A/N: As it stands, never before have I ever written this much for a single fic. I guess this story was just meant to be written. XD Not to sound full of myself anything.

A quick note about Danielle: I can't for the life of me remember if she's met Danny' parents or not, and if so, how they reacted to her. So, for the purposes of this story, I'm just going to pretend that, at some point, she managed to convince them that she was a distantly removed Fenton relative, pretend that Jack and Maddie bought it, and leave it at that.


Of Ghosts and Wizards


Upon hearing his Godson's declaration, Sirius adopted a look that suggested he had just been slapped in the face.

Having only an inkling of Voldemort's destructive capabilities, two of the three previously assumed muggles became only mildly concerned. Danny, however, clenched his teeth as a sharp wave of unease accompanied by brief flashes of Danielle's crumpled body and two horribly familiar faces frozen in death assaulted him once again.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, Danny immediately went ghost. It didn't matter what he was– ghost, wizard, or whatever else he might be, the fact remained that it was highly likely that these 'visions' and feelings he kept having were prophetic. And deep in his gut, Danny knew, he knew, that though these things might not have happened yet, they would happen, unless he did something about it. Whether or not he could change the future he saw... that was still up for debate, but no way in hell would it keep him from trying.

"Why is he here?" Sam asked worriedly, concerned even more by Danny's fiercely determined look and transformed state.

Harry shook his head, still grimacing as the pain seemed to fade only a little. "I don't know. I... I can't see anything– he's blocked me out, but I can still tell he's close by."

"Harry, we need to get you out of here," Sirius spoke firmly, "It's quite possible he lured you here in order to capture you—"

"That doesn't make sense..." Harry mumbled, though he looked torn between the illogical nature of the situation and a horrible guilt at the possibility of him having caused Voldemort to appear anywhere."I know that my visions of Danny weren't from Voldemort, but..."

"In any case, we need to leave, now." Sirius asserted.

Harry's face fell. "What about this city? We can't just leave all the muggles to fend for themselves!"

"We also can't sit here and fight Voldemort and his followers with just the two of us!" Sirius spoke loudly; normally he would say 'stay and fight!', but... his first priority had to be to keep his Godson safe. He owed James and Lily that much, at least, after all the mistakes he'd make. Already standing and turning to say a quick farewell to their hosts, he was greeted by the sight of Sam and Tucker fretting over a rather dazed and cloudy-eyed Danny.

Said halfa's mind raced. It couldn't be a coincidence that Voldemort, and presumably an entourage of Death Eaters, would show up only hours after Harry arrived and a day after they had found Sirius in the ghost zone.

And yet...

And yet, indeed.

The prophesied one is not the reason for the Dark Lord's presence, nor does the Dark Lord know that he is here.

His thoughts didn't make any sense to even himself– he couldn't possibly know why Voldemort was in Amity Park or what he wanted, and to add to it all the voice that these particular thoughts were spoken in didn't even really feel like his own; they were very similar, in fact, to the time he had known Sirius' name...

With a start, Danny gasped, suddenly grasping a concept that he hadn't before. If he had 'The Sight', or the power of Divination or whatever it was to be called, then he would have to learn to take advantage of the knowledge he gained from it. Even if all the questions weren't answered completely, he would have to simply trust in the small amount that he was given.

Suddenly he realized Tucker was waving a hand in front of his face, and saying something in an attempt to get his attention. Snapping back to the present, Danny found himself in the spotlight of everyone's gaze.

"You alright there, Danny?" Tucker asked. Though silent, Sam and grasped his hand and he squeezed back in thanks for the unspoken support.

"Did you see something?" Harry added before he could answer.

"Voldemort isn't here for you, Harry," Danny said, voicing the thoughts that had possessed a voice other than his own, skipping the pleasantry of assuring his own well-being to Tucker.

"In fact, he doesn't even knows you're here," Danny spoke plainly and without doubt, "It's just chance that you happen to be here at the same time."

