Tactical Fantasy Action: Metal Gear Spira.

Version 2.0.

Originally conceived and written by Otasnake.

Reworked and revisited by Some1Else.

A Brief Forward From The Author's.

Disclaimer: Neither of us own Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy. We also do not own any of the other copyrighted characters, brands, groups or organisations that appear in this story.

From Some1Else: When I found this story, I noticed that the humor in it was somewhat similar to my own. I felt that with a little more work the story could be a lot better. Not perfect, but more readable and with a wider appeal. Of course, this story wasn't officially mine. After establishing a partnership with the original author, I worked through what he had done much in the same way I remixed my own fan fiction. I consider the results very significant. What you will find here is a nice blend between the talent and style of two authors'.

From Otasnake:

My previous work, MGSpira 1.0 ,was a bit of a mess, the dialogue was simplistic, too many plot holes that needed filling, and the bit with Optimus Prime, Darth Vader and Gollum made no sense at all. This hopefully will be easier to read and cause less hedaches for those who read it. This work is designed to be epic, engaging, tragic, funny and entertaining all at once and I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to rape or praise the story as you see fit via reviews, comments, PM's, etc.