Note: All songs in italics are lyrics from Pink Floyd's The Wall album, edited by me.


Actually, Jonesy wasn't dead. Almost dead. But not quite.

He lay there.



It was dark all around.
There was frost in the ground
When the tigers broke free.
And no one survived
That battle that separated him from me.
They were all left behind,
Most of them dead,
The rest of them dying.
And that's how the war in Iraq
Took my Jonesy from me.

Everyone was crying back at the mall. Jude cried for the first time in his life. Caitlin cried for the hundred millionth time in her life.

Nikki was depressed. Her boyfriend died, and she had a small want for more marijuana. She wasn't going to smoke anymore though. She didn't want to end up like Hannah.

Then again, it did make her feel better. But she would not be brought under by this temptation.

Later that night, she cried out for Jonesy.

And he came.

"Jonesy! You're back!"


"I thought you died!"

"Well, uh..."

"Nothing matters! What matters is you're safe now."

"I'm not. Nikki, I'm dying."


"Nikki, I'm buried under the debris of a bomb shelter. I'm still in Iraq."

"But you're here right now!"

"No, Nikki. I'm not. This is just a dream."


"I'm sorry, Nikki. I love you."

Nikki then woke up. She had never cried out for Jonesy. And he had never come home.