TenshiBabe: Okay this is new for me, uhh I just want to try out how a Ryou/ Bakura story where Ryou is on the dominant side of things. Like he's not getting hurt by Bakura but it's the other way around. This is probably going to turn out weird so yeah work with me on this.




/Light to Dark/

/Dark to light/


Never Again

Chapter 1: Promise

He let out a cry as he was violently thrown across the room, his back slammed against the wall. The boy, breathing heavily, slowly raised his head, his deep russet eyes locked with those of crimson. The figure silently stalked over to the fallen one like a predator hunting it prey. Smirking evilly, the demon grabbed hold of his collar, hoisting him up so he could see him, face to face.

Bakura scowled, growling as he spoke, "So hikari have you learned your lesson?" he spat angrily, "Never again are you allowed to see those 'friends' of yours especially that pharaoh and his little twerp, got that!" Bakura snarled, voice raising throwing Ryou to the ground, but not before landing him one in the stomach, causing the light to gasp for the air that was knocked out of him.

Ryou refused to show any signs of weakness to his yami. Bakura, sensing that he wasn't going to answer him, enforced his point, "I. Said. GOT.IT!" the angry yami growled, enunciating each word with a kick to his light. Shaking, Ryou sat up resting his head against the wall, Bakura frowned patience running out with him when, with his bangs shielding his eyes from his yami's, Ryou replied, "Never again, heh that's right… never again will I let you hurt me Bakura, never" Ryou looked his yami in the face, eyes blazing with fury, and Bakura noticed that the look on his lights face wasn't one of fear but of anger and confidence.

Ryou narrowed his eyes glaring at his yami, it was now or never, 'This was something I should have done long ago, and this time I'll do it right' Ryou thought to himself as he recited the spell that Yami gave him that very after noon.

Flash Back

Ryou sat in class packing his bags, after the last bell. Today he was going to do something he knew he would be in trouble for, but he couldn't take it anymore, his yami was destroying his life. After making sure that his mind link with his yami was completely shut down, not that his yami cared what he thought anyways, Ryou made his way over to Yugi and the gang.

"Hey Yug, do you mind if I come over today after school, I have some thing's that I need to discuss with you and Yami," Ryou said, noticing the look that the former pharaoh gave him when he said that.

"Sure Ryou, what's going on?" Yugi replied, sounding worried.

"It's about my Yami, I…he has to go"

"Hmm, so he's back, is he" Yami questioned. We were on our way to the Kame shop, with Yugi, Joey, and Tristan. Téa couldn't come because she had to work.

Upon entering the Kame shop, Grandpa Mutoh greeted them, and noticing Ryou remarked, "Nice to see you m'boy, hope everything is going well?"

"Yes, quite well actually," Ryou said smiling cheerfully as if he wasn't here to discuss the destruction of his yami. That thought didn't pass Yami or Yugi watching the exchange, wondering how many times they've been fooled by that same smile.

"Hey Gramps" Jou greeted the shop keeper adding "Got anything to eat, I'm starved"

"Yo, G-man how's it going" Tristan greeted as he walked in. Grandpa sweat dropped 'G-man?'

"Heh, okay gramps we're going to be in the living room if you need us, oh and Joey there are snacks in the fridge" Yugi says hastily dragging his friends away from his grandfather.

Once situated in the living room, the discussion began. Ryou went over the day that he first realized that Bakura was back and the harsh treatment that the yami gave him, before and after he had been banished to the shadow realm. Yugi and Yami both nodded at this part since they had been the ones to banish the tomb robber the first time.

By the time Ryou was finish his little trip down memory lane, it was getting to be late in the evening and the sun was going down. Ryou gasped as he felt a slight tug on his mind link, "Crap…we've got to hurry he's trying to contact me" Ryou said aloud, he could feel the anger radiating off his yami's mind link.

"Do you want the one we used last time?" Yami asked, sensing the hikari's distress. "No, this one has to be stronger, he has to stay there longer this time, I know he knows how to get out now" Ryou quickly answered, Yugi flinched slightly under the look Ryou gave them.

"We're on it," Yami answered, flipping through a book of ancient spells, and with adding a few words from a modern spell book they bought at a book store a few weeks back, Yami handed the spell to the white haired hikari.

"This should keep him for about six months, is that enough?" Yami asked, concern etched on his face. Ryou winced, holding his head as his Yami broke through his defences, "Yes perfect, thanks" Ryou quickly answered, getting up. "I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, thanks again" the hikari said smiling as he quickly left the Kame shop, saying a quick good bye to grandpa and the two teens stuffing their faces in the kitchen.

End Flash Back

Ryou smirked as the spell took effect. The look on his yami's face, sent a wave of guilt through his body, but he brushed it away telling himself that he deserved it. When the light died down, the millennium ring, clinked as it fell to the ground. Shakily standing, Ryou steadied himself walking over to the golden relic, picking it up.

Ryou brushed his hand over the ring, as a smirk slowly made its way to his lips. Where he could always feel the distant presence of his yami, even when banished; he couldn't feel anything now, not even a pulse. He was gone, even though he would come back, he would be ready. 'I made a promise to myself, and I intend to keep it.'

TenshiBabe: Muhahahahaha! I am totally evil, poor Bakura geeze, I feel horrible now…aw man please R&R…