
Summary: Saཿx is a slave to the full moon. What happens when Sora stumbles across him while wandering the castle.

Warning: Contains random pairings and yaoi material. This does mean boys having sex. Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I do own the game. (But not the rights to it. T.T)


Saཿx's title is the Luna Diviner. But among most of the Organization he's more likely to be called "that crazy werewolf" or, more insulting still, "Xemnas's pet werewolf."

He knows that he is called this, though never to his face. Usually he ignores it when her hears it, save when he is in a temper and all-too-ready to give someone a good beating.

For Saཿx, a 'good beating' usually stops just short of discoporation on the other's part. Xemnas doesn't like them to fade away; it's always a toss-up on how long it will take for them to (or whether they will) come back.

He's definitely one of the more unstable members, even counting the fact that most of them are not what one would call 'stable.' Saཿx really doesn't care. At least, most of the time. Sometimes it bothers him, and maybe he'll try not to fly off the handle as much. That will last, oh, maybe until a couple nights before full moon if he's lucky.

Saཿx is referred to as a 'lunaphile,' but really he's more like the moon's slave than its lover.

The only time he could truly be referred to as 'sane' is during the half moon, waxing or waning. That's when it holds the least influence on him, and he's free to live his little unlife as normally as possible.

During the new moon it's like all his energy is gone. Energy, will, motion, all are at an astonishing low. The other emotions, those termed 'weak,' are what whisper through his head, affecting him until sometimes he has convinced himself that he can 'feel' them. Sadness, happiness, love, joy. But mostly a sort of sick depression.

He used to use the kitchen to mope, because eating makes everyone feel better, even if they can't really 'feel.' But then certain wiseasses decide to start making cracks about 'times of the month.'

Rather than be called a girl, Saཿx now stays in the Addled Impasse to pretend the world isn't there and try not to fade away. Sometimes it's tempting, but never that tempting.

Full moons are the opposite. Saཿx is crackling with energy, temper, fury, and dislike rolled all into one. The only ones who regularly dare to approach him in this state are Xemnas and the terminally insane redhead. These are the times when Xemnas more often than not sends him to go kill something. It's the simplest solution.

And in the half-animal state, Saཿx doesn't really know or care that he's being manipulated, that he's just a problem to be solved half the time. He is a slave to the moon.

His attachment to their Kingdom Hearts was different from any of the other's. With Kingdom Hearts full and heavy in the sky, the effects of the regular moon were dimmed almost to the point of nonexistence. Kingdom Hearts was a much more regular and less spastic source of power. Only with it could he enter the Berserker mode with any hope of controlling (or exiting) it.

However, Kingdom Hearts is now destroyed, and Saཿx is once again subject to the moon's fickle power.

Right now is worst of the worst, the full moon just beginning to rise, and adding a tingling irritation to the restless energy that has had him pacing up and down the Nothing's Call all day. Any lesser Nobodies that are usually about that area are gone now, having fled the wrath of his claymore.

"You look like a dude who's lost his way." an annoyingly accented voice reaches him, and the blue-haired man turns stiffly to meet the upside-down face of the Freeshooter, one of the ones made so much more annoying by the simple merit of outranking him. Of course, Xigbar doesn't require the annoyance of rank to piss Saཿx off; his simple mocking camaraderie and strange tendency to show up upside down are quite enough in and of themselves.

"I am anything but lost." Saཿx growls in a threatening tone.

The older Nobody's single eye widens considerably, and he disappears for a moment before reappearing and throwing a mock salute- from a much safer distance.

"Sorry, dude, didn't know it was that time of the month." With that parting statement laced with amusement, Xigbar takes off.

Saཿx stands in place for a moment trying to control the urge to summon his weapon and go after the higher-ranking man, then resumes pacing more viciously than before. No doubt the word will be spreading now to avoid the Nothing's Call.

Saཿx wishes vehemently for Xemnas to come with a mission for him tonight. He simply has too much energy to contain. Too much energy translates itself into false rage, imagined passion. He is almost an insult to the Organization. Usually he is so good at being an emotionless Nobody.

He doesn't understand how those like Demyx consider it their duty to pretend they have emotions as a rule. They act like it's easier to not have emotions, like they're doing something special by having emotions.

Well, perhaps when Kingdom Hearts was there it had been like that for Saཿx. Now, all it takes is a major phase of the moon and he is hard put to convince himself that these 'emotions' aren't real.

Because they're not. Why else does he feel so empty after the full moon? It's a farce, a trick his body and mind play on him.

