Hello, all! Well, the grand day has finally arrived! Happy reading! Thank you to the followers! Now, a little announcement... Please, look up for "The New World" still in ToS fics... I'll upload the first chapter today so you can keep in touch with me.
Now, I present to you Darkness Reborn The Finale
Chapter 11
Some strange red, black, white and blue coloured stripes started appearing throughout the entire sky. And a purple light came down from it and fell on to Presea and Lloyd, then it started spreading. Everything that it touched vanished dust-like. The brunet threw the girl who seemed lifeless away and floated within the light.
- P-Presea?- Genis called for the girl as he crawled to her side. The girl's breathing became more and more normal with every second that passed.
- This is the end- Sheena said
- We have to get out of here- Regal said
- Presea? Presea! Wake up!- the silver haired half elf called as he moved the girl's body. Suddenly, the pink haired girl's eyes shot open, scaring Genis.
- Presea, are you all right?- he asked
- I... I feel... different... I must... do something- she murmured
- We have to get out of here- Genis said while she stood up and helped him to his feet. She grabbed his arm and passed it through her neck, helping him.
- No... What have I done? Zelos... Yuan... Lloyd... Everyone...- Presea said while looking around her. Sheena was trying to lift the red haired swordsman's body as Raine healed Kratos and Regal lifted Yuan.
- Genis... Please... go with them...- she said
- What are you doing? You have to come with us- the half elf said
- See all of this?- Presea pointed at Lloyd who was holding a strange ball of light, the rest were trying to get away, the sky.
- I started it, I must finish it... And I will- Presea said, leaving Genis behind and running towards the brunet, with her ax on her arms. The pink haired rushed as fast as she could towards the brunet who was protected by a golden barrier around him. Presea stopped and saw that the strange light was just before her, ready to engulf her any minute now.
- I'm... not afraid... I must... do my duty- Presea said and adventured with a jump inside the curtain in movement and found her ax lighter than before. She turned back and saw her friends' fear looks and their attempts to escape.
- For them... they've helped me many times. Now, it is time for me to pay them- she whispered. Then, she looked up the altar and realized that Lloyd was too busy to have noticed her entering to the curtain. Suddenly...
- Presea!- a voice called from the outside of the curtain.
- Genis?- the girl turned back and saw the silver haired half elf there, trying to get inside, but for some reason he couldn't.
- Why can't I get inside like you did?- he asked
- Because... I caused this. This is coming from inside me. From my mind- the girl answered. The half elf looked confused
- Care to respond something?- Genis asked
- There isn't enough time to be talking- Presea said while turning back.
- Wait! If this is coming from you and you try to stop Lloyd, wouldn't you get...?-
- Hurt? No, I'll...- Presea looked down at the ground while Genis tilted his head in sign of confusion- ...die...- the girl ended
- What! No, wait! Presea!- Genis fought his way inside trying to stop the young girl whom caused all that suffering, or... She had contributed in doing so, against her will.
- Lloyd would be all right once he's awake. Hopefully, no wounds or severe injuries are to be caused on him- Presea said
- I'm... sorry- Presea said, then she jumped on the altar, at that moment, the rest stopped their run and looked back.
- Genis! Get out from that thing!- Raine yelled
- I wouldn't be concerned about him- Kratos murmured
- Presea is...!- Colette said
- You'll die for having used me in your attempt of ruling Symphonia which, FYI, you won't be able to- Presea said, making the brunet turn at her, showing that his eyes were no longer a deep black, they were now a white-sky bluish tone.
- A futile effort. It is now complete- Lloyd said, then a ray came out of Presea same as another from him. It caused pain on her and laughter on him.
- You may have a strong body, the bloods of two swordsmen, the life of a lone soul but, without an angel's crystal, the incarnation cannot be completed- Presea said. Then, she snatched the Exsphere off Lloyd's backhand and a white light covered both of them.
- Return to your creepy old grave where you had ever been before Abyssion and I brought you to this place!- were the last words Presea said.
The light started covering the places the curtain from before had reached and everything started turning back to normal. When that blinding light hit the group, they were immediately healed to the fullest. Then, it faded away. It revealed a body laying on the place where the altar was, it had vanished, along with the light. A black shadow came out of the body and started disintegrating until it was dust that the wind blew away.
- It's... over- Regal said
- Lloyd!- Colette's cries came from the place where the shadow had vanished from before.
- Colette, why are you... crying? And why do I feel dizzy?- the brunet asked
- You're... You're alive!- Colette cried out with a huge smile, followed with a huge hug to the brunet.
- I knew you'd manage to live, after all- Kratos said while he walked towards the swordsman. The brunet smiled.
- I guess so. Now, could you explain me everything? I had this strange and weird dream where the world was about to be taken over by... me...?- Lloyd said with a smile.