Several baffled looks were thrown his way, and, glancing at his friends he saw them peer at him with expressions that said he had sprouted a second head.

"How could you possibly know that?" Tucker blurted out.

Danny threw his hands up in the air. "I'm 'going all crazy-psychic' on you guys, remember!" He exclaimed, quoting the phrase Tucker had used to describe his assumed prophetic abilities. "I don't know how I know, but I know that I know this stuff is true, okay?" He blathered, disregarding the fact that he was making absolutely no sense whatsoever.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Sam queried. "Nothing's happening... where is he? I doubt he's just skulking around in an alley somewhere nearby."

Sirius faltered. If it was true that Voldemort wasn't here for Harry, could they really just abandon this town to it's fate? Expression grim, he replied, "We won't know that unless we know what he's after."

Danny gasped when his stomach dropped as an involuntary feeling of horror swept over him. It left as quickly as it came, but it had made it's message clear.

"It has something to do with me," Danny breathed, eyes wide with realization. "H-he's after me!" He said louder, not knowing why, but knowing it was true.

Surprised and worried, Sam asked the obvious question, "But why?"

"I don't know!" He panicked, "But that fact that he's in Amity Park means he knows where I live, which means—!"

"If he'd be anywhere, it would be at your house!" Harry finished for him.

Face set despite the fear he felt for his family's safety, Danny said, "Sam, Tucker, you stay here, I'm going to go make sure my parents and Jazz are okay," He was about to speed off in the direction of his home when several protests stopped him.

"Take me with you," Sirius spoke first as Danny landed lightly back on the floor to listen, "I know I wanted to leave earlier, but that was only because I assumed it was our presence that had brought the Dark Lord here."

Danny shook his head. "It's my family, and my problem. I'll protect them myself." The last thing he needed was more people hanging around for him to worry about.

"These are fully trained, dangerous, unmerciful, and unfamiliar enemies you're going to be dealing with!" Sirius said fiercely. "You're going to need the help of a wizard if you're going to win this battle!"

Harry nodded in agreement. "I have some serious experience dealing with Voldemort. Besides, Sirius and I can be your trump card— you said yourself he won't be expecting us."

As Danny's resolve to go alone crumbled, Sirius turned to Harry, a sharp look in his eye and a few choice words at the tip of his tongue. The look on his Godson's face stopped him from saying anything– he could already tell that there was nothing he could say to keep Harry from this battle.

"We're coming too!" Sam said forcefully, referring to herself and Tucker.

Danny shook his head. "No." he said simply.

Sam made a sound of disgust as she stalked forward to give her friend an ear full. "Listen, Mister the-world's-safety-is-my-responsibility-I-have-to-do-everything-myself-teenage-boy-with-a-hero-complex, we've been by your side through every fight, every ghost attack, every moment that ever mattered! It's always been dangerous, and I know you just want to protect us, but this isn't any different! You can't stop us. Even if you refuse to fly us there, we'll still follow you, Danny, by foot, through snow, for a thousand miles if we have to." She finished, breathing heavily from having spoken so vehemently.

"Uh, what she said!" Tucker added, mildly startled by the Goth's outburst.

Danny just stared at them both, ready to pull out his own hair but loving the both of them just the same for their unrelenting loyalty and stubborn dispositions. He almost forgot about why he hadn't wanted them to go in the first place. Oh wait. Murderous, muggle torturing, dangerous magic wielding fanatics. Tthat was why.

He groaned in frustration. "Fine, but be careful!" Not wanting to waste anymore time, he grabbed the two people that happened to be standing closest to him, Sirius and Sam, and instructed them to grab hold of Harry and Tucker.

Turning them all intangible, invisible, and carrying them while flying proved to be more of a challenge than Danny had expected, but he still managed to move at a considerable speed. While he flew, he scanned the ground and rooftops for any sign of robed and masked figures. His unease increased when he saw none.

