


She knew something was definitely wrong the moment he said her name. It sounded so foreign hearing it from his mouth, that when he said it—well, it really didn't sound much like her name.

Yet, she always dreamed he would one day say her name and drop the "Miss Honda" he had used since the first time they spoke. She wasn't going to deny that she had the biggest crush on Yuki back when they were freshmen in high school. The whole girl population did and there were some stories that a few guys had crushes on him too. He was that absurdly cute…

And although she lived with him, and had access to him then any other girl—or guy for that matter—had. She still felt like he'd never look at her that way. What's worse is that her fear was confirmed when he told her he was going steady with Machi Kuragi. The treasurer of the school council back then. Quiet, stubborn, perfection-hating Machi stole Yuki's heart right from her grasp. Yet when he told her, all she could do was smile happily and tell him how happy she was for them. After all, that's what he—along with everyone else expected of her…

Shaking away her malice thoughts, she kneeled down to his height and wrapped her arms around him. She started murmuring soothing words and rubbing his back in slow, comforting circles. "It's ok, Yuki. I'm here. It's going to be okay…" She stated monotonously, like she had other days he broke down and couldn't function.

"No." He replied acidly. Pulling out of his hold, she locked her gaze on his narrowed one. "What?" She asked, arching a brow.

"No." He repeated firmly, continuing, "It won't be okay because—" Trailing off, he lowered his gaze to her lips and muttered incoherently.


Snapping out of his trance-like gaze on her lips, he looked up as she addressed him and did the least like Yuki thing ever. "I want you…" He whispered huskily.