Disclaimer: Mai HiME is the property of Sunrise, Bandai. Inspired by the fake Mai HiME movie trailer.

"Just wait right here till I call you in," Sakomizu Kaiji, a teacher for the junior classes of Fuuka Academy, said to the girl who was to transfer into his class. A transfer student, he could still remember the last time they had that and the events that came after, but those days were over now, thankfully.

He opened the door, greeted by the chatter of his students, carefree and cheerful. They all quieted down somewhat when he entered and as he slowly walked over to this desk he looked over the group of children that were under his care. He knew all of them, though some more than others. For a very few, he knew an awful lot, but again those days were over now. Sakomizu Kaiji was now just a teacher and he found he didn't regret the loss of intrigue he was involved in before one bit.

"Everyone, rise," one girl, the class representative, said when he reached his desk to set down his customary briefcase, just another normal morning greeting.

"Good morning teacher," the class chorused, their voices blending as one for the most part. Two distinct undertones were noticeable though, as usual, that didn't blend in with the others. Minagi Mikoto, always chipper, was far louder than the rest. And the other, Yuki Nao, just sounded plain bored. She also didn't bother standing up and after so many mornings even the class representative, a very tenacious girl, had given up on getting her to join in.

"Good morning class," he said and they all sat down again, "today we're going to start with something a little different. A new student will be joining us today, so everyone be sure to be kind to her."

Turning to the door he called out a little louder, "You can come in now."

The class' attention went to the door and even Nao bothered herself to take a look, to see their new classmate. Dressed in the same uniform as they all did, only with a green shirt underneath, she walked over to the blackboard. With some precise strokes she wrote down her name before turning to face them, her two long braided tails trailing behind her.

"My name is Yumemiya Arika," she said, her blue eyes sparkling.

Mai HiME: The Golden Millennium

"Transference of Power"

The night sky above Fuuka Academy was a clear black, with not a cloud in sight. It was a rare evening, on which all the stars could be clearly seen.

"They've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage," a soft voice sang, unobstructed by any of the usual noises that existed during the day. At night Fuuka Academy's terrain was mostly empty, with nothing that could disrupt the serene setting. One of the few people out on the campus sat in an unlikely place, resting back against the dome above the school's main entrance.

The young girl, singing her sad song, looked up at the full moon. It looked perfect, a perfectly round ball of light shining down on the world below. But something was missing, something that belonged in that night sky just as much as the natural satellite did, but that thing had been destroyed by a group of girls that went against the star's irrefutable destiny, proving it wasn't as long lasting as it had seemed.

"It's only the fairy tale they believe," she finished, the tone of the last part of the song more ominous that it had been sung before. She smiled, the song was so very fitting for the end of the Festival; the happy end they had created was only the fairy tale.

A very pleasant flagrance spread itself through the small dormitory room, reaching the noses of the two sleeping occupants. Though three shared the place only one had awoken as of yet, but that was how it always went and it wasn't as if she actually minded that she had to get up way before the other two girls to make their breakfast and lunchboxes. It was hardly something she could leave to Mikoto; the younger girl would sooner burn down the room than actually make something edible. Or she'd get distracted, which could cause any number of mishaps.

"Mai, yummy," Mikoto muttered, still asleep with no real sign of waking up soon. Wrapped around her pillow, which served adequately as a substitute for Mai for at least a while, she buried her head into its soft surface further.

In the other bed Natsuki lazily opened an eye to see what was going on, taking in the aroma of what she recognized as her hostess' remarkable Miso soup. It seemed that today would be a traditional breakfast.

"Smells good," Natsuki mumbled.

"If it didn't you wouldn't keep staying around," Mai answered. No, she didn't mind getting up early to make breakfast every day, if she'd let Natsuki do it the result would just be something drowned in mayonnaise. That one time was one time too many, so this worked out for the best for all of them.

Without any hurry Natsuki rose from the bed, not bothering with putting the sheets back. Grabbing her spare clothing she went over to the bathroom for a bath. From the look of things she figured she had enough time for a quick one before the food was completely finished, or devoured by Mikoto for that matter. Her hand on the doorknob, Natsuki suddenly stopped, looking over at Mai with narrowed eyes.

"This time, and I really mean it, don't come in the bathroom to check up on me," she said sternly.

"Sorry," Mai laughed, "it's a habit I just can't seem to break."
Natsuki smiled slightly, shaking her head, "Really, you're just like Shizuru."

"I don't think I quite have her talent," Mai replied, but Natsuki had already gone into the bathroom so she didn't hear the teasing reply.

Natsuki still had her own apartment, but after the Festival had ended she was no longer so keen on staying all by herself, so many nights she just stayed over with them. It meant she had to double bunk with Mikoto to accommodate the other girl with their two beds, but since the Junior High girl always ended up around her anyway that was hardly a sacrifice.

Listening partially to the simmering vegetables and the faint sound of running water from the bath, Mai put the lids on their lunchboxes. Three boxes, just like she always used to make, but now one of them was no longer meant for her younger brother. She felt both a bit sad and happy that Takumi no longer needed her that much for anything, including his lunchboxes.

A final glance told her she could leave the kitchen alone for a few minutes, long enough for her to prepare the table and wake up her youngest charge. Table cloth and silverware came quickly and easily, much more so than the second task would.

"Mikoto, wake up," Mai said, gently shaking the young girl, but it didn't have much effect other than having her roll over, still wrapped around the pillow. Too bad she had been lying close to the side of the bed already, so she just flipped right down to the floor.

"Ugh," she mumbled, but continued to sleep regardless.

"If you want to sleep some more that's fine," Mai said teasingly, "but don't blame me when Natsuki eats your share as well."

"No!" Mikoto exclaimed, sitting rigidly at attention in a second. That never failed to really wake the girl up, another benefit at having the former lone-wolf over.

Leaving her to wake up properly Mai went back to putting the final touches on the soup and to take the vegetables off the stove. Behind her she heard a rumbling sound she knew intimately as Mikoto's stomach, as always the girl was hungry enough to eat a horse.

"It'll just be a few more minutes," Mai said to the girl's unspoken question, "but if you can place the rice on the table for me you can have a small bite now."

"Hm, hm," Mikoto nodded fervently.

At last everything was complete with every dish on the table. It was only a simple breakfast with three dishes; rice, Miso soup and vegetables, but there were never any complaints when she kept it simple. With Mikoto already gulping down her soup only one thing was still missing from the breakfast scene.

"Natsuki," Mai called out, barging into the bathroom without a second thought, "breakfast is ready."

