Okay, this is my first Severitis. I don't own any of the characters, except for Ayanna, which is a name of a flower, or a name in a different language of a flower. So, i hope you like it, and i am sorry...if Dumbledore seems selfish or stupid i don't mean him to be. i love dumbledore, he is one of my fave characters. He is doing it for reasons...i told you that in the store. neways, i dont want to give away to much, so enjoy


He slowly stirred the dinner, rubbing his hands in excitement. She was coming tonight, and even though he wished she belonged to him, he cherished these moments where she would come in, and pretend that what they had was ordinary. They had met for dinner as friends for a year now, and they had gotten involved with each other the last time she came. He heard the door open, as she used her key. A smile lit his face, and he ran his hand through his silky black hair. He ran into the foyer, wrapping her in his arms. She fell limp though, and this worried him. He quickly set her down, kissing her deeply. She kissed back, but it was almost involuntary, like she was trying to keep away from him. He pulled back, looking at her. "What is it darling?" Now she pushed away from him, rubbing her arms.

"You know what it is. Do you realize what happened last time I came here?" His face slowly fell, suddenly he felt sick.

"Yes, and I have been waiting for that to happen for years. You know I love you." She turned to face him, tears springing from her eyes.

"I don't love you that way, though. You know I love my husband." He looked into her beautiful eyes, and her perfectly bright hair. It almost seemed darker, now.

"I know that you love me." He said, moving forward and touching her arm lightly. She moved it though, and took a few steps back.

"I don't…I can't love you like you want me to. I just cannot do that. I love my husband; last time was a mistake. I can't see you anymore. Not as a friend…not as anything." She looked like she was trying to leave, but he stepped in front of her.

"Don't go, I love you so much." He raised her chin using his thumb, looking into her eyes. Hers were bright, almost as different as his. He leaned in, kissing her deeply, letting her feel how much he loved her in his kiss. She almost gave in, but at the last second pushed away from him.

"Why are you doing this…why are you trying to do this," She whispered. She quickly moved around him, running out the door. She threw something on the ground as she ran for the stairs, and he could hear her muffled tears as she went. He slowly walked over, picking up the key that lay scattered on the floor. Two feet away from it was the locket he had given her the night it happened, telling her that it was his heart and it was always with her. But now the locket was broken, showing only a picture of her. He slowly looked around, not finding the other half. Shaking his head, he walked inside. He couldn't remember how he had felt fifteen minutes ago, now he only felt sorrow and hollowness. A tear shed on her picture, and he quickly rubbed it away. Something caught his nostrils, and he realized dinner was burning. He slowly lifted his wand, making it so the dishes would clean themselves, then walked into the bedroom, a room that now had a memory he rather wished to forget.


He swirled his glass of firewhiskey around, looking over at the dining hall. He had been on this stool every day since school was dismissed. He shook his head, leaning over and staring at the glass, when he heard a familiar laugh. It was air, almost like a fairy's; he looked up and felt his heart skip a beat as he saw her. She was stunning. It made him forget all of his sorrows for a moment, but then he walked in and removed her coat, smiling from ear to ear. She moved slowly, and he wondered why until the crowd moved away, revealing that she was at least six months along, and it was big for six months. He eyes got large, realizing when it had happened. Five months ago she had ended it, and they had dinner once a month. Her husband got up, walking over towards the rest room, and he couldn't help but walk over. He sat down, looking strait into her eyes.

"How far along are you?" He asked, cutting the tension right away. She looked down at the ground, her innocent face showing that she was ashamed.

"About six months." She said, looking up into his almost black eyes.

"Is it mine?" He asked, wanting to know. She winced, and quickly looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"No, it isn't." Now it was his turn to wince. "I'm sorry you wanted it to be yours." She said quietly, looking down. Snape nodded, getting up.

"Well I hope your happy, and I hope he is bloody happy when it looks just like you." He said, pushing his chair out and walking strait towards the door. He didn't turn back, didn't want to see her husband with her smiling about the fact that he was the dad. Her husband didn't deserve her, the selfish man. He shook off a tear, wishing he had finished the firewhiskey before he left. He almost ran back to the apartment, and as he shut the door let out a loud sob. She was in love with her husband, and he was in love with her. How did everything in life give him the short end of the stick?