By now the moon has climbed over halfway into the sky, lighting the jointed metal surfaces of the section of the castle he prowls with its intoxicating cool silvery light. It's worse than usual tonight, adding a frustrating sexual edge to its effect. The half-arousal added to everything else has Saཿx half-growling in rage, now furiously battling the air up and down the pathway, slinging the huge, spiky weapon around as though it is one of Larxene's kunai.

One by one he imagines each of the other Organization members as his opponents. Otherwise what he's doing is even more idiotic than it is, blind motion uselessly pouring the boundless energy into doing something, anything.

First is Xemnas, first with one aerial blade, then two, then a misleading copy of himself keeping Saཿx whirling about here and there, blocked here, scoring a hit there, damn, that was the copy, blocking Xemnas's attack just barely in time.

Then Xigbar, the annoying upside-down one, appears in his mind's eye, sending off a stream of laser darts in his direction. Saཿx blocks them, lunges murderously towards the gray-streaked head, and whirls to find where it might have gone to.

The Whirlwind Lancer has taken his place, grinning wolfishly at Saཿx as the six lances float around him. Saཿx is forced into a defensive stance as Xaldin rushes him, two in each hand and the other two trailing, spinning threateningly. Saཿx blocks almost frantically as he is attacked here, there, from all sides. A lance slips past his guard and had this been something other than imagination, he'd be dead.

Except not really. Vexen takes Xaldin's place, hand outstretched to raise a chunk of ice around Saཿx. Saཿx rolls to the side, comes back up, attacks. Vexen catches him on the shield- just barely. The claymore is caught on the spikes and Saཿx presses his advantage, except he air doesn't provide any resistance and the illusion crumbles, replaced by number V.

Saཿx goes straight to attacking the larger man, foiled at every turn until he can finally dart around, getting under Lexaeus's guard. A little blow like that means nothing to the Silent Hero, though, and he smirks unpleasantly before fading away into Zexion.

The scarred Nobody straightens, glares, still thrumming with untapped energy. Zexion cannot attack, defend. He is no good for this exercise. To be sure, illusions can be deadly, but obviously Saཿx does not need number VI's help to plant illusions in his own head.

Zexion is shoved aside by Axel. Much better. Somebody Saཿx can happily use his aggression on. Attacking swiftly, he is blocked by a chakram, then has to disengage to protect himself from the fiery path of the other one. One, two, over and over, Axel leaping and dance about like the flames he represents.

An annoying call, "Skip to the beat!" rings out, and suddenly Demyx appears where Axel was. He grins impishly, strumming a chord and shouting, "Dance, water, dance!" Innumerable copies of him appear. Saཿx slices through them as though they were butter, making short work of the multitude.

The Gambler's cards appear; the diviner shreds them mercilessly, blocking a set of dice thrown at his head. He goes for the blonde, but finds him disappeared into a set of spinning cards. Saཿx has forgotten how much he hates trying to fight Luxord.

Marluxia appears, but Saཿx wants no part of that traitor. His frustration peaks as he blocks the flight of kunai Larxene sends at him. The moon has reached its zenith, and by now Saཿx thinks he might as well just die from all the false sensations running through him.

In the bright light cast by the moon, the thirteenth member appears. Roxas. Saཿx growls, hefting the claymore. He has no qualms about trying to kill that traitor. Unlike Marluxia, Roxas has not come back. Golden eyes glinting dangerously, Saཿx flies to the attack. Roxas yells, jumps back, and...


The illusion melts away, and a skinny boy with spiky brown hair clothed only in what resembles the pants most of the Organization wears is scrambling away from him. Shock and terror shine from deep blue eyes; real, and not imagined. Not Roxas. Somebody.

Sora. The Keyblade master. A denizen of light.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Saཿx asks, glaring.

"U-um, I dunno, I was k-kinda... lost." the boy manages. Odd. Last time the met, the boy had been fully confident in himself... and fully clothed. Saཿx's mind reels at all the bare skin in his current state. Sexual frustration never does much for one's coherence abilities.

Abruptly the blue-haired Nobody whirls, the claymore disappearing, and stalks off, trembling with the effort of will it takes to control himself. It has definitely not occurred to him before that the Keyblade bearer is very, well, molestable, but then, last time he had seen him as a tool and not a person.

And to add to that, Kingdom Hearts had been blocking the moon, the boy had been clothed and hefting a Keyblade, and had intention to destroy him.

He makes it back to the Addled Impasse in record time, slamming back and forth across the huge room, still not even panting though the exertion merits it. He is half-hard and glad of the black coat to hide it.

He crashes into the door to his room and roars his frustration, not willing to suffer in silence any more. It isn't like anyone will be bothered by it. There is a reason why his room is connected to the Addled Impasse, which is reachable only from the portal in the Proof of Existence.