"Ah, Mai!" Natsuki yelled, covering herself with a towel in shock.

The campus grounds of Fuuka Academy, empty as a graveyard at night, were quickly filling up as the time before the start of the first morning classes was beginning to wane. Small groups of students chattered idly away as they walked on the many roads leading to the school, surrounded by lush trees and a warm sun shining down on them. Mostly the groups were pretty uniform, with high school students and junior high students staying separate.

"Now, be sure to pay attention the whole time, you understand?" Mai said, continuing her morning briefing of the junior high girl, "Education is very important and you don't want to have to repeat a grade again."

"As expected of a student council member," Natsuki said while Mikoto just nodded. Both had heard the talk before, as it was as much a part of their morning routine as breakfast or bathroom visits were.

"I'd give you the same lecture if you hadn't managed, in the nick of time, to work around your lack of attendance," Mai said, somewhat admonishingly. After almost the entire student council had left after graduation, leaving Yukino behind as the president, she had wasted little time in applying. Without the extra costs she had when taking care of her brother, who now took it upon himself to work for paying off the operation bill, she no longer had need for her many jobs. But the void that had left had to be filled somehow, and with the new president in need of assistance it seemed the right thing to do.

"That couldn't be helped, I was busy with First District and the Orphans," Natsuki replied in her own defence.

"Oh?" Mai said mockingly, "you weren't the only HiME, you know, but you were the only one ditching classes on a regular basis."

"Nao ditched sometimes too," Mikoto said, to help out, but mentioning her classmate and friend wasn't the best thing to do, as it only supplied Mai with more material to use.

"And you see where that got her, she's also still in third grade. You want to be named with Nao in the same negative breath?"

"No!" Natsuki protested.

Mai sighed, "Mikoto, don't take either of them as a role model, will you?"

"Hey, now, that's uncalled for."

With their goal in sight, the large glass dome of the entrance, Mai happily looked around herself. It had taken some time but she finally had the normal high school life she wanted. As she looked she saw a shadowy pair moving parallel with them, holding hands and smiling, but in the cover of the trees. She frowned and veered off her way to them. What they were doing was dangerous, what if they were seen like that together? It bothered her enough that since their return the rumours had increased. And unlike before she couldn't just write them away as being just a dangerous fantasy world.

"I'm going ahead," Natsuki said, as she noticed to whom Mai was going, "I'll see you two later."

"Good morning," she said just loud and chipper enough to the happy pair.

"S-sis," Takumi sounded surprised, "good morning."

The moment she had spoken up the pair broke their connection. Akira had the decency to blush, but her brother just smiled disarmingly, not that his feigned innocence ever worked on her though. She knew the two were close, knew how much her brother meant to the girl who, like her, was a HiME. That fateful night she didn't like remembering was proof enough of that, even if they hadn't gone to America together for the operation.

While there Akira had started living her life as a girl openly, getting used to a new lifestyle in a place no one knew her. It wasn't until they had returned to Fuuka that she had really started to have difficulties with the change. After all she had lived as a guy amongst the students for as long as they knew her and the constant scrutiny became more and more unsettling. Still, with her mission over, her family was adamant that she started to live normally and once the truth was out in the open it was impossible to hide it once again.

"Good morning," Akira chorused, satisfyingly uncomfortable.

"It's nice to see you two getting along so well," Mai said, "but don't you think holding hands is pushing it a bit. If it wasn't for the fact you weren't living together anymore, holding hands like that, I'd almost be afraid of accidents happening."

"Accidents?" Takumi wondered, tapping his chin in thought as if he didn't know what his sister was talking about. He was blushing a bit now too though, ruining the innocent image he was going for, "Don't worry about a thing. We know what we're doing."

"On my honour, nothing of the kind you're worrying about has or will happen during the course of our education," Akira said, her tone and pledge so serious it seemed almost out of place for their time. But it did set her at ease at least.

"We're careful with what we do," Takumi said, seeing his sister relax a bit, "but I'm more worried about you though. I hear things are going rather well in the field of love for you. I've been hearing quite a lot of things about you and Yuichi."

"W-wha, what did you hear?" stammering her reply, Mai couldn't help but blush herself now.

"They almost kissed again yesterday," Mikoto chirped, again her intervention was less than helpful.

"You were watching?" Mai almost yelled, but managed to get her voice down a little in time. Still, more than a few curious heads turned their way.

With his sister's attention now averted, Takumi quickly took hold of Akira's hand and dragged her away.

"Well, you've got quite a few things to worry about yourself, so we'll just be on our way," he called out to her while getting safely out of earshot. Though he was curious to what Mikoto had seen exactly he knew that staying around wasn't all that prudent. Besides, if his sister's roommate knew he'd hear all about it through the grapevine soon enough. The stories that circulated the academy sometimes bordered on fantasy, there were still a remarkable number of truths hidden around them. For instance, he knew the rumours about him and the girl whose hand he was holding weren't entirely without basis in fact. Though those that circulated about them when they had still been roommates, when everyone still believed Akira to be a guy, were completely false. Briefly he recalled the moment he learned the truth, seeing her in the bathroom, and corrected himself. They were mostly false.

"You can let go of my hand now," Akira scowled, her composure quickly regained now that she had found herself dragged along. She knew the rumours too and really had no intention of adding more to them than they undoubtedly already had.

Inside, the academy was abuzz with activity, as both students and teachers alike went to their assigned rooms or stood around talking to each other. As she passed she still got many looks, admiring ones from both boys and girls alike. The looks of wonderment had mostly vanished, as her arrival was no longer a rare event now that her attendance rate had much improved. She supposed that, aside from her own choice to enjoy high school life more, it was mostly her continued friendship with Mai that made her come back. As with her true roommate Mai wouldn't hesitate to pull sanctions on her if she started skipping out again, and while such actions weren't as dire for her as they were for Mikoto a good meal wasn't something she'd willingly skip out on. Even she had to admit that, now that she'd gotten used to being fed better quality food, mayonnaise could only go so far. Now mayonnaise and Mai's cooking combined, that was something worth eating. If only the busty girl didn't scoff at her 'desecrating' the food.

Maybe it was time, she thought, to move in with them permanently. Though they'd joked about it sometimes, she really did seriously consider it after Mai had brought it up the first time. It made more sense every day that she stayed over. Paying rent for a place she hardly ever used wasn't really cost effective.

Ignoring most of the people around her while considering the implications of her choices she suddenly noticed an unlikely pair in hushed conversation. Well, one of the girls was being hushed about it; the other just didn't seem to care.

"Just come to the usual place after my church duties and I'll help you out, no problem," Natsuki heard Nao say as she approached the pair.

