He sat on the bench in the park and watched the leaves fall off the trees. Fall used to be his favorite season, but it was hers too. He thought about her golden hair that flowed down her back, the way she laughed and the affectionate look she always gave him. Her sky blue eyes that you could stare at for hours. He had actually been sitting on the bench for around 3 hours just thinking about her. Caleb had broken up with Cornelia because...

'Why did I break up with her again? I loved her... No I LOVE her. I still love her. Why did I do something so stupid!'

With that, he got up and was about to go to her house to apologize, when he heard her voice, along with that of another. It was the voice of a boy. He quickly hid behind a bush as he saw them come toward the bench. She was crying. She sat down on the bench where he had been sitting only moments ago.

"Oh, Adam. Why did he break up with me?" She sobbed. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"Shhh. Shhh. It's ok Cornelia. That guy must have been a real jerk to dump someone like you. You're beautiful, smart, funny, and you're definitely outgoing. You're a great person. There's nothing wrong with you."

At this point Caleb was pissed at this Adam guy for comforting her and for the fact that he really had been such a jerk.

"If I had a girl like you, I would treat you like a princess. But not in that annoying kind of way."

She laughed a little.

"Thanks. You're pretty good at making someone feel better when their heart was just ripped from their chest." She looked up at him and smiled slightly. She never realized how cute he was. His brown eyes had a certain sparkle to them and his hair looked like the soft fur of a teddy bear. She suddenly had the urge to kiss him, so she did just that. Caleb seeing this almost jumped out from his hiding place but couldn't. Not because he couldn't bring himself to, but because his jacket was stuck on a branch. He felt like his heart was being ripped out slowly and while being ripped out was having lemon juice and salt poured all over it. He had never felt such a great deal of pain and almost cried out but held it in by biting his tongue.

'This must be how that phantom guy from that movie Cornelia and I watched at her house when he saw Christine and Raoul kissing on the roof of the opera house.' He thought. 'What was the name of it again? Oh. Phantom of the Opera. I remember Cornelia loved that movie.' He sighed quietly.

"Whoa... Wh-what was that for." Adam asked breathlessly.

"I guess I never really realized how much I like you." She smiled.

He smiled back. "Hey, uh, you... you think you might wanna go catch a movie or something later? With me? Tonight?" He was blushing a deep shade of red at this point. He had liked Cornelia for a very very long time and was happy that she'd kissed him. No, more than happy. He could jump up on the bench right now and start tap-dancing and singing 'Give My Regards To Broadway,' but he didn't because he didn't want Cornelia to think he was insane, so he just grabbed her hand and led her away from Caleb. Before they left though, he pecked her one more time on the lips, causing a stabbing feeling in Caleb's chest. If they didn't leave soon, Caleb was sure to have a heart attack from all the built up pressure of not being able to pound this guy's face in for touching his Cornelia. But wait, she wasn't his anymore...

'Will I ever be able to face Cornelia again without the thought of those two kissing popping into my head? Will I even be able to win her back? Should I even try?' He sighed, unhooked his jacket from the branch on the bush and sauntered ((I love that word... although I probably spelled it wrong lol)) to the Silver Dragon.

ok! how do u like it ppl?
this is my first fic so... it's probably not brilliant but it might just get better
plz review!
and this IS a CxC story... i just haven't written that part yet lol
i'll probably finish this story by tonight and have the whole thing posted on here by the end of the week so u dont have to wait too long for chapters or anything, but no guaruntees!
yes i no it's short, but i'm not good at writing long things cuz then it'd be the whole story in one paragraph lol
well, that's all for now folks!