Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, and I am sure I never will.


One day something happened, something that never should of happened. Something escaped that never should of escaped.


By now I am sure you are wondering who Kato is. I think the question you should ask yourself is what Kato is.

A long time ago, Kato was a simple angel. He did his work and became more and more skilled as he went along through what would be years for us. As he gained power he seemed to want more. Nothing seemed to satisfy him.

It was around then that the power became too much for him. As he looked down at the many worlds that lay just beneath his grasp he found himself wanting to rule them. After all, someone so much more powerful than them should rule them, all of them. At least that was his logic. There was only one thing standing in his way, and that one thing as God.

It was then that the Devil came to him. Now, I know you are all probably aware that the Devil has many other names; it just depends on who you talk to, and what their religion is. For now, though, let us just call him the Devil.

Now then, when the Devil came to Kato offering to teach him everything he knew and to grant him his wish to rule the many universes alongside the Devil, as you can probably guess, Kato eagerly accepted.

God had realized what was going on and sent many of his most powerful angels at the angel turned demon, but by then it was to late. In the short amount of time it had taken the angels to get to him, many universes had already been destroyed.

The angels captured him, but he had already destroyed many of the different universes. The universes now lay in shambles. Many people where dead or dieing.

God quickly began to try and fix everything that happened, but some where too destroyed to do anything about. Also, after fixing some he found himself to drained to fix others. It was then he came up with a plan. He would take some choice people who had died from the Takahashi universe and stick them on a planet called earth.

It was up to them to save their universe, except they didn't know it. Because they couldn't remember anything about their past life, though, it was probably going to be difficult, but that was all going to change when Shikon High School got a new student.

Anyway, that's it for the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry, everyone will appear in the next chapter. Also, I will make sure to have my other chapters longer. So… yeah. This is my first story and I would appreciate the reviews. Thanks!