"Not leading a girl into trouble are you?" She asked the redhead, unable to quite help herself.

"Just business," the younger girl shrugged, and with a carefree wave she was gone. With a squeak the other girl, Munakata Shiho, also quickly made herself scarce. While more approachable than she used to be, somewhat, Shiho didn't want Kuga to take an interest in her business. It was no secret in the school that she and Mai were close friends and what she wanted to discus with her classmate wasn't something the latter girl needed to know about.

Whatever those two girls were up to wasn't really Natsuki's business, so without any more interruptions she continued to her own classroom. When she got there already half of the class had filled up, although there was still plenty of time left before the start of the lessons. While going to her window seat she took a glimpse of the only other former HiME in her class, who was busy composing a text message on her phone with a radiant smile on her face. It was no mystery to her to whom the message Akane was typing was going to be addressed.

A new day had broken, but not in one of the student rooms in the girl's dormitory. It was left in gloom, lit only from stray rays through the opening between the curtains in front of the one big window. Only one of its inhabitants had yet to awaken, taking care not to raise enough noise to bother the older girl, Yumemiya Arika had dressed and made breakfast for both herself and her senior.

But the time before morning classes was running out and if they didn't want to get there late, on a day that held so much promise for the future, than her roommate had to awaken. With vigour she threw open the blinds, bathing herself and the room in brilliant sunlight. Somewhere behind her she heard a squirm coming from under the covers.

Grinning, she gingerly went over to the lump under one of the bed's covers, stretching her arms to poke it, when she suddenly found herself tumbling out of her bed, sheets and all.

"Wake up Arika," her roommate, a high school girl with tanned skin, striking purple eyes and spiky white hair, said admonishingly.

"Ugh," Arika mumbled, poking her head out from the mess she made on the floor, rudely awoken from what had been a pretty nice dream. One thing she most certainly wasn't was a morning person. Still not fully awake she let herself be helped up and then dragged along. She didn't know, nor did she particularly care, where they were going till she felt her feet touch the cold tiles of the bathroom. Even through the mist that clouded her mind every morning she vaguely remembered having undergone this before, many times before. However her roommate wasn't giving her the time to collect her thoughts.

A loud scream pierced the dreams of any other sleepers that the dorm might still have had when Arika was completely doused in cold water.

Barely a few minutes later she found herself cleaned, dried, dressed and fed outside her dorm in her school uniform and a bag slung over her shoulder. As much as she hated it, her senior did know what she needed in order to be fully awake in the morning, a very cold shower.

"Alright, time to get going!" she said to herself, startling two girls who were just passing her by. Even though she had just been dreaming she wasn't wrong about it being a day of opportunities. Resolved to make the day hers Arika strode away from the dorm with quick strides.

Her roommate followed, but in a far more composed pace that left her behind almost from the start. Arika needed some help getting started, but once she was fired up it was hard to keep up with her, but at the moment she wasn't needed at the younger girl's side.

It wasn't long till she raced past other students on the road, on the lookout for a few specific people. All of a sudden she heard a surprised outcry and she knew she had found what she was looking for.

"Really, you shouldn't say stuff like that," Mai said in resignation ahead of her, Mikoto clinging tightly to her body, "people will get the wrong idea."

"Ah, wait for m-!" Arika cried out suddenly, running at them, at the last moment though she lost her footing and crashed head first into the ground, "Owww."

"Ah, Arinko!" Mikoto greeted the prone girl.

"It's Arika, Yumemiya Arika!" She objected at once. Her fierce and stubborn expression turned skittish though when she noticed that her skirt had ridden up, exposing her thigh and her panties for the entire world to see. Giving a small squeak she straightened it out quickly, hoping no one had really taken notice.

"You really have to be more careful," Mai said gently, offering her hand to help her underclassman back on her feet.

"Also," Mai continued, lowering her voice while bringing herself closer in a conspiratorial manner, "there are a lot of perverts around, so you should be doubly careful about falling like that."

"Perverts?" Arika asked, semi-innocently.

"There are plenty of people who want to see, or take advantage of, the bodies of young girls. Certain parts are especially in favour," Mai found herself reciting practically the same lines Chie had used back when she had just come to school when they found out Mikoto didn't ware a bra, or even knew what a bra was. Things had changed though, the younger girl was now quite aware of bras and assets.

"Like these," Mikoto said suddenly, shaking Mai's breasts from behind.

"I see, I see," Arika said with interest, not making any effort to disguise her blatant observations. Mai squirmed loose and blushed, but it wasn't as much as it used to be, somehow she was starting to get used to Mikoto's affections.

"Really Mikoto, not in public," she said, staring down anyone who was looking before setting off for the entrance. The other two girls followed, with Mikoto returning to her position around her waist.

"So," Mai said after a few moments, "I hear it's an important day for you too. Are you prepared?"

"Yes," Arika answered with vigour, even striking a quick pose, "today I won't fail."

Deliberate footsteps reverberated on cold metal steps away from the command post at the top. Dressed in a fine suit not meant for the deck of the old container ship that had dropped anchor the man had no trouble descending the steps despite its swaying. Behind him a heavy door slammed shut, the same kind of door that awaited him at his destination below decks.

A soldier dressed in a fully sealing black uniform, complete with helmet and visor, saluted wordlessly before opening the way for him. Behind him two more soldiers followed him in, taking positions at either side of the door after it was closed behind them again.

Inside the sparsely decorated chamber, bare beyond some chairs and a table with a detailed map of Fuuka on it, a group of senior men awaited his arrival. Just a quick glance told him his suspicions were correct, the senior partners, technically his bosses, weren't pleased to be called out by him.

"Finally you are here," one of them addressed him, his tone broking no argument over who was in charge, "Now can you tell us what is so important that we had to come to this godforsaken land?"

"But of course sirs," he answered smoothly, showing no outward sign of how he thought of the men who had let the Foundation squander. Ever since the fall of the HiME Star many plans to harness its power had naturally been abandoned, but along with that went any real incentive to govern the world as was their rightful place. First District, before it had been disbanded, was one of the only entities in existence with both the knowledge of their existence and the power to be a hindrance to them. But now that they were gone the old men thought themselves safe on their lofty, yet shadowy, thrones. Today would be a stark reminder to all of them that the Foundation could not be run in that manner, from comfortable chairs in luxurious mansions. Ruling the world meant active participation in governing events, to orchestrate them and not act on them afterwards.

"May I draw your attention to the map on the table before you," he continued, now standing among them at the table. The men looked at it again as if seeing it for the first time, but he was no fool, he knew they had already seen it, he knew they recognized it for what it was and he knew they had no idea what he was planning.

