Disclaimer: Mai HiME is the property of Sunrise, Bandai.

The sun shone brightly in the sky, offering no respite from its burning heat to the girl stumbling in the sand. The desert's uneven floor, hills of sand and plateaus of rock, offered no shade either. Cresting such a hill of sand, one of many, she had already lost count of them long ago; Yumemiya Arika raised the protective glasses she wore to her forehead, taking in the scene around her. Almost she had thought the seemingly endless expanses were truly without end, but now, for the first time, she saw life other than the strange puffballs or shambling rock monsters. A barge crossed the sands in front of her, almost like a boat through water. She had never seen enough water that you'd need a boat to cross it, but her old auntie had told her about the thing called the ocean. A place of water even larger than the desert that she one day hoped to see.

Then the barge went past her, leaving her behind and she knew her trial had not come to an end. They didn't see her, she realized with mounting panic.

"Ah, wait for me!" She cried, running after it. There went her hope for an easy way out of the sea of sand. But the sight of the metallic ship had bolstered her spirits, even if she had missed hitching a ride, for now she knew she was on the right track. Soon she would be at Garderobe and find her mother.

Little did she know what she would find at the prestigious school of the Otome; friends and rivals, a most infuriating man that called her Arinko, Anty. Just like Mikoto always did, she recalled as if through a fog, but her thoughts quickly turned back to the man and his adopted daughter, both of whom would come to mean a lot to her. Looking for her mother she would find both happiness and tragedy. There would be a war, but in the end she would pull through and help save the world. At her will, though it saddened her greatly, a long azure blade formed in her hands while her hair turned gold. She rushed forward towards her friend, to defeat her and to save her, no matter the cost.

Tragic heroine, a voice whispered insistently in her mind, a future that can be yours if you want it.

She knew the voice to be right, with the Star she could give birth to any world she desired. Resting back in her dark throne she let the myriad of images continue, revelling in the power at her fingertips. The world was hers; all she had to do now was decide which world that was going to be.

Standing near the throne, her protector Laura didn't feel at all at ease, unlike Arika. Her violet eyes cast furtive glances to the dark walls of the throne-room, hardly believing at first that such a thing could exist inside the red star. But the star obeyed Arika's will, so perhaps this room was only an extension of that will. Still, she couldn't ignore the faint throbbing in the floor or how the walls sometimes seemed alive. Again she looked at Arika and wondered just how much the girl was truly in control.

Mai HiME: The Golden Millennium

"Golden Dawn, the Girl that Dreams the World"

Mai, from her vantage point on top of Kagutsuchi's back, looked down upon her two friends. Their course made sense, but she couldn't shake the thought of Mikoto, caught in unrelenting hands or lying inside a muddy ditch in a forest somewhere. What if she needed her, now more than ever, and she didn't come. That had happened once before, not something she cared to repeat, and it had hurt Mikoto deeply. How could she just leave her again now, when she knew all of that? Mikoto would never willingly part with Miroku and the sword had allowed no one else to touch it but her, so what Laura had said had to be true and Mikoto needed her now more than ever.

"Tokiha Mai," Miyu said, though they were among friends now she hadn't put down her sword, "There is no more time to waste."

Mai gritted her teeth; it was the Festival all over again, pitting the sake of someone important to her against the sake of the entire world. She had made her choice then, the right choice. Surely Mikoto would want her to do right thing?

"Get on," Mai commanded, trying to sound sure of herself and her choice. She succeeded, in part, but mostly she just sounded sad. After all the sacrifices they were supposed to be free of this, free to live a normal life with normal problems. Secret organisations with delusions of grandeur were not part of that life she so desired. Things had gone so well since the Festival had ended, she had love, she had friends she'd risk her life for, and they for her, and her brother was healthy, at long last. The commotions of Akira's revealed secret had calmed down and everything. Why did they have to do this now?

"Reports," Commander West demanded, standing stoically in front of the miniature display of the campaign, his hands resting on the clear black sides that were always cool to the touch. He remembered clearly still how in the old days the planning, and follow-ups of an operation, were done with maps and pins on a table. The table now was a large black box in the centre of their mobile command. The top, the display, was a holographic projector, showing everything that happened in three dimensions.

Outwardly he was calm and collected, as befitted his station, though the same could not be said for how he really felt. Another one of his men, Collins, he thought his name was, came to him with a printout. He looked worried and West remembered that this was the young man's first assignment in the field. A horrible beginning, but there were many soldiers, in many wars, who hadn't even lasted as long as he had in their first assignment. They were the operation's headquarters and should be the safest place.

"Just calm down," he said fatherly, "and stay focussed."

"Y-yes sir," Collins said thankfully.

"Now, show me what you've got."

"Sir," Collins said, his calm regained, he read the report as the hologram was updated, "We've lost contact with nearly all our squads on campus. Squads five, ten, thirteen, have reported in and are in position around the main building. Several of the Valkyries have taken refuge there."

West nodded, noting that indeed most of the icons signifying those lost groups had turned red at their last known position. Signifying that the new recruit could continue Collins did just that.

"Our barricades are holding on the main roads connecting Fuuka to the outside," Collin continued, "But we've lost one near the school and several leading towards the bridge."

Again West nodded, not surprised at all to learn that someone had been heading towards the bridge, that's where that Arika girl was and that was where they had left Alyssa Searrs. Someone, or more than someone, he did not know. Normally the answer was obvious as a single person couldn't break through even one barrier, let alone several. But these were not normal people.

"Any word from our esteemed princess," West asked, and this time he couldn't hide his snide tone when addressing their leader. What the brass had possessed to leave things up to a schoolgirl he did not know, one of the many things he did not know of the operation. The lesson should've been learned when things failed the last time.

"Nothing sir, nor have we heard anything from the SERVANT pilot." Collins shook his head, he did not know the pilot's name, West thought, but that hardly mattered. "In fact we've lost the suit's signal completely."

For a while the commander said nothing, mulling over all the points of the catastrophe. Things had been doomed to failure the moment Arika had prematurely remade the Star. Now she was gone, Laura was gone, but whether they had been simply defeated, killed, or in retreat, he had no way of knowing. All he could do was assume the worst, for even if they had retreated it would still mean that something had forced them into it. He had his orders, straight from the top, and he knew he had no choice.

"Become the sheath, is it?" West's voice was resigned.

"Sir?" Collins, the young pup, asked.

"It's an expression," the Commander replied, "In sword fights, when there is no way to win, but you need to defeat your opponent at all cost, you let your body become the enemy sword's sheath. By dropping all your defences you invite the enemy to plant their sword in you, it's an opening few can resist. And when he strikes you, kills you, his own defences will be down and you can kill him."

Collins kept quiet; though he was still inexperienced he knew what his commander was trying to say.

"We can't win, but neither can we afford to lose," West said, "So we become the sheath."

"Sir," Collins whispered. Though his commander no longer believed in the success, or even the value, of their mission he would still go that far to complete the orders given to him from above. A true soldier, to the end.

"Contact all troops, tell them to converge on the school and subjugate the Valkyries."

The ship, almost appearing like a derelict vessel for all the activity, or rather lack thereof, on its deck, was anchored not far off the bay leading into Fuuka. There were no crewmen on decks, nor were there any lights, but still the ship was far from abandoned. Black clad soldiers patrolled the corridors and the walkways outside, blending in naturally with the darkness.

For a while the darkness of the night had been broken as two beacons of light had ignited on top of the bridge not far away. The battle had been far from short or intense, a battle of attrition between golden giants. He knew whose giants they were and who he wanted to win, but standing on a far shore he had been powerless to do anything. That wasn't his part in the night's flurry of activities either, so he waited patiently for them to stop. They had to stop, or at the very least dim their lights or he could not do anything.

Then Mai appeared, riding atop Kagutsuchi she drove away on of the golden beacons and soon after the second glow disappeared along with the second giant. Darkness returned, the white dragon's flaming wings weren't strong enough to light the entire bay. Now was the time to go, he knew, recalling the sworn liar's words that his chance would come.

