Taking Back The Philippines

Summary: What if Major Winters agreed to have the Easy Company shipped to Pacific Theatre? This story takes the company to the Pacific where they battle and try to save not only their lives but others as well. A fight along side General MacArthur as they claim back the islands seized and occupied by the Japanese.

Author's Note: I do understand that this is a factual company, and hope that I do not offend anyone by this story. I am honored to have had a grandfather fight along Americans during WWII, and proud of my relatives and the men and women that are currently serving this Country. God Bless.


June 5, 1945

It has been close to a month since Maj. Winters accepted the mission to Pacific Theatre; a considerable amount of new replacements for easy company joined us a few weeks after arriving in Hawaii, back to our original number of 140 men. We did have some time off after fighting in Europe, but I guess no one could ignore the feeling that we were still needed. Now it's only time till we find out where in the Pacific they were going to deploy us.

"I'm thinking we'll just storm them on their own land," A new private whispered to his comrades, Captain Lewis Nixon glanced up from his journal and watched with squinted eyes as the group passed. It was Dog and Omega Company that had also joined easy in recovering the Pacific. Nixon only waited for news on their exact coordinates, from Major Winters who at that very moment was in a meeting. Sad that those who had gained enough points to withdraw from War did, he had more then enough points. But this was one adventure he was not planning on missing, especially by the side of his best friend Dick Winters.

"Mango?" PFC. Patrick O' Keefe offered as he sat down and devoured the fruit. He had dressed down for the weather since it was humid and close to mid afternoon. Nixon shook his head no, closing his journal slowly. He didn't mind the heat; he didn't mind anything but rather went with the flow. Perhaps that was why everyone felt at ease with him, you could say he was considered one of the 'nice' ones. "Everyone's on the talks now, been hearin' all these stories about them Japs and stuff. Don't mind me killin' some of them, 'specially after what they gone and did to Pearl Harbor." The tragic event that triggered the involvement of America into World War II was still raw to those in the armed forces.

"Where's the rest of the company?"

"Town, you forget when the week ends and the weekend begins, this place is that good." O' Keefe took another big bite of his mango the juices sliding down his fingers. Nixon smiled and just stared out to the ocean since the base they were in was by the beach. It seemed that all the bases were by beaches in Hawaii. Both men sat side by side till it was late afternoon when O' Keefe had to leave since he promised a Dane to the dance hall that night. Nixon eventually left the beach and went back to his barracks to change into a fresh shirt; he concluded to himself that if Winters was not done with his meeting by early evening he would go to the nearby pub and have a drink. Winters would know where to find him, since that was the only place that wasn't overcrowded with privates and their Danes, it was more of an informal gentlemen's club.

Dick Winters exited the General's office, he had been in there for close to five hours, enough for him to wish that he was still back in Europe where decisions were fast paced and there were no second thoughts. He winced as his right leg throbbed from the shrapnel hit about a year back. The sun was still high and it was still burning hot, even if it was close to six in the evening.

"Thought I was going to go to the pub alone tonight, did they just let you out?" Nixon called out; he had left his barracks in time to meet Winters halfway to his own barracks. Like most of the soldiers staying in Hawaii he had gotten himself some Hawaiian made shirts which were light for the weather, and inexpensive.

"Yeah, they needed five hours to tell us where we were going to go." He replied, he turned himself around so that both he and Nixon were walking toward the pub. They could hear shouts and music coming from the nearby town, other then that the barracks was empty except for a few denied weekend passed men here and there. "General MacArthur is hard on saving the Pacific though, can't deny that."

"Well he did make a pact with the people of the Philippines that he was going to come back." Both men made a face and laughed, moving on to other subjects. People back home called him crazy, but crazy enough to be winning slowly back the Pacific. Everyone had thought that once the war in Europe was over, Japan would follow suit. But instead it pushed forward conquering almost all of Southeast Asia and major parts of China.

The pub was close to empty with many of its occupants being old native men, or officers of higher rank, or married officers taking drink before retiring to their homes for dinner. Nixon ordered the drinks while Winters picked the seats he chose the ones by the window, so they could see who was in town or who wasn't. "Here you go," Nixon said as he set a bottle of pop in front of him. Nixon had a glass of his favorite whiskey in his hand. Both men gave a small toast and took their sips.

"Let's go to the dance hall! Please I want to dance!" A girl begged trying to pull her unwilling date to the building where it seemed everyone was going. Nixon watched as the guy shrugged his shoulders and kissed the girl right on the lips, earning a hard slap on the chest and a giggle.

"These guys make me feel old," he commented.

Winters nodded in agreement, sometimes he wished he could be like them. Not care for one night but his rank would never let him rest in peace. He would always be the first to know if he'll be sending out his men to die or win. He would have to be the one to address a letter to an awaiting mother that her son had died. Anyway the war in Europe never really went away, he still had nightmares. Had nightmares of the men that were killed under his command, the ruins, everything.

"So tell me what the General has planned for easy company?" Winters took a big gulp of his pop and bent forward to relay everything that was told to him with Nixon listening earnestly.