"Today will begin the operation of putting Searrs back in power, right here at Fuuka Academy," his finger grazed the surface of the map that showed the centre of Fuuka, the Academy. Around it were flags of many colours, each one identifying a group or segment of the operation.

"Smith," another old man bellowed, "What are you playing at, this land has no part in our affairs anymore."

"But, more importantly," another voiced, "what is it that you mean with putting us back in power, we are in power!"

Smith just looked at the group with slight contempt, something the assembled executives picked up on too late; his expression hadn't changed since the moment he had entered. A ringing sound suddenly went off inside one of his pockets.

"That, gentlemen, is where you are wrong," he said before answering his phone, the call coming in with perfect timing, "Good morning, I take it everything is going as foreseen?"

"Yes," a calm female voice answered from the other side, "the catalyst reacted without fail this time, we are now ready to proceed if the operation is still a go."

"Good, then you can proceed with the next phase when you are ready," Smith said, concluding the conversation after hearing a bell in the background. The schooling for the day at Fuuka Academy had begun, a normal day for the last time.

"This is an outrage," the first of the executives exclaimed, "You are superseding your authority, Smith. We gave no permission for any operation, certainly not one here where this is no longer anything to gain!"

Getting restless and increasingly more aggravated some of the men started to crowd around him. Giving no sign of being even remotely disturbed by this Smith raised a hand and snapped his finger. At once the safeties on the soldiers' rifles were released and aimed at the assembled group.

"What is the meaning of this?" The demand came haltingly.

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. For the time being you will remain guests here at the ship, but your access will be restricted to this room. Your ignorance of the coming operation should give you something to consider while you await the golden millennium. Good day, gentlemen."

At the academy the classes had, mostly, filled up, leaving behind empty halls. The bright entrance hall was quiet aside from the slight rustling of ribbons tied to the railings by a gentle breeze coming blowing through. All the chatter had now moved to the classrooms, where the students were waiting only for the arrival of the teachers in the cases where they hadn't arrived yet, like in the junior high class 3-A. As some of the last students were arriving, a cheerful pair entered as one of the last, just about a minute before their teacher, Sakomizu did to start of the first session of the day.

"Nao," Mikoto immediately called out, when she noticed her classmate already sitting in her seat, staring out the window.

"Good morning," Arika greeted, in a similarly exited tone.

"Well, you two are certainly cheerful this morning," Nao commented, "Have you forgotten what we're in for today?"

Mikoto nodded fervently, and said happily, "Mai made me study all day yesterday."

"And you're actually happy about that aren't you?" Nao shrugged, "Well, as soon as this is over I can get back to some really important business."

At the emphasis on business Shiho shook slightly as if stung, the redhead's penetrating green eyes brushing over her position slightly. She blushed; it was no real secret what kind of business the older girl ran when she was not in school. Both in church and outside the quite knowledgeable girl was now well known as an advisor on things the student council would no doubt find questionable. Even though she now served part time as a nun, she was still pretty much a delinquent.

"How can you say that, this is important, this is about our future," Arika objected at the girl's lax attitude towards school, the exact kind of motivation that made her repeat a year, "If you think about this to simplistically you will fail again."

Nao didn't mind though, she had no rush in completing school, though now that her mom's health was improving she didn't relish explaining failing again, so she too had put some effort into studying for the day's test. Not that she'd tell the ant girl about any of that though, she had a reputation to keep up.

"No, I failed because the tests were too simplistic for me to bother with; you failed because your thinking is too simplistic to be bothered with," Nao refuted.

"Hmm, meanie," Arika pouted.

"I wonder if Mikoto's test went alright," Mai said to no one in particular, staring out the window of the student council room. After separating for the morning classes she hadn't found a moment of time to look for her roommate and neither it seemed did Mikoto. The new council, formed after three of its members had graduated, had assembled in the early afternoon in order to discuss some of the coming issues.

"After all the studying you made her do yesterday I'd be surprised if she failed," Natsuki commented, putting her hand on the receiver of her cell phone for a moment. While not technically a member of the student council, she could often be found there regardless, even though Shizuru had already graduated, that had not changed.

"Oh, it's nothing, just Mai worrying about her pet," Natsuki continued on her phone.

"I'm also sure Mikoto will do fine, she's not the kind of girl to let herself get beaten by anything," Yukino, the chairman, said while leafing through some papers on her desk. Once again a festival was coming up which left the student council with lists full of things that should be taken care of. They needed sponsors, stands and people to man them for on campus and a special place for other celebrations. That also needed fireworks, catering and many things more. It was a good thing she had already dealt with festivals more than once, so that the gap left behind by the graduates wasn't too big to overcome.

"Forlorn mother worrying about her child," Chie spoke up sombrely, snapping a quick picture of her subject. Both she and Aoi had followed in their classmates' footsteps and joined the student council. With their fabled rumour collecting skills they now formed an integral part of gathering information on what was happening around campus and put that to a use other than fuelling the grapevine.

"Ah, such a beautiful sight," Aoi sighed, "maybe I should start mothering Nao-chan too, if she'd let me."

"That would cut into your time to do other things," Chie whispered seductively into her ear, making the brunette blush at the implications.

"Really, now, save that for later," Aoi whispered back, snickering at her best friend's flamboyant remarks that never quite failed to bring a smile to her face.

"Nao was held back too, maybe she could use some tutoring," Mai mused, missing the exchange between her classmates. Getting Mikoto to work for her education had been very hard at first and even now school was nowhere near the top three of things the younger girl liked to do. She'd much rather sleep, play around with the cats that loitered the academy or cling to Mai's chest.

"Nao's fine," Aoi said, glad that her friend was too busy considering her roommate's education that she missed the sweet talking. But considering the slight blush on their chairwoman's face it seemed not all of them had missed it. Yukino wouldn't say anything though, that wasn't her style.

"Actually, she was studying last night too, but don't tell anyone."

Behind her desk Yukino paged through another stack of papers. Most of what she had in front of her could wait till after classes, but she finally found a few subjects that had to be taken care of as soon as possible. As she recalled, they were already running a bit late with those particular preparations. Natsuki, who was leaning back against a wall close to the chairwoman's desk, didn't fail to notice that she wanted to begin the meeting in earnest.

"I have to go now, I'm holding up the," Natsuki said, but was interrupted from the other side, "What? You are? You all are, why didn't you tell me sooner? A surprise, I should've guessed. Yes, I'll tell them, bye."

"Something important?" Mai asked.