There was no other way; he had committed himself to this. Resolutely he stepped on top of the black snake's head, letting it take him to the vessel. In the darkness of the night no one saw them approaching and both snake and passenger reached the vessel's aft bow without trouble. A fiery flash came from the bridge as the white dragon rapidly shot up to the stratosphere.

Reito went up to, the snake's long body breaking free of the water to get him on deck. With a soft thud on the metal plating the former Obsidian Lord had boarded the ship that held the ruling council of the Searrs Foundation captive.

Her hand trembled slightly as she went for the girl's neck. It was inevitable that some would get hurt; with all the soldiers and their guns about, but that it had to be her was hard to swallow. Akira had to find out for sure if the girl in the body bag was really dead, though she couldn't see Mikoto breathing. Silently Akira reprimanded herself, falling back into the discipline of her ninja training. Softly, gently, she touched Mikoto's neck, searching for a pulse.

Like lightning a hand grabbed the ninja girl's arm, keeping it in place. Her grip was like a vice. Golden eyes, completely bewildered and devoid of any recognition, locked onto hers. Reflexively Akira rose up to her full length, trying to back away and get herself free. Her element formed in her free hand, but she stayed her attack, this wasn't an enemy she was facing. Mikoto didn't seem to agree and rose up from the black bag with her, coming on like a wildcat.

"Mikoto, stop," Akira shouted, trying to get through to her even if it alerted others, if there were any, to their location. Her caught wrist started to hurt as Mikoto did not relinquish her hold, but still she did not strike with her weapon. To her shout all she got was an angry snarl from the girl she had just rescued.

Then Mikoto's free hand found its way to her throat, immediately starting to squeeze. Time was running out for Akira, but still she did not know what to do.

"Mikoto," Akira gurgled, an image of Takumi appearing in her mind. She wanted to see him again, more than anything, she wanted to see him again. No choice. Her element, flashing in the soft moonlight that flittered through the trees, abruptly moved forward and up.

"Hold on tight," Mai said, holding fast to the hilt of the large sword thrust through her Child's mouth. She was sorry to see it again, not because it limited his powers, though that certainly was a consideration, but because it couldn't be comfortable for the white dragon at all. But the sealing sword was powered by the star and its return meant the sword had come back into existence as well. At least it was something to hold on to, she thought.

A solid grip held her waist tightly; strong enough to keep in place even through their rapid ascend. Miyu, a golden glow around her body, made sure not to hurt the human girl in the process of hanging on tight, keeping both herself and Alyssa on the dragon's back. Her young charge kept both arms wrapped around Miyu's leg, but if not for the android girl's other hand on her body she would have already fallen off.

Arika, all the way from her throne inside the crimson star, hissed angrily. Too far away for any human eye to see the ascent of the four figures they were in plain sight of the extraterrestrial invader and therefore also known to her. She knew them, knew the two girls glowing gold and the other glowing like she was enveloped by crimson flames. They were coming and wouldn't be swayed into following destiny.

"They're coming," she said in answer to her companion's questioning look. No matter what, she had to stop them, but how? She had been forced to flee before. No, not flee, she amended, just a tactical retreat. But now they were coming again and nothing had changed. Laura could fight, and would fight, but she had no weapon against them. Apollo had already failed her, the enslaved Orphans had failed her and now she had nothing left.

Not so, that soothing voice whispered inside her mind and she knew what it meant. The other world, one of many, had shown her that she did have a weapon. Now her anger, and yes, fear, turned to confidence, or was that madness?

"Come, we're going out for them."

"Arika?" Laura whispered, sure that something was quickly changing in the younger girl and she wasn't sure that was for the best. Under her feet she felt the star pulsate, as if trying to tell her that she shouldn't interfere.

"They're coming," Yukino said urgently, her many spies showing her the large troop movement, all of them aiming for the infirmary. The moment they had all been dreading had arrived.

"This is it," Mashiro said solemnly, "our final battle."

"Again," Natsuki remarked.

Shiho shifted in her seat, the small stool at Nao's bed, wanting nothing more than to run, fast and far. It was possible; Yatagarasu could take her away from this place, away from the soldiers and the black machine. But she didn't, people were counting on her now. She remembered her big brother, who did not possess the power she or the other HiME did, but who had rushed into the academy during the last invasion anyway. He had wanted to do something and so he had gone. How could she do otherwise now?

Midori looked at all the others, seeing the resolve in their faces and she was glad she was with them during these times, glad that she had accepted Fumi's offer to let her continue her work as a teacher in her school. At first that had been nothing but a temporary arrangement so she could finish her thesis and, for them, to keep her close to the academy like the other HiME. But somewhere along the line things had changed and she had started to enjoy her work. Looking at these girls, students, colleagues, and friends, she knew that no matter what she had made the right choice. Professor Sasaki, she thought, you would have enjoyed the action, wouldn't you?

"HiME Rangers," Midori said, a forced grin on her face, in an attempt to lighten the tense mood, "Move out!"

In a swift motion she opened one of the large windows and leapt out, followed closely by Mashiro and Fumi. Her feet had barely touched the ground before she called out, "Gakutenou."

Shiho swallowed hard, holding on to her resolve. She was the next to leave, but took more care in climbing out. As her eyes started to adjust to the darkness she realized she made a good target, showing clearly in the light behind her. A shrill note escaped from her flute and a shadow fell over her. Seconds later she flew on the dark crow's back, close to the academy roof. Though she couldn't see them she knew Haruka and Yukino were there somewhere, overseeing the battle and, if needed, giving them directions.

"You're doing fine, Shiho-chan," the student council president said, startling her until she saw the pod hovering near her head, "There's a group coming from the right, you can take them on from the air."

Back inside the infirmary only three of the HiME remained. Carefully Natsuki brushed a lock of hair away from Shizuru's face, looking at her face as if it was going to be for the last time. Maybe it was, certainly things were dire enough.

"You've always been looking out for me," Natsuki said honestly, it didn't matter to her that Yoko could hear every word she said. This moment was clearly for them and the nurse wisely kept out of it, even though outside the battle had begun.

"Whether I wanted to or not, even when I couldn't appreciate it," Natsuki continued, stroking the side of Shizuru's face, as she regarded Nao for a moment, "You saved me from myself, now I'm going to save you."

Giving her a quick kiss on her forehead Natsuki rose determinately. Two guns appeared in her hands with a flash and she locked her eyes on Yoko, "Look after them. I'm counting on you."

Then she too was gone, almost flying out the window with a cry for her Child on her lips. Yoko wished she could do more for them, help them in some tangible way, but all she could do was take care of her two patients while they fought to stay alive and to draw the soldiers away from the medical wing.

Even though it was her second time in space it was the first in which she could honestly look down and see the Earth in all its splendour. Somewhere below, in the country that looked like a dragon or a giant seahorse from above, a small war was being fought. But from outside the atmosphere there was nothing that hinted of turmoil, not in Fuuka, not Japan nor anywhere else in the world. From above the world was at peace.

Reluctantly Mai tore her gaze away from the blue orb and she saw her two passengers do likewise when she turned her head slightly to consider them. They had seen images of their planet often enough, but to see it for real with their own eyes was something else entirely.

Kagutsuchi, with no such thoughts to distract him, set a straight course for the crimson star. Already they were further from the Earth's atmosphere than the last time. Mai could still hardly believe how fast that had gone by, one second she thought she had died, the next she and Kagutsuchi were dodging missiles while on a collision course with Alyssa's Child.

Similar thoughts entertained Miyu, who remembered how that incident had taken the young girl away from her. She didn't blame Mai, though if she had she was now in the perfect position to take revenge. Away from the Earth Mai got a good look at the power of the Searrs Foundation. Many satellites were in orbit around the planet, weather satellites, broadcasting satellites, and others flew in a geostationary orbit. But further away, far more than she could've imagined, were the same kind of satellites she had destroyed Artemis in the last time, a whole battery of the Searrs Foundation's space stations.

"She's coming," Alyssa said suddenly, something akin to a flash of insight or a premonition flitted through her head. Somehow she could feel her copy's presence clearly, could feel her own power coming from a place further away on their course to the Star. She knew for a fact, though she could not explain why, that their foe wasn't waiting for them anymore but had decided to take the fight to them.

