Disclaimer: I don't own anythiiinnng... except for the idea, I suppose. Just ask if you dont know who Clanker is. ;)

(Heylos! I've decided that I am going to create a contest. Now, there will be a prize, but it's rather small, since I don't have money or t-shirts to throw around. XD The prize for winning the contest is that I'll make you a caption with a character of your choice, provided it's from one of the two PotC movies. The caption will be yours to keep and do what you want with it- I won't post it on the captions page. It'll be YOURS XD So. The subject of the contest will be to write a fic about Will's whipping on the Dutchman. It can be humor, angst- anything you wish. If you'd like to join the contest, PM me, and tell me that you would like to join. After that, write up your story, and email it to me. There's really no deadline for entries, but I'll post a message up here when I'm not accepting any more entries. Have fun, and get writing!)

In the Locker

"Yahhhh!" Bootstrap screeled, charging at the door. He rammed his shoulder into it with a resounding thud.

"Ow..." Bootstrap muttered, rubbing his shoulder.

Clanker watched this, and raised an eyebrow. "Bootstrap, that's the six-thousand, nine-hundred, seventy-fourth time you've done that. You should've figured out by now that it'll do you no good."

Bootstrap turned around, and hissed at Clanker. "Hiss! Hisses and kisses!"

That said, he ran towards Clanker. When he was in front of him, he suddenly stopped staring into Clanker's eyes.

Clanker took a step back,a little freaked out b Bootstrap's reaction. They were the only two currently in the Locker. The only reason they were in there was because their Captain was in a foul mood that day.

Bootstrap grabbed Clanker's face, hissed again, then planted a big, juicy kiss on his lips.

"Bleach!" Clanker yelped, leaping backwards. He ran into the nearest cornr, eyes wide, staring at Bootstrap. "We've only been in here twenty minutes! What are you going to be like when we've been in here for the full day?"

Slobbering, Bootstrap began to run in a small circle, jabbering various words. "I wanna go for a run, eat socks, pick blueberries, butter my nose, glue frogs to my ears, and-and-and-"

Clanker stared at him, horrified. He was going to be stuck in this damn place for an entire day?

He sank down to his knees, moaning.

(Will Clanker make it out alive? Will Bootstrap regain his sanity? Find out later, or whenever I decide to get the next chappie up!)