"Shizuru said that she's coming in for a visit, along with Reito and Haruka," Natsuki explained, "They'll be staying in the Kanzaki ancestral home for a few days, just long enough for the festival."

"What, again? They sure can't leave their spouses or lovers alone, can they," Chie grinned at the blushed three of the girls got from that. The three former council members still often travelled to Fuuka, together on some rare occasions or individually. Sometimes they even stayed for considerable periods of time while taking long commutes to their university or just skipped out altogether in the case of the former president. Graduation had been barely two months ago yet it often seemed they had never left at all.

"Anyway, about the festival," Yukino quickly interjected, "There are still a lot of things that have to be taken care of. Firstly, for this afternoon I'll need some volunteers to join me in meeting with the Festival Committee."

"Chie and I will take care of the meeting," Aoi said, "that way you guys can have some quiet time with your guests."

"That won't be necessary, I'm sure Haruka wouldn't mind helping a bit," Yukino replied, "So that's three for this afternoon. Then there's the matter of the sponsors for the after dark party."

"I've got a meeting planned with the owners of some of the finer restaurants in Fuuka tonight, they seem delighted in being considered this year," Chie said, right on cue.

"Isn't that a bit much, meeting with them and the student committee on the same day?" Mai asked.

"Oh, this is no trouble at all. Dinner for two in a luxurious French restaurant, sipping expensive wine and having your taste buds tantalised by the best cuisine money can buy. Oh no, it's not too much at all," Chie said huskily, laying a hand on Aoi's, caressing it briefly while the other girls just stared in silence. A snap and a small flash brought them out of their reverie.

"Student Council stoned or simply tired?" She said, as if reading the headline from a paper.

"Don't tease them too much," Aoi said, giving the girl next to a playful pat.

"Next item, is the location for the after-dark party," Yukino said to get the meeting back in order. Sometimes it was still hard to get used to the new council, before she never had to suffer through such embarrassments. Well, sometimes when correcting Haruka but never as frequent as now. Still, she couldn't deny that the more lively group wasn't fun to be around with.

"For this year, I was thinking we could go with the plan that didn't exactly work out last year," Yukino continued.

"There was a problem with last year?" Mai asked.

"Yes," Natsuki said, "For some reason the boat for the party sank. It got split right in two and sank to the bottom of the lake. An unexplained accident."

"Oh," Mai said, remembering the incident clearly, "Well I guess I can look into that."

"Great, if you and Tate take care of that then-"

"Wait, why do I have to do it with Yuichi?"

"He was in charge of it last year and should still know how to go about it," Yukino explained, "And I hear you two work great together."

"W-what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, weren't you two seen just yesterday?" the chairwoman asked innocently, while Chie pushed a few buttons on her phone with a rather sadistic grin on her face. Her trusted handheld device never far away and always close to a scoop.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mai objected, wondering just how fast a rumour could spread from just a careless remark that morning. Unless, there had been others watching.

"I believe this is what she's talking about," Chie said, showing a picture of both Mai and Tate, standing rather close on her phone. Reminding Mai yet again that privacy hardly existed in Fuuka.

"So, what happened exactly?" Natsuki asked; glad to not be the source of embarrassment for once, though that was bound to change once Shizuru arrived. For now it was her time to enjoy herself at the expense of others. Harada Chie, gossip queen of Fuuka Academy, was only too happy to relay the story as a finisher for the short noon meeting.

It was late in the day, school had ended hours ago and even most club activities had disbanded for the day. A solitary girl walked one of the many lanes of the academy alone, passing by neatly spaced trees and lamppost. Past that on either side was nothing but shrubbery, bushes and more trees. Fuuka's campus ground was nothing if not green. Well, green during the daytime at least, right now it was just a dark mass. The grey-white tiles her footsteps resounded on seemed almost blue by the shine of the lights and the darkening sky. She knew she was running late and that she still had to make dinner for her hungry roommates, but that couldn't be helped in light of the after school activities she had to partake in. Walking alone right there kind of felt foreboding, it wouldn't be the first time a girl was assaulted in such a place. With a start she realized that she was now walking the same road the vampire had assaulted girls on just such nights as this. Of course the vampire was more of a giant moth than an actual assailant, that didn't mean nothing similar could happen again.

Looking at her shadow, cast down on the tiles in front of her she suddenly saw another shape mingle with hers. Before she could react a pair of strong arms came up around her, making her breathing catch in her throat. Her muscles tensed in response, the sure sign that she was ready to fight to freedom, any pervert foolish enough to molest her would live to regret it, but they wouldn't be glad for it.

"Don't hurt me," a voice said right next to her ear.

"What have I told you about sneaking up on me like that," Mai said in a mock berating tone, leaning back in the embrace, "You're lucky I knew it was you otherwise you'd suffer a repeat from last time."

"That was really too much," Tate winced at the memory, "So how did you know it was me? My raging masculinity tip you off?"

"Hardly," Mai laughed, "I noticed your shinai on your shadow."

"Do you have to say that 'hardly' with such blatant disregard to my sense of pride," Tate sighed.

"I just call it like I see it," Mai answered, happy for the friendly banter with him. With her being on the student council as well as serving as a mother for Mikoto and him being kept busy in the Kendo club by Takeda there were very few moments they had some time to themselves. Seeing each other in class just wasn't the same.

Stepping out of the embrace she took his hand in her own and together they went on to her dorm, unaware of an unnatural rustling in the bushes behind them. On all fours, just like a cat, Mikoto stalked out to watch the two go, her stomach rumbling with barely contained hunger. Satisfied that they were heading home and that she would soon be fed, Mikoto followed at a leisurely distance to give them at least some privacy. Though her keeping her distance might have had more to do with lethargy than actual concern for their privacy the result was the same.

The lights of the female dorm appeared quickly, and the end of the forested lane wasn't far off. Just a few more feet and they'd be in full view of the building and to anyone who happened to look out a window or pass by. Slim chances for both, but it could still happen.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow in class then?" Tate said, facing Mai under the light of the last lamppost. The words came harder than usual, as if he had a lump in his throat. Her violet eyes locked onto his and he could see a blush creeping up on her face. Almost without thought he came a bit closer, and so did she.

Just a bit behind them Mikoto came strolling along, unconcerned about the intimate moment happening in front of her. Before she could get too close however a hand wrapped itself around her mouth while another dragged her behind a nearby tree.

"Shh," Aoi whispered, crouching low with the catlike girl, "Let's give them a few moments alright?"

Mikoto nodded, though she'd rather just go over to her roommate so she could get something to eat, she liked Aoi and Chie, so if they wanted her to wait a bit she would.