At first none of them could see her, but it wasn't long until she was hovering directly in their path. A girl with hair, glowing a pure gold, like Alyssa, but surrounded by a red glow like Mai, stood on top of a black jet-like machine.

"Leave Arika to us," Alyssa said to Mai when they were nearly on top of them, "You go ahead and destroy the Star."

"Understood, but be careful," Mai replied.

"You too," Miyu said, letting go of her waist and heaving Alyssa on her shoulders. Their straight course suddenly broke apart, Miyu had launched herself and Alyssa straight ahead to intercept Arika, but Kagutsuchi veered around to the left instead, passing them by in an arc. Everything would end if they could destroy the Star again. Would it really? Mai thought sceptically for a second, they had believed the same before, and yet here they were again, fighting the same battles.

Arika watched the split with little concern; such a tactic was far from unexpected.

"Stop her," she said, setting off against the black surface, propelling herself into battle unarmed.

Laura wanted to stop her, but anything she could say would fall on deaf man's ears. Her roommate was driven by something she had no control over and so she fired her thrusters, in pursuit of Mai and Kagutsuchi.

Looking behind her Mai knew they couldn't outpace the black jet, if they kept going they would just be ripped apart. Sensing his mistress' thoughts the dragon angled his body so he could see their pursuer. Narrowing his eyes, filled with her emotions, he felt the same kind of pain Mai did over what they had seen this one carry. And hurting Mai was unforgivable.

The ball of flames left the dragon's mouth in an instant, crossing the void towards it target almost as fast. Going into a barrel roll Laura evaded the shot, transforming into her humanoid form when she came close to the now stationary attackers. Tightening her grip on both her weapons she went for the rider first. Taking her out would be easier than combating the dragon up close, even though his greater bulk would make an easier target, and it would deal with him at the same time. This one wasn't like Julia, greater powers had tried to destroy Kagutsuchi, such as Alyssa's golden lightning, but in the end everyone had failed miserably. Mai was, by her estimation, the easier target.

Her halberd soared out first, straight for the girl's heart, but Mai only brought one hand in its way, blocking her weapon with a half-sphere of fire. Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.

Now she struck with Miroku, held in her right hand, hoping that Mikoto's formidable weapon would be of a match against the flames. Double wielding like this meant she couldn't put as much strength in her blows, the downside of using two-handed weapons in this manner. But she wore the Foundation's trump card and its enhanced capacities more than made up for the limitations of human muscles.

Another of Mai's elements flared and now she had both hands raised to enhance her fiery protection, but that was all she could do.

Still Laura was surprised by the intensity of Mai's will, shining through clearly through her own violet eyes. They looked down, entranced by the broadsword and for a moment she thought Mai was going to falter. Instead her resolve only got stronger and to Laura's disbelief she was suddenly pushed back. It wasn't Kagutsuchi pushing them away; it was all Mai's own doing. The dragon hovered back, waiting for an opening where he could strike. If Mai ducked away now she would have nowhere to go.

"Shit," Laura swore inwardly, using the force of the fiery girl's push to launch herself back and away. Briefly she considered to turn back into a jet, attacking them using blitz tactics, but only for an instant as Mai was once again atop her. She kicked and now it was Laura's turn to block the wildly flaming element around the girl's ankle with her two blades. Sparks flew as the three weapons came together and then Mai was the one to push off and fly away.

Laura made as to follow her up, though up was a relative term in space. Going by the position of the Earth relative to them it was actually down. Arrows of fire came from the spinning elements on Mai's wrists, not falling for the same oversight that Laura had almost succumbed to. Slashing wildly Laura destroyed all the projectiles before they could hit her, even the ones that were bound to miss anyway. The shots were a distraction and never intended to actually stop the black armour.

Then Laura's eyes widened as she realized this, firing off her thrusters and turning into a jet, for extra speed, just in time to narrowly miss another fireball from the dragon. Perhaps going after Mai, as the easiest target, wasn't such a great idea after all. And getting her mad by using her roommates own weapon? Laura sighed, realizing that she let pride get in the way of her better judgement, but that there wasn't anything she could do differently now.

Something was amiss; the guards knew that for a fact even though there wasn't a full confirmation yet. On deck several of their patrols had vanished without a trace, breaking all radio contact. Already, among the less seasoned troops, of which there was a surprisingly large number compared to the veterans who should've been stationed there to guard their passengers, were whispering about an invasion force. The few experienced soldiers could do little to silence them, their numbers were by far too few.

A team of four went out to check up on their missing members, spreading out when they came to the huge cargo containers stacked in the middle of the ship. They moved in tandem through the three lines of containers. One for each of the impromptu paths in, and around, the metal boxes. Four appeared at the end of the first crates, and then they progressed to the end of the next one. For several seconds they were out of each others' sight.

Like a spectre Reito jumped out of the shadows, his katana flashing in the limited light. His first strike disarmed the man, the gun crashing against the metal box with a resounding bang; his second slammed the end of the sword through his eyewear. The man went down, but his assailant didn't wait for it, already he was running to the end of the box where his companions would soon show up to investigate the noise. Purely on instinct he slashed his sword diagonally down the side corridor the collection of cargo containers made on deck, taking out another gun before its owner knew what was going on. He didn't finish it though, taking cover by leaping back from where he came. A third soldier opened fire at the shadowy figure that had leapt out, but he only hit his colleague. Two down and only two more to go and then he could go below deck. As he thought about how to take down the final obstacles a smile formed on his lips without him realizing it. In the dim light his eyes had taken on a golden sheen.

"Are we winning?" Haruka asked, looking frantically at the many images Miroir was showing them.

"I don't know," Yukino said honestly before she could stop herself, knowing that through her element the other HiME would also hear it. It didn't seem to matter though.

Close to the forest edge Midori and Gakutenou were ploughing through trees and vehicles alike, taking down the foot soldiers' support. Going straight for another black trailer Yukino saw something move on its roof. Knife in hand the soldier jumped at the approaching chariot in an attempt to board it.

"Above you," Yukino called out, focussing on the pod she knew was close to Midori. Up came the woman's halberd, twirling above her head. She hit the soldier several times, before they had past his now falling body, unconscious by the many blows, and went through the black van without problems. A flurry of explosions followed them from behind as the remains of their collision course exploded.

Another of her mirrors saw Shiho on the back of her black crow, stalling in its flight. Abruptly it went in a nosedive, streaking over a battalion of troops. The young girl on its back blew a clear note on her flute, a sound of pure agony washed over the field beneath them as eardrums ruptured and goggles shattered. The crow veered up at the end of its flight, letting a barrage of exploding darts penetrate deeply in another assault vehicle. Its outer shell punctured it went up in a ball of flame.

Quick as a fox, somewhere in the middle of the battle field, the Director seemed as if she was dancing, flitting from place to place without rhyme or reason and yet perfectly orderly as well. Her scythe gleamed in the moonlight, white and red, though if it was of blood or the crimson emanations of the star that occupied the same space as the moon Yukino couldn't tell from her vantage point. She wanted to think it was the latter and didn't pry further.

Fumi didn't dance alone; Mashiro was right there with her, twirling her own double-bladed weapon with a poise and finesse that was simply out of this world. She moved even faster than the Director did, sending out streamers of blue fire to wind around her and her foes.

A mighty leap brought Duran into a clod of troops, breaking their formation.

"Fire," Natsuki called out, sliding off the silver wolf's back. Two shells left his twin guns, exploding into shards of ice to completely cover half of the squad's number. At Duran's back Natsuki shot two soldiers through their helmets, the shots weren't lethal but they packed enough of a punch to knock the men out for at least a while. She kicked another in his stomach, doubling him over for a clear shot into the back of his head.

For a brief moment there was a lull in the battle around the three women, giving them the opportunity to see just how things were going. Overall they were wreaking great destruction over the invading army, but with every squad they took down another two seemed to take their place just as quickly. Even now other vehicles moved along the tree lines where Midori had just been. Though so far they seemed to have the upper hand the enemy strategy was becoming clear, this had become a battle of attrition, and it was only a matter of who ran out first, the number of soldiers the Foundation had brought to bear or their stamina.