"We're going to need a plan," Danny said as the neon sign of Fenton Works came into view, "It looks like they haven't attacked yet, but they could just be waiting for me to get home."

"Maybe he's not here to attack, maybe he's just here to observe, or something," Tucker interjected hopefully.

Harry shook his head. "No," He said, "Voldemort wouldn't show up anywhere to do something that his Death Eaters could do for him. If he shows up somewhere personally, it's something to be worried about."

They landed on the roof as Harry finished, but Danny kept them invisible while he tried to decide what to do.

"Okay," Tucker started talking, ever the one to plan, and everyone listened, including Danny. "We have a few advantages. They don't know that we will be expecting an attack, and already have an awareness of what magic is. Also, we have two wizards on our side, not to mention Danny, although if he's their main target it's safe to say they at least have some idea of his powers."

Face turning grim, he continued. "However, we will most likely be heavily outnumbered, and there will be at least three people caught in the cross-fire that will have no idea what it is going on, assuming they attack the house directly, and Danny's parents and Jazz are still home."

Danny's mind was a horrible mess as he tried desperately to come up with a quick and efficient way to prepare. His heart was racing in apprehension. It wouldn't be so bad, he though, if they at least knew where the evil wizards were hiding out. But the attack could happen any minute, and from any direction. Worst yet, they didn't even know Voldemort's true goal, other than the fact that he was, for whatever reason, after Danny.

After a short few moments that felt far too long, the young halfa had formed a vague plan.

Turning the whole group intangible once more, he flew them down to the basement, which was thankfully empty, and told Harry and Sirius his tentative plan. Sam and Tucker didn't even need to be told what to do– after fighting beside Danny for so long, they already knew what he was thinking.

"Sam and Tucker are going to stock up on ecto-guns and other Fenton inventions. They might be designed for ghosts, but some of them work just as well on people," Danny explained quickly and quietly, "I need you two to stay on the inside second story balcony, out of sight. Don't do anything unless it starts to look bad."

"What about your parents and sister?" Harry asked, concerned.

"I'm going to go find Jazz here in a minute and tell her what's going on. My parents..." Danny swallowed thickly as the same two lifeless faces flashed before his eyes once more. "I'm gonna knock them out and drop them off in Sam's basement."

Both Sam and Tucker had not been expecting that. "Dude, seriously? You know, they're not that bad of fighters, and we'll probably need all the help we can get—" Tucker said, but was silenced by the strange look on Danny's face. It was a cross between nauseous horror and stark, unwavering determination.

"No. They don't need to be involved in this." They can't be, Danny thought to himself, or else...

Sam studied the look on Danny's face as she tried to figure out his reasoning. He had never liked interacting with his parents as Phantom, but he'd never resorted to knocking them out to keep them from a fight. It seemed almost as if he was scared they were going to get hurt... suddenly it snapped in her head as she remembered his description of part of the vision he had earlier.

"...and I can still-- could still hear her screaming when I saw... saw th-them on the ground, dead, they were... their eyes were still open and staring at me–"

Danny had never actually said who those two people were, Sam thought, but they way he was acting, it must have been his parents. She stifled any reaction and quickly turned back to the task at hand, not daring to argue with him. If they weren't present for the fight, there was no way that particular fate could befall them.

"We understand." Sirius said simply. Danny nodded and was about to take the two wizards upstairs when he was interrupted.

"Wait!" Harry nearly shouted, "This is really important, especially for Sam and Tucker," Danny's friends looked up to signify that they were paying attention, though they still continued preparing their battle supplies.

"There are going to be a lot of dangerous spells flying around out there, but there is one that you must avoid at all costs. It's not a matter of trying, either; you do, or you die." Harry's eyes were dark, and his face unhappy as he added, "The Killing Curse kills instantly upon impact. It's a bright, sickly green– a bit reminiscent of ectoplasm– and the incantation is Avada Kedavra." He finished.