Mai nodded at Tate's question, closing her eyes as their mouths came closer. But just then the loud sounds of a motor cycle coming to a stop in front of the dorm with screeching tires made both of them jump back apprehensively.

"T-that's Natsuki, and I still have to make dinner," Mai managed to say, feeling warm from embarrassment, "See you tomorrow."

And with that she ran off, shouting a quick greeting to the girl getting of her bike.

Tate sighed before going on to his own dorm, "Lousy timing."

"Well, it wasn't the money shot, but this isn't all that bad either," Chie commented, watching the near kiss on the small display of her trusted phone, knowing that it wouldn't take long for this piece of gossip to spread around.

Later in the afternoon, after her classes had finally ended, Mikoto was quite literally taking a cat-nap in one of her favourite secluded spots with several of the neighbourhood's cats around her. At least as secluded as the campus grounds got during the day. In the background she could pick up the excited voices of the students working out on the athletics track behind the school. At times a few people would come by carrying various pieces of equipment, either to or from, the storage buildings around her. But she paid them no mind while she lay on the white terrace beneath a blooming pergola with rays of sunlight making it through the holes of the trelliswork.

That's until she heard a familiar laugh coming from nearby that almost made her ears twitch. Rousing from her short slumber she saw three figures approaching her position, making her face light up as she recognized on of them in particular.

"Brother," she called out, wasting no time in racing towards him on all fours.

"Mikoto," Reito answered her, giving her a heartfelt hug when she reached them, "How's my cute little sister doing? Not giving Mai any problems are you?"

Mikoto shook her head, "That's a good girl."

"You seem as cheerful as always," Shizuru said, ruffling the girl's hair now that she still had nowhere to go, "Life's been treating you well."

"Of course, she's in capable hands now," Haruka said, but with her eyes trailing to the school it was clear she wasn't talking about Mikoto or her guardian.

Fuuka Academy's campus grounds were huge, housing not only the prestigious school, but also things like a church, dormitories, forests and a temple. All these were above ground, but few realized that there was a lot more below the surface than dirt and rocks. Tunnels and caverns, underground lakes and massive crystalline formations were but a few of these things. For ages past those massive caverns had held a secret that controlled the destiny of the world, the hidden land of Kokuyouguu. It was here that one of twelve maidens was brought once every few hundred years after a gruelling Festival. But things had gone awry at the last Festival and now the place held no more significance. The hidden land was sealed off, its lord dead and the object everything was centred about destroyed.

Once there were eleven pillars that were the key in bringing the entrance to the hidden land to light, but those pillars had been destroyed by an android of the Searrs Foundation and now the entrance chamber didn't look much different than any of the other caves under the ground. At least, it didn't look different to anyone's eyes but hers.

The old underground shrine sounded extremely hollow, making almost every one of her movements echo back to her. Her foot bumped into a piece of debris the size of her hand, seemingly just another stone but she knew it to be a piece of one the pillars.

"So much history," she said to her silent companion while she picked it up, "Left here to crumble."

As she held the lifeless rock a few small green sparks momentarily flowed from it and, even though it was just for a moment, she felt the remnants of the pillar system when her hair turned golden. But just as soon as it started the feeling vanished again and whatever power the fragment in her hands had was gone.

"The first step seems to be a success," her companion spoke, patting her on the shoulder.

Above ground the three graduates followed in the trail of Reito's little sister as she sped ahead of them to the student council room. It felt good to them all to be back even though their last visit hadn't been all that long ago. But to the ever alert ex-president something seemed off this time.

"Is something wrong, Reito?" Shizuru asked, taking note of the older boy's distracted expression, "You seem distracted."

"Do I?" Reito replied smoothly, "I'm just looking forward to spend some time with Mikoto, and to see Mai again, of course."

"Lecher," Haruka commented.

"Haruka, you wound me," he joked, but still Shizuru wasn't completely convinced. It seemed sort of like an act somehow, but perhaps she was just reading things in her friend that weren't there. But still, if anyone had experience in pulling up a front for other people it was her and in the span of a few seconds that seemed to be exactly what he was doing.

"Mai, brother is here!" they heard Mikoto's excited voice from up ahead.

"I do hope we're not coming at a bad time," Reito said amiably, with his sister clinging to him again the moment he set foot inside the student council chamber. With the whole of the group assembled and a festival coming up, he knew from personal experience the workload of the council at such a time. But that was part of the reason they had come, to see if perhaps they could help their former underclassmen. In more ways than one perhaps, he thought as his eyes trailed away momentarily.

"What he means is that we are here to provide our assistance, Yukino," Haruka declared loudly, "should that be sired."

"That's desired," Yukino corrected at once.

With the mere presence of their often far away friends the remainder of the afternoon seemed to fly by, as it always did when they came. For all the visits the three made, either together or individually, they never lasted more than a few hours on average. So even though Yukino knew they were pressing for time before the scheduled meeting she didn't object to having some tea with the entire group. It seemed a lot like old times and she couldn't help but feel uplifted to go to a meeting with her best friend by her side, even though this time she was technically in charge.

After they had al finished their first, and for four of them the last cup, the new Student Council President rose to her feet. After a moment Haruka rose alongside her, followed by Chie and Aoi.

"If you'll excuse us, we have to go now," Yukino said politely.

"Don't do anything until I can catch it on film," Chie whispered to both Mai and Natsuki as she left, leaving the two girls behind with their guests. The ever observant Kyoto girl didn't miss the exchange and the slight blush it left on her friend, so still under the watchful eyes of the retreating messenger she scooted a bit closer.

"If you're getting too warm we could go somewhere cooler, and private," she said.

"Sh-Shizuru!" Natsuki exclaimed, her face now red as a beat.

"Is Natsuki sick again?" Mikoto wondered, remembering the only time she had ever seen the older girl sick clearly.

"No!" Natsuki cried out at once, for her part she also remembered the time she had fallen ill after an ill-fated hitchhiking attempt. All she had wanted then was to be left alone to recover, albeit with some help of Shizuru. Instead just about everyone had come to her small apartment to see how she was doing, starting off with her current two roommates. That hadn't been so bad, aside from the undressing and prodding by the older of the two girls, and she had enjoyed a nicely cooked meal. But then others came including Midori and her drive to get her to join in that bloody cooking competition to make up for a failing grade. She still shuddered at the thought of that old medicine for curing a cold with green onions, very large green onions.