"We can't win like this," Mashiro said, not sounding winded in the slightest. But she was a Child and could go on for far longer than this. If it was just her she might just have won, but it wasn't and they had to think of their own survival.

"We can't surrender to them," Natsuki said vehemently, misunderstanding what the former Director was trying to say. If they gave up now they were as good as dead, there was no way Searrs could let a loose cannon like the HiME around if they were to take control of the world through the red star.

"No, but there is another way," Mashiro continued, "If we can destroy the Star they have no more reason to be here."

"How?" Natsuki asked, intrigued by the proposal. She had considered it herself, but dismissed it because unlike before it was near the moon and out of the reach of their Childs. All except one, she amended, but neither Mai nor Kagutsuchi had shown themselves. Perhaps she was already going for the Star or perhaps she had fallen like Nao and Shizuru had fallen. Mai, she thought, please be all right.

"I can send you there," Mashiro said, "but we have to go now."


"To the Crystal Arena," Mashiro answered.

"Go," Yukino said, "there are only more troops coming. This is the only way."
"But, who will be left here?" Natsuki worriedly asked.

"I will take your place," Yukino said determinately, "Also; help may be on the way."

Before Natsuki could say anything more her arm had been grabbed by Mashiro, who unrelentingly pulled her along with Fumi in tow.

"Are you sure about this?" Haruka asked, but she needn't have asked. Already Yukino had dismissed her mirrors and the field cloaking their position. She would go down; though her Child lacked the strength of the three who had left the field she was sure she could still do something. The time for collecting data was over, her friends were better off reacting on the fly than wait for her directions. Already the fighting had started moving too fast for anything else.

Flying off the building's roof on her Child's back Yukino hoped that the people she had seen from afar were coming quickly. A dark shape, one she had not seen, broke through the enemy lines on a straight course for the Crystal Arena, but nobody saw it pass, moving fast on all fours in pursuit of Mashiro and her companions.

The Crystal Arena, the glass dome that was the main entrance for the entire school, gave off a serene air that was only disturbed by the shots and explosions ringing outside. Mashiro looked at the monument and the railing the students used for tying their ribbons, a promise to the person they cared about to always be together. She remembered still how in this place an old and huge, though no less vibrant, tree had stood. That tree had long since burned down, a legacy of hundred years burned in a single night. She herself had tied a ribbon on that tree, a tradition that still existed now, as a pledge to her own precious person, her older brother. Before the battle.

It was sometimes hard to believe that three hundred years had already past, that everyone she used to know had long since past out of peoples memories. Perhaps it was better that way.

"What next?" Natsuki asked, looking back impatiently. It was a risk they were taking, one that could come to cost the ones she was leaving behind dearly.

Despite the situation Mashiro showed a slight smile at the camaraderie between this generations's HiME. The maidens of her time did not have such a tight bond and the tragic Festival had been able to occur without much trouble. She had done right in placing her trust in these people, now she was going to do it again.

"Stand still," Mashiro instructed, "Though you'd best recall Duran before I proceed. Sending him along might just tax the energies needed to bring you back again."

Natsuki nodded and gestured for Duran to comply. With a slight whine, born out of reluctance to leave his HiME alone during all the violence, he disappeared.

"I still have some powers left from when I was the Crystal Princess," Mashiro explained, "From this place I can make a connection to the Star. Once you are there you should destroy it, like before, and run back to the portal before the place has disintegrated around you."
"I understand," Natsuki said, motioning for her to continue.

Mashiro nodded and closed her eyes. A blue flame appeared around her body, seemingly to engulf it completely. Without warning it turned to green flames, flames that jumped over to Natsuki. Natsuki recoiled, but all around her things turned to green. The last thing she saw was another shape entering the inferno with her.

Fumi and Mashiro looked solemnly at the now empty spot, the only two remaining in the glass dome that still glowed with its own green light. It would remain that way until the two travellers, Natsuki and an unexpected stowaway, would return or the star was fully gone.

"I'm going to miss you," Fumi said sadly, even before green sparks had started to come from the other woman's body.

Smiling wistfully Mashiro turned to her one time maid, her true companion in the last years as she had worked to bring her plan to culmination. In all the world there was no one she loved more than Fumi and, sadly, she knew that feeling to be mutual.

"You knew," she said, making it a statement and not a question.

"You don't have any of those old powers left," Fumi said, "You used up everything your Child body had."

"I'm sorry, there was no other way."

"Don't apologize," Fumi said, "I understand, I always understand you."

"Yes," Mashiro said, embracing her caretaker one last time as her body started to fall apart. Already she could feel her soul reaching out for her true body, but she held herself back a little longer. Once she had gone there was no way back.

Slowly the women sank to the floor, still in a tight embrace, but Mashiro had almost completely vanished by this point. When Fumi's back touched the glass wall of the dome all she held were green sparks.

"We'll meet again," Fumi heard Mashiro say, though there was no one there, "In a place beyond this world."

"Mashiro-sama," she whispered when the shock that had befallen Nao overtook her as well. Though she was expecting it she understood clearly, in the little time she had left, how it had left the young girl in a coma.

Almost like a comet, leaving behind a tail of glowing red energy, Arika shot straight at Miyu and Alyssa, still seated atop the android girl's shoulder. Their golden glow wouldn't help them, she knew, nor would the powerful anti-materializing blade that was Miyu's left arm. They also raced towards the confrontation, another clash of powers.

In the middle the three girls met, the sword of Marie coming in contact with something that was almost an exact duplicate of the true Obsidian Lord's body, only made of azure crystal. Holding its narrow hilt Arika wielded the double-bladed weapon like a club, driving back her opponent by the shear weight and power of it. Sparks flew and were stopped by the auras around the girls. Still Alyssa raised an arm to shield her face.

Miyu reversed the direction of her push, launching herself and Alyssa away from the crystal blade, but Arika followed. As they flew they clashed and came apart several more times, each lasting just a bit longer than the first. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, Arika backed off.

Lightning started to arc around the crystal blade, gaining in intensity rapidly as it build up to discharge. A name chorused in its wielder's mind, the bolt from the blue, derived just like the weapon itself from one of those alternate worlds she had dreamed about.

When the blast finally came its violence was too great for Miyu to avoid. Her own sword came up just in time, flaring with its own power that was the direct opposite of the higher order energy they were now bombarded with. But her blade could not parry it all, and arcs of power struck the golden aura around them. That stopped the remaining energy from hurting them, but when the blast finally stopped Alyssa was breathing heavily and her aura was blinking with every drawn breath. The anti-materializing blade seemed scorched as well, but its edge was still sharp.

"Do you understand now?" Arika called out to them, "I'm beyond you. All of you, I-"

Suddenly Arika swivelled her head to the side, staring at the Star with wide eyes, "Cowards!" She roared, her voice completely contorted by rage. Her clear blue eyes regarded her two enemies, girls she had nearly completely beaten save for the final blow, but she had no more time to administer it.

"Distracting us while your allies attack from behind," Arika hissed, "Well, that won't work."

"Allies?" Miyu and Alyssa asked one another.

In a flash of light she was gone, drawing Laura out of her own battle, abruptly and against her will, and back to her throne room. The young girl was seething with anger, no one but her was allowed in her most hallowed chamber. Somehow Laura caught this thought and it made her wonder about her own place at her side.

Carefully the two girls walked through the dark corridor, completely alone and, aside from a constant throbbing sound, felt more than heard, in complete silence. No explosions, no screams, so different from where they had been moments before. But Natsuki was far from feeling at ease, sure that the reprieve in the fighting she had been granted was of a temporary nature. To destroy the star, that was why they were there, but where were they to begin? Duran could start shooting through walls, but that could very well take forever. Their best bet, Natsuki reasoned, was to destroy the core of the Star, if it had one.

With Duran walking in front of them she looked at her unexpected companion, walking without any kind of weapon at her side.

"Why did you come with me, Mikoto?" she asked, and for that matter, where had she come from? Not once during the entire night had she seen Mai's, and sometimes her, roommate. Had she defeated the black demon Shiho had said she gone to fight?

