A/N: This is my first fic, so sorry if it totally stinks. Reviews would be nice, and I hope you enjoy the start of my story. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own Itachi or anything that has to do with Naruto. However, Kohana is my own character.

Kohana's P.O.V.

Even though I have lived in the same village as him for as long as I can remember, I know nothing about him. We are too different, him and I. His name is known throughout the entire village, while I am just a worthless girl who helps to run my family's grocery store. But one day, that all changed…

The day began normally. I woke up at six in the morning as usual and washed up. The day seemed special, so I decided to wear a black knee length, short sleeved dress that I had received for my sixteenth birthday. I quickly brushed my raven curls and looked quickly in the mirror, smiling to myself as I headed downstairs to the store. Yes, my family and I lived above our store. It was much more convenient for us, and cozy since it was only my father, mother, and me.

Running down the stairs, I grabbed a white apron and tied it around my waist. I turned on the lights and unlocked the door since it was already almost seven. I walked around the store, making sure that everything was clean, and that there were prices on everything. Checking the register and check out area, I made a quick note to organize the money before things got too hectic.

Finally, it was seven. I sat on a chair, crossing my legs, waiting for Hoshiko-san since she always came around this time. A few minutes passed and I began to get bored. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed a book.

Downstairs, I daintily settled down in my chair and began reading. So absorbed, I almost didn't hear the small bell that sounded a shopper. Immediately I looked up and smiled out of habit.

"Ohayou," I said brightly, putting my book down. What surprised me though, was that instead of the old lady Hoshiko-san, it was the smaller form of Sasuke-kun.

I blinked, but regained some of my composure and greeted, "Ohayou Sasuke-kun."

He offered a small smile in return and greeted, "Ohayou Kohana-san. Okaa-san wanted me to order some things before I went to the academy."

"Oh," I replied, shuffling around for a pen and some paper. "What would she like?" I asked, smiling in victory as I found the items.

"A five pound bag of white rice, ten packages of beef, five packs of carrots, two packs of onions, one pack of green onions, a bushel of apples, two baskets of strawberries, one basket of cherries, and a basket of your okaa-san's homemade chocolate." He recited, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Alright," I said, scribbling away furiously. "We'll have your okaa-san's things ready by three o'clock I'd say. So, does she want us to deliver it, or is someone coming to pick it up?"

"Oh, I think okaa-san's going to pick it up later," he answered. "Well, better get going or else I'll be late." He waved good-bye and ran out the shop. I quickly looked at the list again and went to the back room to grab a couple of boxes. As soon as I reached the back room, the store bell went off again. I grabbed the nearest boxes and headed out. Setting them on a nearby table, I went to greet the shopper. It turned out to be Hoshiko-san.

"Hello Kohana-chan," she greeted merrily, her amber brown eyes sparkling as she wandered around the store.

"Hello Hoshiko-san," I replied, walking over to the rice and picking up a five pound bag.

"So, where are your parents?" She asked conversationally, picking up a package of meat and putting it in her basket.

"Otou-san is teaching at the academy as usual. He just decided to go early I guess. He wasn't home when I woke up this morning. Okaa-san I think is picking up some things that we ordered for the shop." I answered, putting more items in the boxes.

"Who are those for?" Hoshiko-san asked, bringing her items over.

"Oh, Sasuke-kun just came in and requested some items for Uchiha-san." I put some more items in one of the boxes.

"Here, let me get your items all checked out so you can be on your way." I said, putting the Uchihas' items aside. I looked over all her items and came to a total of "1172.70 yen." She paid for her items and left. Immediately I began working on the items for the Uchihas and finally finished. I labeled their boxes and put the meat in the freezer while setting their other items to the side.

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully. People came and went, purchasing items. Finally, around 3:15, the store's doors opened again.

"Konnichiwa," I greeted again, another smile on my face as usual. As soon as I saw his impassive onyx eyes looking me over coolly, I froze. It was him…Itachi Uchiha. I could feel my face begin to warm as I tried to regain my composure.

"Uh, ano, uh, I have your mother's things in the back. I'll bring them out Uchiha-san." I finally managed to say, walking to the back as quickly as I could.