Everyone laughed at Natsuki obvious discomfort and even she couldn't help but smile with them. But not everything was all fun and games as every once in a while Reito kept glancing away at the walls. After the third time Shizuru caught him again, raising an eyebrow in question as not to draw the attention of the others. She knew that wasn't what he wanted, otherwise he'd have broached the subject of whatever it was that was bothering him himself. Again he just smiled disarmingly, but that didn't stop his eyes from straying to the same spot several more times after that. His suspicious behaviour made Shizuru think about what could possibly be wrong with him. It had started after their return to the academy, or had she just started noticing it then? Thinking back she really couldn't say if he had been acting odd before, so that made the logical conclusion that something was bothering him here. It worried her seeing him like that, not just as a friend but as a former HiME, because of what he used to be. Though that wasn't exactly fair, he had been possessed during the Festival while she, who had done equally abhorrent things, was not. Doubting him was the last thing she had the right to do.

Maybe she did understand his unease, just thinking about what she had done before made her feel dejected and in Fuuka it was easy to think about those things. Like her Reito had his fair share of bad memories to lose himself in. Glancing over at Natsuki, who was still the only real source of light in her existence she resolved herself to just have fun while being around her and worry about both their issues later.

Close to sunset Kanzaki Reito found himself climbing the last steps up to the shrine of Fuuka, managed by the Munakata family. The rustic scenery was one of tranquillity and peace, and once it had appeared like that to him as well. But things had changed since then, now he could only see what this place covered up. No matter how much he tried to hang on to the happier memories of before the Festival, before it had taken him over, most of the times he found that he could not forget. Happy memories of a place shifted just as easily to bad ones in the blink of an eye.

Even after finding out the truth about himself he still went by the name of Kanzaki and not Minagi, the latter name held to much bad connotations when he applied it to himself. Minagi Reito, a past self he barely remembered, had been a boy so subverted by the being inside of him that he had manipulated his younger sister into so much devotion that she ended up in constant training to be worthy of serving him. To eventually end up killing the old man that took care of her to follow his trail to Fuuka. As far as he was concerned it was better he did not remember fully.

The shrine grounds were empty, for which he was grateful, the last thing he needed now was to explain what he was doing and risk more people getting involved. At the back of the terrain he entered the smallest of the buildings set against the mountain itself. For years it had served as storage for the keepers of the shrine, but it was actually one of the entrances to the underground chamber that held the pillars of sealing. It was supposed to be kept under lock and key, but the lock had already been tampered with before he got there. Of the top of his head he could name the locations of many entrances to the underground shrine, such as the library or the sewage exit at the beach, but those were unlikely to be the ones used. For one the beach exit had been cemented shut and the library was to open to get in undetected. No, out of all possibilities this one was the best. Once the cave behind the building had been sealed with an Orphan, but that one had been taken care of already, leaving it free. The broken lock was enough evidence to know that he was following the right track.

With his footsteps echoing through the cave passages just like those of the intruders earlier he wished he had been free to come sooner, but there was no way he could've left Mai and the others without suspicion. Shizuru suspected trouble already, but gladly had let that pass. At the end, at last, he reached the chamber with the debris of the pillars, their bases still visible but otherwise destroyed. The destruction of the pillars had set in motion the end of his long nightmare, but getting back there now, seeing them destroyed, gave him no satisfaction.

"Well, hello girls," he said amiably, "You really shouldn't be here, these caves are off-limits for safety reasons. Though these caves might seem quite strong there's still a high possibility of collapse."

"That is correct, this place is dangerous, but not for the reasons you might want us to believe Dark Prince," the oldest of the two, wearing the uniform of the academy's high school students, said.

Inwardly he frowned, though outwardly he only showed a smile. There was only one person who had ever addressed him with that title and had the knowledge of what the chamber was about. That they were there in conjunction with the nostalgic tugging he had felt all afternoon were worrisome at best and horrifying at worst. The beast inside him, finally expelled after so many years, had created similar stirrings in his heart at the dawning days of the last Festival when that beautiful but dreadful star had come closer. Back then it had whispered to him, with increasing power, that his memories were false. That the person he thought he was, Kanzaki Reito, was nothing more than a faded shadow, an empty vessel meant to contain it, a borrowed body with no value of its own. It had stirred inside of him, sometimes thrashing about like a caged animal, continuously plaguing him with what it had been doing for centuries and what it meant to do again with his body.

"Searrs Foundation," he said smugly, "Now what are you people doing here now? You'd think that after your previous failures this would be the last place for you to come back to."

"Perhaps it seemed like failure to lesser minds, but we of Searrs can look beyond the obvious and to the future of our ideal golden millennium," the older of the two said, standing now between him and the girl in the junior uniform of the academy. Whatever it was that they were doing, she was shielding the younger girl from him. Back when he had still been a member of the student council he had known the names of every single student, so unless she had recently joined he should still know it.

"How good for you Laura," he said, calling her by her name solely to demonstrate that their knowledge of him gave them no advantage, "But still your coming here is a bit too late, the star has been destroyed so this place holds no more power. Your precious golden millennium will just have to do without the higher order matter."

He was hoping to sway them off the path they had embarked on, trying to place the idea in their minds that what they were doing was a hopeless cause. But then the younger girl just laughed as if he had just told a joke.

"You can't fool us, I've felt the power of this place, I connected with it," she said, "You felt it too, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

She was right; he had indeed felt what she was trying to do. Even after the beast had left him it seemed that he was still sensitive to the presence of the star and higher order matter.

To his horror he could only watch in vain as the girl's hair, as she stood in the middle of the circle of broken pillars, rose up to shine with a golden light. Again he felt the same wrongness he had felt before, only this time it didn't end after a few seconds. For only a moment the red mark of Searrs, the one they had used to control Orphans in the past, glowed a malicious red, sending a tingle through the girl's leg. At the same time all around Fuuka thirteen other girls felt a very faint momentary burning on their own skins were the mark of the HiME used to be.

"Another fake," he said through gritted teeth, shielding his eyes with his arms as the light's intensity only increased. It was but a fraction of what the star had been capable of, but connected to the system that had been responsible for materializing the true Kokuyouguu it might actually be possible to rematerialize the star itself. That was their true purpose he realized in horror, but there was nothing he could do about it now as he felt the girl's power weakening him to the point that he was falling into darkness.

"No, not a fake, but the true Valkyrie that will open the gates to Valhalla," she declared as darkness was about to overtake him, "Dark Prince, I'll show you how wrong you were when you believed everything was over."

