
This, my friends, is the first (well, kinda) in the TALES SERIES!

I got bored of Nao and decided to do Kureno first instead!


Kureno is the chicken!

Disclaimer: I own nothing except this story. Boo.

Warnings: You may experience a weird noise erupting from your throat, which sounds like 'ha ha ha' or 'he he he'. OOC.

NOTE: For Gawd sakes, I know Kureno isn't cursed! Just pretend he is, would ya?

He scurried down the street. There was no turning back now. His little chicken legs pounded up and down as he twisted around yet another bend and into a dark, deserted alley way. The sun crept around him, forming a luminous shadow around a flashing sign, which said 'KFC'. He took a deep breath. This was trouble with a capital 'T', rhyming with a-

"Gee. I'm screwed."

Kureno had been walking cautiously down the busy, squishy street. People surrounded him wherever he looked. He could barely twitch a finger without touching someone. Suffocation creeped around his throat like an ever-so-long snake, winding it's way along a dirty, dusty pathway full of humans and their reproductive organs hanging out. Kureno's mind twirled as he paused in the middle of the street to turn into a local store, where Akito had asked him to buy some candy. Kureno stopped a bit too fast though, which he realized when a girl came crashing into the back of him.


There was a loud 'poof' noise and he was gone. Everyone turned around to face where the noise was coming from. What was he to do? He stood very still between a chubby woman and her daughter. Their legs seemed to keep him hidden and soon, people had lost interest and started to move again. But that caused a problem of its own as his was dragged roughly across the ground.

He didn't know how he would escape. He knew a chicken could fly, but that was impossible. He was being mangled by someone's shoe when it hit him. Literally.

"Coming through! Street cleaner! Coming through!"

He was swept across the road and into the filthy, spinning turbines of the street cleaner. He span around at magnificent speeds, before it spat him out and into the middle of the road. Just as a truck was coming. Straight for him.

He scurried off the road and into the opposite direction. This took him to a near by school, which of course, meant children. Not knowing it was a school, Kureno snuck through the gates and into the yard.

"Look!" Came a booming voice from above. "A chicken!"

Loud screams came from every direction of poor Kureno, as he looked up and saw what seemed to be an ocean of hands and feet coming towards him. Sticky fingers reached for his feathers. Dirty shoes kicked at his body. He chirped loudly, trying to scare them off. Damn, he even bit their fingers. But these kids were persistent. He knew there was only one thing he could do.

"Leave me alone!" He yelled angrily. The children stopped dead in their mucky tracks. That chicken… did that chicken… talk?

He ran for it. He ran as fast as his chubby chicken legs could carry him. He knew he couldn't run like this forever. He needed an escape plan. Then, he had an idea.

Running at top speed, he outstretched his wings and flapped hard. Kureno ran faster, his legs pumping crazily, until they were no longer touching the ground. He smiled a chickeny smile.

"I'm doing it!" He cried out, joyfully. "I'm doing it! I'm doing it! I'm d- oof!"

Kureno went smacking into the window of a bus.

The bus driver scrunched up his face is disgust.

"Filthy birds," He muttered, while reaching for the button which turned the windscreen wipers on. "Out of line, they are."

Kureno's body went sprawling through the air as it was flicking from the windscreen. Once hitting the ground with a thud, Kureno groaned. He got back up though and began to walk at normal, chicken pace. He saw an alley.

"Perfect," He mumbled, running for the alley. This was his break. Now all he had to do was transform back, find his clothes, buy from lollies, walk back to Sohma Estate and-

"Hey look boys," Came a rough voice from beside him. "Seems like the coocoo clock found a new representative!"

Kureno knew the person was talking about him. He looked up.


He pelted up the road to the alley. He ran so fast, his body couldn't keep up with his legs. The boys, as they seemed, were on skateboards. The wheels clacked loudly behind him, threatening dangerously to run him over.

He scurried down the street. There was no turning back now. His little chicken legs pounded up and down as he twisted around yet another bend and into a dark, deserted alley way. The sun crept around him, forming a luminous shadow around a flashing sign, which said 'KFC'. He took a deep breath. This was trouble with a capital 'T', rhyming with a-

"Gee. I'm screwed."


Yay for beginnings!

What'd ya think?

I think I did quite well, for something so weird.

Poor little Kureno.
