Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Warnings:adult language, drug and alcohol use, Crack! and adult content.

The story continues! and please, read the warning, I put it there for a reason. Any who... on with the story!


"Your sure this is ok? I was always told by Iruka-sensei to stay away from drugs," Naruto whined as he looked up at Kiba.

"Your not a kid anymore! you're a fucking ninja! you can make your own choices!" Kiba ranted on. "Besides I know you want to deep down..." he put a smile on his face and roughly put his arm over Naruto's shoulder. "What do ya say?"

"Well...alright...I'll smoke some weed," he said unsure of himself. Kiba smirked and led Naruto inside his house. As he walked in the house, he was welcomed by a faint smell of weed mixed with strong a dog odor. The entry way lead directly into the living room. Naruto followed Kiba into the living room. Kiba sat on a worn blue sofa. Naruto sat at a comfortable distance from Kiba. Kiba reached his hand down towards the discolored brown carpet and under the sofa. When his hand appeared again he was holding a zip-lock bag filled with the toxic plant he put it on the wooden coffee table in front of him. Within the bag Naruto could see some pre-rolled dubs. Kiba took out two dubs and gave one to Naruto. Naruto began to feel nervous, shit...I feel like Sasuke's Chidori is in my stomach. Kiba put his hand in his pocket and fished out his lighter, then put the dub to his mouth and lit the tip of the dub. He breathed in the smoke and a very relax

expression was earned on his face. It doesn't look so bad...

"Your turn..." Kiba said as he passed Naruto the lighter. Naruto held it in his hands unsure of what to do.

"Umm...Iv never done this before..."He said in a very innocent voice.

"How cute," Kiba said with sarcasm. "Here I'll help you out..." with that Kiba snatch the lighter back from Naruto. "Put this between your lips," Kiba took a huff of his dub before continuing. Naruto was nervous yet managed an 'okay' and he put the dub between his lips. Kiba put the lighter up to Naruto's dub. "Breath in as I light it alright?" Naruto's only response was a 'mmhmm' Naruto did just as Kiba told him too. As Naruto breathed in the smoke he could feel all the nervousness wash away. He felt like there was nothing wrong in the world. Unfortunately, this feeling was short lived. Soon as he exhaled he began to cough rapidly. "Don't worry...you'll get used to it after a while..." Naruto looked at Kiba, that wasn't so bad. With that, Naruto put the dub to his lips for a second huff.


An hour later, both Naruto and Kiba were laying on the floor looking at the ceiling with an empty zip-lock bag beside them. Both had blood shoot eyes and grins on there faces.

"...so he like...raped you?"the dog boy asked in a mono tone voice.

"No...we were in the bath house and it was three AM and got a bloody nose and was talking about weird stuff," he explained in the same mono tone.

"Like what?"

"Something about friendship and uhhh, something else important...the whole time he was looking at my body all weird,"

"Sasuke's gay!" the dog boy shouted out.

"That would be awkward."

"He likes you!" he said as he pointed a finger at the blonde.

"That would be SO cool! He would buy me ramen all the time!" he said as he started to day dream about ramen.

"Thats something only you would say,"

"Dude...I want some food!" Naruto said in a 'surfer way ' Kiba rolled his head to look at Naruto.

"I think you have the munches!" He said as giggled. "I have food in the kitchen..." he said sluggishly. Naruto stood up slowly and wondered around the house until he eventually found the kitchen. He looked in the fridge, it was almost empty. The only thing in it was some brownies on a paper plat wrapped in a clear plastic wrap and random condemns. The fox boy plastered a cheesy grin on his face. He quickly grabbed the paper plat, removed the clear wrap and began inhale as many brownies as he could. Soon, there were no more brownies to eat. The blonde became dizzy yet managed to make his way back the living room.

"All you had were some f-fucking b-brownies! I want more fucking f-food!" Naruto said in a very non-sober way. Kiba looked at him for a while, he began to laugh.

"Those were my special brownies!" Kiba laughed out. Naruto look at him in confusion.

"Huh?" Naruto breathed out. The dog boy rolled over on his belly and rested his head.

"It's alright, go get some food and bring it back here, I'm gonna take a nap," Kiba said with a yawn. Naruto began walking towards the door.

"Okay...I'll be back," he began to laugh hysterically. "I am the govenator!" he yelled. Kiba giggled. Naruto made his way out the door and back to were he ran into Kiba and continued down the road.


"Naruto? Are you feeling ok?" asked Naruto's dark haired team mate. Sasuke moved closer to Naruto and quickly realized why Naruto was acting so strange. "Oh my God, you reek of weed! What the fuck have you been doing?" Naruto began to walk towards a bar near by. "Where the hell are you going?" Sasuke yelled.

"Thirsty," was all that Naruto said. Sasuke thought to himself 'I should look after him if he's gonna be doing drugs, after all, he did save my life, plus it might be fun to mess with him a bit' Sasuke waited outside the bar.

The fox boy walked up to the small bar and noticed it was nearly empty. Not even the bar tender was in sight. Naruto looked around, he saw a large man passed out on the bar. He notice his glass was still full. Still feeling thirsty, he stumbled over towards the man. He picked-up the glass and drank it in a few gulps. Naruto's body went numb and his mind became more hazed. Naruto slammed the glass on the bar stumbled out of the bar. Hearing the loud nosie, the man slowly woke-up. He quickly noticed that his drink was gone.

"W-who the hell drank my moonshine?" he mumbled as he drifted back to sleep.

"Naruto!" Sasuke shouted out. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke. He put his lips to Sasuke's ear.

"I am SOOO fucked up right now," Naruto whispered in his team mate's ear. Sasuke could smell the alcohol on his breath and weed in his hair.'When did Naruto become like this? I'm gonna knock some sense into him when he sobers up'

"You can't be out like this! Oh shit, what the hell am I gonna do?" he said as Naruto started to fall asleep on his shoulder. He began to notice that people were giving him weird looks.

"I have to get you out of here," he said to the blonde who was not listening. The dark-haired boy picked-up Naruto bridal style and looked down at him."Don't worry, you'll sober-up soon." With that he started to make his way to the training fields. 'I'm so beating the shit out you latter'

To be continued!


this one is a bit longer. The next chapter is were the story really starts getting funny. And before people start saying stuff like "Sasuke's not in the hidden leaf village" I just want to say: I know that and it's called fanfiction for a reason. Any who, I hope you like my story so far. Please review! Keep in mind this is my first story!