'Oh, that was so stupid. Baka, baka, baka!' I berated myself. Yes, Itachi Uchiha is the person I was talking about before. Everyone knows him since he's such a prodigy, but I'm just me, Kohana, a sixteen year old girl who helps run her family's grocery store. I grabbed the boxes one by one and brought them out. In total, there were four boxes.

Wordlessly, he grabbed two of the boxes, balancing them in his arms.

"Uchiha-san, I could carry this box for you," I suggested quietly, my blush growing even more. "If you don't mind, of course," I added hurriedly.

He headed out the door, the two boxes in his arms. I hastily took off my apron and grabbed the last boxes, and then walked after him as fast as I could, trying not to drop them. We both walked at our own pace, a short distance between us. About halfway to his home, I dropped one of the boxes. Luckily, Uchiha-san had come over and caught it before it touched the ground.

I stood, embarrassed beyond belief, staring at the ground. I just knew that my face was now looking like a tomato.

"Gomen nasai Uchiha-san," I mumbled. "I'm such a klutz." Again he didn't say anything. He simply continued walking, now carrying three of the four boxes. I felt like such an idiot. I was supposed to be helping him, not causing him more problems. I walked after him, and we finally reached his house with no more incidents. He headed inside, keeping the door open for me. I hesitated before walking inside and shutting the door behind me. I looked ahead, and from side to side, wondering where he had gone. Briefly, I saw a dark cloak appear from one of the rooms ahead. I headed to that room, and saw that the three boxes were already settled down on a counter. Uchiha-san was nowhere in sight.

I sighed and made my way out, nearly bumping into Sasuke-kun.

"Oh, didn't see you there Kohana-san. What are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

"I was just dropping off the items that your mother requested." I replied, making my way to the door.

"Oh, you mean she didn't come to pick them up?" I shook my head. "That's strange. Usually okaa-san is more responsible than that. Oh well, thank you for bringing everything."

I smiled before exiting and closing the door behind me.

Itachi's P.O.V.

I watched as she left, her raven hair gleaming brightly in the sunlight. These feelings I had for her were unnatural. She wasn't even worth my time. She wasn't even a ninja. How pathetic was that? To feel this way about some nobody was…unacceptable.

But I couldn't forget the way she looked at me, or the way she blushed. I groaned softly to myself. I sat up, hearing my brother's soft footsteps. The door suddenly opened and Sasuke's face appeared.

"Onii-chan, Kohana-san was here. Did you know that?" I gave a small curt nod. He sighed and said, "Well anyways, she brought the food okaa-san ordered. Are you going to make dinner?" I turned around and faced my window. He sighed and said resignedly, "Fine onii-chan. I'll make it then." He closed the door and left. I lay back down on my mattress and stared at the ceiling. Closing my eyes, I rested.

Again I heard footsteps and sat up. As the door opened, I looked over to see who it was. Mother stood there, a small smile on her face. Yet her eyes were hard.

"Itachi, it's time for dinner," she said. I gracefully stood up and followed her out the door. She walked next to me, her back straight, and her eyes forward. "I heard that you let your brother make dinner. Why, may I ask, did you not offer to do it? As the eldest, you must take responsibility for your brother whether you like it or not, especially, if your father and I are not around." She gave a small smile and added, "I know you aren't used to being responsible for someone other than yourself, but when you get older and have children, you'll have to start caring about them as well."

We reached the dining area. Dinner was on the table; surprisingly it wasn't burned. Father was already sitting down, eating, while Sasuke was leafing through his school books, chopsticks in one hand. Mother elegantly sat down and began eating quietly. I also sat down and ate, silently amazed that Sasuke had actually been able to cook a decent, edible meal.

I soon finished and left to my room. Watching the setting sun, I realized that it was already six. Heading out of my room, I walked to the front door.

"Onii-chan, where are you going?" came Sasuke's voice from behind me.

"Out," I replied, opening the door and stepping out. I didn't wait to hear his reply as I closed the door. I walked, giving small nods to people who acknowledged me. Passing her parents' shop, I saw her shadow pass a small window. Interested, I jumped up into a tree near her window.