"It's here," Mikoto answered cryptically.

Duran growled, dispelling any more questions Natsuki had wanted to ask the girl as the three of them entered a wide foreboding chamber. At the other end, sitting back in a large throne, Arika glared at them maliciously. So Nagi was right, Natsuki thought, Arika was indeed the key to this whole mess.

At her side stood the black devil wielding both a black halberd as well as the broadsword Miroku, its face mask parted again to show the human girl underneath,. That explained the absence of Mikoto's element at least, Natsuki surmised, seeing the outcome of their previous battle clearly. Somehow that impossibly strong girl had lost.

"Kuga Natsuki, Minagi Mikoto," Arika drawled, "I know why you're here."

"Good," Natsuki replied brazenly, aiming both of her guns at the seated girl, "That saves us some trouble."

Arika smiled, "Then let's begin."

Both girls lunged forward without any warning and with incredible speed. Midway Laura's helmet closed itself, its eyes shining a bright yellow for the moment when the seal was completed. That wasn't what drew Natsuki's attention the most though, she could understand Laura's speed as something the suit was capable of, and as just another confirmation that Shiho had not been exaggerating in the slightest. But Arika, who had looked so oddly out of place on her seat in just her Junior High uniform, was matching the suit pace for pace, even starting to outdistance it. Her hair had turned gold and her body was surrounded by red flames.

Natsuki shook off her surprise when, left without any other choice, Duran leapt to the left and out of the way of the double-bladed crystal weapon she had thrust in front of her. The biker girl twisted sideways, a full pirouette, feeling the displacement of air as the weapon went straight past her back. One of her guns came up and she mercilessly shot Arika in the face. She had almost been gutted, she remembered Nao in a coma and Shizuru with possible brain damage, all because this girl had brought suffering back to Fuuka for her own gain. But the bullet from El Er, her gun, was ice in nature and was destroyed by the fiery aura before it could cause any harm. The glow that could even keep the coldness of space out had no trouble with a simple icy bullet.

Mikoto cared nothing for the lopsided odds when Laura rushed her with her own weapon in hand. The presence of Arika, whom she considered a friend, did not matter either. The battle in the forest came back to her in flashes; she remembered falling through branches, using Laura's body to brace most of the impact. She remembered weapons clashing continuously and she remembered having her hand on another friend's neck.

"Miroku!" She called out forcefully, involuntarily stopping the double-wielding girl's rush. A crimson glow, burning to the touch, enveloped the dark blade, shaking violently in metallic fingers. There was the sound of a bang and then her sword was again in her own two hands. Crying out Mikoto rushed forward.

Natsuki's expression right then was easy to read, as was Arika's, who started to swing her crystal blade around again. Natsuki started to run, jump, roll, almost all at once, but knowing in a flash as every possible move crossed her mind, that it wasn't going to do her any good. But she wasn't alone; Duran's flight had been only momentarily, now he landed solidly on the azure surface, forcing the weapon down with his weight.

"Duran, load Chrome Cartridge," Natsuki called out, getting herself out of the weapon's immediate range, "Fire!"

At close range there was no way for Arika to dodge, the shells slamming right into her body to send her flying back. Underneath the silver wolf's paws her Element dropped to the ground. Even shielded and filled with power as she was the blow was felt, dazing her for several brief and valuable seconds. The shells exploded, coating her in ice.

Natsuki sighed in relief, they had done it, the one responsible for everything was defeated. But Duran growled and then the ice simply blew apart.

Tap, tap, tap, the most unnerving sound the young guard had ever heard. Their cover had been a sleeping vessel, only using emergency lights in some of the corridors. How he wished now he had full lights, but at the same time he wished otherwise. Approaching him was the sound of boots, a steady and confident stride with no pretence of trying to remain hidden. The young man knew that the one who had silenced his colleagues and turn the remainder of the ship into turmoil was coming for him through the red glint of the emergency lights on the ceiling.

Reito saw the guard first; saw the gun shaking in his hands. He stepped out underneath one of the lamps hanging overhead, showing himself fully.

"S-stop right there," the soldier demanded, but the swordsman was not impressed.

"We can do this the easy way," Reito said instead, his voice telling the soldier clearly for whom the easy way applied, "Or you can suffer the same fate as your colleagues."

The soldier couldn't look away from his golden eyes, but slowly he started to raise his gun. Reito should've leapt forward then, but instead he just smirked, "That's the choice I've been hoping you'd make."

The sheer confidence in his voice was too much for the guard, who hadn't signed up for anything like this. All through the ranks there had been talk of their presence in Fuuka, rumours mostly as only the upper echelons knew the full truth. Need to know basis, the common soldiers weren't among those who needed to know. But things had been seen, girls with strange powers and monsters, serving them and fighting alongside them. One rumour stood out clear now, that of the Dark Prince, the young man with golden eyes who was in charge of all. That young man stood in front of him now.

When the man dropped his gun Reito seemed almost disappointed.

"Run," he offered simply and the man didn't have to be told twice. Now alone in the hallway, his goal behind the very portcullis in front of him, he was transfixed by the level of fear he had encountered. And, worst of all, at the way he had enjoyed his trip down the ship's gut. His eyes, gold again though he was not aware of it, showed his inner turmoil. Kanzaki Reito did not enjoy the suffering of others, deserved or not, but Minagi Reito did. Who was he then?

Those were thoughts for later, time was running out for him and for the people he had come for. Nagi had told him of this ship, of what awaited the people held there as well as the soldiers who stood as guards. The trickster had given him a choice, if it could be called that. But, he thought firmly, he was Kanzaki Reito and he couldn't let hurt befall others if he could help it. That was who he was.

The heavy iron-set door opened easily for him and he set on foot in the chamber beyond. The men there, old men in expensive suits, regarded him, his golden eyes, and his sword with clear apprehension.

"Dark Prince," someone muttered while another said, "Obsidian Lord."

"I've come to free you," Reito said, words they had not expected to hear as the duration of their captivity had lengthened, certainly not from him. He remembered, when the Obsidian Lord had send the envoy of Searrs led by John Smith away from his presence that he had stated the Foundation had no place in his new world. Part of him had agreed with that assessment, but they had never been given the chance to carry through with it. Until now, with his sword in hand he could rid the world of these men, but, that wasn't why he was there. Though he loathed thinking about it the world as it was now was better off with Searrs behind the scenes. Nature abhorred a vacuum, the destruction of Searrs, an organisation he and others were aware of, would only make others rise up in their place.

"Follow me," he commanded, turning his back to the men that disgusted him as well as the thoughts they caused him to contemplate.

"Allies?" Mai asked her passengers on Kagutsuchi's back. The group, unexpectedly left alone and for some not a moment too soon, was once again going straight for the star. Mai had considered simply blasting the cursed thing out of existence and then returning home before Kagutsuchi would disappear. But if there were other people inside, she couldn't do it.

"That's what she said," Alyssa said.

"A bluff?"

"No," Miyu answered, and that was simply that. Other HiME were inside, there were no other people who it could be.

The dragon's mighty wings brought them to their target in almost no time at all, but now they had no way to proceed. Blasting it was out of the question.

"Does anyone see a way inside?" Mai asked, but of course there wasn't any.

"Those two are powerful," Miyu said, "More so than any Orphan any of you have ever faced. They are not prepared for that."

Mai understood what the android was trying to tell her; no matter the number of HiME down there they had no experience with Laura and Arika. Though it was risky there was no other choice, they had to get below the crimson surface and they had to get there fast.

"Kagutsuchi," Mai said, pointing towards the crimson surface, "Make an opening."

The chamber rumbled, then part of the ceiling simply caved in, rocks and other dark material crashed into the floor below, accompanied by a brief stream of fire, drawing the girls out of their fighting. A hole, about a meter or two in diameter, led up straight to the surface of the planetoid and would have caused the chamber to decompress if not for the small atmosphere the Star possessed.

