A/N: Sorry it's taking so long to update. I've been having hours of homework and after school activities so I have no free time anymore. 8th grade sucks. Hey, it's Thursday right now so over the weekend I hope to finish this story. Here's chapter 6.
When Danny finally woke up, he realized he was in some sort of lab. It was a big lab, so Aqua could stand up to her full height while just barely touching the ceiling. Danny was strapped to a kind of table that had a laser pointed over it. Danny couldn't move. He had Ghost-proof straps over his chest, legs, arms and forehead.
"Aqua! Snap out of it! I know you're not evil!" Danny cried to Aqua. She could barely hear him over the sound of the machinery in the lab.
I'm not evil. I just serve my master and listen to what he tells me to do. Aqua said with a smirk.
"Vlad!" Danny yelled. "What do you want with Aquamarine!"
"An assistant. She has been with you for a while now and knows almost everything about you. She read your thoughts that you accidentally sent to her. She has been helping me devise a plan to get rid of you once and for all." Vlad said.
"No!" Danny yelled. He started fighting against the straps that held him to the table. He was thrashing around for a few minutes while Vlad just sat near Danny laughing. Danny started gasping for breath.
It's no use, Danny. The straps are Ghost Proof. Said Aqua.
"How stupid do you think I am?" Danny said, turning back into his human self. When the transformation was complete, he started thrashing again and broke free.
"Guess we should have worked on that more, right?" Vlad said to Aqua.
"Aqua!" Danny said to the dragon. "Snap out of it!"
Danny reached over to Aqua's head and pulled off the helmet of the armor so he could look into Aqua's eyes without anything interfering.
What? Aqua said, confused. What happened?
"Daniel! No!" Vlad yelled.
"The armor helps with the mind control!" Danny muttered under his breath.
"Aqua! Take off the armor!" Danny yelled to Aqua.
Ok. I don't know why I'm wearing it, but ok. What good will it do? Aqua said, still confused.
Aqua bent her neck down to her chest and un-strapped the armor. She grabbed it gently in her teeth and threw it on the ground. Then she whipped her tail up to her head and un-strapped the tail piece. It slipped off the end of her tail. Aqua's eyes changed from the red they were when she was under Vlad's mind control back to their normal blue-green.
Aqua turned to Danny and gave him a huge smile. Danny smiled back. Then Aqua and Danny both turned to Vlad.
You made a huge mistake messing with me. Aqua said to Vlad, angry.
"What are you gonna do to me?" Vlad said.
"Nothing. This time. Just never come near me or Aqua again. Ever." Danny said.
Or you're gonna have to answer to me. Aqua said.
"Fine. You can leave now." Vlad said.
Danny jumped on Aqua's back and went intangible. Aqua went intangible too, because Danny was touching her. Aqua jumped off the ground and flew out of Vlad's castle and back to Amity Park. When they got there, they landed into the woods. Danny got off Aqua's back and hugged her very tightly.
"I'm so glad I got you out of Vlad's control!" Danny said to Aqua, relieved.
Me too! That wasn't fun at all. Aqua said.
It was late when they got back, so Danny flew back to his house quickly to check in with his parents.
After that, he flew back to the woods to Aquamarine. She was already asleep on the ground. Danny curled up next to her and fell asleep. Aqua woke up when she heard Danny fall asleep and start snoring quietly. She unfurled her wing and put it over Danny to keep him warm. They were best friends and would remain this way forever. Nothing could change that.