Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything related. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction but I would be writing the anime-scripts. And if I did own it, I would be stinking rich and currently floating on an air-bed in my gigantic pool next to my billion dollar-house. Having that said, enjoy .

Hey, this is my first fanfic like ever! I have like totally no experience, but always wanna learn :)

I wrote it in less than a half hour, due to the fact I was getting bored at my work due to the lack of work available :p

Hope you'll enjoy it, review but be gentle!

Pairings: Naru/Hina, Sasu/Hina in later chapters


The Road To Love

Chapter 1

Two dark figures are running at an amazing speed through the forest, not noticing that they are being followed, only focusing on the path ahead of them, both being aware of the single goal they share...

Flashback: Last week at Konoha

Hinata walked down the streets of Konoha, as did a certain blond shinobi. People could question his skills due to the fact that he was being followed by the Hyuuga-heir. But, although the love of Hinata for Naruto was obvious to everyone in the village, the boy himself did not notice a thing.

Sure he noticed that she would turn different shades of red when he tried to talk to her, but he just assumed that was part of her personality. She's a weird girl, he often thought.

When he arrived in front of the Ichimaru Ramen shop, Hinata followed his example. Did he notice me? she could not help but question. Of course he didn't notice her, but he did notice the pink haired girl walking in his direction. "aaaa Sakura-chan!" he yelled. Sakura didn't pay much attention to him though, instead she just gave him a small smile (was it a smile? Naruto thought it was!) and walked into the ramenshop, followed by a cheery Naruto and they both took a seat.

After having ordered 4 portions of beef ramen, Naruto turned to Sakura. "Aren't you hungry, Sakura-chan?" He could not help but notice the sad look she had on her face. "Don't worry Sakura-chan, we'll get Sasuke back for sure!"

It's been almost 3 years since he left and time was running out. Soon Orochimaru would take Sasuke as his new container and he could not let that happen. Yet Tsunade had not sent them on a mission. He thought that it would be time she did. He would talk to her soon.

"I think that it won't be possible," Sakura responded, "even if we find his current location, there is no way that he would come with us".

There was a brief moment of silent when suddenly Naruto stood up and said confidently "Then we just have to make him come back with us"

"For what purpose? For him to betray us once more? No, his only goal in life is to kill his brother, he doesn't care about us, and even if we force him to come back to us, it isn't changing anything! He won't change!" Naruto noticed that she was on the urge of crying, but she turned away her head just in time so he could not actually see her tears. She wouldn't let anyone see her weak side, not even Naruto. She ran outside the Ramen shop, and as she ran, with her hands covering her eyes, she did not notice the indigo haired shinobi waiting at the entrance of the shop.

Outside of Ichimaru, Hinata overheard the whole conversation, and she wasn't surprised that Naruto would declare him taking Sasuke back (she had heard him say this a lot during the past few months since he returned from training with Jiraya) but what did surprise her, was Sakura's respons. Had she given up on him?

Hinata never really knew the Uchiha-heir, but she knew he was Naruto's friend and that was enough for her. Even if Sakura had given up on him, which she found unexplicable, she knew Naruto wouldn't ever give up on him, so neither would she. She would stand by his side. Forever.

Too bad Naruto had no clue.

Naruto was disappointed in Sakura's reaction but he knew she was partially right, he also knew that it won't be easy to get Sasuke back, but he was convinced that Sasuke did care for them. After all, he could have killed him easily at the Valley of the End, yet he didn't, that must mean something. Now that he knew that he couldn't count on Sakura, he suddenly felt very alone. He always was a loner but since he met Sasuke and Sakura he felt accepted in some strange way. But now that Sasuke left and Sakura kept rejecting him and his feelings, he couldn't help but feel a little down. He kept relying on the fact that Sasuke eventually would come back, and everything would be back the way they used to be. He now realised that nothing would ever be the same, even if he did manage to get Sasuke back.

Naruto payed the bill, and walked out of Ichimaru "N-Naruto-kun!" he suddenly heard a tiny voice reach out to him. In front of him stood Hinata, blushing like her usual self. "Hi Hinata, how are you doing?" He said with his best smile, still a little impressed with what happened with Sakura. Hinata noticed this and gave him a little smile in return "F-f-fine, a-an-d y-y-ou?"

"I'm alright I guess" "..."

"Well, I got to go, see you!" Naruto broke the silence. "W-w-wait!" Hinata yelled, uncharacteristicly loud. "Huh? What's wrong Hinata-chan?"

"I-I-I...w-want to h-helpp y-y-ou ret-t-trrieve S-sasuke-kun!"


That's it, I'm not quite happy with it, but remember that I wrote it in a very short amount of time, and that I'm a newbie: i just began to watch the anime from begin August, but soon became an addict in need for its weekly dosis of anime and manga :)


Special thanks to my beta, Draegan88!