Miyu and Alyssa dropped through first, ending in a crouch on the rubble below where the younger girl could simply drop off. Immediately the golden glow around the android girl disappeared, and with it many of its protective properties. It didn't matter to Miyu, she had always fought without anyway and she did not feel comfortable with the idea that it was draining for her charge. Thinking ahead, though they weren't at that point and maybe never would, filled her with dread that Alyssa would be too drained to sustain the aura around herself, the only lifeline she had in space.

Behind them Mai lowered herself more gently, the Tenrin around her ankles spinning strongly to control her descend. As she hovered she looked around to see Natsuki hard pressed against Arika, whose crystal blade and flaming aura gave her a distinct advantage in close quarters to the blue-haired gunslinger. Not even Duran was making much of a difference, succeeding only in sending the younger girl's attacks astray when they came to close to his mistress. Even so there were nicks and scrapes in her bodysuit and traces of blood; her long hair was matted to her forehead by sweat. It was clear, even in the stale hot air of the underground chamber, that she had been moving a lot to get that sweaty.

In another side of the chamber another struggle, one on one, was nowhere near a standstill for either side, Laura's black halberd parrying every strike Mikoto made with Miroku and vice versa.

"Mikoto," Mai exclaimed happily. She wanted to go out and help her roommate, but an uncompromising hand held her fast at her ankle, only narrowly avoiding getting hit by her twirling element.

"She's fine," Miyu said, "We need to get to Arika. That will end everything."

Leaving Alyssa behind, and not looking to see if Mai heeded her words, Miyu raced forward. Her sword slashed down in a high angle, but was stopped by the lower blade of crystal. A shape flew over, ending in a kick to Arika's head from the other side, but the girl twisted her Element to intercept the kick. Heaving her weapon around she forced both assailants back a bit, giving her time to breath.

"Natsuki," Mai said, still relieved to find her friends unharmed, though Natsuki had looked better. Even though the situation was still dire she felt hopeful now that her darkest fears had been elided, "Stand back, we'll take care of this."

"Will you?" Arika yelled, slashing her weapon hard against Mai's hastily raised firewall. The blow knocked her back, but when Miyu struck again Arika was forced to defend against it, unable to land another blow on Mai while she recovered.

"Thanks," Natsuki said, motioning for Duran to follow her. She'd take Mai up on her offer; there was little she could do against Arika other than get in the way. But there was still somewhere she could make a difference.

Arika leapt backwards, making several hops to get away from the two attacking girls. Space, she needed space, and time, to think. So suddenly the situation had reversed and now she was the one being tight pressed. The unfairness of it all, how everyone kept hounding her, drove her almost mad with rage. Who were they to stand against her so, she was the one who had the fate of the world in the palm of her hand!

"Support me," Miyu said, running straight at Arika, her sword arm held back to strike.

"Understood," Mai said, pushing off against the almost organic ground. Her Tenrin, all four of them, flared and arrows of fire left from her hands, forcing the glowing girl back even further. Blue Crystal spun around, destroying each of the arrows as it came near, but there was no stopping Miyu's charge. The anti-materializing blade struck out fast and both weapons collided again, sparks flying as wildly as the remaining arrows. Both blades held in place there was nothing Arika could do to stop one of the projectiles from slipping past her defences, narrowly grazing her arm.

Pain flared up, though fortunately it was only a shallow wound. Her aura, so effective against ice, did nothing against Mai's flames. Another blow came to her double-bladed weapon as Mai send her weight against it. Together with Miyu they started to wear Arika's hold down. Already she found it hard to press as powerfully with her injured arm. The blade's incredible bulk, once so effective in driving the sword of Marie back and overwhelming Natsuki's, in comparison, pathetically small guns, was now working against her.

Inwardly she yelled her outrage, but her voice was but a whisper against the torrential voice that had whispered its sweet promises to her. It was a whisper no longer.

Arika screamed, forcing the two girls back in shock, it was as if a solid wall was pressing against them. The azure crystal blew apart in many fragments, forcing Miyu and Mai to shield themselves the best they could. One shard embedded itself deeply into the android's right leg before Mai could hover between her and the crystal shards, keeping them at bay with her fiery shield.

When they could see again, the crystal rain having come to an end as abrupt as the explosion of sound that had caused it, Arika stood panting, her golden hair now flowing freely behind her back. She held the hilt of her destroyed blade in both hands, keeping it low and pointed to them. A large blade of azure crystal, more of a lance than a sword, came from the tip of that hilt.

"I am Eternal," she called to them, but the inflections in her voice had changed, "Mai HiME."

Laura measured her strikes carefully; the intensity of her opponent's strikes was greater now than they had been in the forest. As Mikoto struck out she brought the halberd close to her body, stopping the blade with the lower end of the pole. Sending the weapon into a spin Laura forcefully dislodged Miroku, creating an opening in which to strike, but Mikoto ducked underneath it, striking instead at Laura's legs. Thrusters fired and with a mighty leap back she cleared that as well. A clear disadvantage, when she nearly bumped her head on the ceiling, became painfully clear. In these tight quarters she couldn't utilize her jet form effectively.

Bending her knees slightly at landing Laura sprinted forward, the blade of her halberd low to the ground. Opposite of her Mikoto also attacked, her sword sending sparks flying as she dragged it along. The two girls met in the middle, but now the momentum of her charge allowed Laura to push Mikoto back.

A rain of bullets crashed into her armoured form, blinding her temporarily where they hit her eyes. Her charge halted and so did the girl she was forcing back. The blade of her halberd dug deeply into the dark ground without the other blade to keep it up. Too late did she raise her weapon to block Miroku and the dark sword severed the spear clean in half.

Laura jumped back, but her advanced sensors detected a command spoken against her. It was only one word, but that was enough, "Fire."

Shells exploded in front of her, changing the direction of her jump back down. Her thrusters flared, speeding up her fall which ended in an almost backbreaking crash, but at least Duran's ice flew harmlessly overhead. Getting hit by that would have been worse.

With a back flip she got back to her feet, in time to see Mikoto charging again. The girl's tactics were extremely simplistic, but by no means ineffective. Without her halberd to defend herself the blade could, and certainly would, cut through her armour. Against the girl with the strange golden eyes, burning almost of their own volition, her black suit suddenly seemed pathetic indeed.

But she had trained for this and instead of wavering she lashed out with her right arm, sending out the serrated black whip. In one sweep it coiled around the black sword, holding it fast, though Mikoto refused to let go. Pivoting on her position Laura flung Miroku, and Mikoto with it, away from her. At her wrist the whip released, but on the blade it remained. Mikoto landed on her feet, taking quick steps backward from the momentum, but the extra weight made it hard for her.

This was the only chance she was going to get. Flexing metallic fingers, and the talons at their end, she sprang forward. Before she could reach her target though, a silver blur slammed into her side, sending her flying into a wall.

Shaking her head Laura pushed herself away from the wall, and into a hailstorm of small bullets that disorientated her further. A feral cry sounded and she knew that Mikoto had cut her blade free of the debilitating metal snake and was coming for her again, but the flashes to her optical sensors kept her blind. She willed the thrusters at her sides to fire, but then Duran was suddenly there, his strong paw ripping the left one straight off her body. Spinning wildly Laura could do nothing as several of Natsuki's shots made the other one explode too. The girl with violet eyes, now wide and desperate, felt more than she heard or saw Mikoto's foot stomp in front of her head. Miroku came up diagonally, slamming into the back of her suit, reverberating even in her spine. Cracks formed and soon the suit's back would break.

With a mighty heave Laura came to her feet and out from under the blade, but moving the armour became hard as several of its nerves had been severed. Through the Neural Link she could feel it as if it was her own body. Stumbling around she could do nothing as attack after attack, whose she couldn't even tell anymore, wrecked the suit around her. Her helmet broke, cracks formed the entire surface. Her sight blurred, looking at cold eyes faced against her, she couldn't blame them their animosity. A scream, she almost thought it was her own, was the last thing she heard before she fell. Arika? She wondered.

Arika swung her huge blade horizontally, about a meter above the ground. It moved faster than could be expected from a weapon of that size, wielded by a young girl. Both Mai and Miyu jumped over it and forward. There was an opening now that they could take advantage of before the girl completed her swing and brought her weapon back.