Why is the moon's effect so damned great this time around? There is nothing different from the last time except... Except he is here.

Sora. A denizen of light. The sun is what lights up the moon and makes it bright. The day must then be here to antagonize the night. And damn it all, it's working.

A thump draws his attention to the portal, where the object of his thoughts stands, flushed and panting as though he's been running. Which, of course, he must have been, to catch up to Saཿx at the speed he was going. Saཿx's breath catches slightly. Why? Why why why is the boy so attractive?

He's like a gold coin atop a mountain of silver, when silver is all Saཿx has ever known. Like sunlight caressing a garden that's been eternally moonlit. The light that reflects off the moon that's driving Saཿx crazy. Crazy with energy, power, false emotions, and now... lust.

It's strange. He's never had this problem with any other the other members. Some of them are moonlit, some not lit. Axel is firelit. Marluxia comes closest to this boy's radiance, but his is more like the artificial lights he grows his plants under. Saཿx can't stand artificiality.

There's nothing artificial about Sora. Everything he is is pure, real, straight from the heart. If jealously was one of the emotions the moon could make him think he feels, he'd be green with it by now. Luckily that's more the property of the new moon.

The Nobody glares venomously at the boy, screaming without words, without sounds, to go the fuck away.

Sora draws back slightly, eyes wide and a slight flush still painted across his face. But he gathers his composure again.

"Saཿx." he states clearly. "I know you. I thought you died."

"A Nobody doesn't die." Saཿx says gruffly.

"Oh, yeah... umn, I mean-"

"What are you doing here?" the scarred Nobody interrupts him.

The boy jumps. "Ah! Umn, I followed you?" He fidgets nervously.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Saཿx demands.

"B-because, well, you went off so suddenly. After you attacked me like that. And... I wanted to know what's up."

"The moon." Saཿx mutters angrily, so that the brunet can barely hear. The boy quirks his head curiously, approaching closer, breath quickening in nervousness.

Ah! No! Don't do that! Saཿx backs away as quickly as Sora comes, eyes widening. His body urges him to jump the boy now, while he's vulnerable and unprepared, or, oh hell, just anything to find release. It's as though all the energy haunting him is changing into sexual. To put it simply, Saཿx is horny as fuck.

Bright blue eyes blink in confusion. Sora stops and so does Saཿx, the Nobody panting silently and trying to appear not to. And then suddenly Sora is almost right next to him.

Fuck! How the hell did he do that? Saཿx's body reacts violently to the sudden proximity. He can almost feel the boy's body heat. In a sudden flurry of panic he dashes into his room, slamming the door and prowling back and forth at the foot of the bed, leaving a very confused Sora outside.

As if to further the punishment, Sora opens the door and once again appears in the room with him.

"See? Why do you keep running away like that?"

A half-moan, half-growl makes it from Saཿx's throat. How supremely oblivious can a person be? It's the goddamn full moon; Saཿx isn't to be held responsible for idiots who follow him around on these nights.

When Sora remains innocently confused, waiting for an answer, Saཿx snaps. The brunet squeaks as the blue-haired Nobody is suddenly on him, hands locking on skinny upper arms in a bruising grip, grinding their hips together violently. Sora's lower half responds automatically to Saཿx's arousal.

"Undress me." Saཿx hisses in a voice used to giving orders. Yellow eyes burn feverishly into blue. Sora makes a 'meep'ing noise and complies, clumsily pulling the zipper of the coat open, working it off the Nobody's shoulders to pool in a heap on the floor. His hands fumble at the bottom of the tight-fitting black t-shirt. Saཿx growls, thrusting harder against the form in front of him, painfully constrained by the pants.

Finally Sora manages to pull the shirt over Saཿx's head, but not before the other loses his patience and rips the thing virtually to shreds. Saཿx's hands find his ribs and slide down, blunt nails carving raised pink paths in Sora's skin. Sora's pants are practically torn off of him, the button and zipper undone by sheer force. He hurries to perform the same office for the other, but much less violently.

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This time Sora falls away from him, snuggling himself blindly into the bed. Saཿx rolls away from the sticky mess, following the boy's example and, for the first time he can ever remember, falling asleep with the full moon still in the sky.

When he wakes up, Sora is gone, the only trace of him having ever been there coating the sheets. The night is a wild haze to Saཿx, leaving him with one question begging to be answered.

Who the hell had let that boy into the Castle again?



A/N: Well. That took a while. n.n But I'm proud of myself anyway.

Yes, this has been turned into a longer fic rather than a oneshot. However, the main focus (beyond some insight on each Organization member) is smut, therefore, it's being posted on AFF...