His last thoughts went out to Mai, the girl in which he had placed all his hope of freedom. When she had revealed her powers to him he had felt a spark of hope, that maybe she could free him from the beast inside of him with her flames. That was why he had continually tried to seek her out, but all that had done was to make the beast inside of him lust after her with all the intensity with which he had tried to cling to her for release. It had held no more interest in her than in any of the others, but because of him that had changed, giving her only more sorrow than she'd have otherwise had to face. Last time he couldn't do anything and to his deepest regret he could only lament that he had failed her once again. When he hit the ground he didn't even feel it.

Situated just about as far away from the main school buildings on the campus grounds, as was possible, was the Director's mansion. For a long time it had been the home of the previous director, Kazahana Mashiro, and her maid Fumi. Trapped in a wheelchair the young girl had enjoyed spending time in the elaborate rose gardens and the marble monument at the centre. Free from the hustle of the students or her work Mashiro had enjoyed the peace and the tranquillity the secluded spot offered her.

That seclusion now offered another group the respite they needed for their operation. Under cover of the high hedges groups of dark clad soldiers surrounded the mansion, taking care not to let the low hanging sun cast their long shadows where they might be noticed from within the building.

At the central monument of the garden the field commander for the Searrs forces awaited the confirmation signals of all the dispatched groups. Commander West was a seasoned man and knew that for such critical operations haste only led to failure. A fact one of the two young girls that accompanied him seemed to know nothing about. The junior high girl, the central figure for their entire mission, was skipping about impatiently. He could understand her excitement, but in turn she would just have to accept his jurisdiction in this matter.

"Miss, please contain yourself," Laura admonished her. The older of the two girls was much more collected, to the point that her white hair and piercing violet pierce caused a measure of discomfort with some of his soldiers. He had heard the mutterings when they thought he wasn't listening, but such lack of discipline was quickly dealt with. They learned, as all the black ops soldiers learned, that their commander knew everything.

"Group five, in position," the voice of one of his soldiers came in through the communications line. More and more of the reports came in; bringing the moment they would strike a step closer with every one. After a good minute the stream of reports stopped and West knew they had all reached their designated positions.

"We are now ready to proceed," he said to the girls. While he was the commander of the troops, he wasn't in charge of the mission. They were, though he was glad they had deferred all the details to his expertise.

"Then we go!" The younger girl said.

"All teams," West commanded over his headset, "Commence operation."

Two loud bangs came from the other side of the door, just before the locks buckled under the violence asserted on it. A platoon of soldiers rushed in, training their guns on all parts of the room. It was the same team that had done this before, the only other time soldiers of Searrs had set foot on the academy grounds. Back then they had orders to arrest the Director and this time that was no different. What was different now was that accompanied with those orders came the directive to take one of their own in, the one who had previously led their mission.

Unperturbed, her frame surrounded by a golden halo of light from the windows behind her and the desk, the blond haired girl sat calmly while all barrels levelled on her position. So young, yet she showed no fear in the face of danger, only confidence.

"Soldiers of Searrs," Alyssa asked, "On what authority are you here? No, forget that; just go back from where you came."

"I'm afraid that's impossible," Laura said, entering the room with her charge in tow.

"I have found that few things are truly impossible, Laura, Arika," Alyssa simple replied, "I have tolerated your existence in this school because I believed that your continued education here would serve you best, however I don't recall giving you permission to run amok."

"Wow, you really do know a lot," Arika said, "As expected of the golden angel of Fuuka."

"I have a message for you from Mr. Smith," Laura said, "From this moment on you are relieved of all your duties and under arrest for betraying the Foundation and its supreme goal."

Alyssa frowned angrily, she had never liked that man and likewise he had never liked her. To him she was just a tool to be used, as she knew the girls in front of her were to him, as everyone from the lowest ranks all the way to the top was. Convincing them of that seemed futile however, maybe they were even aware of it but under the delusion they could use him as he used them. If he was involved this was done on no mere whim and it explained the spurious reports she had received on several of the Foundations movements. In comparison it seemed that his intelligence operations were far from hindered. She knew that for any operation Smith might attempt that both she and Fuuka's Director were the ones who could be most dangerous to him, they possessed the greatest awareness of Searrs and its operational capacities out of anyone in Fuuka, maybe even the world.

And here they'd come at the time when they were to meet together, two birds with one stone. It would have worked too, if the mansion's only security measures were the ones put in the many blueprints. Alyssa didn't think much of the now disbanded First District, not even when they were at their best, but their prime operative, the former Director, had certainly known her stuff. Layers within layers, though those might have also been insufficient if the distressing feeling they had experienced earlier hadn't heightened their awareness. After all the cloak and dagger business they had both engaged in ignoring their instincts was not a wise idea, certainly not when those instincts had been screaming that something was wrong.

"Puri puri puri puri, Bang," Arika taunted, haughtily shaking her ass at her like an immature brat. At least that was how she had always tried to come across, but there was a wholly different character behind that immature posturing. She should know, for a long time the school had known her only as a timid and cute child prodigy. And while she was certainly a prodigy, she was far from timid.

It was still insulting to be kept under gunpoint by such a girl, but there was nothing to be done about that yet. If only Miyu were there, but she was undergoing checks in the vaults below the mansion. Somehow Smith must have gotten hold of her maintenance records. As far as planning went he had obviously gone to great lengths to make his schemes succeed.

"You will come with us now, also you will divulge the location of the hardware and the Director," Laura said, signalling the men to escort the girl out.

"Hmm, I wonder where they could be," Alyssa said, ignoring the derogatory description of her best friend. For the moment her hands were tied, but all she had to do was wait them out long enough for Miyu to return. The vault's location was known to only a few people and never written down, so she was quite safe. Alyssa couldn't help but smirk slightly, if they thought their preparations were enough they'd be in for a surprise yet. All she needed was a little time, for herself, for Miyu and for director Fumi and then she'd teach those people a few lessons in humility. The wings of Fuuka's golden angel were far from clipped.

Arika's connection with the remains of the elaborate system that had steered the red star had one more effect than triggering the Obsidian Lord's former vessel's sensitivity or to give Searrs first targets a warning in the nick of time. Inside the library, a dark and foreboding place after closing, a loud creaking noise reverberated through its many floors and bookshelves. The ground started to shake, as if the place had been struck by an earthquake. But there was no earthquake and nothing from the outside gave any indication of what was transpiring within. With a heavy set the ever closed doors, huge in comparison to everything else, had swung open. Behind it was a darkness that was heavier than even the night sky or the shadowed recesses of the library. Silence returned, one that was again broken when a shape emerged from the darkness. That being stretched out almost lazily, his return from the other side, and especially so soon, was definitely unforeseen.

"Now then," Nagi said, "Who has been playing in my backyard without permission?"