"Ah," Mai cried in surprise, unexpectedly the sweep created a gust of wind that knocked both girls far back. While the violet-eyed girl was able to stabilize her flight, but Miyu, her leg damaged, had a rougher landing.

"You think you can beat me? Nonsense!" Instantly Arika sprang forward, her sword held out in front of her like a lance.

"Miyu, look out!" Mai warned.

"Duran!" Natsuki shouted at the same time. At her call the wolf slammed headfirst against the crystal blade, disrupting its trajectory, but not its flight. If anything Arika only increased her speed, kicking the wolf in its face when she past him. Then she just stopped to plant her feet securely on the ground. Holding back her blade she swung it around in a full circle, missing everyone with the first line of attack. The wind though could not be avoided, and all girls, even the downed Laura, were flung away from her.

"There's just no end to this, to her," Mai muttered as she picked herself off the floor. The friends were divided into smaller groups around the perimeter of the room, centred on Arika and the huge blade. But was it really Arika, Mai couldn't help but ask herself, the girl's voice seemed subtlety different and also familiar. Finding out what that was though would have to wait as she looked out for the others. On one side of the room Miyu ripped the shard of blue crystal out of her thigh without flinching with Duran standing nearby. Briefly Miyu inspected the wound until she was satisfied there was no risk of the ammunition stored there to explode. It was an odd sight to see the android standing side by side with the Child, given the previous enmity between the Searrs android and the HiME. But that was in the past now.

In another corner of the room Natsuki was bending over Laura's prone body, checking the girl for serious injury. The casual way in which Arika had swatted her roommate, cohort and supposed friend around was enough to even create some sympathy for her in the angry gunslinger. Between them and Arika Mikoto stood firmly with Miroku.

Furtively Mai cast about for the remaining member of their party, but she couldn't see Alyssa anywhere. Getting worried she finally noticed a golden glow coming faintly from behind the throne.

The impasse couldn't last long. It didn't surprise Mai at all that Mikoto had started running first, sparks trailing after her.

Natsuki silently swore and went after her, firing her two guns at Arika, the bullets streaking past Mikoto, sometimes narrowly. Again the shots didn't do much, causing only a brief distraction, but even that brief moment was a lot when you were rushed at from all sides. Her swing began too late and was stopped halfway by Miroku, with both wielders straining to outdo the other. Duran and Miyu had been thrown back again by the wind, but Mai, coming up from behind, wasn't stopped.

Mai yelled, kicking for Arika's head. The glowing girl knew she couldn't bring her weapon around fast enough, so instead she dropped it and jumped away. Touching down briefly Mai went right after her. She did not want to hurt her, the driving anger that had spurred her on before had been mostly alleviated when she saw that Mikoto was unharmed. But if she didn't do something now that Arika was unarmed they could all come to regret it. The girl, as if possessed, no longer seemed capable of mercy.

Tenrin granted her more speed than the unarmed girl, but that didn't seem to bother her at all. In fact Arika was smirking. Barely in time Mai drew up short, bringing her arms protectively in front of her. An elongated crystal blade was pressing down on the swirling rings around her wrists, somehow the unwieldy thing had returned to its owner's waiting hands.

"Too hasty, Mai HiME," Arika laughed, again reversing the situation. Destroy them, destroy the infidels, destroy, destroy, destroy. The voice chanted over and over in her head, keeping her from getting a thought of her own in.

"You," Mai exclaimed in shock.

Destroy, destroy, destroy.

Natsuki ran up behind Mai, locking both of her guns on Arika's face, nearly shocked into inaction by the furious and insane expression she saw there. Her hesitation only lasted for a second, then she fired at the only vulnerable spot, her face. Bullets broke apart with small flashes on the crimson aura, temporarily blinding Arika. It was all Natsuki could do, but even though it was a small thing she was intent on seeing things through and not from the sidelines.


Mikoto came up from Mai's left side and now Arika's blade moved to intercept the catlike girl's, giving Mai a moment of respite. Though she could barely see, Arika was driven by something larger than herself, an ageless presence that refused to be downed.

"Duran, load Silver cartridge," Natsuki commanded.

"No," Arika hissed.



Arika hopped back, bringing her blade in the path of the shells, destroying them utterly. Her wrists flung about again, blocking Mikoto's renewed approach. Flashes went off in her eyes, but the approach of Miyu was unmistakable. She could sense it even if she couldn't see it. Arrows of fire flew around her, leaving nicks and cuts over her body, but nothing serious. Of course, Mai wouldn't try to kill her, but that didn't mean her attacks weren't hurting her, slowing her down. If they weakened her severely…the thought never finished, none of her thoughts were allowed to finish.


Miyu slashed, her strike only barely stopped by the blue crystal. But still the sword had come to close to her own hilt and Mikoto, blasted girl, never stopped pressing in either.

"Duran," Natsuki called again and, through the flashes that kept her blind and solely reliant on her instincts, the sole of a shoe came her way, surrounded by a spinning flame.

De- No! I'll be killed.

At last her own voice rang through her mind, no longer drowned out by the constant cacophony of the voice that offered her the world, any world she desired, but was unable to come through with that promise. It was then that Arika screamed, letting out all the fear, all the anger and many more emotions in one burst. Her blade shone white and shattered, forcing the HiME back a bit. No shards flew out this time, nothing did. This was no longer about fighting, she knew she couldn't win. A second flash, smaller than the first, and Arika had fled the chamber and into space. All of a sudden the HiME had won, the Star was theirs.

The glow inside the Crystal Arena finally died out, leaving three worn out girls in its wake. At once sounds of battle filled their ears, confirming that things were exactly as they had left them. But were they really?

"Director," Natsuki whispered, but the unconscious woman did not, could not, respond. Mikoto went over curiously, recognizing the signs of Fumi's open but empty eyes as surely as Mikoto did. Nao had been the same. Mashiro was gone, but who had done it?

Leaving Laura behind on the floor, bits of armour continuing to crack and fall off, Natsuki raced outside to see who was still alive. Surprisingly she recognized all of her friends among those still fighting, though each looked extremely tired, almost ready to drop down. Shiho was still making swooping attacks, accompanied now by Midori's flying chariot.

Near the infirmary's windows, which to Natsuki's relief were still intact, Diana's tentacles smacked anyone threatening to come near. Further away, along the trees, a giant toad and tiger were destroying some more vehicles. The ground between the trees and the building was filled with bodies, whether they were alive or not wasn't something she could see. Still, less than half of the soldiers were still fighting on, despite, or perhaps because of, all the losses.

"Duran," Natsuki called, whirling on the spot as icicles burst forth. How many times had she summoned and recalled her Child this day? She could barely remember.

"Come, Mikoto," she said.

"Yes," Mikoto answered enthusiastically. Soon the fighting would end, soon the star would be destroyed and their powers with it, but before that they could still help their friends for the few moments they had left.

When she was sure the three girls were gone, safely back to Fuuka presumably, Mai flew back up the hole they had come in by, Miyu and Alyssa coming through behind her. Above the dark hole, back in space, her Child came down to her with an affectionate chirp.

"I'm fine, Kagutsuchi," Mai said, patting the dragon affectionately on his snout. She had to wonder how things would've been differently if he had been with them inside, but despite the absence of his most welcome help they had prevailed in the end.

With everyone again on his back Kagutsuchi put some distance between them and the star before turning back to it fully.

"Do it," Mai said after a moment, "Kagutsuchi!"

Roaring and rearing back, his lungs filling with flames, the dragon prepared to do just that. Still sealed by the large sword the blast that left his wide mouth cut through star, rocking it with several explosions before the remains of his blast left the other side. Twice more did he have to fire before the star finally blew away, disappearing into nowhere.

Mai looked solemnly into the empty space, wondering suddenly where Arika had gone. With the Star gone their powers would soon fade away as well.

"We can't go looking for her," Alyssa said, reaching the right conclusion from watching the other girl's face.


"If we stay we won't be able to go back home," Alyssa pressed and Mai knew she was right. But still, Arika was somewhere out there, alone, and if the state of mind she had before she left was any indication very much afraid.

