A/N: Here's chapter three.Sorry I haven't updated so long but I was really busy. Enjoy!
With a sigh, L bent down to pull Raito's shirt over his head. Picking up the little body, he deposits it into the tub and started filling it with water. "You can do the rest, no?"
Raito thought for a minute before answering, "Mommy takes a bath with me!"
Oh dear was the thought that ran through the detective head.
"You're a big boy now and big boys take baths by themselves." L said.
Raito scrunched up his nose as if to think of something and gave the reply, "I'm four!" holding up five fingers. L reached out and put one of Raito's fingers down.
"That's five."
Raito frowned at those words. "I am almost five so that gives me the right to hold up five fingers." Smiling, proud of his ability to string together long sentences while L just looked down at him unfazed.
"You still have to help me." Raito declared. L gave a sigh at those words and knelt down beside the tub. Taking a small cloth, L dipped it into the water and started to wipe Raito's face with it.
"Why to you sit like that?" Raito questioned, his tiny face scrunched up as the cloth wiped his face.
"Like what?"
"That." The child waved a tiny arm in L's direction. "Mommy told me not to sit like that on a chair because it's not polite."
"It increases my brain power by 34."
"That's…" Raito stopped talking at that moment and a confused look spread over his face.
"Yagami-kun? Is something wrong?"
"L, what are you doing? Why am I in a tub naked? Why am I so small!" Raito spoke, his voice getting higher and louder at each word.
"You know who I am?"
"Of course I know who you are. What is going on?!"
L drew his hands away from Raito and said, "I was hoping you can tell me what happened. What do you remember?"
Raito frowned at the detective's answer. "I went to bed and I wake up to find myself naked in a tub!"
"I see." was L's only answer.
"Well I don't! What am I doing in a tub in a child's body?!"
"You got dirty and I cleaned you up.
"That wasn't what I was asking!"
L paid no attention to Raito's outburst. "If you're quite done we better get started on finding out how you became a child."
Raito stood up and frown at L's words. As the detective turned away to give Raito some privacy he felt a tug on the chain that led to his handcuff. "Yes?"
Turning around to face Raito, L saw a faint blush on the child's face, eyes toward the ground not meeting the detective's at all.
"I need help getting out." Raito mumbled out.
"Excuse me? I can't hear you."
"I said I need help getting out!" Raito shouted, frustrated at the need to ask the detective for help for the simplest act of getting out of a tub. For you see, Raito is rather small as a child and the rim of the tub only met his shoulders.
L grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around Raito before lifting him out of the tub. L began to dry the child before a small arm pushed him away.
"I can do it myself."
L gave a small shrug in reply. A raise eyebrow from Raito was met with a confused face.
"Turn around."
"It's nothing I have never seen before."
"Turn around!"
L turned around and said, "Raito-kun is a very handsome boy. You shouldn't be ashamed about how you look."
The response given to L was a towel thrown at his head.