She slowly pushed open the door, looking at her two precious babies. Her son sat on one side, and her daughter on the other. Her husband was sound asleep from the sleeping potion she had given to him that night, and she knew he would apologize tomorrow for not holding his children before falling asleep. She looked down at their faces, and looked at her son's face. He looked exactly like his dad, and she couldn't let that happen. Her husband, who she loved, had always been faithful, and he would be so upset if he learned that she wasn't faithful to him. She took a deep breath, raising her wand. It only took five minutes on her son, and soon he had the jet-black hair similar to her husband's. Now, her daughter did looked a lot like her, so it would be easier to change her appearance. Her mother worked quickly and silently, grateful that her husband hadn't taken a good look at their twins. Soon she was done, and she was kissing her baby girl before she went to bed. The little girl stirred for a moment, but then fell back to sleep. She smiled down on her. Her husband could never know. He had to live in bliss believing that these two children were his own. She quietly walked out of the room, closing the door.

Yes, she had decided. Her husband would always believe that those two were his children. They would grow up, and love him. Her slippers padded on the carpet, and she opened the door to her room. Her husband's breaths were steady, and she slowly lay down next to him, putting her arm around him. He smelled familiar, and she smiled. She loved her husband so much; he was her life along with her children. It had been a mistake what she had done with him, a mistake. That was the simple truth. Yes she had feelings for the father of her children, but she loved her husband more. She held her husband tighter, and even though he couldn't hear her, she brought her lips up to his ear and whispered...

"I love you with my whole heart, James."


Snape stumbled to the door, and opened it with a groan. A man with half moon spectacles stood before him. He wore a pointed hat that matched his robes, moons and stars decorating them. His sliver beard looked like he could tuck it into his belt, and he was smiling at Snape, amused.

"Good evening Snape. May we come in?" Dumbledore asked. Snape looked behind Dumbledore casually, but didn't see anyone.

"We?" Dumbledore had an amused smile on his face, his hand swept down to the ground, picking up a car seat. He took off a blanket covering the top, showing Snape a sleeping baby with black hair. Snape opened the door wider, turning around and walking to the living room. He sat down as Dumbledore placed the baby down on the rug, taking a seat across from Snape. Snape glanced down at the baby, growing uncomfortable by the silence.

"Snape, I would like you to meet Ayanna Elizabeth Potter." Snape flinched at her last name, suddenly finding hate with the girl. "I know you didn't agree with Potter, but I have a favor to ask you. Tonight, a terrible accident has taken place." Snape looked up, suddenly worried. "The Potters were killed, leaving only their two children. Voldemort was the cause, unfortunately. Ayanna and her brother Harry were saved, though. They have drained Voldemort of all his power."

"Impossible." Dumbledore shook his head.

"I am glad to say it isn't. Voldemort is no longer in power. But there is the problem of the two children. I wish not to draw any attention to Ayanna, her brother himself will be known as the boy who lived, for he lived through the most horrible of the three death curses. I do not want to put both of them in danger. I know how much Lily Potter meant to you," Here Snape flinched, "And I knew what you two felt for each other, and that is why I wish you to keep Ayanna, and keep her protected."

"What? You want to separate a sister from her brother. Where will her brother go, and why me?"

"I trust you Snape, and I am sending her brother to live with his mother's family. He will be protected there, but I cannot ask them to take in another. He will grow up away from the spotlight there, and learn morals and humbleness away from the wizarding world." Snape nodded, understanding. He looked at the little girl, and realized she looked a lot like Lily. He held back tears as he remembered their affair, short lived. He looked over at Dumbledore, who sat and waited patiently.

"I will take in the girl." He said. "I will raise her and I swear to keep he roots a secret. She will be like a daughter to me." Dumbledore smiled, nodding.

"Good, I will have the rest of her things sent over, then. Good night Snape." As Snape shut the door, Dumbledore smiled. It would be wrong to tell Snape that he was Ayanna and Harry's father. Snape would wish to keep Harry, and Dumbledore knew that it wasn't possible if he wanted to keep both Harry and Ayanna safe. But he had no other choice but to give Ayanna to Snape. If she was with a blood relative, Dumbledore's protection spells would work, just like they would work with Harry because he was with Lily's sister. Dumbledore smiled as he heard the baby crying, knowing this would bring Snape out of his misery. He just hoped that both Snape and the baby survived.