On a flat expanse of rock, high on top of the small mountain range that bordered Fuuka, John Smith watched the destruction of the star solemnly, though not unexpectedly. The battles at the academy, mere pinpricks at that distance, weren't going well for the Foundation either. His plans were being ruined as he stood there watching, if his plans had involved winning that is. Of course that would have been the best possible outcome, but he wouldn't have reached his current position if all he planned for were the best possible results to an operation. Like the Foundation itself he was a patient man, if something did not work out now it might just work out better in the future, no matter how far that was. Control of the Star and the destruction of the HiME would have granted him, and only him, a great amount of power, after a certain number of people had been 'persuaded' that he was the only one who could wield it. A risky power, the alien Star and the Obsidian Lord were both creatures that could never been fully understood or controlled by humans. He knew where humans ranked with those beings, therefore they would never led any human truly control them. Still, it would have been nice.

No use crying over spilled milk though, there were still the contingency plans for just this situation. Coming back to Fuuka for the Star was only one reason, the other had more to do with his own sense of pride. Smith was a man who always finished what he started, leaving no loose ends behind no matter what. Fuuka itself was a loose end, one he would tie up, no matter what else was going to happen.

Bringing his hand up he regarded the small black box and its two buttons with a slight smile. He pressed the first button, the one he was going to press regardless of the results of the operation. Far off in the bay an old cargo ship exploded, a sight regarded closely by a bunch of people in rowboats, unbeknownst to Smith. With the executives out of the way the internal dynamics of the Foundation would shift and in a direction of his choosing.

Then he pressed the second button and a signal was relayed, though many channels, to one of the satellites orbiting the planet. Several hatches opened on a launch platform. Eight warheads left the space station, on a direct course for the academy. Too fast and too far away for the space farers to do anything about it they appeared as eight bright spots in the sky, getting larger by the second.

That was that, John Smith thought, turning on his heels without witnessing how the end of his play would work out. Two of his armed soldiers turned with him as he moved back to the black helicopter that would take him far from the cursed land, never to return.

"That's quite far enough," Nagi called out smugly before they had gone halfway to the black chopper. In many ways he and Smith were quite alike, he didn't like loose ends either.

When the eight spots appeared in the sky the fighting around the academy ceased as all eyes, of those still conscious enough to do so, went up. Almost like fireballs the missiles closed in fast, leaving no doubt as to what they were. Just like the ending of the previous invasion the end would be the same, a cleansing purge through missile fire. These though were far more powerful than the ones used before.

"Gakutenou!" Midori called out, directing her Child straight up and into the path of the projectiles. The scene was very reminiscent of Mai going into the path of Artemis' Golden Lightning, but unlike that time Midori knew that she would make no miraculous recovery. She was no Mai in that respect, but to protect the people she cared about she would do just what the High School girl had done. Mai hadn't known she would be coming back when she had done the same thing, Midori thought, knowing she could do no less of a selfless act. Justice, Love, Friendship, she hadn't been boasting idly when she had revealed herself as a HiME the first time. That was her belief and this was its logical conclusion.

However Gakutenou had different ideas, bucking wildly in mid-flight. So unexpected was the chariot's movement that she was falling down, shaken loose from her platform, in the blink of an eye. Her Child continued to go up, his solid form giving way for flaming light.

No, Midori thought fearfully as she fell, not caring about her rapid flight. If he disappeared now the missiles would impact and kill everyone.

"Teacher!" Shiho shouted to her, catching the falling woman with her own Child. Both of them continued to look up at the death approaching them as did the people bound to the ground.

The flaming balls of reds and yellows, burning hot and bright from the resistance of the atmosphere, contrasted starkly to the bluish flames that were Midori's chariot. It seemed the end, but then the flaming form grew instead of getting smaller. The form of a giant warrior, sword in hand, met the eight balls of fire that were like the heads of a hydra, or more specifically, a dragon, like the legendary and infamous Orochi.

Unaware that she was crying Midori watched the last fight of her Child, Gakutenou, a king that surprises even the heavens, with pure amazement. She knew the warrior's name then, "Susanoo," she whispered, before the entire sky lit up in a powerful explosion of light.

The command centre, the large black vehicle, had looked better. Screens were busted, the holographic display had a wide crack straight in the middle and the ceiling was gone. And that was just for starters on the damages, Collins was pretty sure the launch tubes were gone as well. With a groan he looked around, seeing he was the only one left still conscious. The Commander was gone, off leading a strike himself as far as he could remember, but that was the last he had seen of him.

The blast in the sky had finally worn off and he was still seeing spots, but all things considered he couldn't be better off. Those had been some heavy warheads coming there way and if it wasn't for one of those Valkyries they would be all dead.

Outside the girls had fled inside the school and he figured the destruction of the Star had taken their powers away. He sighed, the Commander's strategy had prevailed, but at great cost. By all means he should rally the remaining forces and capture the girls, but he just couldn't do it. What would be the point at this stage? For all intents and purposes he was now the only one left in a command position, as far as he knew. Only if all others, an unlikely scenario, were incapacitated would he be in charge, but it had happened anyway. The success of the mission rested on his shoulders, but he just couldn't go on with it. That one Valkyrie had saved them all and from their own missiles no less, he couldn't forget that.

Going to a console that had survived whatever it had been that hit them he pressed in a few buttons. By a stroke of luck that system was still working as well and several signal flares, ordering retreat, shot in the air.

Collins sighed, the cursed land of Fuuka was an aptly chosen name, he thought, though he had only heard his commander say it once. The young soldier from overseas, looking for adventure, had more than enough of the small prefecture.

After everything that had happened, in so short a time, he didn't know what to think anymore. Success, failure, death, missiles, it was all too much.

Looking out a school window, alert and sceptical at the signs of retreat, though it was a relief the soldiers were leaving, Natsuki surmised the situation best, "What a mess."

When morning came things didn't look much better, debris lying everywhere, trees burned, broken windows and a huge crater in one of the roads, would have the students talking for days on end. The Student Council was quick to come with an explanation, though like the explanations of their predecessors, such as how lightning had created the huge trench on the mountainside, it wasn't really believed. Rivalling gangs from outside the prefecture, maybe from even as far as Tokyo, had used the campus grounds as a field for their struggle. And the bright flash? Lightning of course.

Classes were lively as rumours were being discussed and new ones being born. Another hot topic was how class 2-B's Kazuya had his arm in bandages, possibly from the 'gang' attacks, though he claimed he fell wrong on his date with Akane in the city. Another interesting piece was the new patient in the infirmary with a broken leg, which she honestly claimed she got in a motorcycle accident. Why wasn't she in a normal hospital? Because she likes the school so much, she said.

There were so many things that were, quite simply, off, so many strange coincidences. Who would believe the executives' explanations?

Leaning back against a tree, wearing her full nunnery outfit, Nao cared nothing for the rumours and when asked simple said that people should mind their own business. She'd glare at whoever asked those insipid questions for good measure, an easy feat considering the mind-splitting headaches she was still suffering from. It was the same with the Director, she'd come to understand. Neither of them had taken the doctor's orders to get some rest to heart. Fumi had work to do and Nao, she didn't want to miss anything of her current duty.

A longstanding tradition of punishment in the academy was to send the miscreants, guilty or not in some cases, to the church to be reprimanded. That had never really worked on her, which was why she probably made a good overseer. Even though her head hurt it was better than spending her time skipping out in the nurse's office. Going to class was better even than having to stay there as long as that woman was occupying one of the beds. She'd never get rest, not even while lying down.

Just thinking about it, and how she was left with pain, got her angry again. It could have been a lot worse; a headache in comparison was a small price to pay. But she was not the one paying for it.

The grassy field, cornered off with yellow tape, was still full with junk that had to be removed. Taking to that duty, a light punishment given the circumstances, seriously, Laura made good time in putting everything on a big heap for easier removal later. However, one other girl was being increasingly lax about it.

"Hey, convict," Nao called out, "You missed a spot."

"Can't you help out a little?" The girl replied.

"I'm not the one who made this mess," Nao said, smirking, "Besides; you owe us for even being alive. It's very cold and lonely in space."

"Hmm, stingy," Arika muttered.