"Thanks for the heads up," Tucker said sincerely, looking a bit queasy.

Harry just nodded and Danny proceeded to float Harry and Sirius up through the floor of the first and second stories, noting with mild satisfaction that the couch his parents were so conveniently sitting on was the one directly below the balcony. Meaning, of course, that unless they moved, they'd have no way of seeing Harry or Sirius. And Danny wouldn't give them time to move.

Making sure that Harry and Sirius were hidden and ready, he quickly skulked, invisibly of course, into Jazz's room, where his sister was sitting at her desk, presumably doing summer studies. He quietly shut the door, and crept over to where she sat.

Steeling himself, he said as softly as he could, "Jazz, it's me."

The red head jumped, heart leaping in surprise as she spun around. She closed her eyes as she recognized her brother's voice, taking deep breaths through her nose.

"You know I hate it when you do that," She scolded, though she kept her voice down realizing that Danny wouldn't be sneaking around without a reason.

"Jazz, I need you to listen, and don't say anything before I finish, okay?" The urgency in her brothers voice scared her tremendously, but she stifled her impulse to interrogate and simply nodded, sitting back down.

She heard him take a deep breath before starting, "Those two tourists from England aren't tourists, they're wizards. Extremely long story short, there's an evil, magic wielding Dark Lord here in Amity Park right now, he's after me, and he and his minions could attack at any moment. Right now, Harry, Sirius, Sam, Tucker and I are preparing for the attack."

Jazz just gaped into the seemingly empty air where she heard Danny's voice come from. "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Never mind. What exactly do you want me to do?" Jazz mind was whirling and making her light-headed, but she could feel the cold tension radiating from her brother, and knew that at his point it would be better to 'shoot first, ask later', or something to that affect.

"I'm gonna knock mom and dad out and take them to a relatively safe place," Danny said, ignoring the incredulous look on Jazz's face, "I want you to go with them. This is going to be dangerous."

"No way in hell, Danny!" Jazz hissed vehemently, "I'm not just going to sit around while you go running recklessly off into another perilous fight! Sam and Tucker are staying with you, right? Well so am I!"

The finality with which she spoke made Danny sigh in exasperation but give in anyway. What was with his family and friends always wanting to put themselves in danger? He'd have to talk with them about that. "Fine. Sam and Tucker are in the basement; they'll be able to fill you in more."

Without stopping to ask permission, Danny scooped up Jasmine and, ignoring her indignant squawk of surprise at being handled so without warning, flew her quickly down into the basement, where Sam and Tucker stood waiting for further instructions.

"Once Jazz is ready, the three of you should wait in the basement doorway. Don't come out until it's clear some sort of conflict has begun, alright? We need all the 'element of surprise' we can get." He commanded.

"Yes, sir!" Both Sam and Tucker smiled cheekily and gave mock salutes, making Danny grin at them briefly before flying up through the ceiling/floor and, invisibly, facing his parents.

Okay, Danny thought, feeling nervous like he always did about attacking his own parents, but raising his arm to take aim nonetheless. Just one quick shot to the back of the head, and then—

Suddenly, a nock at the front door made Danny spin around and tense in apprehension. He watched, breath held and body poised to rush in and defend against intrusion as Maddie got up from the coach and trotted over to answer the door.

What he was not expecting, however, was for Danielle to be standing on the front door step.


A/N: Sorry for how short it is. I got kinda stuck, and figured it would be better to upload what I had now rather than wait for my inspiration to return in another couple of months to finish the chapter.

Consequently, I failed to get to the action-y part. My sincerest apologies. Next chapter for sure, though! Also, I'm not thrilled with this chapter either. I feel like my writing has gotten very... dry. D: And there's so much planning... would it be better to just jump right into the battle? I suppose so. But I just figured they would have talked a little bit about what to do... hn.

Til next time.

;-;Adrian Winter;-;