Disclaimer: I don't own supernatural so anything that even remotely reminds you of the show is not mine. Anything else however I claim as my own.


Chapter One:

Dean went from sound asleep to wide awake, knife in hand, standing next to his bed in a fighter's stance in mere seconds. He looked around the small cheap motel room then at his brother sitting on the other bed. Sam was also awake but instead of a weapon Sam was grabbing for his pants.

"Get dressed Dean, now!" Sam had to shout at his brother to be heard over the noise that had woken them both.

Dean took one look at his brother and dropped the knife on the bed and grabbed his pants. Sammy was scared, but he seemed to know what was happening. "What the hell is going on Sammy?" Dean shouted at his brother.

"We are about to get hit by a tornado!" Sam told his brother loudly as he put on his shoes and grabbed his jacket.

Dean put on his boots and was reaching for his jacket when the sirens stopped just as suddenly as they had started and the room went dark. He looked in Sam's direction who stood still for half a second as they listened to the what sounded like a train driving past the building.

Suddenly Sam was in motion. He grabbed Dean's shirt and pulled him to the bathroom. Dean tried to protest but his brother merely pulled him harder. Dean was even more surprised when Sam slammed the door shut and shoved him down into the bath tub then climbed in on top of him.

Dean tried to get up but Sam put his mouth close to Dean's ear and said fiercely, "Stay down." That's when all hell broke loose and Dean decided to take his brothers advice.

The building creaked and shuddered around them. The roaring noise grew louder. Dean heard the sound of objects hitting the walls. He heard glass breaking and suddenly he heard a series of loud cracks and the world came crashing down on top of them as the roaring of the tornado continued.

Something wet and warm dripped onto Dean's face. He wiped away the sticky substance but more dripped down. Sam was pressed down on top of him making movement difficult, but Dean managed to get his arms around his brother as the weight of the building began to shift off of them. The roaring seemed to go on forever but Dean knew that mere miniutes had past since it started.

As suddenly as it had begun it stopped. Stillness surrounded them and all Dean could hear was the creaking of the broken building. He took a deep sigh of relief. "Sammy," he said. "Can you move any of this shit off us?" His brother did not reply. "Sam?" he tried again, but his brother didn't move in his arms. Then the warm, wet substance dripped again onto Dean's face and suddenly he knew what it was.

"Sammy," Dean said in a fear filled voice.

A/N - Please read and review!