill? They're all too pretty to die. ~.^

Aishlin ~ ^_______^ Don't worry, all will be happy in the end. That's a promise.

Nadare ~ It's true you don't see this triangle very often, tis a shame too. It's so fun! ^___^

Shuzuku ~ Elephants? ._. Kowai!! *hides * Don't worry, I will finish it. ^__^ Especially if I want my leg back. *laughs *

Siberian ~ *giggles * A threesome? Well…I must say I've been thinking of it. ^_^ I'm glad you like the writing style. I find it's a good style for this kind of fic.

Pandora.81 ~ Hee hee! Yeah, I'm normally a huge Schu/Aya fan demo…I don't know what possessed me here.

Fuzzish ~ I love people fighting over Ken too. He just seems like a good guy to fight over.

Mairiana ~ Yeah, I couldn't resist the uke Schu, just something I thought was too delicious to resist. And you're right, there certainly aren't enough Schu/Ken fics out there. That's why I must devote myself to encouraging the pairing!

Fei ~ *uber glomps * Of course you know how happy I am that you read this and like it! You're opinion means so much to me. ^_______^

Chibi koneko ~ *grins * I love making Schu/Ken lovable to people. Thank you for thinking so. ^__^

Yaoke ~ Er…gomen ne…^^;;;