- Ugh...Ow!- the blue haired half elf groaned while sitting up
- Yuan? Are you... alive?- Raine asked while walking towards him
- Where's Nebilim?- he asked while rubbing his head
- He's... dead now- the woman answered
- (sniff) Zelos, we managed to win. Thanks to Presea. I wish you were here with me. I miss you- Sheena said while crying on the red haired swordsman's stomach.
- I'm not going anywhere, hun- the red haired responded. Sheena jumped up as she thought that a dead guy was talking.
- Z-Zelos!- Sheena yelled
- I'm back!- he said
- Oh, God! I thought we had lost you, you perverted idiot Chosen!- the summoner said while hugging the red haired. He turned red as the summoner kissed him on a cheek between happiness.
- Did you just... kiss me?- he asked
- Um... uh- the black haired woman said
- You, Sheena? Sheena the Malevolent Banshee?- Zelos asked
- ... - Sheena tried to hid her blush
- Aww. So you do care for me. My voluptuous hunny. Come on, give me another- the red haired said
- We had a moment. Don't spoil it- the summoner responded after slapping him
- I'm glad everything's back to normal (sob)- Zelos said while rubbing his face.
- P-Presea?- the silver haired half elf called for the girl who laid in the ground, all covered in dust. A slight movement made the half elf go all happy and jump-y around her. The silver haired finally settled up and knelt again, grabbing the girl's head and placing it on his right leg.
- Are you all right?- he asked
- Um... Genis? I'm... alive? But...how...?- the pink haired asked. Genis moved the pink long hair away from her face.
- Yeah, for some reason, you managed to live- the elf answered
- When I attacked him I was supposed to be hit by his powers, causing my death...- Presea was cut off
- But you're here, alive. As well as the rest- Genis said.
- Really?- she asked. She lifted herself a bit and gazed at everyone. Colette was still hugging the brunet while Kratos talked to him. Sheena and Zelos were calmly talking. Yuan was being filled in with information from Regal and Raine.
- They're okay. You and the others are safe...-
- Thanks to you-
- Genis... I...- the girl was about to say something but she fainted. The half elf looked around and made sure no one was staring, then leaned to her and kissed her forehead.
- Rest for a while. You deserve it- Genis said
- So, the shadow thingy in Presea's body got into me and I started making lousy things?- the brunet asked
- Yeah. Then you attacked me and that's all I can remember, dude. Aside from me being killed on that place back there- the red haired swordsman said
- Before that, Presea barged into the base and attacked me- Yuan said
- And you attacked me as well, many times- Kratos said
- But we are glad that you returned to normal!- Colette said while smiling.
- I actually do remember some of that stuff you mentioned. It looked like, a dream and I couldn't do a thing. And I when I woke up, I saw Presea was there and a light shot me, then I fainted- Lloyd said
- Oh...- Presea woke up and saw everyone occupying every space on the room.
- How are you feeling?- Genis asked
- I'm... okay... thank you- the girl answered
- We haven't been able to discover the reason why you managed to live after defeating Lloyd- Raine said while walking closer. Presea turned to Genis.
- Genis told us everything- Sheena said
- So... Why didn't I...?- Presea bitterly asked
- !- Presea's face looked surprised when she looked down to her hand
- Presea?- Zelos said
- Are you feeling bad?- Regal asked
- Look...- Presea said while stretching her hand and opening it before everyone
- That's...- Colette said
- My Exsphere... I wondered why it wasn't in my hand- Lloyd said when the shining sphere shone before everyone's eyes.
- You knew your Exsphere was missing?- Colette asked
- Yeah, of course- the brunet answered
- And you didn't mention anything because...?- Kratos looked angrier than worried. The brunet smiled shyly.
- I didn't want anyone to worry and besides, I thought I had lost it on the fight- Lloyd said while looking at Presea
- Here...- the girl said
- MARVELOUS!- Raine yelled, grabbing the sphere before Lloyd could.
- There she goes!- Genis said
- It appears the power of the Exsphere protected Presea when she snatched it from Lloyd's hand, before she could die it must've shone a barrier or something alike to avoid her from being hurt. I must examine this!- Raine said, then she ran to another room, with the Exsphere on hands.
- Sure. I don't need it, anyway, Professor. As if it wasn't an important thing- Lloyd said. He looked at Kratos who had a death look on his face.
- Are you saying I guarded you mother, lost her to that thing and missed you so you could think that wasn't important to you?- the auburn man asked
- Umm... No... I meant... I really do care for it. Geez, one can't make any jokes lately- Lloyd said
- Does this look like a joke?- Genis said while pointing at the pink haired's bandages and his own.
- So, everything's back to normal- Regal said
- Pretty much- Sheena said
- Yeah. Now, hun, where did we stop last?- Zelos asked
- I told you not to touch me anymore!- the summoner yelled while slapping the red haired
- Yes... Definitely, everything's back to normal- Colette said
- Yeah. It sucks. Can't we have any other bad guys back?- Lloyd asked. Everyone looked at him with a death look.
- I'm kidding... mostly- the brunet ended