Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for the ending of Chronicles and major spoilers for the entire plot of Soylent Green. If you've never see Soylent Green before go rent it before you even think of reading this fic. That said, enjoy.
It had been seventy years. After almost two generations the world was finally returning to some sense of normalcy. The cities had been rebuilt, with the addition of a Crystal Mechanics office or factory in each one. The company has become the world's driving force in the years after the calamity. Above the door of every CM building was a plaque, to remind everyone of the past's tragedies and Crystal Mechanics' role in the reconstruction of the world. It read:
"The members of the Tipa caravan were brilliant adventurers, the players of legend. In their travels they unearthed the secret element for beneath the desert sands and crossed the Abyss. Their most ambitious destination was Mount Vellenge, the nightmare mountain from which all miasma flows. Tragically the brave caravan did not return from their expedition.
Instead, waves of miasma surged forth across the land. The heightened levels of toxic fog overloaded crystals and chalices everywhere, causing the pure stones to shatter and entire cities to fall.
In those desperate days after the flood the Shella-based company, Crystal Mechanics, gave the people hope. It began as no more than six Yukish scholars who delved deep into ancient tomes and scrolls in an attempt to uncover the secrets of the crystals. Their efforts led to the discovery of the crystal production process that is still in use to this day."
A/N: What is the secret of Soylent Chalice?